9th Crash Test Syllabus
9th Crash Test Syllabus
9th Crash Test Syllabus
Textbook: Textbook: Textbook: Textbook: Textbook: Textbook: Textbook: Textbook: Textbook: Textbook:
Ch#12 Ch#11 Ch#10 Ch#9 Ch#8 Ch#7 Ch#6 Ch#4 Ch#5 Ch#3
Future Future Future Future Perfect Past Past Past PastPerfect Present Present
Indefinite Continuous Perfect Continuous Indefinite Continuous Perfect Continuous Indefinite Continuous
Tense Tense Tense Tense Tense Tense Tense Tense Tense Tense
(V,T,U) (V,T,U) (V,T,U) (V,T,U) (V,T,U) (V,T,U) (V,T,U) (V,T,U) (V,T,U) (V,T,U)
Letter#1,2 Paragraph# Letter# 3, 4 Paragraph# Letter# 5,6 Paragraph# Letter# 7,8 #7,8 Letter# 9,10 Paragraph#
1,2 3,4 5,6 9,10
Grammar: Grammar: Grammar: Grammar: Grammar: Grammar: Interjection Grammar: Grammar:
Noun Pronoun Verb Adverb Adjective Conjunction Figure of Sentence
Speech (Meaning wise
Punctuation type)
Punctuation Dialogue #1 Dialogue#2 Preposition Dialogue#3 Dialogue#4
Ch#.1 Ch#.2 Ch#.3 Ch#.4 Ch#.5 Ch#.5
Ex:1.4- 1.6 Ch#.2 Ch#.3 Ch#.4
Ex:1.1- 1.3 Ex:2.4- 2.6 Ex:3.1- 3.4 Ex:4.3- 4.4 Ex:5.1 Ex:5.2- 5.3
Theorem # Ex:2.1- 2.3 Ex:3.1- 3.2 Ex:4.1- 4.2
Theorem # Theorem # Ch # 11 Theorem # Theorem # Theorem #
10.1.3, Theorem # Ch # 11 Theorem #
Math’s 10.1.1, 11.1.4, Ex:11.3- 12.1.4, 13.1.1, 131.3,
Ex:10.2, 11.1.1- Ex:11.1 12.1.1,
10.1.2 11.1.5 11.5+ 12.1.5 13.1.2 13.1.4
10.3, 11.1.3 ,11.2 12.1.3
Ex:10.1 Review Ex:12.1, 12.2 Ex:12.3 Ex:13.1,13.2
Ch#9 Ch#7 Ch#6 Topic 1.1-
Ch#8 Topic 8.8 + Ch#7 Ch#6 Ch#2
Ch#9 Exercise Exercise Exercise 1.7+sideboxes
Topic 8.1- Exercise Topic 7.1- Tooic6.1- Topic 2.1-
Topic9. 1- complete complete complete +Exercise
Physics 8.7+side complete 7.9+side 6.9+side 2.7+side
9.5+sidebox (short (Short (short complete
boxes+ (Short boxes+ boxes+ boxes+
es questions+ questions+ questions+ (short
Examples questions+ Examples Examples Examples)
Numericals) Numericals) Numericals) questions+
Ch#1 Ch#2 Ch#2 Ch#2 Ch#4 Ch#4 Ch#4 Ch#5
Computer 1.1 , 1.2 , Ch#1
1.4 , 1.5 2.1 , 2.2 2.3 , 2.4 Complet2 4.1, 4.2 4.3 , 4.4 Complete 5.1 , 5.2
1.3 Complete
Ch#1(Half) Ch#1(Half) Ch#2 Ch#3(Half) Ch#3(Half) Ch#4(Half) Ch#4(Half) Ch#4(Half) Ch#5 Ch#5
Introduction Complete Def of Virus– Microscopy (Half) (Half)
Biology - Levels of biodiversity Conservati – Plant cell Tissues Cell Cycle Meiosis
Contributio organizatio - five on of Cilia & – - -
n of n kingdoms biodiversit Flagella exocytosis Mitosis Necrosis/
scientist y Apoptosis
Ch#1 Ch#1 Ch#2 Ch#2 Ch#3 Ch#3 Ch#4
Introduction Next half + Introduction Next half + Introductio Next half + Introductio Ch#4 Ch#5 Ch#5
– chemical side boxes -isotopes of side boxes + n– side boxes + n– Next half + Introduction – Next half +
calculations + exercise carbon + exercise Shielding exercise S.A # 4.5 side boxes + liquid state + side boxes +
+ worksheet worksheet effect + + exercise worksheet exercise
worksheet worksheet
سورہ االنفال سورہ االنفال سورہ االنفال سورہ االنفال سورہ االنفال سورہ االنفال سورہ االنفال سورہ االنفال سورہ االنفال سورہ االنفال
9-9= آیات 02-7; آیات 7<-8< آیات 8=-:8 آیات :9-;9 آیات 9-92 آیات 99-9= آیات 02-0< آیات 0=-7; آیات 7<-88 آیات
