PLC Based Automatic Car Washing System-18849

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e-ISSN(O): 2348-4470

Scientific Journal of Impact Factor(SJIF): 3.134

p-ISSN(P): 2348-6406

aerd International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research

Volume 2,Issue 4, Apr il -2015

PLC Based Automatic Car Washing System

Mr. Abhishek Pansare, 2 Ms. Priyanka Yadav, 3 Ms. Vrushali Thigale, 4 Mr. S.C.Rajgade
Instrumentation and Control Department, AISSMS Institute Of In formation Technology, Pune -411001
SavitribaiPhule Pune University
Ganeshkhindroad, Pune 411007,India

Abstract— Currently necessity of man is to live life in automatic way so as to perform tasks at higher speed. Technology
is best interconnecting channel in each part of world with the means of transportation or communication or business
which led to a highly increase in the number of cars. So how to maintain or clean those? using automated washing
system? All peoples face big issue called as Time i.e. time consumption essential for cleaning these vehicles or cars etc.
Time management is directly proportional to reduction of cost for maintenance. Project helps us to use a conveyor belt
on which customer stop the car. After it switch detector is used for detecting the car then conveyor belt start moving.
Sensor plays vital role on conveyor belt for car detection. As soon as car is sensed functioning of conveyor assembly
invokes. After specified delay for all activities to perform conveyor get stops. The main objective of this project is to
perform exterior car washing automatically using Programmable Logic Controller integrated with PLC sends
information like arrival or departure of vehicle. Car washing technique is collection of various things as spraying
solution of detergent, cleaning with water and brushes, & then completing task with forced air drying fans.


There are many types of car washes like manual car wash where the vehicle is washed by employees, secondly Self
services car wash where the customer has to perform the washing and 3rd chemical car washes which use chemicals to
wash and polishing the car surface etc. In all automobile Industries manual car washing need more labour to carry out
work wh ich effects in time consumption and also the results may or may not be satisfactory to the customer that depends.
So as to overcome these issues, car washing can be done automatically using Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).

PLC is a specialized co mputer used for the control and operation of manufacturing process and machinery
which functions using a programmable memo ry to store many instructions and execute functions including timing,
counting, on/off control, data handling, sequencing & arith metic. Most of the companies in industry use Programming as
Updating or changes as per need in programming can be made easy as per requirement. Many electro mechanical relays
are observed in current existing systems which were replaced by Programming Logic Controller. Hence according to it,
the user can be informed efficiently in case of completion of the process or any emergency. Car washing requires
components like conveyor for motion, brushes to clean, dryers, sprayers which are driven by DC motors. Control o f all
these parts is made through PLC i.e. Programming Logic Control.


@IJAERD-2015, All rights Reserved 265

International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4, April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

2.1 Input Devices:

2.1.1 IR Transmitter/ Receiver:
IR, or infrared, co mmun ication is an inexpensive, co mmon, and easy to use wireless. Infrared light is similar to
visible light, but only difference is that it has a slightly longer wavelength. This means Infrared rays are not noticeable to
the normal human eye v ision - perfect for wireless communication.

To detect car, Infrared TX/RX is used and simu ltaneously gives signal to PLC to trigger the respective compart ment

2.2 Output Devices:

2.2.1 DC Motor:
The DC motor works over a fair range of voltage. Vo ltage increases or if is at high level more is the RPM (rotations
per minute) of the motor. Let’s Consider the motor function ate in the range of x-y V, it will have minimu m RPM at xV
and maximu m at y V.

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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4, April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

In any DC motor, RPM and torque are inversely proportional. Resulting in the gear having less torque will provide a
more RPM and converse it performs opposite. The concept of (PWM) pulse width modulat ion is applied in a geared DC
motor. In this well structure, the gear that is connected to the gear head and motor is purposely small so as to transfers
maximu m speed to the larger teeth part of the gear head to rotate with speed. Further connection, larger part of the gear
rotates the smaller duplex part which receives only the torque but not the speed from its predecessor which it transfers to
larger part of other gear and so on. The 3rd gears duplex part has maximu m number of teeth compared to other gears,
which helps in transferring more torque to this gear which is connected to shaft.

2.2.3 Dryer:
Fan is used for drying purpose. Car wash utilizes a soft water that has been filtered of chlorine and others. Drying
mach ine are used with fo rce to dry the washed car. We can also use Heat to get a dry car fast.

