Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education: (Autonomous) (Iso:9001-2008)

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(AUTONOMOUS) (ISO:9001-2008)
Govt. Poly. Bldg., 4 floor 49, Kherwadi, Bandra (East) Mumbai – 400 051.
Tel : 26472122 /26471255 / 26478296 Fax : 91-022-26473980
email : director @ Web :

No. MSBTE / D-59/ content updating/2011-12/ 3005 Date: 21 APR 2011


The Principals,
Institutes Affiliated to MSBTE

Sub.: Organizing Content Updating Program in Calendar Year 2011-2012 for Polytechnic
Teachers & Supporting Staff.

You are aware that MSBTE has been extending financial support for organizing content
updating training programs for polytechnic teachers & supporting staff. During the academic year
2010-2011 many programs were organized in the different institute.
MSBTE intends to encourage this activity in the academic year 2011-2012 also and therefore it
is appealed to all the institutes to give their willingness to organize such programs. The procedure to
be adopted for sanctioning the content updating training programs will be as follows :

1. Institute willing to conduct the training programs will send its proposals before 20th May 2011 in
the standard format.
2. The proposal must be self-explanatory giving all details asked in the standard format.
3. The proposal received in stipulated time period will be reviewed by the expert committee
appointed by MSBTE, and list of approved training programs will be displayed on MSBTE web
site by 10th June 2011.
4. Financial sanctions will be strictly as per MSBTE norms and no deviations will be permitted
without written sanction of MSBTE.
6. Institute whose proposal for training’s are approved will prepare detailed schedule of the programs
and send leaflets to all the institutes in the state and get approval to the short listed participants.
7. Maximum number of participants from the organizing institute will be three.
8. Maximum number of participants from local institutes will be ten. (exception for Mumbai)
9. Minimum 50% resource persons will be either from industry of outside Academics.
10.Industrial visits are to be included in the training programs.
11.Hands on skills, latest technological titles, training programs on softwares used in actual are of
working will be given top priority.
12.Budgetary Provisions will be made to respective Regional Office and organizing institute will
submit the bills to Regional Office within three days from the last date of the program. Regional
office will clear the bills within 15 days of receipt of such bills.
13.TA/DA to participants will be paid on the last day of the programs by the respective regional
office. All the participants will be paid a TA equivalent to a maximum III tier AC and 1/3 DA for
stay period (Full DA in travel period).
14.After completion of the training programs, the institute will submit one copy of learning material
(Soft Copy & Hard Copy) photographs of inaugural & concluding sessions along with a brief
report from the course co-ordinator and feedback forms of the participants.
15.The training program may be repeated by MSBTE if it gets a over whelming response and the
organizing institute wishes to do so.
16.The tentative schedule of training programs will be as follows.
1. 1st week of July, 2011 To 2nd week of Oct., 2011.
2. 3rd week of Dec., 2011 To 2nd week of March 2012.

It is once again appealed to send the proposals and join MSBTE in building a team of well-
qualified and well-trained teachers & students.

(G.B. Dhanokar)
M.S. Board of Technical Education

Copy Forward for Information :-

1. Hon Director, Technical Education, M.S., Mumbai 400 001.
2. Secretary, MSBTE, Mumbai.
3. Joint Director, Technical Education, R.O. Mumbai/Pune/Nasik/Aurangabad/Amravati/Nagpur.
4. Dy. Secretary, M.S. Board of Technical Education, Regional Office Pune/Nagpur/Aurangabad and
Officer I/C Mumbai sub-Region.
5. Dy. Secretary, M.S.B.T.E., CDC Section.

Format for Submitting Proposal of Content Updating Programs to be Conducted

1. Name of the Organizing Institute.

2. Program Title.
a) Rational :-
b) Objective :-
c) Content (In brief) :- Day wise Schedule

3. Course Duration :- 1 week

4. Course Co-ordinator with Contact Number :

5. Course Registration Fees : Rs. 500/-

6. Target Group :-
a) No. of Participants :- 20

7. Facilities Available to Orgnize Training Program :-

8. Usefulness to :-
a) Faculties
b) Supporting Staff

9. Details of Resource Persons along with brief Biodata.

10. Proposed Schedule for Organizing Training.

a) ----------------------------------------
b) ----------------------------------------

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