Anima Gate of Memories Perfect World Guide PDF

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Perfect World Guide

Memory Marionette 3 Ghestal Puppet 33

Marionette 4 Nascal Prototype 34

Fire Marionette 5 Guardian Totem 37

Memory Guardian 7 Solomon Combat Drones 39

Defence Seal 9 Drone 39

Noth 10 Major Drone 39

Ophanim 13 Procasian 41

Noth Principalities 15 Minor Procasian 42

Noth Potestas 16 Major Procasian 42

Nexus Guardian 19 Red Lady 43

Hydra Queen 21 Messengers 45

Golden Knight 22 Malekith Prince of Crows 45

Striborg 25 Druaga, The Fallen 48

Basic Elemental 27 Jonathan Kappel 50

Living Nightmare 28 Nascal 52

Lugubrious 30 The Nameless 54

Living Puppets 32 Baal, The Gate of Hell 56

Nascal Puppet 32 Ergo Mundus, The Ultimate Monster 59

Memory Marionettes Marionette Modus Operandi
Memory Marionettes are excellent soldiers who obey
Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds, Creation 15 their orders brilliantly. While they are not extremely
Memory Marionettes are such fascinating creatures. They
Life Points: 140 smart, they behave as effective warriors who can act as a
are a unique type of golem, artificial entities that are animated
Class: Warrior group when necessary to accomplish their mission.
not with supernatural power, but with memories. This unusual
“essence” allows them to move and act as if they were partially Str: 7 Dex: 10 Agi: 8 Con: 7 Pow: 4 Int: 5 Wp: 5 Per: 7 Weapons: The Marionettes can use any possible
alive, but the reality is very different. They are creatures that PhR 45 MR 40 PsR 40 VR 45 DR 45 combination of weapons. However, a marionette only
feed on the same forces as Wake specters, so they are also
knows one possible type of combination.
known as Wake Golems. Initiative: 80 Natural, 60 Long Sword, 50 Short Bow
What is especially unusual in their creation is that their Attack Ability: 110 Long Sword o Short Bow
Psychological and Pain Immunity: A Marionette
memories are not those of a particular living being. They Defence Ability: 110 Long Sword o Short Bow
does not have any kind of feeling and is immune to any
are given general memories, a piece of history that gives Damage: 55 Long Sword (CUT), 40 Electric Arrow (ELE)
AT: 3 Natural psychological state such as anger or fear. Similarly, it
them “existence”. These memories are nothing more than
ignores all penalties, natural or mystical, which may be
energy sources and therefore they can not be “individuals”;
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Ambidextrous, caused by pain.
the memory is used as a source of mystical energy, but the
marionettes are not really aware of what the memories Psychological Immunity, Immune to Pain.
Powers: Electric Arrow, Metal Body, Built Bodies Electric Arrow: The bows that the Marionettes
mean nor are able of interpreting what they represent.
(Regeneration Zero). carry do not need ammunition and are capable of creating
However, the fact is that the origin of the memory has
electrical arrows that attack with Electricity. These weapons
a large impact on their skills. Therefore, they know how
Size: 13 Medium Regeneration: 0 are actually an extension of the marionettes themselves, so
to fight if the memories that have been used to create
Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: Tireless they only work in the golems´ hands.
them were linked to warriors or soldiers, and they can be
wonderful servants if they have been given a part of the Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 40, Climb 60, Jump 50, Metal Body: Marionettes are creatures of metal
memories of a butler. Feats of Strength 70, Notice 40, Search 30, Track 30, Sleight exceptionally resistant to damage and only the most
Memory Marionettes have many different forms of hand 20. powerful impacts cause them harm. Therefore, they have
and functions, depending on who built them and for
a natural Damage Barrier of 80 points.
what purpose. Their origin is largely uncertain, but it is Of all the Wake Golems the best known model was
believed that the original design comes from the Devah manufactured by the immortal Deymos for the Consortium Mnemonic Variation: Marionettes can have large
civilization, which soon abandoned them due to their of Shadows during the Second War in the Shadow, since variations between them depending on the memories that
high manufacturing cost. Later, their design was reused he created for them nearly a thousand units that he never are used during manufacture. That means they can use
by the Yehudah Empire, who tried to “cheapen” their delivered. many different weapons, and sometimes even use special
construction requirements with a little more success, but These golems are similar to stylized knights with sharp Style Modules.
not enough to build them in series. helms, and whose functionality is primarily combat. They can
Over the years numerous talented magicians took up be armed with a multitude of different weapons, but they Built Bodies: Being artificial constructions, the
the studies of Yehudah and made their own versions of commonly use long swords or bows that shot supernatural Marionettes are not able to recover from damage by
these Golems with greater or lesser success, among them energy. themselves. Instead, they must be repaired by someone
especially stand out those made by Deymos, He Who After the fall of the consortium Deymos used the who has the expertise and appropriate means.
Does Not Die. remaining units as unusual gifts for his clients until he was
Usually, all Golems are prepared to follow certain forced to abandon the remaining units (a few hundreds)
guidelines that have been implanted in them or obey in one of the laboratories that the Inquisition took. These
someone who meets certain requirements (knowing units have not been destroyed, but remain in possession of
a keyword, be those who waken them or any other the Supreme Inquisitor for reasons as yet unknown.
imaginable condition).

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Fire Marionettes Modus Operandi
Fire Marionettes simply fulfill their orders as perfect
Level: 2 Category: Between Worlds, Creation 10 suicide soldiers, sprinting toward their target to make it
Life Points: 425 Damage Resistance blow up.
Class: Acrobatic Warrior
Explosion: At will, Fire Marionettes may burst
Str: 10 Dex: 5 Agi: 10 Con: 4 Pow: 4 Int: 4 causing a terrible explosion in a radius of 10 meters
Wp: 4 Per: 5 around them. To defend from the explosion, it is necessary
PhR 55 MR 110 PsR 60 VR 55 DR 55 to make a defense against a Final Attack of difficulty of
Almost Impossible (i.e. a Final Attack of skill 240) if your
Initiative: 75 Natural / 45 Explosion
distance is between 5 and 10 meters from the Marionette,
Attack Ability: 80 Kicks, 220 Explosion
Defence Ability: Damage Resistance
or against Impossible (Final Attack of skill 280) if it is less.
Damage: 25 Kicks (IMP), 150 Explosion At close range, i.e. at a distance of 1 meter, the attack is
(HEAT) of Inhuman difficulty (Final Attack of skill 320). To use
AT: 7 Physical 3 Ene this ability the Marionette must use its turn to detonate
and act when it is appropriate to it (the explosion takes
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Immune to Pain. place even if the Marionette was forced into defense).
Powers: Built Bodies, Explosion, Improved Speed, The explosion also occurs if the Marionette is hit with an
Armor 4. attack that destroys or touch the Fire Gem (it is possible
to attack targeting the Marionette without touching the
Size: 14 Medium Regeneration: 0 rock by applying a penalty of -40 to the offensive skill).
Movement Value: 11 Fatigue: Tireless The Marionette is always destroyed when it explodes.

Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 130, Notice 60, Improved Speed: The movement speed of the
Search 45. Marionette is extremely high, and when it runs it can
reach a Movement Value of 11.
These Marionettes are the first creations of
Deymos for the Consortium of Shadows. They
Psychological and Pain Immunity: A Marionette
are golems that have immense artificial Fire Gems
does not have any kind of feeling and is immune to any
connected to their bodies and whose function is
psychological state such as anger or fear. Similarly, it
to destroy themselves to cause enormous damage
ignores all penalties, natural or mystical, which may be
around them. Originally the Consortium used them
caused by pain.
as mobile explosives to exterminate large crowds
or destroy important architectural places, and they
Built Bodies: Being artificial constructions, the
activated several of them during their first attacks.
Marionettes are not able to recover from damage by
Physically they are identical to conventional
themselves. Instead, they must be repaired by someone
Memory Marionettes, but they carry enormous
who has the expertise and appropriate means.
burning rocks embedded in their backs that give
them a reddish hue.
Since they self-destruct when activated, at
present there are very few of them; just about
fifty scattered throughout the world as Deymos
preferred not having them stored along with more
valuable possessions.

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Memory Guardian Modus Operandi
The Guardians behave in a similar way to
Level: 5 Category: Between Worlds, Creation 15 other Memory Marionettes, although they are
Life Points: 225 more intelligent and efficient in their duties. They are also
Class: Warrior able to command other Golems, in which case they are
even able to draw complex plans on their own.
Str: 11 Dex: 10 Agi: 9 Con: 11 Pow: 5 Int: 5 Wp: 5 Per: 7
PhR 70 MR 50 PsR 50 VR 70 DR 70 Psychological and Pain Immunity: A Marionette
does not have any kind of feeling and is immune to any
Initiative: 90 Natural, 70 Long Sword
psychological state such as anger or fear. Similarly, it
Attack Ability: 140 Long Sword, Energy Beam 140
ignores all penalties, natural or mystical, which may be
Defence Ability: 140 Long Sword, Energy Beam 140
Damage: 70 Long Sword (CUT), Energy Beam 60 (ELE)
caused by pain.
AT: 3 Natural
Metal Body: Marionettes are creatures of metal
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Ambidextrous, exceptionally resistant to damage and only the most
Psychological Immunity, Immunity to Pain, Regeneration zero. powerful impacts cause them harm. Therefore, they have
Powers: Energy Beam, Metal Body, Built Bodies (Regeneration a natural Damage Barrier of 120 points.
Energy Beam: Accumulating power during a turn,
Size: 22 Medium Regeneration: 0 the Golem can trigger a beam of supernatural energy with
Movement Value: 9 Fatigue: Tireless a maximum distance of 25 meters. There is no limit to the
number of times the Golem can make use of this ability.
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 50, Athleticism 30, Climb
40, Jump 110, Feats of Strength 140, Notice 100, Search 80, Built Bodies: Being artificial constructions, the
Track 30, Sleight of hand 30, Leadership 40. Marionettes are not able to recover from damage by
themselves. Instead, they must be repaired by someone
Memory Guardians are the most powerful Wake
who has the expertise and appropriate means.
Golems of all Deymos creations, a group of artificial
creatures whose purpose was to be the lieutenants of the
armies of the Consortium of Shadows.
These creatures are similar to conventional Memory
Marionettes, but they are almost twice as large and instead
of a head, they have a flame that burns continuously.
Their fighting power is also considerably higher than the
other Marionettes, and they are even capable of firing
supernatural energy beams.
There may be more than twenty Golems of this model.

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Defence Seals a runic language in the object), but these rules
always must be very simple; an indication of
Level: 2 Category: Between Worlds 15 who can pass without being attacked and who can
Noth. A meaningless name for something that should
Life Points: 555 Damage Resistance not. While Defense Seals are not too smart, they know
not exist. These entities can not even be called monsters
Class: Ranger extremely well the difference between the conditions
or nightmares; things like good and evil are irrelevant for
to be aggressive or not; they can recognize details like
Str: 4 Dex: 8 Agi: 5 Con: 4 Pow: 8 Int: 3 Wp: 5 Per: 10 entelechies that simply disbelieve everything in their path.
ethnicity, armors, passwords and even symbols.
PhR 30 MR 45 PsR 35 VR 30 DR 30 In more than one sense, they could be considered the
end of everything that exists.
Modus Operandi
Initiative: 55 Natural The Noth are foreign entities that are impossible to
Defense Seals behavior is really simple; they attack
Attack Ability: 100 Energy Beam understand or explain. The only thing that can be theorized
by constantly throwing energy beams at anyone who
Defence Ability: Damage Resistance about them is that they are devoid of concepts or something
Damage: 40 Energy Beam (ENE)
approaches its area of influence and does not meet the
like a “nature”, so they can not be linked to anything. And
AT: 3 Natural standards that each Seal received to not attack them.
that is precisely what they are; absolutely nothing. They
Except that, they don’t have personality or complex
can’t even be considered void elementals, as even beings like
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption. behavior, nor devise plans or strategies for combat.
the Nosos Etrien are linked conceptually to the structure of
Powers: Watchers, Energy Beam, Damage Energy. However, they are innately very well coordinated with
existence. The Noth, however, do not respond to any rule or
each other, and are often able to prioritize the targets
principle, as if they were strangers to absolutely everything.
Size: 9 Medium Regeneration: 1 that are approaching or conveniently split their attacks
The Noth are an almost unstoppable divine force.
Movement Value: 0 Fatigue: Tireless between different targets if they are in a group.
They manifest through vortices in different unrelated
places and swarm aimlessly for a short period of time
Secondary Abilities: Notice 110, Search 110, Magic Watchers: Defense Seals always remain in the
Appraisal 70. (never more than half an hour). They perceive the
same position, floating in the air where they were fixed,
presence of things around them and approach those with
and they are completely unable to move from there.
It is hard to consider the Defense Seals as real a higher existential potential. Then they enter in contact
creatures, because they are almost spells which, over the with whatever has drawn their attention and consume it.
Energy Beam: Defense Seals attack using
ages, have become independent beings with their only There is no difference to them if it is an inanimate object
supernatural energy beams from long distance. To do
objective to fulfill the function for which they were born; or a living being; when someone tries to escape, the Noth
this, they need to accumulate power for a turn, and
protect the places that they are linked with. just shred him until he dies or is unable to move. If they
then unleash a mystical beam on its target. The attack
Defense Seals are essentially a conjunction of mystical are attacked, the Noth respond showing clear signs of
has a maximum distance of 250 meters and attacks
runes and crackling energy that passively float in the air. As possessing disproportionate combat capabilities; even the
with Energy.
if they were snails or mollusks hermits, these creatures seek weakest of them are creatures of aberrant power.
“shells” to enter inside of, medium-sized hollow objects that Their appearance is difficult to explain. Physically
could become their bodies. Without a shell, Seals are not able there are many types and sizes, but their forms are always
Field of Seals
to act, nor generate energy to attack or defend themselves. consistent with each other. All of them are completely
There is a place in The Wake which is known
These creatures are reproduced in The Wake by mitosis, white and their entire bodies seem to be made of a
among occultists circles as The Field of Seals,
in areas where magic is so strong that allows them to feed single substance, like a uniform mass that has different
a supernatural area completely full of these
on it and multiply. When they have enough magic, the Seals form. They also don’t have internal organs; the Noth are
creatures where they continuously reproduce
simply divide themselves into two creating a new one. completely compact. Interestingly, the surface of their skin
and where there might be several thousand of
Usually Seals remain in The Wake until they are is incapable of being stained in any way, so they retain their
them. It is believed that this place is one of many
summoned into the real world. At that time, if the person characteristic whitish color at all times. The Noth also
artificial gardens that were “planted” by the Deva
who has brought them has an appropriate shell, they enter usually have some kind of spiritual cord on some part of
for these creatures to multiply and now, millennia
in it and remain in that place for the rest of their life. Usually, their body (usually in the area equivalent to their necks),
after the fall of their empire, the area has grown
at the time of linking with its shell, the Seals implicitly accept which disappears after a few meters in some kind of
to acquire incomprehensible dimensions.
the rules that are written inside (which must be written in existential vortex that moves with them.

