Antígona - Guion

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1 00:01:36,262 --> 00:01:39,391
00:00:39,606 --> 00:00:40,801 Olive oil. Your
Take off your jacket. the star of the feast.

2 15
00:00:49,516 --> 00:00:51,109 00:01:41,167 --> 00:01:42,259
Look at the camera. What a treat!

3 16
00:00:55,855 --> 00:00:57,846 00:01:42,402 --> 00:01:44,029
You're allowed to make one call. <i>Bless the meal, Eteocles.</i>

4 17
00:00:57,991 --> 00:01:00,119 00:01:44,604 --> 00:01:45,765
There are legal aid lawyers I don't know how.
for minors.
5 00:01:45,905 --> 00:01:47,839
00:01:01,161 --> 00:01:02,322 You heard it lots of times.
No, thank you.
6 00:01:47,941 --> 00:01:49,136
00:01:02,462 --> 00:01:04,226 You bless it.
You should call your parents.
7 00:01:49,275 --> 00:01:51,471
00:01:04,330 --> 00:01:06,822 You're the eldest.
So someone's with you Méni wants to hear you.
at your questioning.
8 00:01:59,018 --> 00:02:00,096
00:01:08,568 --> 00:01:09,899 May the year bring peace
My parents are dead. and prosperity.

9 22
00:01:20,847 --> 00:01:22,781 00:02:00,120 --> 00:02:01,519
We have to wait for Polynices. May the year bring peace
and prosperity.
00:01:23,416 --> 00:01:24,679 23
Where is Polynices? 00:02:02,522 --> 00:02:03,990
Baba, Mama,
00:01:27,087 --> 00:01:27,883 24
Finally! 00:02:04,958 --> 00:02:06,323
all our ancestors.
00:01:28,888 --> 00:01:30,185 25
The bread will get cold. 00:02:06,459 --> 00:02:07,551
Keep us safe.
00:01:30,824 --> 00:01:31,848 26
Stop the music. 00:02:10,697 --> 00:02:12,461
And... 40
- Keep us united. 00:02:44,831 --> 00:02:46,629
Step off. I'm from the hood!
00:02:12,866 --> 00:02:14,129 41
And keep us united. 00:02:46,766 --> 00:02:49,463
Stop ii, you're not from the hood.
00:02:15,635 --> 00:02:18,070 42
<i>Help yourselves. Eat!</i> 00:02:49,602 --> 00:02:52,094
It's how you want me to talk.
00:02:19,572 --> 00:02:20,937 43
Pass it along! 00:02:52,238 --> 00:02:54,866
You don't know shit. You're a poser!
00:02:21,641 --> 00:02:24,110 44
What are you hiding in your notebook? 00:02:54,974 --> 00:02:58,433
Look, I eat eggs.
31 Do they eat eggs in your hood?
00:02:24,277 --> 00:02:26,268
Stop, ifs personal. 45
00:03:00,747 --> 00:03:01,737
32 I don't think so.
00:02:26,412 --> 00:02:27,379
A boyfriend? 46
00:03:06,586 --> 00:03:08,054
33 What do they do
00:02:28,781 --> 00:02:29,976 in your hood?
My presentation.
34 00:03:08,154 --> 00:03:10,851
00:02:30,116 --> 00:02:31,584 We eat eggs.
It's my presentation! And we roll in dough!

35 48
00:02:32,952 --> 00:02:35,046 00:03:13,826 --> 00:03:15,760
You talk like a teacher. She started it.

36 49
00:02:35,155 --> 00:02:36,589 00:03:18,264 --> 00:03:19,459
<i>How should I talk, yo?</i> It's her, not me.

37 50
00:02:37,657 --> 00:02:38,647 00:03:19,599 --> 00:03:20,794
I'm from the hood! A presentation on what?

38 51
00:02:40,293 --> 00:02:41,283 00:03:23,703 --> 00:03:26,229
I represent! Yo, gimme!
I don't want Cutex on it!
00:02:41,427 --> 00:02:44,727 52
Yo, don't go batshit. Take it easy. 00:03:26,839 --> 00:03:28,307
<i>Give it to her, lsmene.</i>
53 66
00:03:28,441 --> 00:03:30,375 00:04:17,423 --> 00:04:20,449
<i>Eat. C'mon, eat.</i> I couldn't make up my mind which toy.

54 67
00:03:30,476 --> 00:03:31,739 00:04:22,996 --> 00:04:25,693
<i>Time to eat.</i> It's fuzzy,
but I remember the house was a mess.
00:03:36,683 --> 00:03:37,650 68
Why won't you say? 00:04:26,599 --> 00:04:28,761
Because we were moving.
00:03:41,321 --> 00:03:42,254 69
Because. 00:04:28,901 --> 00:04:31,996
A white truck pulled up at the house.
00:03:42,355 --> 00:03:45,791 70
Would it kill you to tell us for once? 00:04:36,042 --> 00:04:38,875
Grandma told us to hide.
58 We hid upstairs.
00:03:45,892 --> 00:03:47,257
It's our family story. 71
00:04:40,546 --> 00:04:42,241
59 My sister told me not to look,
00:03:55,235 --> 00:03:58,205
Our whole family was leaving for Canada, 72
00:04:43,182 --> 00:04:44,479
60 <i>but I looked anyway.</i>
00:03:58,338 --> 00:04:00,216
my parents, grandma, 73
two brothers, sister and I. 00:04:46,085 --> 00:04:47,712
I saw two men get out.
00:04:00,240 --> 00:04:02,106 74
My parents, grandma, 00:04:50,290 --> 00:04:52,952
two brothers, sister and I. They opened the back of the truck

62 75
00:04:03,243 --> 00:04:06,235 00:04:53,860 --> 00:04:57,558
I was allowed to bring one item and they grabbed the ends
in the kids' suitcase, of something heavy and long

63 76
00:04:07,313 --> 00:04:08,474 00:04:57,697 --> 00:04:59,358
besides my clothes. and threw it on the ground.

64 77
00:04:09,515 --> 00:04:11,449 00:05:01,267 --> 00:05:05,761
I thought it over a long time. And they grabbed the ends
of something heavy and long
00:04:13,052 --> 00:04:16,147 78
I don't know how long, I was only three. 00:05:07,807 --> 00:05:10,071
I saw my mother's shoe... I bought it used, cheap.

79 92
00:05:11,477 --> 00:05:13,468 00:09:02,008 --> 00:09:03,669
my mother's shoe fall out You can't bring that here.

80 93
00:05:13,613 --> 00:05:16,275 00:09:04,443 --> 00:09:06,571
and roll next to the two bodies. I told you, I bought it.

81 94
00:05:19,085 --> 00:05:20,246 00:09:08,047 --> 00:09:09,208
So we... Move.

82 95
00:05:21,087 --> 00:05:25,888 00:09:25,398 --> 00:09:26,490
We left for Canada, but just... Let's go, Méni!

83 96
00:05:26,726 --> 00:05:29,252 00:09:30,369 --> 00:09:31,336
my grandma, my brothers and sister. lsmene!

