The Contemporary World OBE Syllabus

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For the subject The Contemporary World

A.Y. 2020 – 2021

VISION: SLTCF Pilar Inc. envisions to produce God-loving, competent and productive graduates responding to the demands of a changing society by providing
relevant education.

MISSION: An institution committed to produce empowered, productive, morally, upright and globally competitive professionals in the field of education through
quality instruction relevant course offering and employable graduates.

DEGREE/PROGRAM GOALS: The BEED degree program aims to develop highly motivated and competent teachers specializing in the content and pedagogy for
elementary education.

PROGRAM OUTCOMES FOR BEED: The graduates have the ability to:

 articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice (PQF level 6 descriptor);
 effectively communicate in English and Filipino, both orally and in writing;
 work effectively and collaboratively with a substantial degree of independence in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PQF level 6
 preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on R.A. 7722).

Course Name/Code: BEED

Course Description: This course introduces students to the contemporary world by examining the multifaceted phenomenon of globalization. Using the
various disciplines of the social sciences, it examines the economic, social, political, technological, and other transformations that have
created an increasing awareness of the interconnectedness of peoples and places around the globe. To this end, the course provides
an overview of the various debates in global governance, development, and sustainability. Beyond exposing the student to the world
outside the Philippines, it seeks to inculcate a sense of global citizenship and global ethical responsibility.

Course Credits: 3 Units

Contact Hours: 3 Hours/week
Pre-requisite: None
Course Objectives: At the end of the course the students should be able to:
A. Competencies
1. Distinguish different interpretations of and approaches to globalization
2. Describe the emergence of global economic, political, social, and cultural systems
3. Analyze the various contemporary drivers of globalization
4. Understand the issues confronting the nation-state
5. Assess the effects of globalization on different social units and their responses

B. Skills
1. Analyze contemporary news events in the context of globalization
2. Analyze global issues in relation to Filipinos and the Philippines

C. Values
1. Articulate personal positions on various global issues
2. Identify the ethical implications of global citizenship

Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbook/References Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Tools (ATs)
Outcome Subject Matter (TLAS)
1. Differentiate the A. Introduction to Course syllabus Classroom sharing (Introductions) Class graded discussion/
competing the Study of recitation
conceptions of Globalization
Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World. Lecture Individual submission of
The task of (1st ed.) Philippines personal concept map of
2. Identify the defining globalization: Based on the
underlying globalization Chapter 2 of textbook: “Approaches to the Study Group discussion: Students will concepts they list, they will
philosophies of the of Globalization” by Manfred B. Steger engage in a free association synthesize a personal
varying definitions of exercise of ideas they associate with definition of the concept.
globalization. c-university-of-the-philippines/purposive- “globalization.”
3. Agree on a communication/lecture-notes/steger-2014-
working definition of
globalization for the
4. Define
globalization in a
broad and inclusive
or narrow and
B. Metaphors of Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World. Lecture/discussion Class graded discussion/
Globalization and (1st ed.) Philippines recitation
Globalization Group Report: Students will form
1. Analyze Theories Globalization: A Basic Text, 2nd Edition by groups of 3-5. Each group will be Graded Group Presentation
globalization through George Ritzer, Paul Dean asked to pick an Asian musical act
conceptual Solid, Liquid and that became Quizzes
metaphors such as Flow a-basic/9781118687130/c01.xhtml Internationally famous. In their group
solids, liquids, and report, they must answer the
Homogeneity and Videos about globalization theories following questions:
Heterogeneity 1. Where did the
2. Differentiate prep/mcat/society-and- musical act/artist
homogeneity from culture/demographics/v/globalization-theories originate?
heterogeneity. Dynamics of Local 2. In which countries did the artist
3. Examine weather and Global Culture become
societies in the world famous?
becoming more 3. How did the artist
become famous?
4. Why do you think
(homogeneity) or the artist became
more different famous?
4. Explain the
dynamic between
local and global C. Origins and Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World. Lecture Class graded discussion/
History of (1st ed.) Philippines recitation
cultural production
Globalization What Do Writers Think about
Globalization?: Look for and read Individual submission of short
 Hardwired three newspaper opinion editorials paper: 50-word summary for
 Cycles (op-eds) discussing globalization. each newspaper opinion
1. Analyze the five  Epoch You may use international or local editorial (op-eds).
different  Events op-eds. Identify whether they
perspectives  Broader, subscribe to a particular definition
More discussed in class or they have a
regarding the origins
of globalization Recent new definition. Also, identify whether
Changes they are broad and inclusive or
narrow and exclusive.