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Probably the appearance in which people perceive The Danger of the Noth • A really surprising detail is that Jürgand agents Absolute Immunity to Effects: Noth
the Noth’s are not even their true form (if they actually The danger posed by the Noth is difficult to measure. have equipment specialized in exterminating the Noth. automatically ignore any Resistance check, regardless of its
have one); it’s just the way that the mind of those who Maybe their appearances are merely isolated events that do While it is not surprising that Imperium would develop nature or origin. For all purposes, they count as if they
contemplate them interprets what they are. Thus, two not pose a serious problem, or maybe their mere presence such weapons, the strange thing is that they had it already had passed it.
people who see the same Noth can agree in its general is indicative that the world is coming to an end. The truth developed. Or they have responded extremely quickly to
appearance, such as saying that it is a milky colored is that no nation or power, not even organizations as well the possible danger that the Noth posed or simply they Gnostic Vision: The Noth don’t perceive their
humanoid, but both would see it in a slightly different form. informed as Wissenschaft, know absolutely anything about already had it ready for centuries. surroundings in a natural way, but feel and identify the
Noth are invisible to the human eye and can only be them. Only Imperium is aware of their appearances and existential power and Gnosis of things. Therefore, their
perceived by individuals able to see supernatural things or it is one of the few things that they take seriously. So far Unique Rules interests are only in items or creatures that possess a
have a higher Gnosis (the higher it is above their Natura, the organization has already approved two operations Noth apply a multitude of unique and special rules naturally high Gnosis or presence.
the clearer they can see the Noth). against them and, although their agents have managed to that all of them have without exception.
A Noth never communicates nor seem able to exterminate the Noth, they have not been able to obtain Existential Cord: If somehow the spiritual cord that
understand anything that surrounds it. In fact, only some the information that they sought. Alien Entities: The Noth are not based or follow binds the Noth to the vortex is cut the creature usually
of them (those who are considered superior ones), seem At present it is estimated to have been about thirteen any of the rules of existence. Therefore they have certain disappears in a few minutes. However, in the event that it
to have glimmers of intelligence. However, they never act appearances in the past year, but these are consistently unique characteristics that all of them have. First, the Noth is cut when the entity was absorbing existential energy, the
in an organized manner; it is as if they are not even aware increasing. If this continues, in one or two decades Noth can harm any creature, regardless of any special immunity Noth suffers some unusual changes. It suddenly it becomes
that there are others of them nearby. will become a real threat to all creation, one that Imperium which it may possess. This affects both innate powers, darker, its powers increase considerably and it becomes
The Noth don’t generate existential energy nor can will have to stop at any cost. spells or even Gnostic capabilities, regardless of value or exceptionally violent, destroying everything that is around
their skills be detected by magical, Ki or psychic abilities. degree. it. In this case, the Noth loses its special immunities, but it
They can still be affected by such powers, although it is Hierarchy gets a bonus to any action ranging between +40 and +80
completely impossible to alter their will or mind. For all As far as is known of their entelechies the Noth are Noth Perception: The Noth can’t be perceived by (the bonus depends on the existential power that it was
purposes, it is as if they simply did not exist. not organized nor have a chain of command. However, to normal individuals or by supernatural beings; they exist absorbing when the cord was cut).
date Imperium has classified different types in what they on a different level, and only those who have a unique
The Arrival of the Noth have called the Noth Hierarchy. Those known to date perception can see or feel them. Only natural beings Destruction: A Noth does not support the damage
It is impossible to determine exactly when the Noth are: Angels, Principalities, Virtues, Powers, Dominations, whose Gnosis is at least 10 points above its Natura or beyond its natural stamina. If in any case his Life Points
first appeared in the world. There are supernatural Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. creatures with a natural Gnosis of 30 or higher can reach zero, it is automatically destroyed and disappears
sources that situate beings that “perhaps could be” Noth Angels are the most numerous and less destructive Noth. perceive them. No other method, including perceptual without a trace.
at different times in history, but this information can not be They have a similar aspect to a quadrupedal beast, similar spells or special skills, can alter this fact; this also included
substantiated in any way. Therefore, although it should not in shape and size to a tiger. Their power is considerable, the See Supernatural advantage.
be ruled out that their appearances date back to ancient but many of them have been eliminated by the forces of The Noth in Arcane
times, it was not until a little less than a year ago that the Imperium. From there, each higher category has more Immunity: Similarly, it is extremely difficult to It is important to note that all the Noth
arrival of the Noth has begun to be clearly perceived. strange forms and its potential increases disproportionately. damage or even affect the Noth with anything, since only appearing in Arcane are nothing more than
The first perceived appearance of the Noth as such Apart from the eight types of Noth classified, there entities or devices with a higher existential power can images invoked by memories of Jonathan Kappel,
was the destruction at their hands of the supernatural are also a lower class that is called Ophanim, which are a “touch” them. Beings that can not see them can not hurt one of the few beings in Gaïa who has meet them.
entity known as the Heart of Fantasy, an event witnessed kind of residual mass that often appear in areas where the them in any way, and those whose gnosis is at least 10 Their arrival marked the dark child so much that
by the Messenger Jonathan Kappel, but not even the Dark Noth manifest. points above its Natura or have a natural Gnosis of 30 will they appear in his world, though they have no real
Child understood well what he saw. produce only half damage with their attacks. Only those connection with that place. However, the really
It is not known exactly whatever has called, created Curiosities who have a Gnosis 15 points higher than their Natura or strange thing is that even as a mere memory, the
or led to their manifestation in Gaïa, but what is certain • When a Noth suffers a lot of damage its body just have a natural Gnosis of 35 or higher can damage the Noth Noth manifestations began to appear in other
is that in recent months their appearances have started disappears without leaving any trace. normally. This also applies to weapons with an extremely parts of the Tower. Although their combat style is
to become more consistent. Imperium relates this fact to • It is not known exactly whether Noth consume or high power; no matter whether or not they can or not similar, the ones that appear in this section refer
Eljared actions during the Breach of Heavens, but only absorb the existential energy of things. If it is the second affect supernatural beings, only weapons with a higher to the true Noth, and not those who Ergo and the
members of the Inner Circle exactly know the truth behind case, it would mean that they transmit it through their existential power can damage the Noth, partially or fully. Bearer fight on their adventure.
their arrival. spiritual cord to an unknown location.

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Ophanim The Ophanim always manifest themselves
in fairly large groups; generally between three
Level: 5 Category: Between Worlds EX and ten, in areas where “real Noth” have
Life Points: 120 appeared. They never move away far from the portal they
Class: Shadow used to manifest in the world, and usually they tend to
disappear after a couple of hours. Rarely, and only if they
Str: 8 Dex: 8 Agi: 12 Con: 7 Pow: - Int: 5 Wp: - Per: 9 have consumed large amounts of energy, they can stay
PhR - MR - PsR - VR - DR - longer in the world.
Initiative: 120 Natural
Modus Operandi
Attack Ability: 170 Claws, 160 Void Echo, 190 Charge
The Ophanim detect their objectives at great distances
Defence Ability: 150 Dodge
Damage: 50 Claws (THR) Echo Vacuum 60 (ENE) 60
(sometimes more than one kilometer away), and once they
Charge (THR) have targeted them, their only focus would be to devour
AT: None them. Usually they rush at full speed towards their targets
using their Unnatural Charge to destroy them. If by chance
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Psychological the targets are able to defend themselves, the Ophanim
Immunity. prove to be extremely cautious and skillful. They will
Powers: Natural Weapon, Unnatural Movement (Mystic retreat if it is possible, using their Echo Vacuum to perform
Flight 10), Unnatural Charge, Echo Vacuum (Distance 50 ranged attacks without risks, or try fighting in combination
Meters, Damage 60, Without limits, Requires one turn to with more Ophanim to archive their objectives.
prepare), Unnatural Form (Regeneration 0).
Echo Vacuum: The Ophanim can generate beams
Size: 15 Medium Regeneration: 0 of unlimited existential energy. To do this, they need to
Movement Value: 12/10 Fatigue: Tireless prepare for at least one turn, before projecting an energy
beam on a target that is not more than 50 meters away.
Secondary Abilities: Notice 145, Search 125, Stealth 145.
Unnatural Charge: When the Noth detects an
The Ophanim are unusual because their manifestations
objective, they dash towards it as fast as they can regardless
follow slightly different rules to the Noth. In the first place
of the distance. In doing so, they charge towards their
they rarely have existential cords, are much weaker than
target with Flight Value of 14, applying special bonuses to
the others and only appear in areas where the greater
their attack ability and their damage. If an Ophanim wants
Noth manifested. In that sense it is as if they were residual
to use this ability, it must be more than 50 meters away
energy left behind when the true Noth arrive or small
from its target and move at least a full turn towards it.
varmints that slip through the crevices of the portals.
The Ophanim have a strange form, halfway between a
Unnatural Movement: The Ophanim travel
grotesque snake and a fish. They are more than a meter
through the air as if they had a Flight Value of 10 and when
and a half long, and have something like a maw in the area
they move ignore any natural obstacles such as walls that
that must be their head.
have a very low presence. Only ancient objects (or with
The truth is that they are quite active, and their
great presence), are solid for them.
attention is called by much smaller amounts of existential
energy than the other Noth. Therefore, they attack all
Unnatural Form: The Ophanim never recover
kinds of creatures with a minimum level of existential
from the damage suffered.
power, and are constantly consuming energy until they
disappear or are destroyed.

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Noth Principalities Noth Potestas
Modus Operandi
Level: 10 Category: Between Worlds EX As with all Noth, it is difficult to determine Level: 14 Category: Between Worlds, Special
Life Points: 245 a defined combat methodology for Principalities. Life Points: 275
Class: Acrobatic Warrior Simply they choose their targets and destroy them with Class: Acrobatic Warrior
frightening efficiency. While their behavior is often erratic,
Str: 12 Dex: 12 Agi: 13 Con: 12 Pow: - Int: 5 Wp: - Per: 7 in the rare case that their targets are able to fight them Str: 14 Dex: 14 Agi: 14 Con: 14 Pow: - Int: 8 Wp: - Per: 11
PhR - MR - PsR - VR - DR - back, a Principality can behave with unequal instinctive PhR 70 MR 50 PsR 50 VR 70 DR 70
talent for combat. If it faces several opponents the Noth
Initiative: 185 Natural Initiative: 210 Natural
always knows whom to attack first and which tactics are
Attack Ability: 260 Rend Reality Attack Ability: 310 Existence Reaver + 300 Existence
the best to emerge victorious. However, even if things go
Defence Ability: 260 Rend Reality Reaver
Damage: 100 (CUT) Rend Reality
against it, the Noth never flee; it will fight to destroy its Defense Ability: 310 Dodge
AT: None enemies or will be destroyed trying. Damage: 100 Reaper of Existence (CUT)
AT: None
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Psychological
Immunity. Rend Reality: All the attacks of this Noth produce Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Psychological
Powers: Rend Reality (Natural Weapon, Existential Damage, massive existential damage, as they affect the very essence of Immunity.
+20 Breakage, -5 AT, +40 Damage), Gnostic Vision, See what they impact. Consequently, their attacks have Breakage Powers: Existence Reaver, Existential Damage, Distortion of
the Supernatural, Vortex (Automatic transport 250 meters, 30 and reduce by 5 points the defenders Armor Type. Space, Existential Shield.
Without limits, Requires a turn to prepare), Unnatural
Recovery. Vortex: The Noth can move through vortices in Size: 20 Medium Regeneration: 3
reality at will, either their whole body or just part of it. Movement Value: 14 Fatigue: Tireless
Size: 22 Medium Regeneration: 0 This transport ignores any kind of barrier, including those
Movement Value: 13 Fatigue: Tireless based on energy, as long as they do not have a huge Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 240, Climb 180, Jump 150,
existential power or were created by beings whose Gnosis Feats of Strength 200, Notice 200, Search 150.
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 180, Climb 180, Jump 185,
is not 15 points higher than their Natura or have Gnosis
Feats of Strength 120, Notice 115, Search 105. Although for unknown reasons Imperium has in
35 or more. Vortex can also be used offensively, either to
appear next to the target and attack him, or even to move their files these other Noth of a higher Hierarchy, the
The Noth known as Principalities are extremely Potestas or Exousia is the most powerful one known to
only parts of the Noth to attack. This second option can
dangerous creatures, entities that appear in the world for date that has manifested itself in the world, and it can even
be frighteningly effective in combat since the Principality
no reason only to disappear a few hours later. be theorized that it is some kind of “Queen”. It is also
can directly reach the body of its enemies, ignoring the vast
They are the only Noth who have a truly humanoid unknown whether this is a single entity or several of the
majority of protections, either natural or supernatural.
form, though often those who perceive them see strange same category.
Therefore, any Supernatural Shield or Blocking Skill takes
variations in their appearance, as tails or even a huge The Potestas has a really strange form. It is a set of
a penalty of -40 to the defense ability against an attack of
mouth on their chest. bodies, limbs and wings fused together without any sense
this nature.
Usually Principalities are extremely calm. They move or apparent utility. It has three heads with vaguely feminine
Using Vortex, either as displacement or attack
slowly, but they can also move at incredible speed, deform appearance, and uses two scythes which actually are part
requires one turn.
their bodies in impossible ways and do other crazy things. of its body.
There is no way to know exactly how many of them Exousia has several more features, such as the fact
Unnatural Recovery: Principalities don’t recover
have appeared in the world, but it is possible that their that its mere manifestation slightly alters the environment;
conventionally from the damage that they may suffer, but if
number exceeds twenty. When they have materialized it it loses some color, turning everything around it gray
they destroy or absorb something with high supernatural
has always been in small numbers, either one or two of and lifeless. This Noth is also the only one capable of
presence, they recover immediately from 20 to 100 Life Points,
them at once. At least ten of them have been destroyed emitting sounds and words, but do not seem to use them
depending on how powerful the element consumed was.
by Imperium. to communicate. Exousia simply repeat expressions or

0 1 5 0 1 6
sounds that are emitted near it, using various female and
male voices at once.
Unlike other Noth, the Potestas seems to be intelligent,
because its actions seem to be much more coordinated
than those of the others. Unfortunately, it seems that it has
not the slightest interest in communicating, and its goals (if
indeed it has any), are completely unknown.
The Potestas has only appeared twice in history, of
which only one of them has been actually documented.
In theory, its first appearance was during the death of the
Heart of Fantasy, but only Jonathan Kappel witnessed this
event, and his word can not be given as certain.

