College Application Interview Rubric Guidelines Final

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University


La Purisima St., Zamboanga City

College Application Interview

Performance Task 3

The primary objective of Unit 1 is to help you learn and practice reading and writing real-
world texts. You demonstrated how you can read and write texts related to professions
or tertiary courses. In this performance task, we shall test how you can communicate
effectively in a Zoom or phone interview.

Guidelines for College Interview:

1. Your Performance Task (PT) for the final quarter will either be a zoom or phone
2. Imagine you are an incoming freshman who wishes to be admitted in one of the
most prestigious universities in the country. Due to the COVID Pandemic, most of
the universities shifted from face-to-face classes to blended learning, thus,
application for university shifted to online as well. As a freshman student, you
wanted to be admitted in your university of choice and wanted to ace your
interview. So, you prepared tour resume, and college application letter, and are
scheduled for an interview next month.
3. The interview will be conducted during the S and/or A mode next week,
September 27 to October 1, 2021.
4. The interview will take only 5 minutes.
5. Your written works, Resume (document and video) and Application Letter should
be submitted first because those will serve as basis for your interview. No written
works mean no schedule for interview.
6. Before the interview, your instructor will have the discretion as to how he/she will
set the individual schedule for your interview which should be strictly followed. In
case that you missed or unable to attend to your scheduled interview, you are to
inform your instructor as soon as possible in order to re-schedule your interview.
7. Your interview will be rated according to the following:
a. Greeting;
b. Communication;
c. Politeness;
d. General attitude;
e. Responses to questions;
f. Integrity;
g. And overall demonstration of interview skill
8. If you chose to do a zoom interview, expectedly, you are to wear a formal attire.
If none, at least a collared shirt.
9. For phone interviews, the phone number of your instructor will be given ahead of
time for recognition purposes and for orderliness of the interview.
10. After answering the call, confirm all the details including the date, time, and who
you are talking to. Be sure you are ready because calls will be done during you A-
mode and S-mode sessions.
11. Listen carefully to the interviewer and don’t start speaking until the interviewer
finishes the question. If you have something you want to say, jot it down on your
notepad and mention it when it is your turn to talk.
12. Prepare for a zoom/phone interview just as you would for a regular in-person
interview. Compile a list of your strengths and weaknesses. In addition, have a list
of questions ready to ask the interviewer.
13. Talking on the phone or via zoom isn’t easy as it seems. As with an in-person
interview, practice can be helpful. Not only will this help you rehearse answers to
common interview questions, this will also help you realize if you have a lot of
verbal tics, mispronunciations, or speak too quickly or too slowly.
14. Before ending the call, do not forget to say thank you to your interviewer.
15. Your interview will be graded based on the rubric below.

Rubric for College Application Interview

Excellent Good Satisfactory
Criteria Improvement Score
(5) (4) (3)
The applicant The applicant The applicant The applicant
exhibits exhibits exhibits typical exhibits
professional acceptable behavior and unacceptable
Greeting behavior and uses behavior and uses did not modify behavior and
(x2) appropriate appropriate the language language.
language and language and fitting for an
greeting. greeting interview.
The applicant The applicant The applicant The applicant
speaks clearly speaks clearly speaks unclearly speaks
and distinctly with minimal and there were a unclearly and
with no lapse in mistakes in few lapses in the message is
Communication sentence sentence sentence very difficult to
(x2) structure, structure and structure and understand.
grammar usage; grammar. grammar.
speaks concisely
with correct
The applicant The applicant The applicant The applicant
never interrupted interrupted or interrupted or interrupted the
or hurried the hurried the hurried the interviewer
interviewer and interviewer 1-2 interviewer 3-5 several times,
thanked them times during the times during the and forgot to
after the course of the course of the thank him/her.
interview. interview and interview and
thanked the thanked the
person after the person after the
interview. interview.
The applicant The applicant The applicant The applicant
gives well- gives well- gives well- answers with
constructed, constructed constructed ‘yes’ or ‘no’
Responses confident responses, does responses, but and fails to
to Questions responses that are not sound sounds elaborate or
(x2) genuine. rehearsed, and rehearsed or explain.
somehow unsure.
hesitant or
The applicant’s The applicant’s The applicant’s The applicant’s
responses are responses are responses are responses are
consistent, gives generally somewhat inconsistent or
concrete and consistent, gives inconsistent or contradictory,
specific concrete and contradictory, gives no
examples. specific gives specific specific
examples often. examples examples.
The applicant is The applicant The applicant The applicant
highly proficient, demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
appropriately average limited poor interview
Overall utilized interview proficiency, proficiency skills with little
Demonstration skills in appropriately appropriately confidence
of Interview enthusiastic, utilized interview utilized displayed.
Skills motivating, and skills in interview skills
(x2) engaging enthusiastic, in enthusiastic,
manner. motivating, and motivating, and
engaging engaging
manner. manner.

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