LAB No. 14: Keyboard and Monitor Interfacing With Processor
LAB No. 14: Keyboard and Monitor Interfacing With Processor
LAB No. 14: Keyboard and Monitor Interfacing With Processor
LAB No. 14
Keyboard and Monitor Interfacing with
You are required to implement the following functionalities in the processor designed so far in
the lab.
1. The processor should keep on printing a specific sequence of alphabets on the monitor
screen. For example print “GROUP” on the monitor screen such that first G is displayed,
then after one second G vanishes and R is displayed, then after one second R vanishes and O
is displayed and so on till the last letter P is displayed. Then again after one second G is
displayed and so on. Note that only one letter is displayed at one time.
The hardware module to display a character on the monitor screen is available by the name
“vga_initials_top.v”. When you want to display any character on the screen, simply input the
character key code to this module. This module connects to monitor through VGA port.
2. Interface keyboard to your processor, such that when the key “A” is pressed the processor
stops functionality number one and starts printing another word say “XYZ” on the monitor
screen in the same way as in functionality one.
3. If the key “B” on the keyboard is pressed, then the processor should start performing
functionality one again.
The hardware module that interfaces keyboard with FPGA is available by the name
“ps2_rx”. It outputs the key code of the key pressed on the keyboard. This module connects
to keyboard through PS2 port.
Figure 14.1 shows the basic connections to your processor. The connections of keyboard to
ps2_rx and connections of vga_initials_top to monitor are not shown.
3. dout is the 8-bit key code of the key pressed on the keyboard.
ps2_rx.v and vga_initials_top modules are provided. stim.v is also provided to simulate keyboard
in Isim.
ps2.v, ps2_rx.v and stim.v. ps2_rx is the main module which you should use. Ps2.v is the module that is
instantiated in ps2_rx. If you want to simulate ps2_rx in modelsim, then use stim.v as test bench.
“stim.v” module simulates the one key press of the keyboard, that is this module outputs the same
signals which are output by the keyboard whenever any alphabet key is pressed on it.
Vga_initials_top.v is the main module that you should use. In this module following modules are
instantiated vga_initials.v, vga_640x480.v, clkdiv.v, prom_DMH.v
To handle top main modules vga_initials_top and ps2_rx, the top_level.ucf file is also provided.
Fig 14.3: Simulation results for one key press (key code 10101010) on keyboard. “stim.v” is used for simulation of “ps2_rx.v”. For details of
break code etc, see comments in file “stim.v” Timings are the same as in a real keyboard
This concept is used when we need to interface external components such as keyboard, monitor etc
with processor. Assume that the key code output by the “ps2_rx.v” module is latched into a register
(this register is called memory mapped register). Now we design our processor such that if a load
instruction comes to load data from say last location of Data Memory, then the data is not loaded from
that memory location but from the register into which the key code was latched. In this way the
processor gets the key code of the key pressed on the keyboard. This is the reading operation from a
memory mapped register. Likewise, writing operation can also be performed on a memory mapped
register. We used the concept of writing on a memory mapped register when we introduced “done”
register in Lab 5. Actually “done” was the memory mapped register on which writing operation was
done whenever the save instruction came from processor to save to data memory location 511