Modus Operandi
Exousia or the Noth Potestas is simply a being of
overwhelming power. When it fights, it simply exterminates
its enemies with ease using superior combat capabilities. It
has no tactic nor needs it. Its speed, instincts and potential
destroys practically anything it may face.

Existence Reaver: Attacks of the Potestas’ weapons

reduce by 6 points the defenders Armor Type.

Existential Damage: Damage that the Potestas

produces with its weapons can not be healed, except for
those beings with Gnosis 35 or higher or with Gnosis 15
points or above their Natura, in which case the recovery is
at the rate of Sacrifice.

Distortion of Space: The Potestas can attack

from any distance by distorting reality so that its cuts have
literally no limit. However, to do so it must combine both
weapons, so it can only perform a single attack that turn.

Existential Shield: The Potestas can only lose a

maximum of 100 Life Points in a given turn. If it suffers
damage exceeding that amount, it disappears momentarily
from reality and reappears a few seconds later at a nearby
location, no more than twenty meters away.

0 1 7 0 1 8
Nexus Guardian They are really intelligent, but they -Immunity (Creative Facet): A Guardian
never communicate with other people in a is completely immune to any damage, spell or
Level: 10 Category: Between Worlds, Creation 30 direct way. In rare cases, especially if they feel supernatural power while it is in the vicinity of the
Life Points: 270 that intruders have reached the Nexus by mistake, they Nexus to which it is linked. That means it can not be
Class: Warrior may try to expel them without a fight simply by obvious damaged in any way and is virtually indestructible.
threats, but always without direct communication. However, this power is linked to the creative side of
Str: 9 Dex: 9 Agi: 6 Con: 9 Pow: 10 Int: 7 Wp: 8 Per: 8 Nexus Guardians are really powerful. The magic of the Guardian, so it temporarily loses its immunity
PhR 85 MR 90 PsR 85 VR 85 DR 85 their right hand can directly attack any enemy with fire or when performing some kind of attack. Therefore,
pure destructive energy, and as well as nullify any magic, after making any offensive action, the Guardian is
Initiative: 105 Natural, 60 Long Sword and Medium Shield
Ki or psychic power. The magic of its left hand can exert no longer invulnerable during the immediate turn
Attack Ability: 200 Long Sword and Medium Shield +10,
supernatural control over the actions of others, typically after the attack. Immunity has no effect against
190 Exterminator, 200 Explosion.
Defense Ability: 200 Long Sword +10, 220 Medium Shield
to force them to leave the Nexus if they are not strong creatures with Gnosis 35 or higher.
+10 enough to resist. It can also heal the Guardian, or increase
Damage: 75 Long Sword (CUT), 50 Medium Shield (IMP), its strength and speed. Guardians can also use various -Bless (Creative Facet): A Guardian can
Exterminator 80 (HEAT), 120 Explosion (HEAT). unusual powers, from duplicating itself, restoring its use its creative side to cast a Blessing spell of
AT: 5 Natural energy, or manipulating its surroundings. Intermediate Grade (150 Zeon points) that
There is not a Guardian in every Dragon Line or Nexus, only affects him.
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Psychological only in those which were never tamed in any way. Once a
Immunity. Nexus of Power is controlled, even if it was in the past, there -Double (Creative Facet): A Guardian can
Powers: Immunity, Bless, Double, Exterminator (Distance is no Guardian linked to the place anymore. They disappeared create a copy of itself fighting with its own skill,
Attack, 80 Damage, Trail of Destruction), Explosion (Area from the world after The War of God, until a Nephilim but without its Nexus powers. It takes a turn to
25 meters, 120 Damage), Destructive Damage, Summon called Aelfwen summoned the first of them materialize, during which it can not be damaged in
Immunity. again. After that act, the Guardians any way. The copy has only half the life points that
reappeared in the world in the Guardian had at the time when he creates it.
Size: 17 Medium Regeneration: 2 several unlinked Nexus. After using this ability, the Guardian must wait at
Movement Value: 6 Fatigue: Tireless
least one day before it can re-activate it.
Modus Operandi
Secondary Abilities: Climb 110, Jump 110, Feats of Strength
110, Notice 120, Search 110, Magic Appraisal 110, Forging 110.
As its name suggests, the Nexus Guardians exist only -Exterminator (Destructive Facet): The
to protect these points of power. They always remain in the Guardian can project gashes of fiery energy
The Nexus Guardian is a location-based entity, which vicinity of a Nexus, and only undertake offensive actions that attack all targets in the same trajectory,
exists to defend the Nexus of Power they are linked with. against those who enter into the area they protect. regardless of distance.
Somehow, they are like a supernatural security system that
Psychological and Pain Immunity: A Nexus -Explosion (Destructive Facet): After
reality itself uses to protect those unique places. Their
Guardian does not have any kind of feeling and is immune to focusing for a full turn, during which the
function is pretty simple; they force out or destroy anyone
any psychological state such as anger or fear. Similarly, it ignores Guardian can only defend, it triggers a huge blast
who tries to enter in a Nexus of Power.
all penalties, natural or mystical, which may be caused by pain. of fire that burns everything that is in an area
Guardians have many forms, but its most common
one is an armored angel, wielding Creation in one hand of ​​25 meters around it. After using this skill the
Summon Immunity: A Nexus Guardian can not
and Destruction in the other. They usually fight with a Guardian is temporarily weakened, so during the
be affected by summoning skills.
flaming sword which casts both Fire and Destruction spells, next two turns it loses the effects of Immunity
and a glowing shield covering the arm which controls his Nexus Powers: The Nexus Guardians often have and takes a penalty of -40 to every action.
Creation magic. different powers, although usually share four different
ones from those listed below; two of the creative side and -Destructive Damage (Destructive
two of the destructive side. These abilities only work if the Facet): The Guardian increases by 30 points the
Guardian is in the vicinity of its Nexus. damage of all his attacks, both basic and special.

0 1 9 0 2 0
Hydra Queen The Brood Queens usually live Golden Knight
underwater, either at sea or in lakes large
Level: 7 Category: Natural enough to hold them. They hibernate for decades Level: 6 Category: Spirit, Light Elemental 25
Life Points: 3.210 Damage Resistance and only wake up to feed. Interestingly, the Queens Life Points: 2.100 Damage Resistance
Class: Warrior usually devour their brood shortly after born, although Class: Weaponmaster
many escape and survive long enough to become adults.
Str: 15 Dex: 8 Agi: 5 Con: 13 Pow: 8 Int: 5 Wp: 6 Per: 8 They are also very territorial creatures. While its main Str: 9 Dex: 12 Agi: 8 Con: 8 Pow: 9 Int: 8 Wp: 8 Per: 9
PhR 85 MR 70 PsR 65 VR 85 DR 85 purpose is usually just eating, they do not tolerate any PhR 55 MR 110 PsR 60 VR 55 DR 55
other large predators entering into their hunting grounds.
Initiative: 65 Natural Initiative: 100 Natural 50 Bastard Sword
Attack Ability: 150 Bite / 150 Explosive Breath + 100 Attack Ability: 190 Bastard Sword, 200 Light Orb
Modus Operandi
Minor Heads (7 Attacks) / 100 Minor Explosive Breath (7 Defense Ability: Damage Resistance
The Brood Queens act very differently depending on Damage: 80 / 90 Bastard Sword, 60 Light Orb
Defense Ability: Damage Resistance whether they attack to feed or are fighting a real enemy. If AT: 6 Light Armor
Damage: 120 Bite (THR), 120 Breath (HEAT). they want to eat, they are generally hidden underwater or
AT: 6 Natural underground, using only one or two of their heads. If these Essential Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics.
are destroyed, simply the prey is not valuable enough for Powers: Living Armor, Light Armor (Physical Armor 6,
Essential Abilities: Superhuman Physical the effort and the Hydra lets them go. If instead they have Mystical Armor 6), Orbs of Light, See Supernatural, Spiritual
Characteristics, Fatigue Resistance. to face something they consider a rival, the Queen fights Form, Damage Energy.
Powers: Natural Weapon, Explosive Breath, Multiple with all its heads, using multiple attacks and abilities.
Heads, Water Movement, Aquatic Breathing. Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 2
Multiple Heads: Although they are only a mere Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: 8
Size: 25 Enormous Regeneration: 6 extension of the will of the Queen, secondary heads have
Movement Value: 6 Fatigue: 15 their own attributes and can act independently. Game Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 30, Ride 40, Climb
wise, they are considered different creatures linked to the 25, Composure 75, Feats of Strength 65, Withstand Pain
Secondary Abilities: Feats of Strength 180, Withstand Queen with their own abilities and life points. The damage 90, Notice 100, Search 30, Intimidate 50, Leadership 110,
Pain 100, Notice 150, Search 140, History 20, Intimidate 130. Persuasion 80.
suffered by minor heads is independent and is not counted
as damage to the Queen itself.
Hydras are huge and vicious polycephalous aquatic The Golden Knights, or Aluhe’nai are an unusual type
When a head is destroyed, usually it explodes leaving
monsters with a snake form. It is believed that they are of light elemental of intermediate class. They are luminous
only a bloody stump, causing the Queen a damage of
some kind of dragon degeneration similar to the wryms, spirits without physical form that live inside armors and
300 Life Points. However, ten rounds after the head is
although its supernatural evolution has made them very move with them as if they were natural living beings.
destroyed, a new one emerges instantly from the stump,
different creatures. Their real form is poorly defined, but is similar to an
with all its life points intact.
Among them, those called Brood Queens are not only amorphous glow full of wings. However, the truly unique
larger (often have dimensions greater than 150 meters in characteristic of these beings is that when they posses an armor
Explosive Breath: Brood Queens can launch a
length), but are also those that lays eggs from which the it begins to glow with a golden hue, from which comes the
powerful fire breath from any head (or several of them
minor hydras are born. common name of “Golden Knight” by which they are known.
at once). The breath of the main head has a range of 100
Queens, unlike common Hydras have a central As purely spiritual beings, Aluhe’nai usually reside in
meters and covers an impact area of up to 25 meters. By
head, much larger, surrounded by at least seven or eight the Wake, but prefer to remain in the material plane using
contrast, the smaller heads have a range of only 25 meters
minor heads snaking around it as if they were tentacles. an armor as a body.
and effects an area of ​​one meter radius. After using its
According to legend, only the central head is vulnerable, They can communicate through whispers, but rarely
breath each head is required to wait at least three rounds
since the rest regrow too fast after being severed. do because they are well aware that in today’s society they
before they can re-launch it.
are seen as evil beings. Actually, that doesn’t matter to
them; as long-lived beings, they know that the perception
Water Movement: The Brood Queen moves at full
of mortals about things change over time.
speed through the water and can survive submerged for hours.

0 2 1 0 2 2
The Golden Knights are usually associated with the In the event that the “physical body”
Beryl Azrael and other deities linked to justice. They are of the Golden Knight is destroyed while the
creatures with a high moral system, so strict that sometimes spirit hasn’t yet lost all its life points (e.g. if it
they can be too radical in destroying evil in all its forms. In is destroyed with conventional weapons), the Aluhe’nai
the past they worked closely to the Alius, but after the leaves the container and is free to seek another armor to
War of Darkness both elemental groups distanced from be linked to.
each other. Naturally, if the spirit has been weakened by any cause
At present there are very few of them, but unlike and loses all its life points before the container is destroyed,
other elementals, most of the remaining one have a close the Aluhe’nai perishes and its armor crumbles lifeless.
relationship with each other and try to protect the world
in their own way. Spiritual Form: When not inside an armor that
Interestingly, a large number of them came before gives them body, the Aluhe’nai can not interact with the
the Supreme Inquisitor Romeo Exxet when he was still a world around them, even with other spirits. Although they
teenager on the island of Kaasi, vowing absolute fidelity remain invisible and intangible, they always emit a glow
to him as the chosen of light and assuring him that they wherever they are, so it is easy to perceive them, even if it
will answer his call when it is required. Romeo’s has not is impossible to see their real form.
used them yet, but it is a wild card that he has saved for a
moment of great need. Orbs of Light: Using a part of its essence the
Golden Knights can create spheres of pure light as a way
Modus Operandi of attack against their enemies. Instead of attacking during
The Golden Knights are brooding creatures that do a turn, the Knight can manifest in the air a vortex of light
not usually engage in combat, but they are not afraid to energy that, regardless of what they do later in subsequent
do so provided they perceive, what for them is, a dark or rounds, fires power beams against the target designated by
evil act. At such times, they show an unlimited ferocity and the Knights before it disappears.
tenacity; nothing stops them from killing those who it may Game wise, during the three subsequent rounds after
consider a threat to “good and justice”. the generation of an Orb of Light, it fires a light beam at
a single target. To determine the moment when it is fired
on the action sequence of each round, it is considered
Living Armor: The Aluhe’nai fuse with any kind of that the Orb has the equivalent final Initiative of 100. The
armor to interact with the world. They can only do this Orb attacks with an unmodified skill independent from
with armors that are completely empty at the time of their the Knight, and every round fires a light beam which is
possession, as the spirit “fills” them in a supernatural way. equivalent to a Light Beam spell with Base Damage 60.
The process requires two full rounds until the merge takes Knights can generate only four orbs each day, because
place. While they are attached to an armor, any damage its essence is weakened when trying to create more.
that can affect energy harms equally to the Aluhe’nai as
much as its physical form, but those unable to damage Light Armor: Whatever type of armor they have,
the supernatural only cause damage to the container. the Golden Knight has an Armor Type of 6 against any
The endurance of each frame depends on its quality and kind of attack.
nature, but when they merge with the light spirit, they
often acquire similar attributes often equal to those of full