حدیث نمبر حدیث نمبر حدیث نمبر حدیث نمبر حدیث نمبر حدیث نمبر حدیث نمبر حدیث نمبر حدیث نمبر حدیث نمبر
Islamiat 1٫2 3٫4 5٫6 7٫8 =192 1 2 7 8 9
سبق نمبر ا 0 سبق نمبر 7 سبق نمبر 8 سبق نمبر 9 سبق نمبر 0سبق نمبر 7 سبق نمبر 8 سبق نمبر 9 سبق نمبر 0سبق نمبر
Rangers Public School & College Bahawalpur
Crash Test, 2021 Division of syllabus
Class: 9
Subject 11th Week 12th Week 13th Week 14th Week 15th Week 16th Week 17th Week 18th Week 19th Week 20th Week
14-23 march 24mar-4 Apr 05-14april 15 -26april 27apr-13 14-25 May 26May-6june 7-16 june 17- 28june 29june-8 july
May Past papers 1st half book 2nd half book full book
Textbook: Textbook: Review1 Textbook: Textbook: Textbook: Textbook: Textbook: Textbook:
Ch#2 Ch#1 Ch # 12 Ch # 11 Ch#5,8 Ch # Ch # Ch # 1-12 with
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 8,9,10,11,12 all exercise, all
Future reviews
Present Present Review2 Review3 All Tenses
Perfect Perfect Tense (Voices,
Parts of
Tense Continuous (Voices, Past Tense Present Tense Translation, Grammar: Grammar: speech
(V,T,U) Tense Translation, (Voices, (Voices, Use of Sentence Parts of speech Figure of
(V,T,U) Use of verb) Translation, Translation, verb) with types Letter 9-16 speech
Use of verb) Use of verb) Letter 1-8 Outline Types of
Letter# Paragraph Outline Letter# Paragraph 1- sentences
11,12 #13 Paragraph Letter # 15 Letter # 16 13,14 2017- 13
Past Tense Conditional
1+2 Present (voices, uses sentences
Grammar: Grammar: Outline Outline Grammar: 2019 Tense of verb, Letter writing
Sentence Conditional Paragraph Paragraph Parts of (voices, uses Translation).
(Structure Sentences 3+4 Speech writing
5+6 of verb, Punctuation
wise type) Dialogue
Translation). Dialogue Writing
Grammar: Punctuation 4,5
Figure of Present, Past,
Dialogue Future Tense
speech 1-3 (voices, uses
of verb,
Ch#.6 Ch#.6 Ch#.7 Ch#.9
Ch#.7 Ch#.9
Ex:6.1- 6.2 Ex: 6.3 Ex:7.3- Ex:9.1- 9.2
Ex:7.1- 7.2 Ex:9.3 Ch#1-5,
Theorem # Theorem # 8.1,8.2,8.3 Theorem #
Theorem # Ex:17.3 1012, Ch#6-9, 13-15
Math’s 14.1.1, 14.1.3, Theorem # 16.1.3, 2016-2021 Ch # 1-17
15.1.1, 17.4 Ex:17.1, ,Ex:17.3-17.5
14.1.2 14.1.4 16.1.1, 16.1.4
15.1.2 17.2
Ex:14.1 Ex:15 16.1.2 Ex:17.1,17.2
Ch#4 Ch#4Short:
Ch#3 Short:1-5 1- Ch#4 Ch#3 Exercise of Ch# 1-2 Ch# 3-4
Pak. St 1-7+Long:4,5 Ch # 1-4
complete Long:1,2 7+Long:3,4 Complete Complete all chapters
Ex: Comp Ex:Comp
Subject 11th Week 12th Week 13th Week 14th Week 15th Week 16th Week 17th Week 18th Week 19th Week 20th Week
14-23 march 24 mar-4 05-14 april 15 -26 april 27apr-13 14-25 May 26May-6 7-16 june 17- 28 june 29june-8 july
Apr May june 1st half book 2nd half book full book
Past papers
Topic 5.1-
Ch#2 Ch#3 5.4+side
Ch#3 Ch#4 Ch#4
Exercise Exercise boxes+
Topic 3.1- Topic 4.1- Exercise
complete complete Examples Ch#1-5 Ch#6-9
Physics 3.4+side 4.8+side (short 2016-2021 Ch # 1-9
(short (Short +Exercise
boxes+ boxes+ questions+
questions+ questions+ complete
Examples Examples Numericals)
Numericals) Numericals) (short
Ch#5 5.3+ Ch#5 Ch#6 Ch#6 Ch#6 Ch#3 Ch# 1-3 Ch# 4-6
Computer 2019,2021 Ch # 1-6
work sheet complete 6.1 , 6.2 6.3 , 6.4 complete complete