Dragon #193 - Live Statues and Stone Men

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Golems of the Underdark
by John Power
Artwork by Terry Dykstra

T" Urulerdark ¡s a vast ønd mysteríous

place, Even after hundreds ofyears and
adventurers, the whole extent of thß
twísted, dark world ís unknown. Every time
an adventarer crawls out of the ground, a
new mystery ß revealed,
One such mystery ís the appearance of
new golems. These huge automatons, c/e-
ated through the bìndíng of magícal forces
to an ínanímate figure, were ølwøys sas-
pected to exíst in new forms in the Under-
dark, but no trustworthy evidence wds evet
I am now glød to say that ís øll behínd us,
In the þllowíng pages, I wíll describe three
øulomatons lhat I have seen wì|h my own
eyes, Although I am sure they were created
through møgíc or the allowance of some
god (notably Lolth in the case of the Spíder-
stone golem), I have yet fo perceíve the
process myself or, indeed, acquíre a specí-
men, However, the fact that they exÍst ß
enough to show that we can no longer
exclude our Underdark cousins from our
magìcøl scrutíny,
Emerald Hapworth, Waterdeep
True Tøles of Underearth a/f,1

onacoru 19
Following are the descriptions of three dition (i.e., hit points), and they nearly human prisoners of the illithids, They
golems created by the races of the Under- always aim for the next weakest character apparently saw a brain golem being cre-
dark those races being the illithid, the after a wizard. ated. Although the magic used was
drow, and the dwarves. There are no A brain golem's physical attack is a swift unknown by the humans, the brain
notes detailing the processes that allows punch with its fist. It is unable to employ golem's body seemed to be a combination
the manufacture of these monsters, both fists in a round because of its singu- of different racial brains. As for the head,
because the information is closely lar thought pattern, but the one fist is this was taken from a part of the elder
guarded by those who have it-so closely often good enough, brain of the mind flayers. The skin was a
guarded, in fact, that most members of In addition, once every turry a brain membrane oozed from the same elder
the race in question don't even know golem can release a form of the mind brain.
these golems exist. Perhaps somewhere in flayer's mental bløsf, This energy strikes Mind flayers use brain golems like they
those dark caverns lie manuals of golems everyone within 60 yards. All those hit use all slaves. Brain golems are heavy
that fully detail the methods of creating must make saving throws vs. spells or suf- guards, used against monsters resistant to
these underdark golems. fer 2d8 hp damage and become stunned mind attacks or the physical attacks of the
for 1d1.0 rounds. Those who save only lose illithids, In additioû they are used to per-
Golem, Braln initiative for the next round and suffer 1d8 form tasks that are beneath mind flayers,
hp damage. The golem usually uses this such as guarding food stocks and slaves,
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subterranean attack if it is brought down to 15 hp or etc. Because of their undying loyalty and
FREQUENCY: Very rare less, or ordered to do so by a mind flayer. obedience, the mind flayers prefer brain
ORGANIZATION: Solitary Brain golems are immune to poisons, golems over other races or constructs, A
ACTIVITY CYCLE:Any gases, death magic, and mind-influencing cynical phrase used by the githzerai,
DIET: Nii spells such as charms or illusions (treat "treated like a brain golem," means to be
INTELLIGENCE: Low (5-Z) them as if they had Intelligence and Wis- treated well by a slavemaster.
TREASURE: NiI dom scores of 24 lor purposes of spell Every city or community of mind flayers
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil immunity only). They also possess a magic has only 2-5 such golems. The reason for
NO. APPEARING:1 resistance of 70%, However, the consider- this limit is probably because the illithids
ARMOR CLASS: 3 able magic immunity of most golems is dorút want to take too much from the
MOVEMENT: 6 not present in this golem, for unknown elder brain,
HIT DICE: 60 hp (12 HD) reasons; the lack may have something to Ecology: Except in the services of their
THAC0:9 do with the process that masters, brain golems have no place in
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 fist creates it. the ecology of the underearth.
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2d12 Habttat/ However, parts of them are
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Mental bløst Soclety: In his useful in the manufacture
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to mind- book, Sage of mind-affecting magical
influencing spells, +! weapon needed Hapworth items (according to Sage
to hit it relates a tale Emerald, at least).
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 70% told to him by
SIZE:8' tall, 5' wide two rescued"
MORALE: Special
XP VALUE: 10,000