0 2 3 0 2 4
Striborg Striborg are powerful sorcerers by Ice Body: The body of a Striborg is made of the most
nature, but they cast their spells instinctively, robust and compact ice that there is. Consequently, they
Level: 5 Category: Between Worlds, Elemental 25 using unusual formulas that change every are extremely resistant to physical damage, even if they do
Life Points: 110 time they cast a spell. They are also known for their not wear any armor, and have a Damage Barrier of 100
Class: Wizard incredible resistance to supernatural effects. Magic almost against any attacks unable to damage supernatural beings.
don’t affect them, because the spells are reflected on them
Str: 6 Dex: 7 Agi: 6 Con: 6 Pow: 12 Int: 11 Wp: 8 Per: 8 and disappear harmlessly. Therefore magicians consider Frozen Heart: They have an immense supernatural
PhR 55 MR 110 PsR 60 VR 55 DR 55 Striborg extremely dangerous and always try to avoid resistance, which greatly increases their checks against
them. magical effects. Additionally, any supernatural attack that
Initiative: 65 Natural
These elementals worship crystals in all its forms. is not based on fire reduces the damage it causes by half.
They like to collect them and carve shapes with them; it
MA: 60
Zeon: 1.410
is something almost compulsive, a kind of racial obsession. Splinter Frost: If they have no more magic left to
Magic Projection: 150 Their territories are full of them and the more bizarre they fight, the Striborg can project shards of ice to attack their
Magic Level: 60 Water are, the more time they spend watching them. While they enemies using its Magical Projection. These splinters attack
don’t interact with mortal beings, if their goal is obtaining with Thrust and have Base Damage 30.
AT: 5 Physical, 5 Energy large or beautiful crystals, they may be willing to trading
with human or simply not attack those who they see in
Essential Abilities: Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics, possession of gorgeous jewels.
Physical Exemption, Gift. There are still a large number of Striborg left in the
Powers: Ice Body (Physical Armor 4, Mystical Armor 8, Nordic lands (especially in the Peak of the World) and
Damage Barrier 100), Frozen Heart (+40 MR), Splinter Frost. Beckent, though they rarely get involved in the affairs of
Size: 12 Medium Regeneration: 1
Movement Value: 6 Fatigue: 6 Modus Operandi
A Striborg is always an efficient enemy. While they are
Secondary Abilities: Notice 70, Search 15, History 65,
vulnerable to damage, their high intelligence assures that
Medicine 45, Memorize 45, Occult 55, Appraisal 75, Magic
they are always prepared for any contingency. If it is they
Appraisal 110, Persuasion 75, Art 60, Forging 85, Sleight of
hand 10.
who have to initiate the attack, they have great patience
and know very well how to use their magical abilities and
The Striborg are a mid level category of ice elemental, the environment to their advantage. Their favorite time to
vaguely humanoid creatures made of geometric shapes. It strike is at night or during ice storms when their opponents
is believed that they are linked to the frozen lakes, and are do not really know who is attacking them.
born from the union of large amounts of magic with the
frozen surface of the water, although no occultist has been Vanity of the Mirror: There is an old tradition
able to provide convincing evidence of this fact. in the north that ensures that vain women who look
The Striborg are exceptionally lonely and dislike the too much in the mirrors while traveling will probably be
company of any other creatures other than their peers. cursed and became lost in the snow. Actually, this myth
This applies especially to mortals, to whom Striborg feel has a frightening origin; often Striborg could see the glow
a considerable aversion. While they usually do not attack of mirrors at a great distance and attack the caravan to
men without reason, very little is needed for getting an take the glass.
aggressive reaction from them; sometimes, just meeting
them in the wrong place and time is enough.

0 2 5 0 2 6
Basic Elemental Elementals have high magical abilities and Living Nightmare
are very competent sorcerers, yet are unable
Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds, Elemental Dark/Light 20 to explain or understand their spells. It’s just Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Between
Life Points: 110 something innate for them, linked to the 20 and 30
Class: Wizard magic that created them. Life Points: 150
Currently their number is very limited, Class: Warlock
Str: 5 Dex: 8 Agi: 6 Con: 7 Pow: 12 Int: 10 Wp: 7 Per: 8 and it is believed that, with rare exceptions,
PhR 45 MR 60 PsR 45 VR 45 DR 45 none have appeared after the activation Str: 6 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 6 Pow: 11 Int: 11 Wp: 6 Per: 6
of Rah’s machine. Most live in The Wake, PhR 60 MR 75 PsR 60 VR 60 DR 60
AT: 3 Energy
although there are others who remain
Initiative: 90 Natural
protecting the temples or schools in which
MA: 60 Attack Ability: 150 Shadow Blades
Zeon: 710
they were born, as if they felt that their duty Defense Ability: 150 Shadow Blades
Magic Projection: 100 is to safeguard them from any evil. Damage: 50 Shadow Blades (COLD)
Magic Level: 40 Light/Darkness
Modus Operandi MA: 30
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Natural The basic elementals can fight for any Zeon: 495
Immunity, Gift. justifiable cause, since their characters are Magic Projection: 120 Offensive
Powers: Levitation (Mystic Flight 4), Natural Immunity, very different. However, since they are all Magic Level: 60 Darkness (Umbra)
Elemental Form. wizards of considerable talent, combating
against them is very dangerous especially AT: None
Size: 11 Medium Regeneration: 1 if they have previous field experience and
Movement Value: 4 Fatigue: Tireless know how to properly choose their spells. Natural Abilities: Magic Projection as an Attack.
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption.
Secondary Abilities: Notice 50, Search 50, Occult 60, Natural Immunity: The basic Powers: Shadow Blades (Natural Weapon), Damage Energy,
Magic Appraisal 100, Hide 60, Stealth 60. elementals are immune to any kind of Aura of Fear, Enviroment Control, Elemental Form.
conventional attack, except those based on
The basic or primary elementals, as they are also known Size: 15 Medium Regeneration: 1
supernatural forces of high power. Therefore
by some occultists, are creatures based in light and darkness of Movement Value: 10 Fatigue: Tireless
the light elementals completely ignore any
lesser power. They are large accumulations of light or darkness damage based on darkness and the dark
which, after being imbued with magical powers of high purity, Secondary Abilities: Notice 75, Search 75, Occult 125,
elementals completely ignore any damage Magic Appraisal 160.
become independent beings. Usually they are born in temples based on light unless the attacker has Gnosis
linked to the Shajads or the Beryls, but some also arise in magic 30 or higher.
schools or places where spells are triggered constantly. Living Nightmares are a particular type of entity
They have a humanoid appearance, but their bodies halfway between a dark elemental and a Wake Specter.
Elemental Form: They are immaterial These are creatures that are born very rarely when
are made of crackling bright or dark runes that surround creatures and therefore they ignore
them as if they were some kind of magic shroud. a dreamer’s subconscious comes into contact with a
conventional attacks which can’t damage particularly dark area of the Wake. If certain circumstances
They are often extremely intelligent, yet behave very energy.
simply, as if they were no more than innocent children arise, the sleeper’s emotions may affect the environment,
incapable of evolution or learning. Dark Elementals giving it consciousness and allowing the nightmare to
Levitation: Elementals are able to become “alive”, a representation of the bad dream itself.
are especially malicious and cruel, but not really “evil”, move through the air with a Flight Value of 4.
or at least no more than a nasty child would be. They There are many types of Living Nightmare, and both
communicate in various ways and can learn languages ​​easily, its powers and its capabilities are extremely different. The
although they only use them to get on with supernatural statistics presented here refer to the most common archetype
beings or people with The Gift. and the one which appears in Gate of Memories, but it is far

0 2 7 0 2 8
from being the only one that exists. There are much weaker Lugubrious
Nightmares as well as incredibly powerful ones.
Their appearance can vary greatly from one another, but Level: 2 Category: Anima, Elemental Darkness 15
are generally huge masses of chaotic darkness within which you Life Points: 155
can see a shape related to the nature of the nightmare itself. Class: Assassin
The Living Nightmares exist only in The Wake and live
always in dark places full of fear. The most powerful of Str: 4 Dex: 8 Agi: 10 Con: - Pow: 8 Int: 3 Wp: 5 Per: 8
them act independently, although most often join a Lord of PhR 45 MR 45 PsR 40 VR 45 DR 45
Nightmares serving him as agents. Only in very exceptional
Initiative: 75 Natural
cases can Nightmares manifest in the real world possessing
Attack Ability: 110 Death Knell
human bodies that they take as “avatars”.
Defense Ability: 100 Dodge
Damage: None
Modus Operandi AT: None
Since there are no two Living Nightmares alike and
each act for entirely different reasons, the methodologies Essential Abilities: Unnatural Size.
that they can use in combat are really endless. However, Powers: Mystic Flight 8, Death Knell, Complete Night Vision.
all are creatures based on fear and feed on it, so they
generally tend to be dark and twisted, preferring to extend Size: 12 Medium Regeneration: 3
all fights to enjoy the terror they cause. Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: Tireless

Aura of Fear: For its dark nature, anyone contemplating Secondary Abilities: Notice 60, Search 60, Intimidate 40,
the true form of a living nightmare must withstand a Magic Hide 60, Stealth 65.
Resistance Check against 80 or suffer Fear for a number of
rounds equivalent to the level of failure. This is an automatic Lugubrious are small specters that are commonly created
effect whose only condition is to look directly into the when a person dies in the darkest areas of The Wake. They
Nightmare. Someone exceeding the check need not make it are not really made of “complete” souls, but of spiritual
again until at least 10 rounds have passed. This ability can be fragments left behind when someone dies with strong negative
deactivated at will by the Nightmare. emotions. All this is interspersed with environmental darkness
giving “birth” to these beings. Therefore, one person dying
Shadow Blades: Nightmare attacks are of a can generate several Lugubrious, each consisting of small
supernatural nature and can only be stopped by means residues of a soul stained by darkness.
capable of stopping energy. Furthermore, due their unique Its appearance is usually a small dark mass floating in
nature, they attack with Cold. the air in a chaotic way, leaving behind a trail similar to a
black snake. Within it is sometimes possible to see skulls
Environment Control: If they are in the Wake area and red eyes, giving them an even more macabre aspect.
they are linked to, Nightmares can alter the environment Lugubrious behave like small critters in the darkness,
to recreate the atmosphere of the original dream that gave scavengers that feed on pain. When they see sentient
birth to them. On these occasions, they can even alter creatures they go to them in swarms and stick to their
their own appearance acquiring different forms. bodies, since their contact causes its victim a terrible
spiritual damage that feed the Lugubrious.
Variations: Nightmares can have any type of power Often, if they consider that a prey can not escape from
related to its original nature, so they have access to every them and they are not very hungry, they can show themselves
conceivable power of those listed in Those Who Walked to make their prey flee in terror, something that gives them a
Amongst Us. certain special “flavor” when they are consumed.

0 2 9 0 3 0
Since the Lugubrious can not feed on
dark creatures, it is not uncommon to act
L i v i n g P u pp e t s
in groups forming swarms of vermin who
The Living Puppets are dolls animated by
dare to attack even large prey. Sometimes
supernatural means, beautiful artworks made
they live near Living Nightmares or the
by a talented craftsman which subsequently
most powerful Wake Specter that can
received some kind of power that allows
provide them victims, feeding of the
them to move by themselves.
“remains” that such creatures leave
Their shapes are varied, as much as the
imagination of their creator. Most appear to be
Although their exact number is
human, but actually can have any aspect, from animals
unknown, there is a lot of Lugubrious
to unique and unusual “things”. Similarly, there are many
in The Wake, and they can be found
supernatural processes that allow them to move, from the
in virtually any location with enough
intervention of greater forces to infusing a soul on them as
an energy source.
There are currently a lot of living puppets in Gaïa (or at
Modus Operandi
least, when considering the limited number of supernatural
The Lugubrious can act in very
entities that are left in the world), but their classes are very
different ways depending if they act alone
different. Those in this section are those created by Nascal,
or in packs. If they are independent hunters
although there are also many others.
they proceed as assassins, stalking their
victims from the shadows and throwing
themselves on them at the appropriate
Nascal Puppet
time to stick to their bodies and kill them
Level: 2 Category: Between Worlds, Creation 15
with pain. By contrast, in large groups Life Points: 1.125 Damage Resistance
they lose any fear and have no problem Class: Warrior
to appear like a dark cloud that splits to
attack one or more targets at once. Str: 5 Dex: 5 Agi: 5 Con: 7 Pow: 6 Int: 2 Wp: 5 Per: 6
PhR 40 MR 35 PsR 35 VR 40 DR 40
Death Knell: Any entity that enters
in contact with the Lugubrious must Initiative: 55 Natural
overcome a MR check against 100 each Attack Ability: 80 Wood Limbs
turn or suffer an equivalent damage to the Defense Ability: Damage Resistance
level of failure. Damage: 30 Wood Limbs (CON)
AT: 3 Natural
Mystical Flight: Lugubrious travel
through the air with a Flight Value of 8. Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Immunity to Pain.
Powers: Wood Limbs (Limited Natural Weapon), Built
Bodies (Regeneration zero).
Complete Night Vision: A
Lugubrious sees perfectly in the dark, even
Size: 12 Medium Regeneration: 0
in those of a supernatural nature. Movement Value: 5 Fatigue: Tireless

Secondary Abilities: Notice 60, Search 50, Art 25, Dance

20, Music 25.