84 97
00:05:31,564 --> 00:05:35,933 00:09:34,640 --> 00:09:36,301
And me too, of course. Come join us!
Or else I wouldn't be here.
85 00:09:36,642 --> 00:09:38,235
00:07:27,680 --> 00:07:30,342 Dance with us!
In Kabylia, in spring,
we roll in the grass. 99
00:09:38,344 --> 00:09:40,711
86 Quit worrying and come dance.
00:07:42,094 --> 00:07:43,755
Women and men, too. 100
00:09:42,315 --> 00:09:43,612
87 You're killing the vibe!
00:08:04,250 --> 00:08:05,684
It's weird. 101
00:09:58,164 --> 00:09:59,962
88 Dance with your big brother!
00:08:21,667 --> 00:08:23,533
Yo. Clear the table. 102
00:10:05,204 --> 00:10:07,366
89 When I ask it's, No, I don't want to.
00:08:32,512 --> 00:08:35,174
Now you can listen to your music 103
with good sound. 00:10:07,506 --> 00:10:08,803
But Eteocles...
00:08:54,267 --> 00:08:55,564 104
Where'd you get it? 00:10:08,908 --> 00:10:10,239
Because he's my favorite.
00:08:56,669 --> 00:08:58,797 105
00:10:43,876 --> 00:10:46,368
No, no! Please, please! 119
00:11:42,468 --> 00:11:44,061
106 Antigone Hipponome.
00:10:46,545 --> 00:10:49,071
Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! 120
00:12:12,465 --> 00:12:13,933
107 Did you paint that?
00:10:50,883 --> 00:10:52,544
Ouch, shit! 121
00:12:15,067 --> 00:12:17,399
108 No. That's a Molinari.
00:10:53,419 --> 00:10:55,410
He broke all his bones. 122
00:12:17,536 --> 00:12:18,901
109 I did one for my dad.
00:10:55,554 --> 00:10:57,522
Know what I could do? 123
00:12:19,038 --> 00:12:20,665
110 He hung it over the toilet
00:10:58,724 --> 00:11:01,557
Seriously. Just let me show you. 124
00:12:25,010 --> 00:12:26,808
111 Hold on, it's him calling.
00:11:02,261 --> 00:11:03,922
Like, with your hair down... 125
00:12:27,580 --> 00:12:29,514
112 To say he'll be late
00:11:06,432 --> 00:11:08,093
Imagine it layered... 126
00:12:29,648 --> 00:12:31,480
113 and that he left...
00:11:08,234 --> 00:11:09,895
And a nice little line. 127
00:12:32,752 --> 00:12:33,947
114 $20.
00:11:10,002 --> 00:11:11,094
A line here. 128
00:12:36,088 --> 00:12:37,578
115 Want to order in?
00:11:11,237 --> 00:11:14,070
With lots of volume all around. 129
00:12:45,698 --> 00:12:46,722
116 OK, but...
00:11:14,173 --> 00:11:16,505
Will you leave my hair alone? 130
00:12:47,500 --> 00:12:49,264
117 if it's raw fish, it's no.
00:11:32,858 --> 00:11:34,189
Not too close? 131
00:12:50,102 --> 00:12:53,231
118 Smell it. If you like the smell, eat it.
00:11:37,296 --> 00:11:42,325
The $4,000 Meritas Excellence Award 132
this year goes to... 00:13:10,589 --> 00:13:12,717
Keep your eyes closed. Wait. 00:14:02,508 --> 00:14:04,704
<i>How can I trust you now?</i>
00:13:14,860 --> 00:13:16,157 147
I'll give you another one. 00:14:09,415 --> 00:14:12,680
If you lied once, you can lie again.
134 - Sorry.
00:13:17,263 --> 00:13:18,697
No fish, right? 148
00:14:13,252 --> 00:14:14,686
135 It was for the...
00:13:18,798 --> 00:13:19,788
No, no. 149
00:14:15,321 --> 00:14:16,311
136 experience.
00:13:33,078 --> 00:13:34,375
Is it Spicy? 150
00:14:39,178 --> 00:14:40,373
137 What do you think?
00:13:39,652 --> 00:13:40,642
It's fish. 151
00:14:43,649 --> 00:14:44,844
138 I dunno.
00:13:42,221 --> 00:13:43,017
No. 152
00:14:45,851 --> 00:14:47,148
139 What do you feel?
00:13:45,591 --> 00:13:47,025
Raw fish? 153
00:14:48,954 --> 00:14:50,615
140 I don't know if it's good.
00:13:47,960 --> 00:13:49,553
I didn't want to... 154
00:14:54,026 --> 00:14:55,016
141 But...
00:13:49,662 --> 00:13:51,130
You liked it, right? 155
00:14:55,194 --> 00:14:56,719
142 it makes me feel weird.
00:13:52,598 --> 00:13:54,032
No, I didn't like it. 156
00:14:59,298 --> 00:15:01,130
143 It does something to my stomach.
00:13:55,267 --> 00:13:56,962
C'mon, it's amazing! Look. 157
00:15:02,902 --> 00:15:04,097
144 Dad, this is Antigone.
00:13:58,671 --> 00:13:59,763
Want another one? 158
00:15:05,337 --> 00:15:06,429
145 Yeah, I guessed.
00:14:00,940 --> 00:14:01,771
No. 159
00:15:07,072 --> 00:15:08,665
146 I'll drive her home.
Fine for a starter.
00:15:08,807 --> 00:15:09,933 174
A pleasure, Antigone. 00:15:57,189 --> 00:15:58,850
But don't sleep with him.
00:15:10,042 --> 00:15:11,009 175
A pleasure, sir. 00:15:59,591 --> 00:16:00,752
I don't.
00:15:11,143 --> 00:15:11,905 176
Christian. 00:16:01,260 --> 00:16:03,786
Once you sleep with a guy,
163 he drops you.
00:15:12,411 --> 00:15:13,503
Call me Christian. 177
00:16:10,569 --> 00:16:11,661
164 It's him.
00:15:28,527 --> 00:15:29,619
lsmene? 178
00:16:12,738 --> 00:16:13,933
165 What's he say?
00:15:31,864 --> 00:15:33,229
lsmene, you asleep? 179
00:16:15,774 --> 00:16:16,935
166 It's secret.
00:15:37,369 --> 00:15:39,360
I went to a boy's house tonight. 180
00:16:17,076 --> 00:16:19,773
167 You woke me up, what's he say?
00:15:41,173 --> 00:15:42,197
What? 181
00:16:25,384 --> 00:16:27,546
168 I want to share
00:15:43,909 --> 00:15:45,104 all your first times.
His name's Haemon.
169 00:16:37,830 --> 00:16:39,821
00:15:45,244 --> 00:15:46,575 Blue bandana man's a hotshot.
170 00:16:44,770 --> 00:16:46,534
00:15:46,712 --> 00:15:47,702 This'll show you.
Who is he?
171 00:16:53,245 --> 00:16:55,236
00:15:48,213 --> 00:15:49,840 It's the cops! The cops!
He's white, a Québecer.
172 00:16:59,485 --> 00:17:01,317
00:15:52,751 --> 00:15:54,185 Hey, guys, what's going on?
Good white bread.
173 00:17:02,488 --> 00:17:03,751
00:15:54,853 --> 00:15:56,343 Dude, what is this?
Garneau, a Québec poet.
00:17:06,759 --> 00:17:07,590 201
Get off him! 00:17:43,162 --> 00:17:45,187
<i>There are poets here?</i>
00:17:07,693 --> 00:17:08,717 202
Back off! You, too! 00:17:45,330 --> 00:17:46,161
Really, Méni.
00:17:10,329 --> 00:17:11,421 203
What's the problem? 00:17:47,166 --> 00:17:49,191
OI course there are poets.
00:17:12,097 --> 00:17:12,757 204
Eteocles! 00:18:02,915 --> 00:18:04,508
Méni, it's Eteocles!
00:17:15,034 --> 00:17:17,298 205
There's no point in living 00:18:04,650 --> 00:18:07,119
Something's happened!
192 - Don't tempt fate.
00:17:18,470 --> 00:17:20,234
And surviving the flowers 206
00:18:07,219 --> 00:18:09,347
193 <i>Stop! You'll tempt fate.</i>
00:17:22,341 --> 00:17:24,105
And surviving the flames, 207
00:18:09,488 --> 00:18:10,319
194 <i>Open up, police.</i>
00:17:24,777 --> 00:17:25,642
the ashes 208
00:18:13,425 --> 00:18:14,392
195 Let me go see.
00:17:27,646 --> 00:17:28,477
Méni, 209
00:18:15,761 --> 00:18:17,422
196 Is Menoeceus Hipponome here?
00:17:29,815 --> 00:17:31,112
listen, it's beautiful. 210
00:18:25,871 --> 00:18:27,498
197 We didn't do anything!
00:17:32,684 --> 00:17:34,448
It is far better to die 211
00:18:28,040 --> 00:18:28,973
198 We weren't armed!
00:17:35,287 --> 00:17:36,812
each heart a flower 212
00:18:30,509 --> 00:18:31,670
199 We were playing jacks.
00:17:36,955 --> 00:17:38,047
<i>Who wrote that?</i> 213
00:18:32,611 --> 00:18:33,635
200 Eteocles...
00:17:40,125 --> 00:17:41,490
00:18:34,179 --> 00:18:36,307 227
Polynices, tell me. 00:20:12,477 --> 00:20:14,571
Where's Eteocles? Who shot Eteocles? The police!

215 228
00:18:36,882 --> 00:18:37,815 00:20:15,113 --> 00:20:16,877
He fell, What do we want? Justice!

216 229
00:18:38,951 --> 00:18:40,282 00:20:42,074 --> 00:20:43,064
like a feather. WHERE'S OUR BRO?

217 230
00:19:13,719 --> 00:19:16,916 00:20:43,208 --> 00:20:44,676
<i>My child! My child.</i> IN JAIL

218 231
00:19:17,055 --> 00:19:18,352 00:20:44,810 --> 00:20:46,801
<i>My son...</i> WHAT FOR???
00:19:24,396 --> 00:19:28,594 232
<i>They're going to take away all my 00:23:14,793 --> 00:23:16,488
children,.</i> For Eteocles, it's done.

220 233
00:19:34,339 --> 00:19:37,036 00:23:19,464 --> 00:23:20,989
Polynices will be held until his trial. We must save Polynices now.

221 234
00:19:38,310 --> 00:19:39,277 00:23:44,389 --> 00:23:45,322
For what? Which house?

