Prepositions II

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Prepositions Objective(s): By the end of this lesson the student will be able to:

Pre-Class Assignment: Completion or review of Nouns and Pronouns esources!"#ui$ment!%ime e#uired: Outline: The preposition is the sixth of the eight parts of speech. Just for the record, here are all eight: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. Let's start with a asic definition: Prepositions show relationships between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence. Commonl! used prepositions: " oard, a out, a ove, across, after, against, along, among, around, at, efore, ehind, elow, eneath, eside, etween, e!ond, !, down, during, except, for, from, in, into, li#e, of, off, on, over, past, since, through, throughout, to, toward, under, underneath, until, up, upon, with, within, without

Prepositional phrases generall! contain the preposition and an o $ect of the preposition. % $ects of the preposition &'(T e nouns. )ere are some example: *n ed +in, preposition and ed, noun, To Texas +to, preposition and Texas, noun,

The noun ma! have modifiers. *n the ig ed +in, preposition - the, article - ig, ad$ective - ed, noun, To the grocer! store +to, preposition- the, article- grocer!, ad$ective - store, noun,

(u $ects and ver s can N/0/1 e found in prepositional phrases. *t is a good ha it to learn to spot prepositional phases. 'se parentheses to mar# them2 then, when !ou are loo#ing for the su $ect and ver of the sentence, it will narrow down the search. )ere is an example: The o! ! the window on the other side of the room was loo#ing over his shoulder at the prett! girl in the hall.

The o! + ! the window,+on the other side,+of the room, was loo#ing +over his shoulder,+at the prett! girl,+in the hall.,

%nce the prepositional phrases are eliminated, 3The o! was loo#ing3 is left. 4hen we studied ad$ectives, !ou learned that 3the3 is an article. The word 3 o!3 is left. 5ou have learned that 3 o!3 is a noun. 34as loo#ing3 is the ver . Therefore, 3 o!3 is the su $ect and 3was loo#ing3 is the ver . 4e will learn more a out su $ects and ver s later. Learning to recogni6e prepositions now will help !ou when !ou have to identif! su $ects and ver s later. " word a out 3to.3 4hen 3to3 is used with a noun, it is a preposition2 ut when it is used with a ver , it is an infinitive. 7e careful to recogni6e the difference. /xamples: To ed to plus noun 8 preposition To sleep to plus ver 8 infinitive Assignment(s) including Answer &ey: 9ind the prepositions in the following sentences. :. )e suggested the! clean the statue ! the art uilding for their service pro$ect. ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; <. The oo# on architectural design has een on the #itchen ta le since this morning. ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; =. 9ive dollars was re>uired of each student who planned to go on the trip. ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ?. The teacher as#ed Tom to give an oral report a out horses in the "ppalachian &ountains. ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; @. %ver the holida!s, * visited the Thompson famil! for several da!s. ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; A. Bo !ou have a special someone in !our lifeC ;;;;;;;;;;;;; D. (he put all of her savings toward the down pa!ment on a new house. ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; +C'T )/1/,EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

"N(4/1 F/5: :. <. =. ?. @. A. D. !, for on, on, since of, on +to go in an infinitive, not a prepositional phrase, a out, in +to give is an infinitive, over, for in of, toward, on

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