0 3 1 0 3 2
This is the most basic model of all the puppets Defense Ability: Damage Resistance attacks of a physical nature (normal or energy based) reduce
created by Nascal, simple decorative dolls used sometimes Damage: 30/40 Wood Limbs(IMP/HEAT), 40 their Base Damage by 30 points against the puppets. However,
to protect his property. They have the appearance of Throw Throwing Fire (HEAT) the fire endurance is limited, so if the puppet loses more than
traditional wooden marionettes, the same that fascinated AT: 3 Natural 400 Points of Life in one round, the flames are temporarily
him as a child, but its simplicity is exceptional if we consider Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Immune to Pain. mitigated throughout the next turn. The fire rekindles at the
the skill of the maker. Powers: Wood Limbs (Limited Natural Weapon), Throwing end of the next round and the puppet gets this skill active again.
Their intelligence is very limited, and only carry out Fire, Infernal Heat, Immune to an element (Fire), Built Bodies Infernal Heat: Everyone who comes into contact
(Regeneration zero).
the orders of their creator in the most direct way they can. with the Ghestal Puppets while they are burning must pass
a Physical Resistance check against 80 each turn or suffer
Size: 12 Medium Regeneration: 0
Modus Operandi Movement Value: 5 Fatigue: Tireless Heat based damage equivalent to the level of failure.
Despite its simplicity, Nascal Puppets are dangerous Immune to Fire: The Ghestal Puppets are immune
opponents. One of their favorite tactics is to stay Secondary Abilities: Notice 85, Search 75. to any kind of attack based on fire or heat unless this is
completely still, pretending to be simple dolls, and attack caused by a being with Gnosis 30 or higher.
by surprise when their objectives approach them without Ghestal Puppets are one of the most imaginative of Nascal’s Built Bodies: Being artificial constructions, the
knowing their true nature. creations, living puppets made of the sacred Duk’zarist wood. puppets are not able to recover from damage by
While in appearance they are mere puppets of dark wood, its themselves. Instead, they must be repaired by someone
Weapons: The puppets can have any possible true capacity is to burst into fire at will and, since Ghestal wood who has the expertise and appropriate means.
combination of weapons, but generally use their limbs as never consumes, burn eternally as “fire puppets.”
if they were maces. The statistics reflected above consider Naturally, this ability makes them very dangerous Nascal Prototype
using their limbs as weapon, but can be replaced by others enemies, especially because its flames are so strong that
without problem. they devour all that is close to them. Level: 7 Category: Between Worlds, Creation 25
Since Ghestal wood is extremely complicated to get, Life Points: 110
Psychologically Immunity and Without Pain: Nascal could only create a dozen of these creatures, so Class: Acrobatic Warrior
A puppet does not have any kind of feeling and is immune they are extremely rare.
to any psychological state such as anger or fear. Similarly, Str: 5 Dex: 12 Agi: 9 Con: 9 Pow: 10 Int: 5 Wp: 4 Per: 9
it ignores all penalties, natural or mystical, which may be PhR 55 MR 110 PsR 60 VR 55 DR 55
Modus Operandi
caused by pain. Ghestal Puppets are, like the other Nascal’s creations, Initiative: 140 Natural
extensions of the will of their master, and are only able Attack Ability: 205 Electric Arc
Built Bodies: Being artificial constructions, the to follow his orders. In combat, they specialize in distance Defense Ability: 195 Dodge, 220 Magnetic Field (Special)
puppets are not able to recover from damage by attacks, but they do not have problems in melee thanks to Damage: 80 Electric Arc.
themselves. Instead, they must be repaired by someone the superiority that their fire aura gives them. AT: 6 Physical, 4 Energy
who has the expertise and appropriate means.
Weapons: The puppets can have any possible Essential Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics,
Ghestal Puppet combination of weapons, but generally use their limbs as Physical Exemption.
if they were igneous maces. When they are burning (i.e., Powers: Electric Arc (Natural Weapon, Extended Range,
Level: 4 Category: Between Worlds, Creation 15 while the eternal flames are active), they increase its Base +40 Damage, Elemental Attack Electricity, Damage Energy),
Life Points: 1.720 Damage Resistance Damage by 10 points and attack with Heat. Magnetic Field, Levitation(Mystic Flight 4), Metal Body
Class: Warrior Throwing Fire: Thanks to their control over fire (Physical Armor 6, Mystic Armor 4, Regeneration zero).
Ghestal Puppets can do distance attacks by generating
Str: 5 Dex: 5 Agi: 5 Con: 7 Pow: 6 Int: 5 Wp: 5 Per: 6 Size: 14 Medium Regeneration: 0
bursts of fire. This skill is considered a ranged attack that
PhR 40 MR 35 PsR 35 VR 40 DR 40 Movement Value: 9 Fatigue: Tireless
explodes on impact with an effect area of 3 meters.
Initiative: 55 Natural Eternal Flames: The supernatural fire surrounding
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 100, Climb 30, Jump 150,
Attack Ability: 110 Wood Limbs, 110 Throwing Fire the Ghestal Puppets is so powerful that it acts as a shield that Notice 100, Search 90, Science 80, Memorize 80, Navigation
nullifies part of the damage that they can suffer. Therefore all 80, Lock Picking 50, Forging 100, Sleight of Hand130.

0 3 3 0 3 4
Of all Nascal’s works the Combat Prototypes are his
most dangerous creations, technomagical puppets that
have been produced as replacement bodies or extensions
of the Messenger’s will. These beings are living weapons
that, while not having the destructive potential of Nascal’s
huge real body, have a considerable battle power, even
higher than a whole battalion of soldiers.
They appear to be smaller versions of the Messenger
itself, but instead of blades on their back they have metal
wings that allow them to move through the air.
Prototypes have their own identity that allows them
to act independently, but usually Nascal takes control of
them and uses them as extensions to interact with other
beings or fight against enemies that he does not consider
a real threat.

Modus Operandi
Prototypes are very dangerous creatures in combat,
since they have high fighting capabilities and are programed
to be lethal. Usually they attack with electric shockwaves
that allows them to end their enemies very quickly, but if
they feel that the fight can get against them, the Prototypes
prefer to kept their distance and fly away a few meters to
make sure that their opponents can not reach them.
Usually they are accompanied in combat by other
Nascal’s puppets, allowing them to have an additional
superiority in battle.

Electric Arc: To fight the Prototype often triggers

powerful electric arcs that destroy everything around
them. These attacks have a range of 10 meters and can
affect up to three different targets each turn, although
all attacks are considered melee. Given its supernatural
nature, electrical arcs are capable of damaging energy.
Magnetic Field: If they are attacked by metallic
elements, the Prototype can deploy a magnetic shield as a
defense. This ability only works against attacks that may be
potentially affected by magnetism.
Levitation: Thanks to the generators in their back,
Prototypes can move through the air with a Flight Value of 4.
Built Bodies: Being artificial constructions, the
puppets are not able to recover from damage by
themselves. Instead, they must be repaired by someone
who has the expertise and appropriate means.

0 3 5 0 3 6
Guardian Totem Interestingly, these beings can continue
to exist even if the people who summoned
Level: 5 Category: Between Worlds 25 them disappeared long ago; the feelings that
Life Points: 1.410 Damage Resistance called them for the first time is all that matters to them.
Class: Ranger
Modus Operandi
Str: 12 Dex: 8 Agi: 5 Con: 12 Pow: 6 Int: 6 Wp: 5 Per: 10 The Totems fight in a very direct way, generating
PhR 40 MR 35 PsR 35 VR 40 DR 40 energy discharges against their targets trying to destroy
or drive them away from what they want to protect. They
Initiative: 65 Natural
do not usually move from their original location or peruse
Attack Ability: 160 Ray of Chaos
their enemies, unless it is essential to safeguard their
Defense Ability: Damage Resistance
Damage: 100 Ray of Chaos(ENE)
AT: 4 Natural
Ray of Chaos: The primary means of attack Totems
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption. use is its ability to generate Rays of Chaos. The preparation
Powers: Physical Ray, Damage Energy, Mystic Flight 2. requires an entire round to unleash this attack, but once it
has triggered it they can choose one of three possibilities
Size: 25 Big Regeneration: 5 listed below.
Movement Value: 2 Fatigue: Tireless
-Seeker: Attack gains a +30 bonus to the Totem skill
Secondary Abilities: Notice 180, Search 180. against targets who try to Dodge.

The Guardian Totems are ancestral protector spirits -Blast: The attack launches a continuous stream of
which reside in high power artifacts that people consider energy that lasts three rounds. Once fixed on a target for
sacred. They are not necessarily true supernatural items; the next two rounds the attack is automatically repeated as
devotion is what imbues on them true fragments of divinity. the first action in the round, independent of the initiative
It is difficult to determine if we may or may not of the characters.
consider Guardian Totems as a creation of mortal beings
or low divine spirits. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to build a -Explosion: Attack launches dozens of beams
monument and that its creators consider it their protector surrounding the Totem, attacking all targets that are in an
with such faith that the spirit is attracted to the item. area of ​​10 meters.
Actually, it is the faith itself what calls the spirits, the strong Regardless of the action, the Ray of Chaos always has
feeling that attracts them and makes them reside there. the same damage and can affect energy.
Generally, these creatures never do absolutely anything
or give any sign of being alive until the people or the place Flight: The Totems travel through the air with a Flight
that they protect are endangered. Then, the Totems unleash Value of 2.
their anger against that which endangers their protégés.
These entities can exist in any culture and have many
different forms; they can be enormous stone heads on a
wall of old religions, a tribal column in the jungle or simple
statue erected in the middle of a village. Naturally, Totems
are exceptionally rare and occur only in places where a lot
of environmental magic exists.

0 3 7 0 3 8
S o l o m o n C o m b at D r o n e s Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption.
Powers: Natural Weapon, Free Movement,
Physical Weapons: The
extremities of the Drones are
Metal Body. prepared to function as effective
Solomon Combat Drones are one of the most popular
melee weapons on any surface and are
technomagical creations of the lost empire, produced in its Size: 6 Small Regeneration: 0 capable of damaging energy.
period of expansion as mobile weapons to take control of Movement Value: 6 Fatigue: Tireless Lazor System: This attack allows the
territories with very different geography.
Drone to fix a target and, if it does not lose
They are similar to large metal spiders with three legs, Secondary Abilities: Notice 75, Search 80, Magic Appraisal
visual contact with him for 3 consecutive
whose size varies considerably depending on whether they 20, Stealth 40, Hide 30.
turns (during which the Drone can still act
are models for infiltration and mass combat (not larger
normally), unleash a barrage of supernatural
than a small dog), or for assault and command (larger than Physical Weapons: The extremities of the Drones
energy at distance. This attack counts as a full
a human being). are prepared to function as effective melee weapons on
action, so if the Drone wants to use it, the
While they stopped being used when the science any surface and are capable of damaging energy.
creature can not attack in the same turn that
of Solomon went further and were replaced with more Free Movement: Drones can travel through walls
triggers it. It attacks with Heat and decreases
powerful models of golems, the fact is that the number and ceilings using their limbs like a spider would.
by 3 points the defender’s Armor Type.
of Drones hidden in the world was very high. Many lost Metal Body: As they are artificial constructions,
Commander System: Major
Solomon outposts may have a few of them as guardians, the Drones are not able to recover from damage by
Drones organize and improve the
waiting for someone without authorization to enter into themselves. Instead, they must be repaired by someone
actions of their assigned Minor
their domains. who has the expertise and appropriate means.
Drones, making them behave in
a much more competent way.
Modus Operandi Major Drone Therefore, while they are no
Usually, lesser Drones can act separately or in a large
more than 100 meters away
group, in which case there are serious chances that they are Level: 4 Category: Between Worlds, Creation 15
Life Points: 150 from the Major Drone, they
under the supervision of a Major Drone which gives them
Class: Acrobatic Warrior apply a +10 bonus to any action
orders. In combat, they often prefer to use subterfuge to
and can use the Intelligence
get close to their targets and attack by surprise, trying to
Str: 8 Dex: 8 Agi: 11 Con: 8 Pow: 6 Int: 6 Wp: 5 Per: 8 attribute of their controller.
wipe out any opposition before they can do anything.
PhR 30 MR 45 PsR 35 VR 30 DR 30 This ability can affect up to 12
If they have to fight in an open way, they will try to
minor Drones, and only if they
overwhelm their targets massively attacking one or two
Initiative: 110 Natural are linked to the Major Drone.
enemies each time, killing them one by one in a secure way.
Attack Ability: 130 Physical Weapons, 170 Laser System Frame: The Drone has a Damage
Defense Ability: 120 Dodge Barrier of 100 against all attacks that does
Drone Damage: 50 Physical Weapons (THR), 100 Laser System not affect energy.
(HEAT) Vulnerable Point: The crystal in the
Level: 2 Category: Between Worlds, Creation 15 AT: Frame 6 Physical 4 Energy
Life Points: 60 center of their head has no physical armor,
Class: Acrobatic Warrior while still protecting against energy-based
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption. attacks. Any attack aimed at it applies a -30
Powers: Natural Weapon, Laser System, Commander
Str: 3 Dex: 6 Agi: 10 Con: 3 Pow: 5 Int: 4 Wp: 5 Per: 6 to the attacker skill.
System, Frame (Physical Armor 6, Mystic Armor 4, Damage
PhR 30 MR 45 PsR 35 VR 30 DR 30 Metal Body: As they are artificial
Barrier 100), Metal Body, Vulnerable Point.
constructions, the Drones are not able
Initiative: 90 Natural Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 0 to recover from damage by themselves.
Attack Ability: 90 Physical Weapons Movement Value: 11 Fatigue: Tireless Instead, they must be repaired by someone
Defense Ability: 90 Dodge who has the expertise and appropriate
Damage: 30 Physical Weapons (THR) Secondary Abilities: Notice 85, Search 80, Magic Appraisal means.
AT: None 60, Stealth 40, Hide 20, Track 20, Leadership 50, Climb 80.