222 235
00:19:39,411 --> 00:19:41,675 00:23:46,324 --> 00:23:47,587
Breaking parole The one down there.
and assaulting an officer.
223 00:23:56,668 --> 00:23:58,102
00:19:42,414 --> 00:19:43,882 Méni, ifs not done here.
The cop shot his brother!
224 00:23:58,236 --> 00:23:59,863
00:19:45,284 --> 00:19:48,720 <i>I don't care. I know what's right.</i>
I'm sorry, madame.
It's for the judge to decide. 238
00:24:01,339 --> 00:24:01,416
225 I'm ashamed.
00:20:02,634 --> 00:20:04,762
Eteocles, please, get up! 239
00:24:01,440 --> 00:24:02,373
226 I'm ashamed.
00:20:06,605 --> 00:20:08,733
Eteocles, please, get up! 240
00:24:06,077 --> 00:24:07,067
Thank you. 254
00:24:46,218 --> 00:24:47,811
241 Thanks for helping.
00:24:07,212 --> 00:24:08,008
Thank you. 255
00:24:47,919 --> 00:24:50,354
242 Sorry, we don't get many visitors.
00:24:13,919 --> 00:24:14,784
First of all, 256
00:24:50,455 --> 00:24:51,650
243 It's a bit...
00:24:16,087 --> 00:24:18,886
my sympathies for the grandson 257
00:24:51,790 --> 00:24:54,122
244 Don't worry, it's just fine.
00:24:19,024 --> 00:24:21,652
and brother you've lost. 258
00:24:54,259 --> 00:24:55,124
245 Thanks.
00:24:21,760 --> 00:24:22,955
It's terrible. 259
00:24:58,096 --> 00:24:59,120
246 So...
00:24:25,263 --> 00:24:27,357
I no longer practice law, 260
00:25:00,065 --> 00:25:01,499
247 Here's how things stand.
00:24:27,466 --> 00:24:30,458
but I have excellent contacts 261
in the profession. 00:25:02,467 --> 00:25:04,799
Polynices's case
00:24:31,203 --> 00:24:32,864 262
<i>Tell him I voted for him,.</i> 00:25:05,337 --> 00:25:06,702
has created quite a stir.
00:24:32,971 --> 00:24:34,735 263
<i>Say you voted for him too.</i> 00:25:07,339 --> 00:25:10,434
First, he's not a Canadian citizen.
00:24:35,207 --> 00:24:36,470 264
<i>No, Méni.</i> 00:25:12,577 --> 00:25:14,511
We're just permanent residents.
00:24:36,575 --> 00:24:39,340 265
<i>We're not in his district.</i> 00:25:14,913 --> 00:25:17,075
None of you have citizenship?
00:24:40,212 --> 00:24:42,579 266
<i>Tell him we're sorry.</i> 00:25:17,182 --> 00:25:18,377
It was a lot of...
00:24:42,714 --> 00:24:44,580 267
<i>Our home is so humble.</i> 00:25:18,984 --> 00:25:21,146
bureaucracy for Grandma, you know. 281
00:25:56,221 --> 00:25:57,711
268 Where'll they send him?
00:25:21,319 --> 00:25:23,344
Polynices is a repeat offender. 282
00:25:59,224 --> 00:26:00,658
269 His country of origin.
00:25:24,089 --> 00:25:25,523
For minor offenses. 283
00:26:00,792 --> 00:26:01,536
270 <i>Do you know what it's like?</i>
00:25:25,624 --> 00:25:27,820
Now it's assaulting an officer. 284
00:26:01,560 --> 00:26:02,288
271 <i>Do you know what it's like?</i>
00:25:28,293 --> 00:25:29,658
They take that seriously. 285
00:26:02,394 --> 00:26:05,523
272 <i>A crowded cell where people eat and
00:25:33,465 --> 00:25:34,933 shit.</i>
He may be extradited.
273 00:26:05,697 --> 00:26:07,028
00:25:35,033 --> 00:25:36,057 She says it's hell.
274 00:26:07,165 --> 00:26:08,155
00:25:37,602 --> 00:25:39,934 I can imagine.
The officer shot our brother...
275 00:26:08,300 --> 00:26:09,961
00:25:40,305 --> 00:25:41,602 <i>No, you can't imagine,.</i>
before his eyes.
276 00:26:10,068 --> 00:26:11,593
00:25:41,706 --> 00:25:43,401 <i>You live in cotton.</i>
I know, it's understandable.
277 00:26:11,736 --> 00:26:14,171
00:25:44,476 --> 00:25:46,968 <i>And you didn't sloop to pick it!</i>
But he has a criminal record.
278 00:26:14,306 --> 00:26:15,330
00:25:47,112 --> 00:25:49,046 <i>Méni, stop!</i>
No one spoke of deportation.
279 00:26:15,473 --> 00:26:17,771
00:25:49,514 --> 00:25:50,777 <i>Fucking winter is your biggest worry!</i>
Now he's an adult.
280 00:27:59,077 --> 00:28:00,067
00:25:51,516 --> 00:25:54,952 Won't he long.
For them it's a grave offense,
it changes everything. 294
00:28:12,257 --> 00:28:13,452
Can you draw this? 00:29:02,006 --> 00:29:03,838
It's not permanent. It's a decal.
00:28:17,696 --> 00:28:19,061 309
<i>Gang tatts are no joke.</i> 00:29:06,745 --> 00:29:07,769
00:28:19,798 --> 00:28:20,890 310
I know. 00:29:08,213 --> 00:29:10,045
You want to look like Polynices?
00:28:24,302 --> 00:28:25,292 311
lsmene, 00:29:11,516 --> 00:29:13,541
Polynices mustn't he deported.
00:28:27,338 --> 00:28:28,499 312
cut my hair. 00:29:20,925 --> 00:29:22,188
He won't survive there.
00:28:29,808 --> 00:28:31,503 313
Here? Right now? 00:29:23,194 --> 00:29:24,218
It'll never work.
00:28:32,210 --> 00:28:33,006 314
Yes. 00:29:24,362 --> 00:29:25,227
Shut up.
00:28:33,978 --> 00:28:34,968 315
How short? 00:29:27,732 --> 00:29:30,394
This is taking all the courage I have.
00:28:35,647 --> 00:28:36,614 316
Short, short. 00:29:33,671 --> 00:29:34,968
Cut my hair.
00:28:37,482 --> 00:28:38,813 317
You'll look like a boy. 00:30:01,232 --> 00:30:01,776
I'm scared for you.
00:28:50,328 --> 00:28:51,659 318
Stop! 00:30:01,800 --> 00:30:02,733
I'm scared for you.
00:28:52,063 --> 00:28:53,360 319
Are you crazy? 00:30:04,769 --> 00:30:06,100
I've thought it over.
00:28:54,299 --> 00:28:55,494 320
You got tattooed? 00:30:08,439 --> 00:30:09,907
I'm a minor.
00:28:59,738 --> 00:29:00,603 321
Is it the same? 00:30:10,575 --> 00:30:11,440
My record's clean.
322 00:32:01,653 --> 00:32:01,896
00:30:12,143 --> 00:30:14,305 C'mon, I'll show you my car.
I'll get a lecture,
but no jail time. 336
00:32:01,920 --> 00:32:03,888
323 C'mon, I'll show you my car.
00:30:17,115 --> 00:30:18,776
There's something you must do. 337
00:32:08,927 --> 00:32:10,554
324 My hair's ugly.
00:30:19,984 --> 00:30:20,849
What? 338
00:32:11,429 --> 00:32:12,692
325 It's different.
00:30:21,986 --> 00:30:23,977
Help Polynices after he escapes. 339
00:32:14,532 --> 00:32:15,795
326 But it's good.
00:30:27,292 --> 00:30:30,318
Find a safe hideout. 340
Far from the Habibis and cops. 00:32:18,169 --> 00:32:19,967
Anyway, I love you.
00:30:30,795 --> 00:30:32,559 341
Leave me out of his shit. 00:32:29,180 --> 00:32:31,205
We could go out west together.
00:30:33,064 --> 00:30:34,429 342
He's your brother. 00:32:32,717 --> 00:32:34,048
To the Rockies.
00:30:39,237 --> 00:30:40,534 343
Who should I call? 00:32:35,119 --> 00:32:36,314
Ever seen a bear?
00:30:42,907 --> 00:30:43,897 344
You'll find someone. 00:32:45,263 --> 00:32:46,731
I don't think I'll he able to.
00:30:45,844 --> 00:30:46,834 345
Don't tell me. 00:32:48,032 --> 00:32:49,693
I think it'd do you good.
00:30:50,748 --> 00:30:51,943 346
Do what you have to. 00:32:51,936 --> 00:32:54,371
Your gran and sister will understand.
00:30:52,450 --> 00:30:53,281 347
That's all. 00:32:56,074 --> 00:32:58,839
We'll be back for school, if you're worried.
00:31:17,141 --> 00:31:18,165 348
Polynices! 00:33:03,448 --> 00:33:04,643
<i>I'll pay for gas.</i>
00:33:07,118 --> 00:33:09,314 363
It'll be great, sleeping in the car. 00:36:16,741 --> 00:36:18,266
What'll happen to you?
00:33:09,454 --> 00:33:11,286 364
Or outside, in the parks. 00:36:19,777 --> 00:36:20,903
I'll manage.
00:33:12,991 --> 00:33:15,085 365
Swimming in turquoise lakes. 00:36:21,612 --> 00:36:22,738
I'm useless.
00:33:48,126 --> 00:33:49,150 366
Hello. 00:36:23,414 --> 00:36:24,540
I don't deserve this.
00:33:49,293 --> 00:33:50,624 367
Your ID, please. 00:36:25,183 --> 00:36:26,947
<i>Polynices, you're not useless.</i>
00:34:01,272 --> 00:34:02,016 368
Hello. 00:36:58,482 --> 00:37:00,007
<i>Don't cry, Méni.</i>
00:34:02,040 --> 00:34:02,268 369
Hello. 00:37:00,451 --> 00:37:02,215
<i>If you cry, I will too.</i>
00:34:03,141 --> 00:34:04,267 370
Your bags, please. 00:38:49,260 --> 00:38:50,091
Go to the States.
00:34:05,877 --> 00:34:07,345 371
Hood down, please. 00:38:50,761 --> 00:38:54,288
Get in the car behind the bus.
358 The driver's Shadow.
00:34:08,012 --> 00:34:09,502
I have to inspect it. 372
00:38:54,432 --> 00:38:55,399
359 He has a passport
00:35:22,687 --> 00:35:23,882
I'm sorry, Méni. 373
00:38:57,335 --> 00:38:58,769
360 I want to go home.
00:35:26,791 --> 00:35:28,759
<i>You defended your brother.</i> 374
00:38:59,770 --> 00:39:02,364
361 Hurry. I don't know how long
00:35:49,547 --> 00:35:50,810 Antigone has.
Antigone, what's going on?
362 00:39:12,950 --> 00:39:14,577
00:35:53,284 --> 00:35:54,615 Gimme a break!
I'm taking your place.
376 Hey, screw, you got played!
00:39:14,685 --> 00:39:15,880
Don't go crazy. 390
00:39:54,191 --> 00:39:56,182
377 We have a Code Black!
00:39:16,087 --> 00:39:18,852
Not for a fuckin' pack of smokes! 391
00:39:56,327 --> 00:39:58,193
378 Polynices escaped, shit!
00:39:19,623 --> 00:39:21,387
I'll see you later! 392
00:39:58,996 --> 00:40:00,293
379 Nice work, Polynices!
00:39:31,369 --> 00:39:33,133
OK, what's the problem? 393
00:40:06,237 --> 00:40:11,038
380 You're charged with abetting an escape
00:39:33,804 --> 00:39:35,067 and impersonation.
C'mon, get up.
381 00:40:11,475 --> 00:40:15,105
00:39:35,973 --> 00:39:36,940 You have the right to remain silent.
Get up! You have the right to an attorney.

382 395
00:39:37,541 --> 00:39:38,667 00:40:15,212 --> 00:40:19,046
That a chick? Anything you say can be used against you
in a court of law.
00:39:39,343 --> 00:39:41,038 396
We have a Code Black! 00:40:19,917 --> 00:40:22,443
You have the right to a parent
384 or legal guardian.
00:39:41,178 --> 00:39:42,668
Backup in A! 397
00:40:22,586 --> 00:40:23,781
385 Do you understand?
00:39:42,813 --> 00:39:44,474
Guys, there's a chick in A! 398
00:40:24,555 --> 00:40:25,681
386 Do you understand?
00:39:44,615 --> 00:39:45,480 - Yes.
You stay there!
387 00:41:07,031 --> 00:41:08,499
00:39:46,150 --> 00:39:47,174 Look at the camera.
I'm not moving.
388 00:41:12,236 --> 00:41:13,533
00:39:47,718 --> 00:39:49,482 Where's Polynices?
Back off.
- Holy shit! 401
00:41:13,637 --> 00:41:15,162
389 I don't know, sir.
00:39:51,822 --> 00:39:54,086
402 415
00:41:17,875 --> 00:41:19,536 00:42:22,706 --> 00:42:23,798
Is he paying you? That's what he did.

403 416
00:41:20,311 --> 00:41:21,301 00:42:24,875 --> 00:42:27,867
He has no money. That was his job with the Habibis.

404 417
00:41:21,479 --> 00:41:23,573 00:42:35,052 --> 00:42:39,182
The Habibis have money. If you had a kid, you wouldn't want him
to chill with Polynices.
00:41:24,748 --> 00:41:27,183 418
Guess they didn't want him in jail. 00:42:39,323 --> 00:42:42,953
In fad, ill had a kid in Polynices's hood,
00:41:28,486 --> 00:41:30,511 419
I know nothing about them. 00:42:43,060 --> 00:42:44,425
I'd move.
00:41:30,654 --> 00:41:32,349 420
They never asked me anything. 00:42:47,831 --> 00:42:48,923
Look at him.
00:41:35,893 --> 00:41:38,021 421
You broke the law for your brother. 00:42:51,368 --> 00:42:52,631
14 years old.
00:41:39,129 --> 00:41:42,099 422
I have only one left. 00:42:53,837 --> 00:42:55,327
I have to help him. Overdosed on coke.