2.2.4 Sub mersible Water Pu mp :

Pu mp is a mach ine or mechanic equip ment which is required to lift liquid fro m low level to h igh level or to flow
liquid fro m low pressure area to high pressure area .Low pressure is at suction side o f pump and a high pressure carried
out at discharge side of pump.

A submersible pu mp is a pu mp that is able to be placed inside the water. An electric submersible pu mp (ESP) is a device
generally called as Sub mersible pump which has a hermetically sealed motor close-coupled to the pump body.

2.2.4 Conveyor:
A 24 volt Brushless DC geared motor that requires less space and has higher operating efficiency as co mpared to
traditional conventional conveyor belt drive systems. Micro -Motor unit i.e. MMU with DC (d river card) for motor
control provides very safe and maintenance-free operation in either continuous or high-indexing applications.

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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4, April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

The right angle drive design comb ines a powerfu l Brushless DC motor with a p roprietary s mall gearbo x tool. This unit
transfers around 99% o f motor output power to the belt drive pulley.


@IJAERD-2015, All rights Reserved 268

International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4, April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

In the project, programmable logic controller (PLC), using which we have controlled all the parameters of this
project. Software & Automated tools (equipments) used in current project do washing car automatically using conveyor
assembly in it. The conveyor assembly that we have used is for moving the car. In this process the car is on conveyor belt
of developed system, when conveyor assembly starts the car moves. There is the IR sensor is placed fro m this sensor the
car is get sensed all process is ready for further use. Sensing the availability of car, first process is to detergent water
applies. The belt i.e. conveyor assembly stops so as to the car get fu ll shampooing effectively. When it’s done of this
process conveyor moves and halts at next step for cleaning purpose which is done by brushes carried forward by
sprinkling clean water. Conveyor again at drying section where car is dried using exhaust fan. This is how process gets
completed and car is get fully washed properly.


The following figure g ives the interfacing technique of PLC using RS232 and RS485 which is required for
project purpose.


Overview of Soft ware:
What is RSLogix 500? RSLogix 500 software is a 32-bit Windows ladder logic programming package for the SLC
500 and MicroLogix processors. RSLog ix 500 is co mpatible with SLC 500 and Micro Logix programs created with any
of Rockwell Soft ware’s programming packages.
RSLog ix 500 software includes:-
1. FFL: - A free-form ladder is kind of editor which requires only application logic not syntax o f your program.
2. PPV - A powerfu l pro ject verifier is to create list of errors to make corrections.
3. D&D :- Drag-&-drop editing can move data table elements from one data file to another, and can run from
distributed places.
4. AW :- An address wizard for making addresses entering task easier and reduces keying errors.
5. S&R: For quick change occurrences of a particular address or symbol we must search it then replace
6. A custom data monitor to observe interactions and view separate data elements together
7. SLC libraries: - there are so many ladder logics used. So as to get correct portions of ladder logic for utilizing
across any of Rockwell Software’s SLC programming software products


By using all above components, we imp lemented a reliab le and efficient project. W ith the help of PLC ladder
we can even change time for washing, which gives very effective trouble free result and efficient washing. The final
desired result of project is we can do car washing automatically and in bad environ ment condition

@IJAERD-2015, All rights Reserved 269

International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 2,Issue 4, April -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406


The concept has been successfully imp lemented on PLC and presented in this paper. Considering the cost effect, Low
cost is achieved through this project.

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Abhishek S Pansare, Depart ment of Instrumentation and Control, AISSMS Institute of Information Technology,
Savitribai Phule Pune University,
Pune, India. Email ID: [email protected] m

Priyanka V Yadav, Depart ment of Instrumentation and Control, AISSMS Institute of Information Technology,
Savitribai Phule Pune University,
Pune, India. Email ID: priyankayadav720@g m

Vrushali R Thigale, Depart ment of Instru mentation and Control, AISSMS Institute of Information Technology,
Savitribai Phule Pune University,
Pune, India. Email ID: vrushali99thigale@g m

S.C.Rajg ade, Depart ment of Instrumentation and Control, AISSM S Institute of In format ion Technology, Savitribai
Phule Pune Un iversity,
Pune, India.

@IJAERD-2015, All rights Reserved 270

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