0 3 9 0 4 0
Procasian Modus Operandi
The Procasian are behemoths in combat,
Major Procasian (Alpha)
creatures with a power comparable only to Level: 9 Category: Between Worlds 25
Among the strangest blood legacies are the Procasian,
legendary beasts like dragons or other similar Life Points: 6.220 Damage Resistance
those to whom their heritage has been a real curse.
monstrosities. Their physical power is simply Class: Warrior
They are direct descendants of a great beast of which
overwhelming, and their strength and speed
they have inherited not only its power but also part of its Str: 13 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 13 Pow: 9 Int: 5 Wp: 5 Per: 6
are such that allow them to crush any enemy.
supernatural and monstrous nature. Their mortal bodies, PhR 95 MR 80PsR 70 VR 95 DR 95
Therefore, they usually never have the need
unable to endure the unspeakable power in their flesh and Initiative: 85 Natural
to prepare complex plans or combat tactics;
blood, often change and adapt to their legacy, becoming Attack Ability: 230 Claws, 230 Breath
they simply use their innate superiority and
the creatures called Procasian. Defense Ability: Damage Resistance
wildness to quickly finish the combat.
Those who have the least amount of blood (being Damage: 125 (FIL) Claws, 150 Breath (Special)
about ten and twenty percent of purity) usually maintain AT: 8 Natural
a fully human form, and only get minor changes that can Minor Procasian
not be distinguished as monstrous. Sometimes they are Essential Abilities: Physical Superhuman Characteristics,
Level: 7 Full Elemental Immunity, Elemental Vulnerability Double
stronger or faster than normal, but their bodies do not have
Category: Between Worlds 25 Damage.
real abnormalities. Those with “average” amounts purity
Life Points: 2.685 Damage Resistance Powers: Breath, Natural Weapon, Extreme Vulnerability
(between thirty and fifty percent) have partial alterations, Class: Warrior
like one limb, and their powers are far superior, but (Specific Element MR 140 Damage equal to the level of failure).
they usually do not survive the changes. Those Str: 13 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 11 Pow: 7 Int: 5 Size: 26 Enormous Regeneration: 6
between fifty and seventy percent purity are called Wp: 5 Per: 6 Movement Value: 9 Fatigue: 17
“minor” because they suffer full body mutations PhR 80 MR 65 PsR 60 VR 80 DR 80
and their Dragonborn physiognomy resemble huge Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 130, Swim 110, Climb 110,
monsters. About four meters tall, Initiative: 85 Natural Jump 105, Feats of Strength 115, Withstand Pain 100, Notice
their bodies are full of scales and Attack Ability: 195 Claws, 195 Breath 105, Search 105, Track 85, Intimidate 80.
have an incredible destructive Defense Ability: Damage Resistance
potential. Unfortunately, their Damage: 85 (CUT) Claws, 100 Breath (Special) Breath: At will, a Procasian can use his supernatural
power sometimes destroys their AT: 6 Natural breath instead of attacking during a round. The breath is
psyches, turning them into violent, a linear attack that completely covers an arc of up to 25
almost animal-like individuals. Essential Abilities: Physical Superhuman
meters around the creature, and can attack with Heat,
Finally, those who possess Characteristics, Full Elemental Immunity,
Cold or Electricity, depending on the elemental affinity of
Elemental Vulnerability Double Damage.
greater than seventy percent of the Procasian itself.
Powers: Breath, Natural Weapon, Extreme
purity are Alphas, whose bodies
Vulnerability (Specific Element MR 140 Damage
are so pure that they look like a equal to the level of failure). Elemental Immunity: Although they are not
true hybrid of the Great Beast. They elementals, the Procasian are completely invulnerable to the
are the greatest among the Procasians, beings with a huge Size: 24 Big Regeneration: 4 element to which they are related.
potential hard to match. Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: 15
The Procasian are extremely unusual, as they rarely Vulnerable to an Element: The Procasian are
have children, but it is still possible to find one or two Secondary Abilities: Athleticism very vulnerable to a particular element (each to a different
dozen in the world. The largest group is in the Peak of 130, Swim 90, Climb 110, Jump 85, one), and the mere fact of being in contact with it force the
the World, but there are others both in remote areas Feats of Strength 95, Withstand Procasian to overcome a MR Check against 140 every five
and cohabiting hidden among men like normal people. Pain 80, Notice 85, Search 85, rounds or suffer a damage equivalent to the level of failure.
Each case is completely different, but here are the most Track 85, Intimidate 80. In addition, attacks based on this element produce double
common statistics of the two most common types. damage to them.

0 4 1 0 4 2
Red Lady
Level: 9 Category: Natural
Life Points: 140
Class: Wizard

Str: 7 Dex: 9 Agi: 8 Con: 7 Pow: 13 Int: 12 Wp: 9 Per: 8

PhR 75 MR 105 PsR 80 VR 75 DR 75

Initiative: 105 Natural

MA: 90 (100 with amplifiers)

Zeon: 1.925
Magic Projection: 220 (235 with amplifiers)
Magic Level: Creation 40, Darkness 80

AT: Armored Longcoat +10


Natural Abilities: Gift, Superior Magic Recovery.

Size: 14 Medium Regeneration: 1

Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: 7

Secondary Abilities: Ride 80, Swim 70, Composure 70,

Notice 105, Search 60, Track 120, History 80, Medicine 30,
Memorize 50, Navigation 30, Occult 225, Magic Appraisal 265,
Style 55, Intimidate 90, Persuasion 100.

Very little is know of the true origins of the high sorcerer

known as The Red Lady, other than for more than twenty
years she has been the most efficient agent of Nathaniel.
Her unmatched supernatural knowledge was the reason
why Romeo Exxet chose her to become The Bearer’s master
and teach the little girl how to control Ergo’s powers. She was
a strict tutor for the child, but the time that they spent together
established a familiar bond between both.
Lady has cold and ironic humor that distance her from
people, but with a strict sense of duty that always force her
to complete her missions at any cost, even if that means
putting her own life in danger.
With the fall of the Empire Lady became really
disillusioned with mankind, and soon after that she
vanished for a year just to reappear stealing the Byblos
from Nathaniel, something that none, even her own pupil,
has been able to understand.

0 4 3 0 4 4
M ESSEN G ERS Shapeshifter: Malekith has hundreds of
different forms and rarely appears twice in the
same appearance. The Lord of Crows can take any
M ALE K ITH , Malekith is not really present in Arcane during the
events of Gate of Memories, and the entity to which the
appearance at will, although he can never be smaller than
20 cm or bigger than 100 meters. This ability also allows
P RINCE OF CRO W S Bearer and Ergo face is only a shadow of the Prince of him to create natural weapons, or spend the equivalent
Crows created by the memories of the tower. However, the 100 DP for monster powers that depend exclusively on
Malekith, the Prince of Crows, is the greatest of the Lord of Nightmares has some connection with his shadow, the body. This ability also allows him to increase by up to
known Lords of Nightmares, a quasi-divine being who dwells and is vaguely aware of everything that has happened there. 3 points any physical attributes in an equivalent expense of
in The Wake feeding on dark emotions of the territories another physical attribute. For example, he could increase
that he controls. His area of ​​influence is currently the largest Malekith, Lord of Nightmares his Strength 3 points by lowering his Agility 3 points.
that exists and, having absorbed the territories of dozens
of Lords of Nightmares who dared to confront him, now Level: 16 Category: Between Worlds 30 / 40 (in Graven) Existential Barrier: Malekith can not suffer in
the Prince is one of the greatest dark powers of the world. Life Points: 350 a single turn more than 150 points of damage. If this
Malekith is a huge sum of dualities that make him as Class: Warlock happens, he melts into crows and reform seconds later.
enigmatic as unpredictable. He behaves haughty and capricious,
but at the same time has a high sense of honor. He never Str: 10 Dex: 13 Agi: 9 Con: 9 Pow: 15 Int: 15 Wp: 13 Lord of Fear: Malekith feels instinctively which the
forgets an insult, but appreciates an enemy who knows how Per: 14 biggest fear of anyone in his presence is. This ability does not
PhR 115 MR 135 PsR 130 VR 115 DR 115 allow him to understand what people are thinking or see
to live to his expectations, something that he usually taste like a
fine wine. One day he can be childish and almost as ridiculous inside their heads, but he always can identify innately what
Initiative: 155 Natural
as a clown, just to surprise everyone with a dark and terrifying causes fear to others (though without knowing the cause).
Attack Ability: 330 Natural Weapon / 350 Weapon +20
side a moment later. Sometimes he behaves like a man and Defense Ability: 330 Dodge / Parry
This ability only works on creatures that are able to dream.
other looks more like a divine being with no mortal morals. Damage: 100 Natural Weapon / Var. Weapon
Whatever the case, his intelligence is undeniable, and MA: 140 (160 with artifacts) Spectral Immunity: The Lord of Crows can only
his plans and manipulations reach impossible heights of Zeon: 2.345 be damaged by attacks that affect supernatural beings.
foresight. Often, he has played with true gods using them Magic Projection: 280 (300 with Artifacts)
as disposable puppets and making them dance to his tune. Magic Level: 90 Darkness, 90 Umbra, 90 Destruction, 90 Aura of Terror: Anyone who comes within 20 meters
Therefore, no one knows what’s in his head; but he always Dreams of Malekith must undergo a MR or PhR check against 120
knows what he has to do to win. AT: No (Variable with Artifacts) or suffer Fear automatically. This ability is not voluntary and
The Prince of Crows has no unique form. Usually his Malekith can not suppress or eliminate his aura voluntarily.
best known appearance is a pale man dressed in noble Natural Abilities: Magic Projection as an Attack. Someone who passes this check does not need to repeat it
robes and with raven wings, but to others he may appear Essential Abilities: Divine Spiritual Characteristics, until he blinks, which means that those beings without eyes or
as a skeleton with a pumpkin head, as a huge shadow full Supernatural Physical Characteristics, Inhumanity, Physical eyelids do not have to repeat it once they have passed it at least
of eyes or even like a monstrous crow with a crown. Some Exemption. once. Those who fail can make a new check every minute.
Powers: Natural Weapon, Shapeshifter, Existential Barrier,
even say that he never takes the same appearance twice.
Lord of Fear, Spectral Immunity, Aura of Terror, Mystic Flight,
Little or nothing is known about his past, except that Mystical Flight: The Lord of Crows can move freely
Lord of Nightmares.
he appeared by surprise in The Wake several centuries through the air with a Flight Value of 8.
ago, and rose from the shadows destroying anyone who Size: 19 Medium (Var.) Regeneration: 10
faced him. Malekith currently controls the largest dark Movement Value: 11 Fatigue: Tireless Lord of Nightmares: Malekith has almost divine
power of The Wake, the city of nightmares Graven, an abilities while he is inside his realm. Therefore, in a dark
immense metropolis of dreams in which dwell thousands Secondary Abilities: Ride 80, Swim 40, Style 120, area of The Wake that he controls, the Lord of Crows has
of dreamers and dark beings. Inside his power is almost Intimidate 240, Leadership 280, Persuasion 200, Notice 200, extensive additional powers. Below is a list of such skills,
infinite, and he plans to increase its ties with the real world Search 160, History 200, Occult 240, Magic Appraisal 240, which stop working in the case Malekith is forced to leave
to manifest the city in Gaïa and become a true god. Composure 200, Feats of Strength 80, Withstand Pain 100. his area of ​​influence.

0 4 5 0 4 6
-Legion of Nightmares: Malekith can create
countless nightmare avatars of himself, giving them
the appearance and shape that he wants. Game wise, THE FALLEN ONE
these entities are only shadows that are destroyed
if they suffer any damage, but Malekith can use Druaga is a demonic entity
them to attack or cast spells through them as if he that has absorbed into his body
was present using his Magic Projection and combat corrupted energies of ancient
ability. Malekith is able to create up to ten of these times becoming a monster of
copies at a time, but those that are destroyed take at immense power. In the past
least thirty-seven days to be re-created. he was an Arbiter of the Sacred
-Immortal: Malekith is virtually indestructible Empire of Abel, one of the greatest
in Graven. Even after losing all his life points, he heroes in the world before he was
would simply disappear and be fully recovered in just seduced by Baal to turn against everything
a few hours. Only beings with a higher Gnosis than for which he had fought.
the Prince of Crows might destroy him definitively. With his reason tainted and without
He could also perish if during this period Graven is knowing that he was being manipulated, the
purified or his link to the city is broken, although great Arbiter destroyed the pillars of the
both seem virtually impossible to achieve. Temple of the Seasons, causing a perversion of
-Supreme Sorcerer: While he is in the core the natural order of the world during which he
of Graven Malekith is considered to be in a controlled took the opportunity to ascend into something
Power Node when he is casting magic. unholy.
-Lord of Dreams: Malekith can create at will That act transformed him completely, and
dream elements as if they were real objects. This skill though his body still has a humanoid form,
has a limit of one object per round and 60 points of he has grown deformed acquiring demonic
presence. powers.
-Nemesis: Malekith can create a dreamlike copy Druaga served Baal unconsciously, which
of the person or creature most feared by someone he saw not as an independent entity, but as
who is inside his domains. The entity may not exceed a force of existence of which he was going
level 14 and can only be seen and interacted with by to be part. In his vague awareness, Druaga
the individual who is the target of this ability. The copy considered himself a facet of Baal much more
follows Malekith’s orders, but behaves and acts as the than his pawn.
target would expect. This only works one time per Druaga’s only desire was to be important
person, if the copy is destroyed or Malekith dispels to history, becoming one of the cornerstones
it, the Lord of Crows losses the power to affect that that move the world’s destiny. However,
individual again in the future with Nemesis. rooted in his heart always existed an intrinsic
envy of his student, Emperor Elijah, whom he
Weapons and Equipment: Malekith can admired, loved and hated equally.
fight with any weapon he wants with full ability. It is The Fallen One was destroyed during the
also important to note that he has access to a huge Third War in the Shadows by his student,
collection of power artifacts that he has accumulated although a part of him still exists in the axe that
over the centuries in The Wake, and can use them at he used in life.
will at any time (in fact, while he is in Graven, Malekith
can invoke any item of his collection in one round).

