Yunusov 2020 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1683 032006
Yunusov 2020 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1683 032006
Yunusov 2020 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1683 032006
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Prussian Blue Formation on Intrinsic Iron-
Containing MWCNT As a Template and Its
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopic
Interrogation and Hydrogen Peroxide
Annamalai Senthil Kumar, Saikrithika
Sairaman and Yashly K Yesudas
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract Currently produced plasma balls have various design features and purposes. At the
same time, the principle of operation of the plasma ball (PB) is described only in general terms
and is of both scientific and practical interest. For the possibility of using PB in various
technological areas [1-6], including in medicine, it is necessary to investigate the electric field
created by this device. In this work, experiments were conducted on the study of the electric
field PB: the interaction of PB with the conductor, gas-discharge light sources, and the
propagation of the electromagnetic field PB over a distance. The values of the electric field
strength outside PB and its dependence on distance were obtained experimentally.
1. Introduction
The history of the creation of modern PB as a gas-discharge light source has more than 200 years.
In 1802, a Russian professor, later an academician, VV Petrov was the first to discover the
phenomenon of arc discharge and showed the possibilities of using this type of discharge in industry,
as well as for lighting. He received Volta's arc when igniting a discharge between the carbon
electrodes. Electrical phenomena in the atmosphere were studied by the outstanding Russian scientist a
MV Lomonosov. He watched the glow of the discharged air in a glass bowl with two metal electrodes
soldered into it. In 1856 the German physicist and inventor G. Geisler invented the first gas-discharge
lamp. G. Heusler's glass tubes with two electrodes soldered into them proved to be convenient for
studying the spectrum of discharged gases filling these tubes. Finally, in 1894, the brilliant Serb
Nikola Tesla received a patent No. 514170 for the invention of "Incandescent Electric Light". Nikola
Tesla received a patent for a gas-discharge lamp, which consisted of a glass sphere with one electrode
inside it. The sphere was filled with argon, a high-frequency voltage was applied to the electrode and,
due to the gas breakdown, a discharge was ignited in it, causing a glow of argon. N. Tesla later called
his invention "gas-discharge tube with an inert gas" and used it only for scientific research. The
plasma ball that N. Tesla made was not as beautiful as modern plasma electric balls. It took time to
develop a technology to produce gases such as xenon, neon and krypton, and also learn how to mix
these gases. American scientist’s entrepreneurs Bill Parker and James Falk managed to combine the
unique invention of N. Tesla with art and to receive in the seventies of the twentieth century modern
plasma electric balls.
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The Third Conference "Problems of Thermal Physics and Power Engineering" IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1683 (2020) 032006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1683/3/032006
2. Experiment
Plasma ball in working condition and its device are shown in Fig. 1. Structurally, the PB consists of
an outer closed glass container 2, inside which there is an inert gas under reduced pressure. In the
center of the glass container 2 is a hollow glass sphere 1, which has a conductive coating inside. To
this coating, wire 4 is fed from the power source, which is located inside the base of the plasma ball.
Voltage of 2 to 5 kilovolts with a frequency of 35 kHz is fed through the wire 4 to the glass sphere 1.
The diameter of the glass container 2 we used in the PB tests was 10 cm, the power consumption was
8 W. The device operates from a normal AC 220V. When switched on, the electronic circuit
transforms the input signal into a high-frequency voltage of large magnitude.