410 423
00:41:42,233 --> 00:41:43,064 00:42:56,674 --> 00:43:01,771
Sure. Went into cardiac arrest in a Pikwik
parking lot the night of July 17.
00:41:43,767 --> 00:41:47,761 424
Help a two-bit thug climb 00:43:04,415 --> 00:43:07,715
the ranks of organized crime? The drugs that killed that poor kid...

412 425
00:41:51,008 --> 00:41:53,375 00:43:10,321 --> 00:43:12,312
Our brother was killed before his eyes. came straight from Polynices.

413 426
00:41:55,179 --> 00:41:57,807 00:43:38,215 --> 00:43:39,580
Deporting Polynices You alright, Polynices?
as punishment is unjust.
414 00:43:39,717 --> 00:43:40,912
00:42:18,502 --> 00:42:20,368 You scared me.
00:43:43,554 --> 00:43:44,749
What's wrong? 442
00:44:46,150 --> 00:44:47,811
429 our eldest brother is dead,
00:43:45,289 --> 00:43:46,279
Nothing. 443
00:44:49,953 --> 00:44:51,318
430 shot by the police.
00:43:46,423 --> 00:43:47,549
You're still up? 444
00:44:53,791 --> 00:44:55,225
431 Can you bring him back?
00:43:48,559 --> 00:43:49,993
<i>Wave an exam.</i> 445
00:45:19,817 --> 00:45:21,285
432 Eteocles.
00:43:51,128 --> 00:43:51,993
Are you hurt? 446
00:45:23,287 --> 00:45:24,652
433 The sports star.
00:43:53,764 --> 00:43:55,732
It's fine. It's what I wanted. 447
00:45:27,491 --> 00:45:29,516
434 The goal-scoring hero.
00:43:56,467 --> 00:43:58,162
I passed the initiation. 448
00:45:32,896 --> 00:45:35,991
435 The innocent victim who took a bullet.
00:43:59,203 --> 00:44:00,193
I'm in! 449
00:45:38,802 --> 00:45:41,499
436 Did you really know your older brother?
00:44:06,410 --> 00:44:08,435
Where's your brother, Antigone? 450
00:45:42,873 --> 00:45:44,363
437 You're going to dump on him?
00:44:09,913 --> 00:44:10,880
I don't know. 451
00:45:45,976 --> 00:45:49,002
438 Your champion of a brother,
00:44:14,885 --> 00:44:17,047 I gotta tell you,
I don't know.
- Where is he? 452
00:45:50,247 --> 00:45:52,545
439 was no better than Polynices.
00:44:18,088 --> 00:44:19,783
I swear I don't. 453
00:45:53,684 --> 00:45:54,708
440 It's not true.
00:44:32,102 --> 00:44:33,433
What do you know? 454
00:45:56,720 --> 00:45:58,552
441 Who paid the rent at home?
00:44:41,345 --> 00:44:42,813
What I know is... 455
00:45:59,490 --> 00:46:02,289 468
Not your sister 00:47:25,776 --> 00:47:27,301
with her shampoo-girl tips. Where's your brother?

456 469
00:46:04,328 --> 00:46:05,989 00:47:32,683 --> 00:47:33,878
Who paid the rent? I don't know.

457 470
00:46:06,096 --> 00:46:08,360 00:47:41,491 --> 00:47:44,950
If you know, why do you ask? You're getting in way over your head,
little girl.
00:46:11,268 --> 00:46:14,067 471
Eteocles. 00:47:48,498 --> 00:47:49,488
But where'd he get the money? Good luck.

459 472
00:46:16,707 --> 00:46:17,833 00:47:54,538 --> 00:47:56,028
From soccer. Open up, police!

460 473
00:46:22,780 --> 00:46:23,713 00:48:03,680 --> 00:48:04,670
Yeah. We have a warrant.

461 474
00:46:24,081 --> 00:46:26,413 00:48:04,815 --> 00:48:06,476
Do you really believe that, Antigone? He's not here, go away.

462 475
00:46:27,251 --> 00:46:28,776 00:48:06,617 --> 00:48:08,745
You, the brains of the family'! To arrest Mrs Menoeceus Hipponome.

463 476
00:46:28,919 --> 00:46:34,380 00:48:17,628 --> 00:48:19,118
You think your brother earned ii <i>Go pull your turnips!</i>
scoring goals in a local league?
464 00:48:24,034 --> 00:48:25,900
00:46:37,261 --> 00:46:41,198 Cops, go home!
Eteocles was just as deep
in the Habibis as Polynices, 478
00:48:33,343 --> 00:48:35,937
465 She needs me.
00:46:41,532 --> 00:46:43,057 She doesn't speak French.
but higher up.
466 00:48:36,346 --> 00:48:37,973
00:46:45,102 --> 00:46:46,934 She'll be at Station 34.
He kept his hands clean.
467 00:48:39,483 --> 00:48:41,577
00:47:22,272 --> 00:47:23,797 They'll say how much bail is.
Where's Polynices?
00:48:42,519 --> 00:48:43,611 00:50:27,824 --> 00:50:33,285
Like, I have money? Are you fully aware of the charges and
their consequences on your sentencing?
00:48:43,720 --> 00:48:45,518 495
We just serve the warrant 00:50:33,764 --> 00:50:34,788
00:49:43,447 --> 00:49:47,884 496
The case of Antigone Hipponome, 00:50:34,931 --> 00:50:37,525
no. 0351-8211-2012. Can you stale the three charges against you?

484 497
00:49:47,985 --> 00:49:49,578 00:50:41,038 --> 00:50:42,472
Julie Edouin, prosecutor. Well, I helped my brother to...

485 498
00:49:54,658 --> 00:49:58,117 00:50:43,206 --> 00:50:44,696
Your Honor, the young lady disguise himself as a girl...
wishes to represent herself.
486 00:50:48,378 --> 00:50:50,142
00:50:01,398 --> 00:50:02,388 to get out of prison...
Hello, miss.
487 00:50:52,349 --> 00:50:53,874
00:50:03,233 --> 00:50:05,201 so he's not deported...
Please identify yourself clearly.
488 00:50:54,017 --> 00:50:58,045
00:50:08,071 --> 00:50:09,664 For now, I'm only asking you to state
Antigone Hipponome. the three charges against you.

489 502
00:50:10,340 --> 00:50:11,102 00:50:58,722 --> 00:51:01,817
Guilty. Legal aid services are free for minors.

490 503
00:50:12,009 --> 00:50:13,033 00:51:02,192 --> 00:51:06,493
One moment. I strongly recommend them
before you enter your plea.
00:50:17,314 --> 00:50:21,080 504
So you've declined 00:51:08,398 --> 00:51:09,661
representation by a lawyer, miss? But I'm guilty.

492 505
00:50:22,419 --> 00:50:24,615 00:51:09,800 --> 00:51:13,430
Speak up, you're being recorded. I'm not sure you grasp
the ramifications of your plea.
00:50:25,489 --> 00:50:26,513 506
Yes. 00:51:13,970 --> 00:51:16,302
You haven't seen the evidence against you.
507 520
00:51:17,207 --> 00:51:22,839 00:51:59,182 --> 00:52:01,810
I'll enter a plea of not guilty but you must consult a lawyer first.
so you can meet with a defense lawyer.
508 00:52:02,285 --> 00:52:03,096
00:51:22,979 --> 00:51:26,244 Prosecution recommends?
Do you have a parent or legal guardian here?
509 00:52:03,120 --> 00:52:04,144
00:51:26,349 --> 00:51:28,374 Prosecution recommends?
Our grandmother is our guardian.
510 00:52:04,287 --> 00:52:08,952
00:51:29,019 --> 00:51:31,818 Your honor, our fear is that
But she was arrested last night. the accused may attempt to flee

511 524
00:51:32,489 --> 00:51:36,687 00:52:09,092 --> 00:52:11,857
Your honor, the accused is and thus not appear in court.
the legal ward of her grandmother
512 00:52:11,962 --> 00:52:15,057
00:51:36,827 --> 00:51:40,263 We recommend the accused remain in custody.
who was arrested on two of the same charges:
513 00:52:15,198 --> 00:52:17,030
00:51:40,864 --> 00:51:43,128 You can't lock her up!
Articles 463 for plotting
514 00:52:17,134 --> 00:52:19,466
00:51:43,233 --> 00:51:48,103 Quiet! This is your only warning.
and 141 for assisting someone
in breaking out oi a penitentiary. 528
00:52:21,872 --> 00:52:24,398
515 Until a ruling, the court orders
00:51:48,271 --> 00:51:49,636
She was not involved. 529
00:52:24,541 --> 00:52:29,069
516 you be held in custody
00:51:49,773 --> 00:51:50,797 at the St Rose Center for Girls in Laval.
Thank you.
517 00:52:29,246 --> 00:52:33,114
00:51:50,941 --> 00:51:51,931 Shit! You can't lock her up!
I'm guilty. Her brother was shot by the police!

518 531
00:51:52,075 --> 00:51:55,010 00:52:34,084 --> 00:52:37,213
The court must follow a certain procedure. She's clean. She's an A student.

519 532
00:51:56,179 --> 00:51:59,046 00:52:37,320 --> 00:52:39,448
You can decide to plead guilty later, You can't lock her up for no reason.
00:52:40,991 --> 00:52:42,584 546
This is bullshit! 00:53:33,810 --> 00:53:37,303
Politicians are prohibited from intervening
534 in court cases.
00:52:42,726 --> 00:52:45,752
Your charges are serious, miss. 547
00:53:39,549 --> 00:53:41,574
535 I'm not asking the politician.
00:52:45,896 --> 00:52:48,593
For an adult they carry 548
a five-year prison sentence. 00:53:43,653 --> 00:53:45,644
When she was home,
536 I could help her.
00:52:49,799 --> 00:52:53,565
You could be transferred 549
to an adult penitentiary 00:53:46,389 --> 00:53:47,823
Why did she do it?
00:52:53,670 --> 00:52:55,468 550
when you turn 18. 00:53:47,958 --> 00:53:50,552
She's in the same shit
538 as her brother now.
00:52:56,439 --> 00:53:00,307
You will find a lawyer, 551
or the court will assign you one. 00:53:51,328 --> 00:53:54,423
You'll shower, put on clean fresh clothes,
00:53:01,344 --> 00:53:04,279 552
<i>You are required to keep the peace,</i> 00:53:54,564 --> 00:53:57,158
then tour your rooms and common area.
00:53:04,414 --> 00:53:06,849 553
to not carry real or imitation weapons, 00:53:58,068 --> 00:54:00,833
The routine's simple. Wake-up 7:30,
00:53:06,950 --> 00:53:10,409 554
to respect the Center's rules, 00:54:01,304 --> 00:54:03,216
obligatory shower, breakfast till 8:30.
00:53:10,587 --> 00:53:13,716 555
and have no contact, direct or indirect, 00:54:03,240 --> 00:54:03,672
obligatory shower, breakfast till 8:30.
00:53:13,823 --> 00:53:17,987 556
with Polynices Hipponome 00:54:03,807 --> 00:54:06,003
and Menoeceus Hipponome. You can eat what you want. Your choice.

