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User'S Manual: Data Center College of The Philippines

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College of Information Technology and Computer Science

Data Center College of the Philippines

Brgy, Ubbog, Lipcan, Bangued, Abra

The Web-Based Student Portal was proposed to help the

whole institute provide and gather information in hassle-free way.
Steadfast Web-Based Student Portal for
The extensive content of the system is made easily accessible
St. Paul High School through its information dissemination feature. The proposed
portal is highly recommended for adaptation to its host company.

-The Researcher


Introduction on the Student Portal
The main purpose of the system is to disseminate adequate
You can access the Web-Based Student Portal for St. Paul High
information regarding school affairs and activities.
School through this link: http://sphsportal.com/
The system covers the following:

(a) Register all the important information for all type of

Users which includes the Admin, Teachers, Cashier, and
(b) Update Information.
(c) Account Management.
(d) Archive
(e) Backup and Restore records.
(f) Allow students to view Academic calendar.
(g) Allow students to view grades online.
(h) Teachers input grades manually. For you to be able to enter the portal, you must have an account
(i) Generate, print, and download grades in PDF file for created by the Admin of the system. Take note that the portal is
the students.
exclusive ONLY for St. Paulians.
(j) Students can view past payments and current tuition
(k) The cashier can update and post payments.
(l) User password recovery at the Admin’s Office.

Enter your registered Email Address or ID number and Password.

In case you forget your password or if you do not have an account
Upon log-in, the system will automatically redirect you to the
yet, you can visit the Admin’s office.
Newsfeed of the system, where you can see all the disseminated

TAKE NOTE: Every user type has different access on the

features of the system.

Admin’s Interface – The Major feature of the system is

accessible by the Admin of the system. It includes the following
features: Newsfeed, Faculty Management, Student Management,
Subject Assignment, Subject Management, Advisory Class,
Calendar, and Archive.
Teacher’s Interface – The features that can be accessed by Cashier’s Interface – Accessible features for Cashier are the
Teachers are: Newsfeed, Subject under the teacher’s name, following: Newsfeed, Name of Students, Accounts regarding
Advisory Class, and the Calendar. payments, and the Calendar.

This feature is exclusive only for the Admin, Teachers, and

Cashier. The Students are only viewers on the ‘Newsfeed’
section, where they can only see all the disseminated information
by the User types mentioned above.

To start posting information, just click the green button at the top
of the ‘Newsfeed’ section labeled ‘Create New Post’.

Student’s Interface – The features that can be accessed by the

Students are: Newsfeed, Grades, Payment History and Balance,
This will allow you to create new post consisting the title of your After filling the required fields, you can now post it on the
post and its description. newsfeed, simply by clicking the ‘Post’ button.

You can also attach photo if needed for further help to students
understand the information you want to disseminate. The created post will appear to every user’s newsfeed.
CREATE ACCOUNT This time, we will be creating a student account. Just click the
‘Students’ at the side navigation.

This system’s feature is exclusive only for the Admin. The Admin
can create account of either Teacher, Cashier, or Student. To start,
just click on the ‘Faculty’ or ‘Students’ at the side navigation,
depends on the User type you want to create.

Then click the green button at the top labeled ‘Add Student
After filling all the required fields, just click the ‘Create’ button
below to succeed in creating a new student’s account.

Upon clicking, a toggle form will pop-up. Requiring you to fill-in

the needed information about the student you want to add on the
system. It includes the User ID Number and Email Address that
will be soon needed on the Login section.

The newly created account will be displayed at the ‘Students’

section. NOTE: The last name of the user will be the default
password when logging-in into the system.
ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT Or you can change your password by clicking the ‘Change
Password’ button.

Every User type can manage their own profile by simply clicking
the ‘Profile’ under the user’s name.

If you wish to change your profile picture so that any user can
easily recognize you, you can change your photo by clicking the
‘Change Photo’ under your current profile picture.
You can edit all the information under your profile by clicking the
‘Edit’ button.

Only the Admin has the power to archive and restore accounts. After clicking the ‘Archive’ button, a confirmation message will
pop-up, asking you if you really want to archive the selected
To Archive account, just proceed at the ‘Faculty’ or ‘Students’
account or not.
navigation to view the roster of users, then click the rightmost
button labeled ‘Archive’.
The archived accounts will be stored at the ‘Archive’ section. To Restore account, you can simply click the green button at the
The archive section is categorized by two, which are the Faculty ‘Action’ section, which is labeled ‘Restore’.
and the Students.

After clicking the ‘Restore’ button, a confirmation message will The Teachers can view and update the grades of the students.
pop-up, asking you if you really want to restore the archived The Teacher should proceed at the ‘Subjects’ section, where it
account or not. After restoring the archived account, it will go shows the list of subjects that are under the teacher’s name.
back to its original place or section.
Click the ‘Students’ under the action section. You can now update the grade of every student under that subject.
Just click the button ‘Update Grade’.

It will show all the name of the students taking the said subject.
Upon clicking, the system will let you input the grade and select
the grading section you want to insert the grade you are inputting.
After inputting the grade, just click the ‘Update’ button. The Students can view and download their respective grades.
Just proceed at the ‘Grade Records’ section to view the updated
subjects also with the updated grades.

The system will automatically fill in the grades you entered on the
grading section.
And to download grades, click the green button at the top labeled
‘Download PDF’. Upon clicking, the system will automatically
convert the grading system into PDF and download it

Updating payment of student’s tuition fee is exclusive only for

Cashier. The payment and balance of students are under the
management of the cashier.

To start, click the ‘Accounts’ at the side navigation. Upon

clicking, it will show the list of recently added payments.
To add payment, just click the green button above labeled ‘Add After filling all the required fields, just click the ‘Submit’ button
Payment’. below.

After clicking the ‘Add Payment’ button, a toggle form will pop- The system will now display the recently added payment.
up. It will require you to fill the fields including the students ID
Number, so that the system will know where to save the amount
of payment you entered.
On the other hand, the student who paid the recently added
payment can now view the transaction made in the system.

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