a b
Figure1.Plasma ball (a), appliance of the plasma ball (b)
Inside the glass container 2, an electrical breakdown of the inert gas region occurs. As a result, a
gas discharge is ignited, similar in appearance to a glow discharge [7-17]. Some modern experimental
studies of glow discharge were carried out in [18-22]. The glow of the plasma ball is not uniform and
consists of individual filaments. A lot of thin luminous filaments, begins with the glass sphere 1 and
ends at the walls of the glass container 2 (Fig. 1, left). The color of the filaments of a glowing cord
discharge varies: at the glass walls it is pinkish, and in the middle part of the container it is bluish. The
point from which the thread begins at the central electrode constantly wanders over the surface of the
glass sphere 1. The thread itself changes its shape and pops up. This is due to the fact that the gas
inside the filaments is heated, due to the current flow, and the buoyancy force of Archimedes acts on
them. The same effect can be observed if you flip the PB so that its pedestal is at the top, and the glass
container at the bottom. We also tried to apply a constant voltage of large magnitude to 30 KV to the
glass sphere 1. The gas discharge was not switched on at this connection. Thus, only an alternating
high-frequency electromagnetic field inside the PB creates conditions for the formation of non-
stationary plasma filaments. The stability of this discharge burning regime can be explained by
periodic recharging of the inner surface of the glass container 2 when the polarity of the central
electrode changes. The electric current in the plasma filaments periodically changes its direction, and
the lifetime of the filaments is t several microseconds.
3. Results
If you touch your finger to the PN, the picture of the glow will change. Instead of uniform glow in
all directions, we see that the main discharge channel is directed to the finger of the demonstrator. This
is due to the fact that, due to induction, a charge of the opposite sign is induced on the finger, and the
The Third Conference "Problems of Thermal Physics and Power Engineering" IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1683 (2020) 032006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1683/3/032006
lines of force of the electric field thicken in the direction of the finger (Fig. 2). The cord itself becomes
thicker than others, its color becomes brighter and lighter, indicating a higher temperature that is felt
by a person.
Figure2. The scheme of the lines of force and the type of glow when the conductor contacts the PB
In another experiment, a fluorescent and neon lamp was applied to the PB (Fig. 3). The lamps were lit
at a distance from the PB. In our experiments we used an 11 W fluorescent lamp, as well as a TN-0.2
neon light bulb (Fig. 4) with an ignition voltage of not more than 85 V and an operating current of not
more than 0.25 mA. Since the neon bulb has small dimensions, with its help it is possible to determine
the distance from the plasma ball at which the light is ignited sufficiently accurately. This distance was
found to be 10 cm. The distance between the cathode and the anode of the TH-0.2 lamp is 3 mm.
Therefore, the magnitude of the electric field intensity of the plasma ball at the indicated distance is of
the order of 30 V / mm.
a b
Figure 3. Gas discharge lamps start to glow near the plasma ball: a) fluorescent lamp; b) neon light
If we further bring the neon bulb closer to the PB, then its glow and, consequently, the current through
it increase. Using the known volt-ampere characteristic of this bulb, it is possible to calculate the
electric field strength of the PB at various distances from its external surface. The relative radius R = 1
The Third Conference "Problems of Thermal Physics and Power Engineering" IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1683 (2020) 032006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1683/3/032006
corresponds to a distance of 10 cm from the outer surface of the PB. It was at this distance that the
neon light was ignited. Then, with a step of 1 cm, this distance decreased, while the current through
the lamp and the burning voltage of the discharge were measured. Knowing the power released on the
neon lamp, it is not difficult to calculate the electric field strength of the PB. The results of the
experiment are shown in Fig.4.
As expected, the strength electric field of the plasma ball increases with decreasing distance to its
outer surface. The similar result was obtained using a conventional wire probe connected to an
oscilloscope. On the oscilloscope screen, an alternating voltage was observed, the magnitude of which
increased as the probe approached the PB.
4. Conclusions
The main condition for stable operation of the PB is the matching of the power supply parameters, the
dimensions of the PB, and the composition of the gas mixture. In this paper it is shown that the glow
of a plasma ball occurs only in the case of a high-frequency voltage applied to a central electrode. In
this case, plasma filaments propagate along the radius from the central electrode. For a wider use and
understanding of the mechanism of the PB operation, it is necessary to investigate the electric field
created around it. In this paper, an experimental study of the electric field around the PB is given and
its distribution is obtained as a function of distance.
The work was carried out as part of project No. 18-42-161002 with the support of the Russian
Federal Property Fund.
The Third Conference "Problems of Thermal Physics and Power Engineering" IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1683 (2020) 032006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1683/3/032006