544 557
00:53:28,672 --> 00:53:30,697 00:54:06,142 --> 00:54:08,133
Need I say how awkward this is? Can I make a call?
- Hold your horses.
00:53:31,541 --> 00:53:33,168 558
We have to help her. 00:54:08,245 --> 00:54:10,270
After breakfast, you have class. 00:55:24,554 --> 00:55:26,079
Tonight there's Jell-0.
00:54:10,413 --> 00:54:13,178 573
It's urgent. My grandma was arrested. 00:55:26,723 --> 00:55:30,353
No smoking, no sex...
560 I want my fucking dessert!
00:54:13,316 --> 00:54:14,647
The code of conduct. 574
00:55:30,460 --> 00:55:31,484
561 You'll get your dessert,
00:54:40,510 --> 00:54:42,000
Hey, the food's here. 575
00:55:32,996 --> 00:55:33,929
562 without eggs.
00:54:48,785 --> 00:54:51,550
Wow, thanks! It looks super gross. 576
00:55:46,643 --> 00:55:49,169
563 I tried to see you,
00:54:56,726 --> 00:54:58,820 but they sent me away.
Thursday's supposed to be pudding.
564 00:55:49,312 --> 00:55:53,306
00:54:59,262 --> 00:55:01,060 The cops came. But not for Polynices.
We have an egg allergy in the group. They arrested Méni!

565 578
00:55:03,800 --> 00:55:05,234 00:55:53,450 --> 00:55:57,284
Is it you, scab face? Careful, we're being bugged.
But who's helping her?
00:55:08,538 --> 00:55:09,505 579
No, it's me. 00:55:58,321 --> 00:56:00,153
A legal aid lawyer.
00:55:11,908 --> 00:55:13,000 580
You staying long? 00:56:00,290 --> 00:56:03,336
Doesn't give a shit,
568 'cause we have no money.
00:55:13,109 --> 00:55:16,204
She will if she behaves like you. 581
00:56:03,360 --> 00:56:03,519
569 Doesn't give a shit,
00:55:16,579 --> 00:55:19,514 'cause we have no money.
Watch out. She can spring you from the pen.
570 00:56:03,660 --> 00:56:04,650
00:55:20,083 --> 00:55:22,279 Where is she?
This center'd be a piece of cake.
571 00:56:07,130 --> 00:56:08,723
00:55:23,453 --> 00:55:24,420 She spent the night in jail?
I want pudding.
572 00:56:09,632 --> 00:56:11,498
We have to put up bail. Hi.

585 598
00:56:12,035 --> 00:56:15,630 00:57:48,565 --> 00:57:50,897
I scrounged at the salon, Hello. I'm Ms Genest.
but I came up with only $300.
586 00:57:51,401 --> 00:57:54,063
00:56:16,206 --> 00:56:18,334 I'll evaluate you to determine your level.
Bail costs ten times that.
587 00:57:54,204 --> 00:57:57,003
00:56:20,944 --> 00:56:22,070 So you're placed in the appropriate group.
My award money...
588 00:57:57,707 --> 00:57:58,674
00:56:24,614 --> 00:56:25,547 Antigone, right?
Take it.
589 00:57:58,775 --> 00:57:59,640
00:56:26,983 --> 00:56:30,009 Yes.
My hank card code is the year we came.
590 00:57:59,776 --> 00:58:02,074
00:56:46,469 --> 00:56:47,834 You're finishing high school?
Shut the luck up!
591 00:58:02,212 --> 00:58:03,456
00:56:50,140 --> 00:56:53,110 You went to school every day?
We're sleeping.
What's your goddamn problem? 605
00:58:03,480 --> 00:58:03,639
592 You went to school every day?
00:56:53,843 --> 00:56:55,868
Nobody's gonna cuddle you here. 606
00:58:06,916 --> 00:58:08,611
593 Answer these questions.
00:57:04,554 --> 00:57:07,046
Are you kidding me, 607
a fucking panic attack! 00:58:09,986 --> 00:58:14,446
Emilie, I don't know your level,
594 so we'll start with basics.
00:57:09,192 --> 00:57:10,318
Calm down. 608
00:58:14,591 --> 00:58:16,582
595 At first it may be easy,
00:57:11,261 --> 00:57:12,854
You're in the Girls' Center. 609
00:58:16,726 --> 00:58:20,060
596 but the questions will get harder
00:57:42,459 --> 00:57:43,426 as we go along.
597 00:58:26,402 --> 00:58:28,666
00:57:45,128 --> 00:57:46,061 Shall we read the first question?
611 00:59:32,335 --> 00:59:34,463
00:58:28,771 --> 00:58:30,466 I can have your deposition
It's multiple choice. invalidated.

612 625
00:58:30,607 --> 00:58:31,574 00:59:34,904 --> 00:59:36,838
Go ahead. I just said the truth.

613 626
00:58:37,080 --> 00:58:39,344 00:59:36,973 --> 00:59:38,441
Do you usually wear glasses, Emilie? You had no lawyer.

614 627
00:58:44,487 --> 00:58:47,252 00:59:38,875 --> 00:59:41,242
Can you read this word? Trees." That will allow us to start over.

615 628
00:58:48,691 --> 00:58:50,887 00:59:42,312 --> 00:59:43,746
<i>How many trees?“</i> But I'm guilty.

616 629
00:58:53,429 --> 00:58:55,955 00:59:44,347 --> 00:59:46,441
Can you read and do arithmetic? It's me or Polynices.

617 630
00:59:05,675 --> 00:59:07,006 00:59:46,549 --> 00:59:48,813
Thanks, Natasha. Antigone...
- Or worse, my grandma.
00:59:09,812 --> 00:59:10,904 631
Hello. 00:59:49,352 --> 00:59:54,688
A guilty plea means a criminal record.
619 ll lasts 5 years after your release.
00:59:12,148 --> 00:59:14,845
Justin O'Neil, legal aid for youth of lenders. 632
00:59:54,824 --> 00:59:56,986
620 Everything you do will he monitored.
00:59:15,718 --> 00:59:17,516
I want to defend myself. 633
00:59:57,093 --> 00:59:59,391
621 It'll be noted in your file.
00:59:17,654 --> 00:59:19,019
It's a court order. 634
00:59:59,529 --> 01:00:01,361
622 The tiniest infraction...
00:59:19,155 --> 00:59:22,284
You need to have a lawyer. 635
Not necessarily me. 01:00:02,231 --> 01:00:03,576
Possession of drugs...
623 - I don't do drugs.
00:59:28,965 --> 00:59:31,957
I can argue that the police 636
violated your rights. 01:00:03,600 --> 01:00:04,499
Possession of drugs...
- I don't do drugs. 649
01:00:56,119 --> 01:00:58,713
637 Not someone else. You're OK.
01:00:04,601 --> 01:00:06,865
If you're picked up at a protest... 650
01:01:07,497 --> 01:01:08,931
638 They have that picture?
01:00:07,003 --> 01:00:09,870
The least bullshit. 651
They'll come down hard. 01:01:11,300 --> 01:01:13,234
They know.
639 - You betcha.
01:00:10,707 --> 01:00:13,904
The RCMP archives your file, 652
they don'! destroy it. 01:01:13,770 --> 01:01:15,033
It was on TV news.
01:00:16,412 --> 01:00:19,507 653
You'll be stuck for years with guys like me. 01:01:16,506 --> 01:01:17,940
They describe the escape.
01:00:20,083 --> 01:00:22,108 654
If you want to travel abroad, 01:01:19,475 --> 01:01:21,068
Transvestite on the Lam
01:00:22,251 --> 01:00:25,949 655
or if you're turned down for a job - 01:01:21,177 --> 01:01:22,269
and that's sure to happen... Criminal Escapes

643 656
01:00:26,789 --> 01:00:29,759 01:01:23,012 --> 01:01:24,138
You can be refused at certain schools. A Habibi Family

644 657
01:00:29,892 --> 01:00:34,887 01:01:24,280 --> 01:01:26,544
Above all, there's the media. Hairdresser Helps Spring Gang Member
Blogs, Facebook, social networks...
645 01:01:26,649 --> 01:01:29,016
01:00:35,632 --> 01:00:37,396 Radicalization of Immigrants
Have you looked yourself up?
646 01:01:33,456 --> 01:01:35,288
01:00:41,571 --> 01:00:43,733 IS SHE A HABIBI?
No Internet since I was arrested.
647 01:01:35,425 --> 01:01:37,223
01:00:49,379 --> 01:00:52,371 BITCH IS AS DUMB
Give me your phone, please. AS HER BROTHERS!

648 661
01:00:53,116 --> 01:00:55,448 01:01:37,326 --> 01:01:39,021
It can be someone else, LIKE U KNOW HER!
but you need a lawyer.
01:01:39,162 --> 01:01:40,687 675
I STEPD IN DOGSHIT 01:02:20,036 --> 01:02:21,333
SURE I KNOW HER! tell the truth.

663 676
01:01:44,167 --> 01:01:45,191 01:02:22,371 --> 01:02:23,497
DIRTY VERMIN What's the truth?

664 677
01:01:46,302 --> 01:01:49,135 01:02:28,811 --> 01:02:30,404
GOOD LUCK IN JAIL, BITCH! I stand behind my family.

665 678
01:01:49,272 --> 01:01:51,536 01:02:31,881 --> 01:02:33,713
SHUT THE FUCK UP! Despite what your brothers did?

666 679
01:02:00,016 --> 01:02:02,314 01:02:39,522 --> 01:02:42,116
NOT HER FAULT. SHE'S A VICTIM. I don't like that they were in a gang.