0 4 7 0 4 8
Druaga, The Fallen Resurrection: If either the spiritual or
the physical form of Druaga is destroyed, the
Level: 14 Category: Between Worlds 30 remaining one can try to resurrect the other
Enigma for some, monster to others,
Life Points: 480 through the bond they share. The time required for
Class: Weaponmaster Jonathan Kappel is one of the most bizarre and
the resurrection to take place depends on whether the
unpredictable active Messengers in the world.
remaining form may or may not focus on bringing back
Str: 14 Dex: 13 Agi: 11 Con: 15 Pow: 12 Int: 7 Wp: 7 Per: 9 Originally he was the half breed son of the
the other. If it can, Druaga must spend at least 10 rounds
PhR 120 MR 120 PsR 110 VR 120 DR 120 greatest which of her time and The Dragon, the
concentrated on recreating his other self, a time during
supreme Aeon that incarnates fantasy itself, but when
which he can’t perform active actions. If it is busy and can
Initiative: 145 Natural Rah’s machine destroyed the supernatural, Jonathan’s
not focus on the resurrection, after half an hour the other
Attack Ability: 310 Natural Weapon father was separated from the existence and locked in
part of Druaga will be resurrected by the mere fact that one
Defense Ability: 315 Natural Weapon one of the Intereigns. All that remained of the great
Damage: 100 Natural Weapon
of them is still alive. That means that, to destroy him once
Aeon in Gaïa was a partial shadow of The Dragon
AT: Natural 6 and for all, it is necessary to obliterate both forms.
which, having no real ties with the world, tried to
Essential Abilities: Divine Physical Characteristics, Supernatural consume Kappel to survive. However it
Spiritual Characteristics, Zen, Physical Exemption. Elemental Lord: Druaga innately controls the basic
would be the young Jonathan, just a child
Powers: Spiritual Form, Destroyer Attacks, Destructive elements and can create or alter them at will, allowing him to
back then, who absorbed the remains of
Areas, Resurrection, Elemental Lord, Elemental Storm, Fire- perform all kind of elemental attacks or defend against them.
his father, becoming a partial avatar of
seeker Sphere. This ability allows Druaga to control up to 15 Intensities of
Fantasy in the world.
Fire, Cold or Electricity at will, or become immune to them.
Size: 24 Big Regeneration: 5 Real and unreal at the same time, he receives the
This ability is limited to one element per turn.
Movement Value: 12 Fatigue: 15 title of Fairy King, an eternal entity that could never grow.
As a flesh and blood Aeon, Kappel has immense
Elemental Storm: Using his control over elements
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 145, Athleticism 175, Swim personal power that allows him to control the
125, Climb 175, Jump 150, Feats of Strength 200, Withstand Pain Druaga can trigger a storm in a nearby area. This ability
supernatural at will. He instinctively knows the name
150, Notice 160, Search 40, Intimidate 225, Leadership 135. allows him to unleash an attack of Electricity, Fire, or
of impossible spells and magical creatures, so he’s an
Cold in an area of ​​25 meters radius, within which it is not
incomparable sorcerer and summoner.
Spiritual Form: Druaga is able to separate his physical possible to designate targets. The attack is natural, so it
Jonathan, raised as a gentleman before ascending,
and spiritual form, which makes him virtually two different doesn’t have the ability to damage energy beings.
always behaves with impeccable manners, but he is
entities that exist on two levels at once. Although they are still a child and acts as such. Constantly bored, often
in different dimensions, both can not be more than 100 Fire-Seeker Sphere: Using his control over fire
he interferes in the affairs of men to spend time.
meters away from the “equivalent place” between the two Druaga can generate a fireball that follows a designated
Depending on the day he can be a fairytale villain, a
worlds, or otherwise, the spiritual form simply disappears target until it hits him. The fireball moves with a Movement
hero of legend or the shadow that pulls the strings of
and returns to merge with the physical form. Type speed of 8 during 3 turns before fading, so it is
the events, but usually none of his actions are really evil.
possible to avoid it by moving faster than it or dodging
Destroyer Attacks: All Druaga’s physical attacks, Sometimes he has come to help various organizations
(although that does not eliminate the fireball itself). If the
either with his claws, legs or antler, have an extremely high in the shadow, such as the Order of Magus, Samael or
ball reaches its target, it explodes causing a fire explosion
destructive supernatural power. The creature not only has even Nathaniel.
equivalent to Level 40 spell Fire Mine cast at Intermediate
a huge force, but the effects of his impacts are charged He currently lives on the back of a minor Aeon
grade. This action counts as a full attack, and only one can
with pure negative energy that destroys everything it known as The Folklore, whom the eternal child calls
be launch each turn.
touches. Therefore the blows of Druaga cause increased his living castle. Like the other Messengers he has not
damage and reduce the defender Armor Type by 6 points. been directly involved in the events of Arcane and what
appeared in the tower was only a shadow created from
Destructive Areas: Druaga can make area attacks his memories.
to all enemies within 5 meters around him applying only a
-20 to his ability.

0 4 9 0 5 0
Kappel, The Dark Child of Light as in The Wake, or even in places with
supernatural seals. Kappel usually has no limits
Level: 15 Category: Between Worlds 35 on the number of times he can be transported,
Life Points: 245 but if he does to exceptionally remote or protected places,
Class: Warrior Summoner he can be weakened and need some time (sometimes
minutes, sometimes hours) to be able to teleport again.
Str: 5 Dex: 12 Agi: 9 Con: 7 Pow: 17 Int: 15 Wp: 11 Elemental Immunity: Kappel may become partially
Per: 13 immune to any attack except to the one he chooses from
PhR 105 MR 135 PsR 120 VR 105 DR 105 the following list; Light, Darkness, Fire or Ice. In doing so, NASCAL
attacks based on any other element (or those not related
Initiative: 145 Natural Nascal, the Master of Puppets,
to any particular) will cause only half damage, while those
based on the element that is chosen cause normal damage. the Great Artist, is a man whose talent
Attack Ability: 270 Orbs of Light and Darkness was matched only by his madness. Gifted
Defense Ability: 260 Dodge Beloved by Magic: Kappel has an unparalleled
ability to attract environmental magic. Therefore he with a unique natural aptitude and an
Damage: 75 Orbs of Light and Darkness (ENE) unhealthy obsession with puppets, Nascal
AT: None absorbs ambient Zeon at extremely high speed and, if in a
place full of magic, he can recover between 5 and 10 points decided to create the most amazing works,
of Zeon each turn. perfect dolls that no one could distinguish from
Act: 100
Zeon: 1.975 Gnostic Knowledge: By looking at any being whose real living beings. Following a meeting with the
Magic Projection: 220 Gnosis does not exceed his own, Kappel can see floating famous Maker of Wonders Gaudemus in which he
Summon: 370 over their head the real name of the creature. was deeply humiliated by his rival, Nascal locked
Control: 295 Door to Fantasy: This is undoubtedly the most himself in a mansion for years during which gave
Bind: 310 strange and unique supernatural ability to Kappel, the birth to countless masterworks and monstrosities.
Banish: 110 ability to summon and control not only “real” supernatural Whatever it was what happened inside those walls,
creatures that exist in the world, but also fantasy creatures. the sanity of the artist broke completely and when
Magic Level: Light 80, Darkness 80 His power allows him to “call” imaginary beings, invented he reappeared what returned to the world had
creatures that have not even really existed in the world, nothing to do with the man he was. It is unknown
Essential Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, whether Nascal modified his own body or he
only in the imagination of people. Therefore, Kappel is
Divine Spiritual Characteristics, Orbs of Light and Darkness created a puppet who believed to be him, but one
(Natural Weapon), Inhumanity, Gift.
always able to summon beings that fit perfectly in his needs
at all times, a virtually unlimited list of entities. This ability way or another, “that” was no longer human.
Powers: Natural Weapon, Igneous Canon, Blade Wings, Needing vital energy to continue with his
Limbs, Terminals, Vulnerable Point. does not allow him to “call” creatures with Gnosis equal
or superior to Kappel’s. experiments, the so called Lord of Puppets started
Reality and Fantasy: Kappel can “make fantasy” using people as sacrifices, which led to him to being
Size: 12 Medium Regeneration: 1
from reality, allowing him to “undo” events that have just persecuted by the Inquisition and other forces of
Movement Value: 9 Fatigue: 7
happened. Therefore, he is able to override anything that Gaïa.
Secondary Abilities: Swim 105, Notice 105, Search 105, has happened around him in the previous turn, believing Nascal’s body was always changing, for
History 105, Occult 255, Magic Appraisal 180, Style 105. that such event didn’t take place. This power allows him the Lord of Puppets changed himself dozens of
almost anything, from ignoring attacks, prevent that times. He even became a giant being, a full living
Supernatural Affinity: Any supernatural creature, someone dies, or even cancel more complex events. This technomagical weapon with several system of huge
regardless of its nature, feels that Kappel is a related entity ability does not allow him to affect the actions of entities destructive power.
or an elemental of superior hierarchy. Beings with superior with Gnosis equal to or higher than his own, nor the ones Nascal was theoretically destroyed by the
Gnosis than Kappel ignore this capability. of people with Gnosis 15 points (or more) higher than Messenger Bringreus recently, although it is unclear
Everywhere: Once each turn, as an active action their Natura. Kappel can only use this skill once per day. if in one of his bodies could have survived a part of
Kappel can teleport at will anywhere in the world. This his consciousness or a copy of it.
ability allows him to even enter other planes of existence,

0 5 1 0 5 2
Nascal, Master of Marionettes Blade Wings: Nascal has two large
appendages with blades at the top of his back
Level: 13 Category: Between Worlds, Creation 25 that he can use to attack, either independently
Little is known of the enigmatic
Life Points: 6.250 or in combination with his limbs. These attacks are less
Class: Freelancer Messenger known as The Nameless. He
accurate and affect a single target each, but their damage is
first appeared during the Third War in the
much higher and lower by 4 points the defender’s Armor
Str: 14 Dex: 13 Agi: 9 Con: 15 Pow: 13 Int: 13 Wp: 12 Shadows siding with humanity against Baal.
Per: 12 Although his appearance is human, anyone
PhR 120 MR 115 PsR 110 VR 120 DR 120 that can feel auras know immediately that he is
Limbs: Given its size, Nascal often use his limbs
not a mere mortal, but a being with a forsaken
to attack, either swatting or stomping on enemies. The
Initiative: 110 Natural power that makes everything tremble. At first
attacks have an area of ​​effect of five meters centered on
Attack Ability: 275 Natural Weapon glance he is a pale man with long black hair. He
Defense Ability: Damage Resistance
the point where they hit.
dresses in many different ways, but he always
Damage: 145 Natural Weapon has his right arm chained to his back.
AT: 8 Natural Terminals: All Nascal’s puppets are connected to
The Nameless is a thoughtful and silent
him, and he is able to see and hear through them as if he
entity. Rarely speaks, but he has no problem
Essential Abilities: Divine Physical Characteristics, was present. This ability is not innate, and Nascal must
with interacting with anyone if he needs to.
Supernatural Spiritual Characteristics, Zen, Physical decide when he wants to use it and what “terminal” he
He never hurts anyone who he considers too
Exemption. will connect with. This link also allows him to remotely
weak to pose a threat, but neither has any
Powers: Natural Weapon, Igneous Canon, Blade Wings, command and organize his puppets at will, as a true
Limbs, Terminals, Vulnerable Point. puppeteer.
The Nameless walks through the world
Size: 29 Giant Regeneration: 0 of men seeking the Messengers of the End (a
Vulnerable Points: While almost all Nascal’s body
Movement Value: 11 Fatigue: Tireless group in which he has been included by the
is extremely resistant to damage, attacks aimed at his
Church after having destroyed several of them
head are extremely effective, as that point is where he
Secondary Abilities: Ride 110, Climb 110, Jump 115, in the past), but seems to have no hurry in his
has the most vulnerable and least protected machinery. So
Composure 110, Feats of Strength 115, Notice 130, Search task.
if someone manages to reach there (something difficult,
110, Science 285, Herbal Lore 35, History 110, Medicine 175, The truth is that The Nameless is
as the head is usually just over 20 meters high), attacks
Memorize 110, Occult 265, Art 275, Forging 275. surrounded by dozens of myths and legends
directed at this point ignore the physical armor of Nascal.
invented by those who have crossed paths with
Igneous Cannons: Among the many supernatural him. It is difficult to know if any of them have
weapons which Nascal is equipped with, the Igneus Puppets: Nascal usually have inside his body several
some truth or not, but all of them agree that
Cannons are the most dangerous by far. They are fire spell combat puppets that he can release at will to fight if it is
his right arm is intrinsically linked with Death in
generators that triggers huge explosions that incinerated necessary. Typically he carries within twenty of them, of
some way. An old story says that he was the little
everything in large areas. This ability allows the Master different models.
brother of the first Emperor of Yehudah, who
of Puppets to create supernatural fire based explosion rose against his people during the last revolution
attacks that affects all in an area with a radius of ​​25 of slaves and fell in combat. Shredded and on
meters. It is not possible to choose targets within the area the verge of death, his former lover Etheldrea
of ​​influence of the attack, but Nascal himself is unaffected managed to save his life using the remains of a
by the flames. To use this ability Nascal must sacrifice one God of Death (some versions say they trapped
of his attacks that round. Usually, the Igneus Cannons have Death itself in his body), making him a Being
sufficient ammunition to be activated twelve times before Between Worlds with the power to sever any
needing additional energy. life. Others say he is the original Death, who,
tired of his eternal mission, became mortal and
ceded its position to the Three Fates.

0 5 3 0 5 4
Nameless The Hand of Death: The right hand
of The Nameless is the hand of Death, and
Level: 15 Category: Between Worlds 35 has the power to exterminate his enemies in an
Life Points: 210 absolute way. Therefore, every attack he makes with it,
Class: Technician either directly or wielding weapons, causes an automatic
critical (creatures with damage accumulation considers
Str: 11 Dex: 15 Agi: 14 Con: 10 Pow: 16 Int: 8 Wp: 11 that their whole body is a vulnerable point) and applies
Per: 11 a +40 to the result. The attacks also completely ignore
PhR 115 MR 135 PsR 110 VR 115 DR 115 any kind of immunity or existential barrier, and if it ends
an enemy, his soul is immediately wiped out, without any
Initiative: 170 Natural, 160 Necrom
chance to reincarnate.
Attack Ability: 330 Necrom (Unique Weapon +10)
Defense Ability: 320 Necrom (Unique Weapon +10)
Inevitable: If he attacks with his right hand The
Damage: 105 Necrom. Nameless can not control his power and all his attacks only
AT: Combat Coat Cut 4 Imp 2 Thr 4 Heat 4 Cold 5 Ele 5 aims to kill his opponents in an unavoidable way. Therefore,
Ene 2 The Nameless can’t not reduce his attack skill or perform
Accumulation: Str 5 Agi 5 Dex 5 Con 3 Pow 3 Wp 3 any maneuver other than area attack, and he doesn’t even
Ki: 185 throw the dice; it is considered to have directly obtained BAAL , During the conflict it was named Baal, which is the name
under which it is best known and feared.