A creation of the ancient race of mind

flayers, brain golems are the most horri
ble of all golems, They exist purely for the
desires of illithids and are unswayed from
their goals, once set.
A brain golem appears as huge, burly
humanoid with an oversized brain for a
head. In fact, the whole body is made
up of brain tissue but is covered with a
thin film of slimy skin.
Although brain golems are more itrtel-
ligent than other golems, they are com-
pletely unable to communicate.
Combat: Brain golems are used as
muscle or guards for illithids and attack
an opponent only if so ordered or if the
opponent tries to get at what the brain
golem is guarding, Regardless of the sit-
uation, brain golems never attack mind
flayers, which limits their effectiveness
in battles between members of that
In combat, brain golems are more
aware of their environment than other
golems. They always aim for wizards
first, knowing that a quick strike could
easily kill that physically weak class.
They seem to have an innate ability to
roughly determine an opponent's con-

20 MAY 1993
Golem, Hammer The nightmare of orcs and other dwar- Combat: This golem attacks only if
ven enemies, this rare golem is con- ordered by its master, if it encounter orcs,
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subterranean (dwar- structed by dwarves themselves (though or if it is kept from its assigned task. The
ven kingdoms) there have been instances in history of latter condition allows it to attack if some-
FREQUENCY: Very rare powerful High Ones creating clay golems). one tries to get ât what the golem is
ACTIVITY CYCLE:Any The process is as rare and secretively kept guarding when it is carrying out this task.
ORGANIZATION: Solitary as the manufacture of the most powerful It can remember as many commands as
DIET: Nil dwarven magical weapons. The hammer the creator wishes, but at most the com-
INTELLIGENCE: None (0) golem is definitely created by dwarven mands must total up to only twice the cre-
TREASURE: NiI priests (or High Ones in the Forgotten ator's Wisdom in words.
ALIGNMENT: Neuhal Realms-see FRll Dwnrues Deep), When without a master, a hammer
NO, APPEARING:1 A hammer golem stands about 9' tall golem attacks anything in front of it until
ARMOR CLASS: O and weighs about 2,000 lbs. It resembles a the opponents leave it or its charge alone
MOVEMENT: 6, Br 6 gigantic stone dwarf þeard included) cov- or are dead. If the opponents are goblin-
HIT DICE: 60 hp (1a HD) ered in adamantite plate mail. Its fore- oids, only their death or the golem's
THAC0: 7 arms have been replaced by two destruction will break off its attack.
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 weapons-a hammer on the right arm This golem attacks with its pick, for 2d12
DAMAGE/ATIACK: 2d10I 2d't2 and a pickaxe or axe on its left. hp damage, and hammer, for 2d10 hp
SPECIAL ATTACK: Pounding force damage. In additiory it can employ a
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 weapon needed pounding force every turn. This is similar
to hit it, immune to spells lo a repulsion spell, except that, in addi-
MAGIC RESISTANCE: See text hollow roar as it attacks. tion to the usual effects, it inflicts 4d6 hp
SIZE: L (9' tall) damage if the save fails, or
MORALE: Fearless (19-20) 2d6 hp otherwise.
XP VALUE: 13,000 A hammer golem is
immune to every spell
except for ølsh (which
affects the golem as the
caster wants) and stone to
flesh (which acts as a heal
spell on the golem). In addi-
tion, a weapon of +1 or
more magical power is
needed to hit this
Hammer golems are
made by dwarven
priests (or High Ones in
REALMSTM setting) for use
as guards, warriors, or
massive miners (they
can tunnel through rock
at MV 6). A hammer
golem for war possesses
an axe on the left arm,
and one for mining has
pickaxes on both.
Ecology: Hammer
golems contribute noth-
ing to deepearth ecol-
ogy, except for the
destruction of gobli-
noids and the mining of