667 680
01:02:02,452 --> 01:02:03,696 01:02:43,726 --> 01:02:45,490
SHE FIGHTS OPPRESSION. It's not their crimes I defend.
668 01:02:45,595 --> 01:02:46,892
01:02:03,720 --> 01:02:04,710 Not their crimes...
01:02:47,597 --> 01:02:48,894
669 but my family.
01:02:05,121 --> 01:02:06,145
01:02:50,600 --> 01:02:51,931
670 You defend family.
01:02:06,289 --> 01:02:09,623
SHE'LL TAKE YOU OUT 01:02:55,271 --> 01:02:58,366
It won't be your trial,
671 it'll be your podium.
01:02:09,726 --> 01:02:11,091
That's not who I am. 685
01:02:59,575 --> 01:03:01,009
672 Did any friends post?
01:02:13,730 --> 01:02:15,061
Images can be controlled. 686
01:03:02,578 --> 01:03:03,545
673 Tcheka.
01:02:15,465 --> 01:02:16,660
Control, no... 687
01:03:04,914 --> 01:03:06,279
674 Tcheka's my friend Haemon.
01:02:16,799 --> 01:02:17,925
Just... 688
01:03:24,901 --> 01:03:26,699
I read you in the threads.
689 01:04:34,604 --> 01:04:35,537
01:03:27,537 --> 01:03:30,507 Be seated!
Don't read that. It's bullshit, really.
690 01:04:41,043 --> 01:04:42,738
01:03:32,241 --> 01:03:34,266 Hearing commences: 9:04.
It'll just hurl you.
691 01:04:42,879 --> 01:04:45,712
01:03:35,278 --> 01:03:37,406 The accused: Antigone Hipponome,
You fucked my best friend! Jimmy Zelada,

692 705
01:03:38,214 --> 01:03:40,148 01:04:45,848 --> 01:04:51,343
You goddamn asswipe! Joseph Agnaou, Joanie Paradis-Coté,
Rico Eduardo Retamal, Moussa Achilles
693 Abarzua.
01:03:40,249 --> 01:03:41,842
Calm down. Calm down. 706
01:04:53,456 --> 01:04:56,892
694 The use of phones and electronic devices
01:03:41,951 --> 01:03:45,319 is prohibited.
Yeah, like I should calm down?
Where do you fucking get off? 707
01:04:57,627 --> 01:04:59,721
695 Turn off any device that makes noise.
01:03:45,454 --> 01:03:47,218
Go luck my mother! 708
01:05:03,733 --> 01:05:05,895
696 The first accused is in custody.
01:03:47,323 --> 01:03:50,520
You're hurting me! 709
Don't touch me, dammit! 01:05:06,469 --> 01:05:07,561
Bring her in.
01:04:16,586 --> 01:04:19,248 710
The Honorable Judge Constantinescu. 01:05:10,373 --> 01:05:11,898
Bring in Antigone Hipponome.
01:04:20,656 --> 01:04:22,488 711
Hey, on your feet! 01:05:19,815 --> 01:05:23,945
In the case of Antigone Hipponome,
699 no. 0351-4181-2012.
01:04:23,593 --> 01:04:25,254
Come on, stand up! 712
01:05:25,554 --> 01:05:27,522
700 Justin O'Neil for the defense.
01:04:26,429 --> 01:04:28,022
Everybody up! 713
01:05:28,357 --> 01:05:30,121
701 Julie Edouin, prosecutor.
01:04:29,031 --> 01:04:30,897
Silence! Or you'll be removed. 714
01:05:30,693 --> 01:05:31,660 727
Miss. 01:06:45,267 --> 01:06:46,598
Your grandmother is home.
01:05:45,441 --> 01:05:48,069 728
Now that all cell phones are all, 01:06:47,737 --> 01:06:49,569
Subject to certain conditions.
01:05:49,378 --> 01:05:50,504 729
can we start? 01:06:49,672 --> 01:06:54,769
She can't be within 150 meters of you,
717 or talk to, write or email you.
01:05:52,915 --> 01:05:55,407
Miss, please identify yourself. 730
01:06:54,910 --> 01:06:56,105
718 Or ifs hack to jail.
01:05:57,954 --> 01:06:01,481
Anyone obstructing a judicial proceeding 731
may be fined. 01:07:03,319 --> 01:07:06,846
A fine for contempt
719 can he paid by cash, debit,
01:06:05,861 --> 01:06:08,831
I'll have to ask everyone to leave. 732
Everybody out. 01:07:07,023 --> 01:07:08,787
jail time or community work...
01:06:11,867 --> 01:06:13,801 733
We'll adjourn for 15 minutes. 01:07:08,924 --> 01:07:10,050
Debit card.
01:06:13,903 --> 01:06:17,498 734
Proceedings will resume 01:07:14,997 --> 01:07:18,490
behind closed doors. They arranged for their cells
to ring all at once.
01:06:19,775 --> 01:06:22,801 735
Hurry up or you'll be fined. 01:07:22,371 --> 01:07:25,864
A female minor
723 whose name cannot be divulged
01:06:22,945 --> 01:06:25,039
I broke the law, but I'd do it again. 736
01:07:26,709 --> 01:07:29,303
724 dressed up as her brother... Sorry.
01:06:27,616 --> 01:06:29,550
My heart says 737
to help my brother. 01:07:29,979 --> 01:07:32,949
I saw the hip-hop squad on my monitor.
01:06:40,396 --> 01:06:41,886 738
<i>My heart says...“</i> 01:07:40,156 --> 01:07:41,988
Antigone! Antigone!
01:06:41,998 --> 01:06:43,124 739
That's good. 01:07:51,734 --> 01:07:53,668
You didn't have to pay for me.
740 752
01:07:54,070 --> 01:07:55,003 01:08:33,609 --> 01:08:34,974
No? He talks like a kid.

741 753
01:07:56,405 --> 01:07:58,066 01:08:35,111 --> 01:08:37,136
What, I leave you there? Old folks can learn from kids.

742 754
01:07:58,207 --> 01:08:01,507 01:08:42,051 --> 01:08:45,043
And the papers say my son was arrested I don't need you
and I didn't help. to get me out of anything.

743 755
01:08:02,511 --> 01:08:04,056 01:08:46,255 --> 01:08:49,384
So your public persona overrides You're old and scared
your duty as a father? and want to save your ass.

744 756
01:08:04,080 --> 01:08:06,276 01:08:49,525 --> 01:08:50,890
So your public persona overrides Fuck you!
your duty as a father?
745 01:08:54,597 --> 01:08:56,361
01:08:07,016 --> 01:08:08,814 Haemon! Haemon!
My duly as a father?
746 01:08:58,367 --> 01:08:59,129
01:08:09,385 --> 01:08:13,754 Shit!
When I pay for your fuckups,
that's my duty as a father. 759
01:08:59,702 --> 01:09:01,966
747 This program sucks. My turn!
01:08:15,524 --> 01:08:17,720
I work till midnight, 760
01:09:02,071 --> 01:09:03,766
748 You don't own the remote!
01:08:17,860 --> 01:08:23,060
roll up my sleeves the next day, shut 761
my mouth to toe the party line, and keep my 01:09:03,906 --> 01:09:05,203
job, Stop it!

749 762
01:08:23,199 --> 01:08:25,531 01:09:05,307 --> 01:09:08,971
all to provide for my son. Two months after Eteocles Hipponome
was killed by police...
01:08:25,668 --> 01:08:27,261 763
All I do is for you. 01:09:09,111 --> 01:09:10,875
Yo, girls. It's Antigone's brother!
01:08:27,369 --> 01:08:31,465 764
I never asked you to. 01:09:11,046 --> 01:09:12,343
I'd prefer you speak out when you disagree. ...his family is in the news
765 01:09:51,320 --> 01:09:54,153
01:09:12,448 --> 01:09:16,043 The Center's scared shitless of the media.
with the brazen escape
of Polynices Hipponome, 778
01:09:54,323 --> 01:09:55,757
766 I heard that!
01:09:16,152 --> 01:09:19,019
who was in jail awaiting deportation. 779
01:09:56,692 --> 01:09:58,820
767 Cool, what you did for your brother.
01:09:19,155 --> 01:09:22,591
Our reporter is at Youth Division Court. 780
01:09:59,428 --> 01:10:01,362
768 The accused then proclaimed,
01:09:22,725 --> 01:09:26,025
As you can see, 781
here's a lot going on here. 01:10:01,797 --> 01:10:04,176
I broke the law, but I'd do it again.
01:09:26,128 --> 01:09:29,587 782
The youngest daughter of 01:10:04,200 --> 01:10:04,309
the Hipponome family is accused I broke the law, but I'd do it again.