Natural Abilities : Use of Nemesis, Armor of Emptiness,

a 100 in its result (but it is not considered an open roll).
Gate to the End of All Life: Using his right hand,
THE G ATE OF HELL However, just as Baal was about to manifest itself
completely, it was defeated by the union of different forces and
Noht, Ki Cancellation, Greater Ki Cancellation, Magic the Nameless can create a vortex of death that kills entities, destroying not only its ultimate body, but also cutting
Baal is not essentially a creature as such, it is an
Cancellation, Greater Magic Cancellation, Matrices everything that is around him. To make use of this ability,
emotion, a primal and ancestral thought born from the ties that bounded it to existence. Sealed and weakened, its
Cancellation, Greater Matrices Cancellation, Binding he should focus for at least one full turn, during which he
mankind. It is the concept of evil, created by humanity essence was cast away from the world to never return.
Cancellation, Emptiness Extrusion, Body of Emptiness, can only defend. Gate to the End of All Life automatically
No Needs, Movement of Emptiness, Form of Emptiness, when it needed a justification for everything that happened Currently, although it remains as one of the most
affects anyone that is less than 25 meters from where the powerful entities of Gaïa, its influence has all but
Essence of Emptiness, One with the Nothing, Aura of to them. They wished that there was something to blame,
Nameless is when active, without any possible defense disappeared. The seals that tie it are too powerful to allow
Emptiness, Undetectable, Inhumanity, Zen, Use of Ki, Ki something that would explain their suffering, grief and
roll. Individuals who are affected by this ability inevitably it to manipulate the world and its consciousness remains
Control, Ki Detection, Erudition, Use of Necessary Energy, Ki misfortune beyond mere chance. And so, a nightmare that
die, unless they have Gnosis 30 or higher, or a Gnosis 10 dormant in the Nexus.
Concealment, Combat Aura. should never exist was born.
Essential Abilities: Divine Physical Characteristics,
points above their Natura. In this case, they must pass a Defining Baal’s personality is difficult, because it does
That idea, simple in form, emerged at the Nexus
Supernatural Spiritual Characteristics. MR Check against 140 or their life points are automatically not behave like a living being in the strict sense of the word.
of the world and nourished from the essence of all the
Powers: The Hand of Death, Inevitable, Gate of the End of reduced to one. The Nameless can only use this skill once It is a vague consciousness, absolute and divine who look
dead gods throughout history. Piece by piece, bit by bit,
All Life, Without Death. per hour. at the world through a different prism than other beings. It
its power grew to be humongous, a true living hell that
Without Death: The Nameless can not properly has unnatural perception and absolute intelligence. It is not
nothing could contain.
Size: 21 Medium Regeneration: 3 die, no matter how much as his body or his soul is “evil” as such; Baal is a facet of evil itself. It acts only for what
A living door to Hell.
Movement Value: 14 Fatigue: 10 destroyed or being damaged. Only attacks or beings able it considers man’s desires and to fulfill its role in existence.
But it was not complete. Mankind was calling it and that
to eradicate divine entities can destroy him. Therefore, During the events that take place in Gate of Memories,
nameless entity needed to have a presence in the real world.
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 165, Athleticism 125, Ride 55, no matter how many life points lost or even if his body the protections that prevented Baal from manifesting were
However, since it resided in its own area in the Nexus, it
Swim 35, Climb 95, Jump 130, Composure 200, Feats of Strength is completely destroyed, he will recover from any wound
needed a body and, unsurprisingly, it had to be very unique; greatly weakened, allowing the Gate of Hell to manifest
120, Withstand Pain 200, Notice 150, Search 130, Track 50, normally with the given time.
to receive it required a power as had not been seen in the one of his avatars in the world with a power almost
Occult 120, Style 35, Hide 100, Stealth 135, Poisons 30, Sleight of Weapons: Throughout his existence The Nameless
Hand 100, Ki Detection 440, Ki Concealment 425. world since the War of God. Therefore, the Gate of Hell comparable to the one it had when he physically entered
has wielded a multitude of swords, broadswords, katanas in the world during the Third War in the Shadows.
tried dozens of methods to create an appropriate form for
and different scythes. In his statistics he carries an The attributes listed in this section refer to the power
it, from artificial bodies built by madmen to corpses of dead
artifact called Necrom, whose powers are explained in of Baal in the real world with a living body. His power as an
gods. Finally, after subtly influence the world for centuries, it
Prometheus Exxet. Necrom is the weapon he used during idea in the Nexus of Souls is much more diffused.
made its existence evident in the Third War in the Shadows.
the events of Gate of Memories.

0 5 5 0 5 6
Baal Avatar, The Gate of Memories Existential Defense: Baal does not allows the target to choose powers of monster as a being
block or dodge in a conventional manner. with Gnosis 30.
Level: 17 Category: Between Worlds 40 Simply, it alters the reality in a way that the Baal can force this union with beings with high doses
Life Points: 400 attacks do not reach him either stopping of evil, forcing them to overcome a MR check against 120
Class: Warlock them or moving them away from its path. as an automatic action or they will be linked to it. Demons
Therefore, Baal does not apply any penalty and beings whose nature is innately evil are immune to
Str: 15 Dex: 15 Agi: 15 Con: 17 Pow: 18 Int: 15 to its ability for negatives that may exist this ability. Someone who exceeds the check becomes
Wp: 18 Per: 15 for blocking or dodging, nor for additional completely immune to the influence of Baal and can not
PhR 140 MR 150 PsR 150 VR 140 DR 140 defenses in the same round. link to it later, even voluntarily, so the Gate of Hell will
never usually force this union, as it hopes to corrupt agents
Initiative: 180 Natural
Control of Fate: Baal can with the passage of time.
Attack Ability: 350 Infernal Weapons
Defense Ability: 340 Existential Defense
repeat a roll each round, either one
Damage: 150 Infernal Weapons of its own or one of its opponents. Avatar: This description of Baal measures its form
Entities with greater Gnosis than Baal in the real world, because in the Nexus where its true
MA: 200 are not affected by this rule. essence resides it lacks a “real body”. Therefore, the
Zeon: 2.250 Avatar can vary its power depending on how much essence
Existential Barrier: Baal can not Baal infuses in it each turn, although their current statistics
Magical Projection: 300 lose more than 200 life points in one round. represent the amount of power that the body of Baal can
withstand without being damaged or destroyed. However,
Magic Level: Darkness 100, Destruction 100, Illusion Absolute Knowledge: Baal’s in desperate times Baal can “introduce” more of himself in
100, Sin 100, Chaos 100, Time 100 connection with human consciousness at the his earthly form, temporarily altering the environment to
Nexus of Souls gives it access to a source of make it its hell.
AT: No almost infinite knowledge. Therefore, it can Therefore Baal is able to obtain a bonus of between
use any secondary skill with the equivalent +10 and +100 to any action (and between +5 and +50 to
Natural Abilities: Magic Projection as an Attack. value of 200. its MA) at the expense of destroying its earthly form. In
Essential Abilities: Divine Spiritual Characteristics,
doing so, its body suffers a damage equivalent to half the
Supernatural Physical Characteristics, Zen, Physical
Absolute Regeneration: Baal bonus received which is considered a Sacrifice, so the life
Powers: Infernal Weapons, Existential Defense,
recovers at the end of each round half of all points are recovered at a rate of 10 points per day. For
Control of Fate, Existential Barrier, Absolute the life points he lost that round. In case it example, if one turn Baal gets a bonus of +50 to every
Knowledge, Absolute Regeneration, Corruption, has not lost any that round, Baal recovers 10 action and +25 to MA using this method also suffers a loss
Avatar. life points. of 25 Life Points.

Size: 28 Medium Regeneration: Special Corruption: Baal has the ability to

Movement Value: 15 Fatigue: Tireless corrupt and link to its own essence to any
type of creature who has enough evil or
Secondary Abilities: 200 Everything (Absolute negative emotions. This process can be more
Knowledge). or less problematic depending on the personal
circumstances of each individual, but once
Infernal Weapons: All Baal’s physical attacks someone is bound to Baal, this union can
are actually deformations in reality that destroy not be broken and the target is influenced by
the very existence of what they hit. All attacks Baal at will. Any entity that accepts this link
completely ignore any armor defense, except automatically gets an increase of between 1
those that have an extremely strong supernatural and 3 levels depending on the attention the
presence, in which case they are reduced to half. Gate of Hell put on him. This transformation

0 5 7 0 5 8
Ergo Mundus, The Ultimate Monster Natural Magic: Ergo has extensive innate magical
knowledge, although he doesn’t known formulaic
Level: 17 Category: Between Worlds 35 / 40 (real form) incantations and spells. For him the magic is natural in an
Life Points: 350 unknown way, so he is unable to teach anyone to cast spells,
Class: Warlock but his magical skills are extremely high. Therefore, Ergo
can cast any spell of any path up to level 70. However, he
Str: 16 Dex: 16 Agi: 16 Con: 16 Pow: 18 Int: 13 Wp: 14 can only use spells of basic degree, although when they are
Per: 14 launched by him, its effects are equivalent to those of a spell
PhR 140 MR 160 PsR 140 VR 140 DR 140 of Intermediate grade (or, in case that you are not using
Core Exxet rules, as if the spell had been launched adding
Initiative: 195 Natural
50 Zeon points to its value).
Attack Ability: 330 Natural
Weapons (Variable)
Defense Ability: 320 Dodge Absorption of Concepts: Ergo can absorb and
Damage: 80 Natural Weapons / assimilate both artifacts and creatures and extract from
Variable them their fundamental conditions to learn how their
AT: Natural 8, Energy 9 powers work. In doing so, he gains partially or fully their
skills, and is able to use them as their own.
MA: 150 When used with weapons, this ability allows Ergo to
Zeon: 2.240 apply each and every one of the benefits and statistics of
Magic Projection: 280 the weapon that he chooses from all the ones that he has
Magic Level: Special absorbed and use them with his physical attacks with full
ability. It further includes any bonus or power that the
Accumulation: Str 4 Agi 5 Dex 5 Con 4 Pow 5 Wp 3 weapon had. For example, he could choose a battleaxe
Ki: 166 of quality +10, and for all purposes his physical attacks
would be equal to that weapon, even applying the special
Natural Abilities: Magic Projection as an Attack, Use of Ki,
bonus of +10 to his skill. However, visually Ergo would be
Ki Control, Ki Detection, Erudition, Presence Extrusion, Aura
struggling with nothing more than his body.
Extension, Use of Necessary Energy, Energy Armor.
Essential Abilities: Divine Spiritual Characteristics, Divine
When used with artifacts or creatures, Ergo can use any
Physical Characteristics, Zen, Unnatural Size, Ambidextrous. of the special powers that they possess, as if he physically had
Powers: Natural Weapon, Natural Armor 8, Natural Magic, the object or he was the creature himself, though not to copy
Absorption of Concepts, Existential Barrier, Edge of Darkness, their attack, defense and secondary skill values. For example,
Immortal, Absolute Accumulation. Ergo could throw the breath of a dragon (with his own attack
skill value) or hit physically using the special qualities of the
Size: 19 Medium Regeneration: 6 creature. This ability allows him to copy Ki techniques too.
Movement Value: 15 Fatigue: 13 Ergo is able to assimilate an unknown vast amount
of existential power of weapons, artifacts and creatures
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 240, Athleticism 240, (before being sealed, he had assimilated the abilities of
Swim 125, Jump 125, Composure 240, Feats of Strength 180, hundreds of creatures and artifacts of very high power),
Withstand Pain 140, Notice 240, Search 180, Occult 200, but can only use three of them each time. To change from
Magic Appraisal 200, Style 280, Intimidate 240. one power to another of the ones he has assimilated, he
needs a full round, during which he can not use either of
the two powers which are being exchanged. Of course, he
can act normally while interchanging powers.

0 5 9 0 6 0
When he absorbs a weapon
or an artifact, Ergo need
to physically destroy
the object or kill
the creature to
fully absorb the
concept and
“assimilate it”.
This ability
does not allow him
to assimilate powers
of entities with Gnosis
40 or higher.
Sealed in the Book
of Void, Ergo can only use
one power at a time and can
not use powers of entities with
Gnosis 30 or higher.

Existential Barrier: Ergo

can not lose more than 150 life
points in one round.

Edge of Darkness: Ergo

gets a +20 to any action when his
Anima Tactics Profiles
life points fall below 90.

Immortal: It is not
known whether Ergo can die
or be completely destroyed. In
the past, even if his body was
destroyed, his spirit survived long
enough to find another physical
form in which inhabit.

Absolute Accumulation:
Ergo always fully accumulates Ki
and Magic, even if is fighting, can
not concentrate or gesture.

0 6 2
Warrior - Mystic - Leader

Level 100
Innate Abilities: Intangible, Flight.
2 Aura of Terror: All enemy units that start a round
inside Malekith’s Control Zone recover 1 Action Point
less. Effect 16.
Dark Beam (Magic, Ranged Attack)
Distance (40 Cm / 16 C.).

12 Nightmare Beam (Magic, Ranged Attack)

+3 Attack / +3 Damage. Distance (50 Cm / 20 C.).
Raven Flight (Magic, Effect, Movement)
Place Malekith in any point inside its actual Control
15 / 25
Zone. This skill allows him to automatically escape from
(6 / 10)

Base Size: Small

Lord of Knightmares

Nemesis: Once per game, at the start of a

round, Malekith can place inside its Control
Zone one unit chosen by you whose level can
not exceed 60. It can be any character, even
if it is already in the game. The unit appears
with all its Action Points and must be at
least one 3 Cm away (1 C) from any other
unit. At the end of the round, remove that
character from game.

Existential Barrier: Malekith can’t lose

more than 8 Life points in a single round. If
he does, put a marker in his actual position
and remove it from the game. During the
recovery Phase of the next round, place
Malekith no farer than 10 Cm (4 C) from
the marker.
Nexus Guardian


Level 60
Immunity: While the Nexus Guardian has not been
activated that round, he uses his secondary Armor
Exterminator (Magic, Ranged Attack)
Distance (40 Cm / 16 C.).
15 / 25 Explosion (Magic, Attack)
(6 / 10) Affects all units at 10 Cm (4 C) around the Nexus

Base Size: Small

Druag a
Warrior - Leader

Level 70
Innate Abilities: Damage Resistance
Resurrection: When Druaga Life Points reach 0, don’t
remove him from the game. Instead, he will enter in
1 Resurrection Mode, losing all his remaining Action Points and
he won’t be able to do anything until the end of the next turn.
During this time he automatically recovers 8 Life Points, but
he doesn’t count as a unit in any way. If during Resurrection
30 Mode he losses all his life points, he is removed from game.
Destroyer: Any hand to hand attack made by Druaga ignores
2 points of the defender’s Armor.

10 Area Attack (Ki, Ranged Attack)

Druaga Attacks all enemy units within 5 Cm (2C).
Fire Sphere (Ki, Ranged Attack)
30 / 40 Distance (50 Cm / 20 C.).
(12 / 16) Como (Ki, Attack)
Druaga does two consecutive attacks against the same target.

Base Size: Medium

K a pp e l
Mystic - Leader

Level 70
Summoner Level: 3 Affinity: Light, Dark and Void
Lord of Fantasy: In a group that includes Kappel as Leader you
can add as many Summon creatures as you want as normal units,
ignoring if you want the summoning rules. Any unit included this way
0 uses its Atman to count its Character level.
Fantasy: While Kappel is in game, you can use your Gnosis points to
force to repeat any roll of your rival.
Light and Dark Affinity: At will, Kappel may be considered either a
16 Light or a Dark unit, to obtain the best possible effect in each moment.

Fantasy Beam (Magic, Ranged Attack)

+2 Attack / + 3 Damage. Distance (40 Cm / 16 C.).
12 Charge (Magic, Charge)
+2 Attack / + 4 Damage
Summon (Magic, Ranged Attack)
30 / 40 Distance (30 Cm), +2 Attack / +3 Damage. If this Attack hits its target,
then all Characters within 5 Cm (2 C.) of the target also suffer the Attack.
(12 / 16)
Unleashed (Magic, Attack)
+2 Attack / +3 Damage. Unleashed affects all enemy Units within 5
Cm (2 C.) of Kappel.
Base Size: Small

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