Golem, Spiderstone Spiderstone golems, also known as follow one different command per round,
obsidian golems, are the constructed ser- as long as the comma¡d does not go over
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subterranean (drow vants of drow spellcasters. Each is inhab- four words for a wizard or six for a priest.
kingdoms) ited by the spirit of an unknown tanar'ri This command may be changed from
FREQUENCY: Very rare servant of Lolth, ensuring that its use is round to round,
ORGANIZATION: Solitary not directed against Lolth or her servants. When a spiderstone golem goes wild, it
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any Because a spiderstone golem has a spirit becomes more cunning and intelligent,
DIET: Nil that is not completely bound to its mater- increasing its Intelligence to the Semi- (2-
INTELLIGENCE: None (0); see text ial form, it is considered to be a lesser 4) category, It always seeks to kiil its mas-
TREASURE: NiI golem. ter first, then follows the commands of
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil Physically, this golem resembles a large Lolth. In this mode, the golem is capable
NO. APPEARING: 1(10% chance of 2) statue of a four-armed drow carved out of of designing simple traps, maximizing its
ARMOR CLASST 3 gloss-black obsidian. When inactive, no abilities fuiþ.
MOVEMENT: 9 signs of animation are apparent; when it In combat, spiderstone golems attack
HIT DICE: 55 hp (11 HD) activates, the golem's eyes glow a fiery with four fists or a web spit, This spit has a
THACO:11 red. It weighs about 1,000 lbs, range of 90 yards and requires a hit roll. If
NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 Combat: When under mortal control, a it hits, all within 20'are affected with a
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d12l 1d12 | LdI2 I tdt2 spiderstone golem has as much intelli- rueb spell; the being hit gets no saving
SPECTAL ATTACKS: Web spit gence as other golems (though the pres- throw. Otherwise, the "spit" splatters
SPÐCLAL DEFENSES: Immune to all spells ence of the tana¡'ri "overseer" gives it an harmlessly and dissipates in 1d4 rounds,
except drow priest magic and invoca- evil alignment), However, it is able to Spiderstone golems are able to use
tions, +1 weapon needed to hit it, spider climb at will. They are
spider climb immune to all spells, except
MAGIC RÐSISTANCE: 50% those of drow priests and invoca-
SIZE: L (7'tall) tion/evocation spelis (though
MOMLE: Special they still roll for magic resis-
XP VALUE: 11,000 tance and gain a saving throw, if
allowable). To hit a spiderstone
golem requires a magical
weapon of +1 or better.
Habitat/Societyr There is a
small chance every week of a spi-
derstone golem going wild. If
under a priest and in the service
of the city of Lolth, the cha¡ce is
onþ 1%, Otherwise, it varies from 5% to
100%, depending on what it's being used
-e.g., 5% if it's under a wiza¡d in the
service of Lolth, 50% if it's being used for
guarding something of personal value to
the master and of no use to Lolth, or 100%
if it is being used directþ against Lolth.
Because these golems tend to be loyal to
Lolth first and their masters second, they
are rarely created by priests a¡d even
less likeiy to be created by wizards.
However, when they are manufactured,
they are often used for such tasks as
guarding a temple or hunting down
enemies of the priesthood, In the
case of wizards, of course, they are
useful, but the wizard is taking his
Ecology: Except in the service of
drow elves, spiderstone golems are
simila¡ to other golems in that they nei-
ther give or take anything from the ecol-
ory of the underdark.
However (again, according to Emer-
ald), the powdered remains of this
golem are useful in the creation of
magical scrolls and items related
to spiders, webs, a¡d the abilities
of spiders (e,g.; a scroll of spider
climb, cloak of arachnida,
arrow of sløging arachnids
etc.). The .y.*
entþ rubies and"r. may
up to 10,000 gp each on
the market.
22 MAY 1993

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