770 783
01:09:29,732 --> 01:09:32,667 01:10:04,333 --> 01:10:07,166
of helping her brother escape. My heart says to help my brother.
As we know...
771 01:10:24,620 --> 01:10:25,553
01:09:32,768 --> 01:09:34,361 Antigone.
Antigone, it's you!
772 01:10:30,826 --> 01:10:31,850
01:09:34,470 --> 01:09:36,165 You have to see.
...whose identity we cannot reveal,
773 01:10:49,645 --> 01:10:51,340
01:09:36,972 --> 01:09:41,341 She's been there since dawn.
disguised herself as her brother
during a visit to the inmate. 787
01:11:12,067 --> 01:11:13,694
774 We can't stay here long.
01:09:41,477 --> 01:09:44,777
While she was taken back to his cell, 788
01:11:14,903 --> 01:11:16,166
775 Talk to her, Lyne.
01:09:44,914 --> 01:09:48,111
he, dressed like her, 789
escaped and is on the loose. 01:11:16,739 --> 01:11:18,002
Tell her to go home.
01:09:48,517 --> 01:09:50,508 790
You're a star. You go, girl! 01:11:18,107 --> 01:11:19,268
I already did.
01:13:30,873 --> 01:13:32,898
791 Put this under your sheet.
01:11:20,676 --> 01:11:22,371
She's respecting hail. 805
01:13:38,881 --> 01:13:41,873
792 Chantal, did you get training for this job?
01:11:23,212 --> 01:11:25,180
150 meters from the Center. 806
01:13:42,851 --> 01:13:43,784
793 What?
01:11:28,083 --> 01:11:29,551
She'll come every day. 807
01:13:45,754 --> 01:13:47,381
794 A bit of tact, I dunno...
01:11:32,121 --> 01:11:33,714
When will I be released? 808
01:13:47,523 --> 01:13:49,355
795 Mind your own business!
01:11:35,524 --> 01:11:37,788
Correctional Services want you gone. 809
01:13:49,491 --> 01:13:50,424
796 Our business.
01:11:39,228 --> 01:11:40,923
They don't like attention. 810
01:13:52,194 --> 01:13:53,719
797 It is our business.
01:12:55,504 --> 01:13:00,670
01:13:54,530 --> 01:13:56,123
798 There'll be a consequence.
01:13:07,850 --> 01:13:08,976
Who's she? 812
01:13:57,533 --> 01:13:59,831
799 And the consequences of what you do?
01:13:09,785 --> 01:13:11,412
Halima, an educator. 813
01:14:01,370 --> 01:14:02,963
800 Go think in your room!
01:13:11,520 --> 01:13:13,716
Because the Center embraces all cultures! 814
01:14:03,105 --> 01:14:04,402
801 Go think in your office.
01:13:17,126 --> 01:13:19,322
They're increasing the staff. 815
01:14:04,706 --> 01:14:06,572
802 I thought. I know why I'm here.
01:13:20,329 --> 01:13:23,321
All for you. 816
I love watching them freak out. 01:14:08,377 --> 01:14:10,141
Code 6 in Hummingbird.
01:13:23,499 --> 01:13:24,989 817
Emilie, wait a sec. 01:14:10,245 --> 01:14:11,508
Code 6?
01:14:11,613 --> 01:14:12,876 832
Seriously? 01:15:34,496 --> 01:15:35,520
Where's Chantal?
01:14:13,015 --> 01:14:13,982 833
Is it your period? 01:15:35,664 --> 01:15:36,995
She was reassigned.
01:14:23,258 --> 01:14:24,419 834
Code 6? 01:15:38,000 --> 01:15:39,297
Get changed.
01:14:24,893 --> 01:14:25,758 835
One night. 01:15:39,434 --> 01:15:40,560
You've a visitor.
01:14:26,462 --> 01:14:28,487 836
Apologize and it'll end there. 01:15:42,671 --> 01:15:44,036
Is it visiting day?
01:14:28,630 --> 01:14:30,394 837
Or ifs solitary tomorrow too. 01:15:44,473 --> 01:15:45,963
It's a special visit.
01:14:33,368 --> 01:14:34,529 838
You coming? 01:15:50,212 --> 01:15:52,180
Haemon doesn't know I'm here.
01:14:45,948 --> 01:14:46,915 839
Easy, Emilie! 01:15:53,882 --> 01:15:54,974
We're not talking.
01:14:54,256 --> 01:14:55,246 840
Girls! 01:15:56,785 --> 01:15:58,753
He lives in the garage.
01:14:55,824 --> 01:14:56,950 841
Girls, stop! 01:16:02,357 --> 01:16:03,483
You don't know?
01:14:58,594 --> 01:15:00,028 842
Stop it. 01:16:03,625 --> 01:16:04,536
I get one call a week.
01:15:00,128 --> 01:15:02,153 843
Stop, you won't get TV. 01:16:04,560 --> 01:16:05,391
I get one call a week.
01:15:28,524 --> 01:15:29,650 844
Hello, Antigone. 01:16:07,696 --> 01:16:09,061
He quit school.
01:15:31,660 --> 01:15:34,129 845
I'm Monica, a senior educator. 01:16:10,499 --> 01:16:12,968
He organizes day and night He doesn't want me to feel alone.
in support.
846 01:17:04,686 --> 01:17:05,949
01:16:15,704 --> 01:16:17,468 And where will it end?
No idea where he showers,
847 01:17:07,389 --> 01:17:11,826
01:16:18,674 --> 01:16:20,039 When he winds up in a police station,
or if he showers. lacing charges,

848 861
01:16:22,411 --> 01:16:26,575 01:17:12,527 --> 01:17:13,358
I know he's young, like you?
he has to find his own way.
849 01:17:15,130 --> 01:17:16,962
01:16:27,749 --> 01:16:30,946 You can't want that for him.
But at 17, he doesn't realize
what's at stake. 863
01:17:19,868 --> 01:17:21,962
850 I understand, you love him.
01:16:32,821 --> 01:16:34,255
I believe in him. 864
01:17:26,608 --> 01:17:27,803
851 How do you do it?
01:16:35,924 --> 01:16:37,358
I believe in him, too. 865
01:17:30,412 --> 01:17:33,939
852 How do you love your brother, despite...
01:16:38,727 --> 01:16:40,422
But not everyone agrees. 866
01:17:35,317 --> 01:17:37,479
853 I love him, that's all.
01:16:40,562 --> 01:16:43,327
Attacking the judiciary, the graffiti... 867
01:17:38,787 --> 01:17:41,916
854 You'd sacrifice your freedom for him?
01:16:44,433 --> 01:16:47,403
He's acquiring a record he'll never shake. 868
01:17:44,226 --> 01:17:45,591
855 Sacrifice your life?
01:16:49,071 --> 01:16:50,266
You're upset? 869
01:17:56,304 --> 01:17:58,830
856 When I'm unsure what to do,
01:16:51,573 --> 01:16:54,338
I'm upset to see him ruin his life for... 870
01:18:09,651 --> 01:18:11,278
857 I think of the little boy.
01:16:57,245 --> 01:17:00,010
I don't even know what his goal is. 871
01:18:15,657 --> 01:18:17,250
858 Little Polynices,
01:17:01,917 --> 01:17:04,011
872 Your honor, if I may, I'd just...
01:18:20,762 --> 01:18:22,924
stretching his arms to he picked up. 886
01:22:32,013 --> 01:22:34,448
873 Please identify yourself, miss.
01:18:26,835 --> 01:18:28,325
But nobody picks him up. 887
01:22:36,351 --> 01:22:37,785
874 Antigone Hipponome.
01:18:32,507 --> 01:18:33,941
He's lost his parents. 888
01:22:37,886 --> 01:22:39,547
875 Mr O'Neil, proceed.
01:20:25,420 --> 01:20:26,683
Girls... 889
01:22:40,255 --> 01:22:41,416
876 Thanks, your honor.
01:21:08,530 --> 01:21:09,656
C'mon, Lyne. 890
01:22:41,556 --> 01:22:44,924
877 As stated, my client pleads guilty
01:22:04,653 --> 01:22:04,896 to all charges.
The groundswell of support is huge.
878 01:22:45,060 --> 01:22:47,188
01:22:04,920 --> 01:22:06,911 I've spoken to my colleague.
The groundswell of support is huge.
879 01:22:47,762 --> 01:22:49,730
01:22:09,491 --> 01:22:11,118 Since it's a first offense,
We agreed on a sentence.
880 01:22:49,864 --> 01:22:53,323
01:22:11,226 --> 01:22:12,216 and she attended school regularly
The minimum. before the events,

881 894
01:22:14,829 --> 01:22:16,160 01:22:53,435 --> 01:22:55,802
Bring in the accused. and she's socially very well adapted,

882 895
01:22:19,234 --> 01:22:23,569 01:22:55,937 --> 01:22:58,235
In the case of Antigone Hipponome, we recommend a suspended sentence
no. 0351-4181-2012.
883 01:22:58,373 --> 01:23:03,334
01:22:23,738 --> 01:22:25,206 with 60 hours of community service
Julie Edouin, prosecuting. over the next four months.

884 897
01:22:25,340 --> 01:22:26,933 01:23:03,445 --> 01:23:04,776
Justin O'Neil, defending. And the prosecution?

885 898
01:22:27,042 --> 01:22:29,033 01:23:05,380 --> 01:23:07,644
Your honor, we have new evidence.
899 01:23:51,626 --> 01:23:55,221
01:23:08,116 --> 01:23:09,140 by the Provincial Police
I'm listening. in the Eclipse Bar in Laval.

900 913
01:23:09,284 --> 01:23:10,979 01:23:55,764 --> 01:23:56,731
I have a new witness. Polynices...

901 914
01:23:11,119 --> 01:23:12,553 01:23:56,831 --> 01:23:58,162
It's not on the roll. Miss...
- Polynices!
01:23:12,654 --> 01:23:15,248 915
This is a last-minute development 01:23:58,299 --> 01:24:00,233
903 - You ruined everything.
01:23:15,390 --> 01:23:17,586
The witness was arrested last night. 916
01:24:00,969 --> 01:24:02,130
904 Miss!
01:23:18,293 --> 01:23:21,627 - Sorry.
He is Polynices Hipponome,
the accused's brother. 917
01:24:02,604 --> 01:24:03,969
905 What have you done?
01:23:21,763 --> 01:23:22,855
Objection! 918
01:24:04,105 --> 01:24:05,016
906 Miss!
01:23:22,964 --> 01:23:24,261 - I'm sorry, I'm useless.
907 01:24:05,040 --> 01:24:05,939
01:23:25,433 --> 01:23:26,628 Miss!
Bring him in. - I'm sorry, I'm useless.

908 920
01:23:26,768 --> 01:23:28,463 01:24:06,041 --> 01:24:08,738
I must confer with my client. Aren't you tired of being useless?

909 921
01:23:28,603 --> 01:23:30,731 01:24:08,877 --> 01:24:10,367
You will obey the court. Antigone, we'll speak later.

910 922
01:23:46,755 --> 01:23:48,348 01:24:12,280 --> 01:24:15,477
Where was he arrested? No, not later. It's my life!

911 923
01:23:48,990 --> 01:23:51,482 01:24:16,451 --> 01:24:19,648
Polynices Hipponome was found at <i>3</i> It's our life, Polynices. Our family.
924 937
01:24:20,688 --> 01:24:23,521 01:25:08,336 --> 01:25:09,201
What do you have on your shoulders? Pardon?

925 938
01:24:24,025 --> 01:24:25,459 01:25:10,238 --> 01:25:12,502
Is it a head? You can go wipe your ass with it!