D. The Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World. Lecture Class graded discussion/
Globalization of (1st ed.) Philippines recitation
Religion Film Viewing
Chapter 10 of textbook: “Religion and Reaction paper about the film
Globalization” by Victor Roudometof Discussion of Film “The Rise of Isis” by Martin Smith (2014)
1. Explain how Film: PBS Frontline: “The Rise of ISIS”
globalization affects
religious practices
and beliefs.
2. Analyze the Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World.
relationship between E. Globalization (1st ed.) Philippines Lecture/discussion Class graded discussion/
religion and global and recitation
conflict and, Regionalization Hurell, A. (2007). One World? Many World? The
conversely, global place of regions in the study of international Quizzes
peace. society. International Affairs. 83, (1), 127-146

Sweeney, S. (2005). Europe, the state and

globalization. London: Pearson Education
1. Differentiate Limited.
regionalization and
2. Identify the factors
leading to a greater
integration of the Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World.
Asian region F. Global (1st ed.) Philippines Lecture/discussion Class graded discussion/
3. Analyze how Demography recitation
different Asian states Lesthaeghe, Ron. 2010. “The Unfolding
confront the Story of the Second Demographic Short research paper
challenges of Transition.” Population and Development to discuss the topic:
Review 36(2): 211–251. Has the Philippines
globalization and
undergone the
regionalization Shigeyuki, A., La Croix, S.J., & Mason, A. (2002). demographic transition? Why
Population and globalization. Southeast Asian or why not?
Studies.40, (3).
1. Explain the theory
of demographic
transition as it Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World.
G. Global Migration (1st ed.) Philippines Lecture/discussion Class graded discussion/
affects global
population Global Migration OFW Interview: Each student will be asked to interview a former or a Presentation to the class of the
depth/migration/index.html current OFW (face-to-face or online). result of the interview and
In class they will share what they personal insights about
Haddad, E. (2003, July 3). The refugee: The learned from these interviews and respondent’s experience.
individual between sovereigns. Global Society. their personal insights about their
17. respondent’s experience. Quizzes

Ritzer, G. (2015). Globalization: The essentials.

MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
1. Analyze the
political, Rohingya refugee dokumentaryo ni Atom Araullo
economic, cultural,
and social factors
underlying the global
movements of Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World.
people H. Economic (1st ed.) Philippines Lecture/discussion Class graded discussion/
2.Display first-hand Globalization and recitation
knowledge of the Global Trade Ritzer, G. (2015). Globalization: The essentials. Group Report: Students will form
experiences of MA: Wiley-Blackwell. seven groups. Each group will be Graded Group Presentation
OFWs. assigned to any one of the following
United Nations. (2015). The millennium products (coffee, sports car, laptop,
development goals report 2015. Retrieved from hamburger, wristwatch, shoes, etc.) being sold in the Philippines. The
port/pdf/MDG%202015%2orev%20(July group shall choose a specific foreign
%201).pdf brand of the product assigned to
them. And carefully following the
steps to accomplish this activity.

1. Define economic Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World.

Globalization I. Economic (1st ed.) Philippines Lecture/Discussion Class graded discussion/
2. Explain how Globalization and recitation
Sustainable Breene, K. (2016). Food security and why it Film Viewing
protectionism and
Development matters. World Economic Forum. Retreived from Long Quiz
trade liberalization
affect the less security-and-why-it-matters/ Reflection paper about the film
developed countries Environmental ‘the Price of Sugar” by Bill
Degradation Film: The Price of Sugar by Bill Haney. Accessed Haney
on 12, 2020 at
Food Security

Ritzer, G. (2015). Globalization: The essentials.

MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Yearley, S. (2007). Globalization and the

1. Define the term environment. In Ritzer, G. (ed). The Blackwell
“sustainable companion to globalization. Malden, MA:
2. Differentiate
from sustainability Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World.
3. Define global food J. Economic (1st ed.) Philippines Lecture/Discussion Class graded discussion/
security Globalization, recitation
4. Explain how food Poverty and Breene, K. (2016). Food security and why it Group Discussion: Examine the gap
Inequality matters. World Economic Forum. Retreived from between rural and urban areas Short paper on “what do you
security is
associated with across the globe. How is that gap think is the impact of
environment Global Income security-and-why-it-matters/ affected by globalization? urbanization and the rise of
Inequality global city on the agricultural
Economist. (2012, June 26). World GDP sector?”
The Third World
and the Global Milanovic, B. (2011). The haves and the have
South nots: A brief history of idiosyncratic history of
global inequality. New York, NY:Basic Books.
The Global City
Sassen, S (1991). The global city: New York,
London, and Tokyo. Princeton: Princeton
university Press.

World Bank. (n.d.). The World Bank Atlas method

– detailed methodology. Retrieved from
1.Define the two
main types of _IP_NVA_Roadmap_Report.pdf
economic inequality:
Wealth inequality Yunus, M. (2012). How we can bring about
and Income change. Retrieved from
inequality yunus/globalbusinesssummit_b_2070352.html
2.Define the term
“Global South”
3.Differentiate the
Global South from Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World.
the Third World K. Theories of (1st ed.) Philippines Lecture/Discussion Class graded discussion/
Global recitation
4.Identify the
Stratification Cadroso, F.H. & Faletto E. (1979). Dependency
attributes and development in Latin America. Berkeley, CA: Debate: The students will debate Rubrics for debates.
of a global city  Modernizati University of California Press. the motion “That global free trade
5.Analyze how cities on Theory has done more harm than good.” Quizzes
serve as engines of  Walt Ferraro, V. (2008). Dependency theory: An
globalization Rostow’s Introduction. In Secondi, G. (ed). The
Four development economics reader. London:
Stages of Routledge
 Dependenc
y Theory
and Latin
 The
System Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World.
(1st ed.) Philippines Lecture/Discussion Class graded discussion/
1.Define L. Market Bello, Walden F. 2006. “The Multiple Weighing the Market: Different
modernization Integration Crises of Global Capitalism.” In scenarios that have to do with the Short paper on “what are the
theory Deglobalization: Ideas for a New World economy will be given. And in pair, effects of the information
2.Analyze the four International Economy. Quezon City: Ateneo de discuss the major impacts of these revolution in today’s global
stages of Financial Manila University Press, pp. 1-31. scenarios whether they are positive market?” and “what are the
modernization Institutions or negative (for you, for the country, effects of multinational
Boughton, J. (2007). Bretton Woods System. In or for the Filipinos) corporations in the Philippine
3.Define the
History of Global Scholte, J. A. & Robertson, R. (eds.). economy?”
dependency theory Market Integration Encyclopedia of Globalization. New York: MTM Film Viewing
and the Latin Publishing. Create a timeline of the global
American Global Group discussion about the global market history.
experience Corporations Chapter 17 of textbook: “The Rise of the nature of multinational corporations.
4.Define the modern Global Corporation” by Deane Neubauer Reflection paper about the
world system award-winning documentary
Goldstein, J. L., Rivers, D. & Tomz, M. (20017). film: “The Corporation”
Institutions in international relations: Directed by Mark Achbar and
Understanding the effects of the GATT and the Jennifer Abbott.
WTO on world trade International Organization.
61, (1), 37-67

Pomeranz, K. (2000). The great divergence:

China, Europe, and the making of the modern
world economy. Princeton: Princeton University
1. Explain the role of Press.
financial Ritzer, G. (2015). Globalization: The essentials.
MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
institutions in the
creation of a global “The Corporation” directed by Mark Achbar and
economy Jennifer Abbott
2. Narrate a short
history of global v=Y888wVY5hzw
market integration in
the twentieth century Trachtman, J. P> (2007). World Trade
Organization. In Scholte, J. A. & Robertson, R.
3. Identify the
(eds). Encyclopedia of globalization. New York:
attributes MTM Publishing.
of global
Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World.
(1st ed.) Philippines Lecture/Discussion Class graded discussion/
M. Global Cerny, P. G. (2007). Nation-state. In Scholte, J. A.
Governance in the & Robertson, R. (eds). Encyclopedia of Quizzes
Twenty-First globalization. New York: MTm Publishing.
Levy, D. & Sznaider, N. (2006). Sovereignty
transformed: A sociology of human rights. British
Journal of Sociology. 57, (4).

Nordtrom, C. (2004). Shadows of war: Violence,

power, and international profiteering in the twenty-
first century. Berkeley, CA: University of California

Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World.

(1st ed.) Philippines Lecture Class graded discussion/
Beland, D. (2008). States of global insecurity: recitation
N. The Global Politics and society. New York: Worth. Discussion about interaction
Interstate System between the nation-state and Rubrics for debates.
Chapter 7 of textbook: “Governments international organizations. Which
Effects of and Citizens in a Globally Interconnected has the greatest impact on Quizzes
Globalization to World of States” by Hans Schattle government?
Conley, T. (2002). Globalization as constraint and Debate: The state remains to be
The Relevance of opportunity: Reconceptualising policy capacity in relevant amid processes and
the State amid Australia. Global Society. 16,4. structures of globalization.
Gilpin, R. (2001). Global political economy.
1.Identify the
Institutions that Princeton University Press.
challenges of global Govern
governance in the International Mann, M. (2007). Has globalization ended the rise
twenty-first century Relations and the rise of the nation-state? Review of
2.Explain the International Political Economy 4, (3).
relevance Globalization and
of the state amid Globalism Mazower, Mark. 2006. “An International
Civilization? Empire, Internationalism and
the Crisis of the Mid-Twentieth Century.”
International Affairs 82(3): 553–566.

Nye, J. (2002). Globalism versus globalization.

The Globalist. Retreived from

Aldama, P.K. (2018). The Contemporary World.

1.Explain the effects (1st ed.) Philippines Lecture/discussion Class graded discussion/
of recitation
globalization on O. Global Baraldi, C. (ed). (2012). What is global
Citizenship citizenship? Participation, facilitation, and Students will engage in a free Long quiz
2. Identify the meditation: Children and young people in their association exercise of ideas they
institutions that social contexts. Abingdon, United Kingdom: associate with “global citizenship.” Personal concept map of
govern international Routledge Based on this, they will synthesize a global citizenship.
personal definition of the concept.
Cohen, T. (2006). Globalization and its enemies. Afterwards, they will list the
3. Explain the MA: MIT Press. obligations of a global citizen.
of the state amid McAleese, D. (2007). Trade Protectionism. In
globalization Scholte, Ja.a & Robertson, R. (eds.).
4.Differentiate Encyclopedia of Globalization. New York: MTM
globalization from Publishing

1.Articulate a
definition of global
2. Appreciate the
obligations of global

Course Requirements: Descriptions and Details

1. Quizzes Regular and on-going assessment to periodically check the conceptual understanding of lessons taken.
2. Examination A comprehensive examination given to students to obtain information of their proficiency on the course. This will
satisfy also the requirement for passing this course.
3. Reports/Recitation/ Debate Assessment of personal opinions about the contextualized views of lesson taken.
Grading System:

Quizzes (Score) 20%

Examination (Score) 40%
Group/Individual Reports 20%
Recitation/Debate 20%

Prepared and submitted by: Noted: Approved:



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