926 939
01:24:25,560 --> 01:24:30,521 01:25:13,441 --> 01:25:16,638
Or just a fucking wood stump The court will recess for 10 minutes.
with holes so you can get stoned?
927 01:25:16,778 --> 01:25:19,372
01:24:30,698 --> 01:24:33,030 10 minutes to bark orders, your honor!
Miss, for your sake,
lei the proceedings... 941
01:25:19,514 --> 01:25:21,778
928 Convicted, Colonel, sir!
01:24:33,168 --> 01:24:36,536
I vomit on your proceedings! 942
01:25:21,883 --> 01:25:25,410
929 Your disguise as a citizen
01:24:36,671 --> 01:24:38,105 hides your heart!
I'm talking to my brother.
930 01:25:26,287 --> 01:25:27,755
01:24:38,206 --> 01:24:39,196 Where is your heart?
Your honor...
931 01:25:28,289 --> 01:25:29,552
01:24:41,843 --> 01:24:45,643 I don't see it.
Your honor!
You and your ceremonies are ridiculous! 945
01:25:30,291 --> 01:25:33,261
932 All I see are fancy uniforms
01:24:45,747 --> 01:24:47,511
Now you listen to me. 946
01:25:33,394 --> 01:25:36,830
933 and keys and titles...
01:24:47,649 --> 01:24:49,174
This is your last chance. 947
01:25:36,931 --> 01:25:38,524
934 Let go of me!
01:24:51,152 --> 01:24:53,814
Do you care about getting citizenship? 948
01:25:38,633 --> 01:25:40,226
935 Polynices!
01:25:00,695 --> 01:25:01,821
Citizenship? 949
01:25:40,368 --> 01:25:43,201
936 Polynices, what were you thinking?
01:25:04,365 --> 01:25:07,824
Citizenship... A piece oi paper? 950
01:25:43,304 --> 01:25:45,068
Did you think of me? 01:27:17,899 --> 01:27:19,094
Yes, madame.
01:25:45,473 --> 01:25:46,998 965
Did you think of me? 01:27:20,401 --> 01:27:21,732
Come, have a seat.
01:25:47,142 --> 01:25:48,803 966
Or your brother? 01:27:31,879 --> 01:27:33,404
My name's Teresa.
01:25:48,943 --> 01:25:51,071 967
Your brother who's dead? 01:27:33,548 --> 01:27:34,845
I'm a psychiatrist.
01:25:51,212 --> 01:25:54,409 968
Polynices, look at me! 01:27:36,751 --> 01:27:38,276
I know, madame.
01:25:54,582 --> 01:25:55,777 969
Look at me! 01:27:40,989 --> 01:27:42,479
Don't feel like talking?
01:25:55,917 --> 01:25:58,045 970
Look at me! 01:27:45,693 --> 01:27:48,162
I don't want your pills, madame.
01:25:58,153 --> 01:25:59,621 971
Let go of me! 01:27:49,264 --> 01:27:51,596
Please, can you stop calling me madame?
01:25:59,754 --> 01:26:01,244 972
Let go! 01:27:52,834 --> 01:27:53,960
01:26:01,389 --> 01:26:04,324 973
Polynices! What's in your head? 01:27:54,068 --> 01:27:55,160
01:26:36,090 --> 01:26:37,353 974
Baba? 01:28:04,078 --> 01:28:05,011
01:26:41,129 --> 01:26:42,062 975
Mama? 01:28:07,115 --> 01:28:10,050
I'm here to do a psychiatric evaluation.
01:26:45,667 --> 01:26:46,759 976
Where are you? 01:28:10,184 --> 01:28:11,549
I rarely prescribe drugs.
01:27:16,030 --> 01:27:17,794 977
Are you Antigone? 01:28:12,220 --> 01:28:13,187
978 How old is your brother?
01:28:15,723 --> 01:28:16,849
what happened? 992
01:29:14,115 --> 01:29:15,276
979 18.
01:28:17,592 --> 01:28:20,892
Nothing you haven't already read 993
about my family. 01:29:16,351 --> 01:29:17,944
You feel responsible for him?
01:28:22,096 --> 01:28:23,222 994
I've read nothing. 01:29:18,453 --> 01:29:20,148
I'm responsible for my family.
01:28:25,066 --> 01:28:27,000 995
I prefer meeting face to face. 01:29:21,789 --> 01:29:23,780
You're responsible for your future.
01:28:32,607 --> 01:28:33,699 996
So, 01:29:25,993 --> 01:29:27,085
<i>I have no future.</i>
01:28:36,077 --> 01:28:37,841 997
do you know why you're here? 01:29:29,664 --> 01:29:31,655
My family has lost everything.
01:28:41,816 --> 01:28:42,806 998
Here? 01:29:34,035 --> 01:29:36,402
You've taken a lot on your shoulders.
01:28:44,786 --> 01:28:45,947 999
Before you? 01:29:39,374 --> 01:29:40,899
Relax a bit.
01:28:46,087 --> 01:28:47,111 1000
Yes. 01:29:42,710 --> 01:29:43,802
<i>I can't.</i>
01:28:51,225 --> 01:28:53,250 1001
I have to make an impossible choice. 01:29:45,480 --> 01:29:46,606
Why not?
01:28:55,229 --> 01:28:56,526 1002
Which choice? 01:29:50,852 --> 01:29:52,445
Because of the dead.
01:29:01,769 --> 01:29:03,863 1003
Citizenship or my brother. 01:29:56,023 --> 01:29:57,718
Where are the dead?
01:29:07,275 --> 01:29:09,710 1004
Civic life or family. 01:30:06,300 --> 01:30:07,392
They're here.
01:29:11,913 --> 01:29:13,711 1005
01:30:10,371 --> 01:30:11,395
Like us? 1019
01:33:12,420 --> 01:33:14,684
1006 I could become your legal guardian.
01:30:16,978 --> 01:30:19,310
Stripped of their sheath, but here. 1020
01:33:17,024 --> 01:33:18,651
1007 You could live here.
01:30:21,816 --> 01:30:22,908
With us. 1021
01:33:19,327 --> 01:33:21,091
1008 This would be your home.
01:30:40,501 --> 01:30:42,162
You fear their judgment? 1022
01:33:21,896 --> 01:33:24,058
1009 I'll pay for your studies,
01:30:49,010 --> 01:30:51,172
More than that of the living. 1023
01:33:24,599 --> 01:33:26,089
1010 even after age 18.
01:31:08,262 --> 01:31:11,892
The combat between the law of your heart 1024
and of man is insoluble. 01:33:26,233 --> 01:33:27,496
As long as you need.
01:31:13,601 --> 01:31:15,899 1025
I'm sorry, there's no other outcome. 01:33:28,836 --> 01:33:30,304
But I have a guardian.
01:31:17,572 --> 01:31:20,234 1026
You shall be walled up, alive. 01:33:35,676 --> 01:33:36,700
<i>I have Meni.</i>
01:32:00,248 --> 01:32:01,511 1027
These are sedatives. 01:33:37,445 --> 01:33:40,608
She wants to go to her village,
1014 with Polynices.
01:32:03,117 --> 01:32:04,642
Next one in four hours. 1028
01:33:41,849 --> 01:33:43,510
1015 It's her choice.
01:32:52,466 --> 01:32:53,729
Antigone. 1029
01:33:44,452 --> 01:33:45,578
1016 Méni...
01:32:54,635 --> 01:32:56,933
I have to take you back in two hours. 1030
01:33:47,555 --> 01:33:48,716
1017 Is it true?
01:33:04,879 --> 01:33:07,007
I have a proposition for you. 1031
01:33:54,629 --> 01:33:56,256
1018 You want to go back?
01:33:08,349 --> 01:33:10,374
I've asked lsmene and Menoeceus. 1032
01:33:56,397 --> 01:33:57,728 1046
<i>I'm going home.</i> 01:35:04,765 --> 01:35:05,926
I can't take ii.
01:34:00,434 --> 01:34:03,096 1047
I have great affection for you, Antigone. 01:35:09,003 --> 01:35:10,300
You can't take what?
01:34:04,205 --> 01:34:05,616 1048
Allow us to help you. 01:35:11,605 --> 01:35:13,130
I want a normal life.
01:34:05,640 --> 01:34:05,799 1049
Allow us to help you. 01:35:16,844 --> 01:35:18,710
But we're not normal.
01:34:08,943 --> 01:34:11,310 1050
Can the three of us speak alone? 01:35:21,015 --> 01:35:23,279
We can't erase our family's past.
01:34:12,580 --> 01:34:13,570 1051
Of course. 01:35:24,618 --> 01:35:25,915
I can.
01:34:29,563 --> 01:34:31,759 1052
Méni, if you go back, 01:35:28,622 --> 01:35:29,919
You want to forget us?
01:34:33,234 --> 01:34:35,430 1053
all of this will have been pointless. 01:35:31,492 --> 01:35:33,927
I don't want my family
1040 to decide my life.
01:34:36,137 --> 01:34:37,627
<i>I'm leaving with Polynices.</i> 1054
01:35:34,795 --> 01:35:36,763
1041 You'd forget us to gain what?
01:34:40,341 --> 01:34:43,140
But if you leave, what will I do? 1055
01:35:39,166 --> 01:35:41,601
1042 The little life they are peddling?
01:34:45,780 --> 01:34:48,408
Méni, what will I do without you? 1056
01:35:43,370 --> 01:35:47,967
1043 You'd reach for the happiness
01:34:49,617 --> 01:34:51,244 they toss to you, like to a dog?
You're my home.
1044 01:35:56,150 --> 01:36:00,018
01:34:58,325 --> 01:34:59,486 Know what I want?
What do you say? A bank loan for my hair salon.

1045 1058
01:35:02,763 --> 01:35:04,253 01:36:00,154 --> 01:36:02,179
If it's what she wants. A small hair salon, four chairs.
1059 01:37:32,613 --> 01:37:33,876
01:36:02,823 --> 01:36:05,736 The bathroom?
I want to get married to a decent guy,
with no record. 1073
01:37:34,181 --> 01:37:36,377
1060 Downstairs, on the left.
01:36:05,760 --> 01:36:07,228
I want to get married to a decent guy, 1074
with no record. 01:37:39,787 --> 01:37:41,084
Wait, hold on.
01:36:08,429 --> 01:36:10,921 1075
I want a house, all my own, 01:37:51,932 --> 01:37:53,058
It's right here.
01:36:11,532 --> 01:36:13,227 1076
with kids in it. 01:37:59,006 --> 01:38:00,997
Haemon, take me outside.
01:36:14,268 --> 01:36:15,702 1077
That's what I want. 01:38:44,919 --> 01:38:45,784
01:36:16,504 --> 01:36:18,336 1078
A normal life. 01:38:47,388 --> 01:38:49,049
I want to make love with you.
01:36:20,174 --> 01:36:21,539 1079
Like everyone. 01:38:50,157 --> 01:38:51,181
01:36:22,543 --> 01:36:23,806 1080
Is it too much to ask? 01:38:55,896 --> 01:38:58,024
It's with you
1067 that I want to make love.
01:36:24,512 --> 01:36:25,843
Is it too much? 1081
01:48:28,401 --> 01:48:32,099
01:36:26,714 --> 01:36:29,513
Too much to just want to be normal?

01:36:58,946 --> 01:37:00,471
Help yourselves, please.

01:37:13,460 --> 01:37:14,291

01:37:16,897 --> 01:37:17,887
Thank you.


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