Usnt Part 3 Compressed

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he adventure continues! This time, the with their conjured creations and undead servants. Like the
characters must head into the Amber Areas, a Golden Galleries, so far, no adventurers have traveled past
diabolical section of the Nightmare Tunnels this arcane domain to see the other side. Of course, the
that is home to the diabolical archmage necromancer, Zavira, has turned plenty of those adventurers
Dezahl and his vile family, the Titian Ten, each into her playthings.
member a powerful mage in his or her own
right.  The Amber Areas occupy areas 36-58 
on the map of the Nightmare Tunnels. See the full map at the Should you face a downturn in the excitement of play, try
front of the book, or refer to the map of the Amber Areas on using one of the following encounters or an encounter of your
page [x]. The Amber Areas are designed for 3-5 7th level own design to get the characters back into the swing of
characters. Characters who defeat the monsters in this things.
section should gain enough XP to reach 8th level.
 The denizens of the Amber Areas have a bit more structure
The Amber Areas are the libraries, laboratories, and domains than those of the other sections of the Nightmare Tunnels. As
of study for the orange-clad mage Dezahl and his coterie of such, guards work regular rounds. Of course, the Titian Ten's
students, the Titian Ten. Like much of the Nightmare lackeys are no mere guards.  Zavira, Dezahl's necromancer
Tunnels, the walls and ceilings are somewhat ramshackle, daughter, has reanimated the bodies of dead adventurers to
held aloft by slapdash support beams and planks. The serve as guards through the complex. The adventurers are
overhead lights burn wildly in the Amber Areas, casting wights riding giant spiders wearing studded leather barding
orange light over everything. It's not uncommon to see cast- (AC 15) and equipped with special saddles which keeps the
iron torches jutting from the wall, either. If one listens closely, wights from falling out while the spiders climb on the
they can hear the chants and humming of the Titian Ten and ceilings. The riders always travel in pairs.
their lackeys echoing throughout the Amber Areas. 
The champion of the Amber Areas, Dezahl, willingly gave Although Dezahl knows everything that transpires within the
over his allegiance to Uncle Skeleton in hopes that he could Amber Areas, he enjoys sending his physical arcane eye—
learn more from the dungeon lord. Of course, the trick to known as the Orb—to openly spy on trespassers. The orb is a
Uncle Skeleton is combing through the lies and deception to ball of solid, white marble with streaks of red, almost like an
learn what is real and what is an illusion. eye with no iris or pupil that measures 8 inches in diameter.
The Orb has AC 15, 20 hp, and immunity to poison and
 psychic damage. Dezahl can control the orb the same way as
The Titian Ten and their lackeys rule the Amber Areas along he could the arcane eye spell, except the orb cannot pass
through 1-inch openings.

 
Rocklavin and Prat are two shadow goblins (see the At 10 years old, Adus is the youngest of the Titian Ten—and
Appendix) who love messing with those trespass into the one of the deadliest. Adus does not draw his powers from
Amber Areas. Using their incredible stealth skills, the goblins study, but instead, was born with an innate ability to bend
enjoy taking shots at long distances, laughing, then fleeing others to his will. He enjoys making others perform terrible
before the characters can catch up to them. For added humor, actions that cause them mental torment. Often, he is
they may even flank the characters—one attacking from 60 surrounded by slaves drawn from the Nightmare Tunnels'
feet in front of the heroes while the second attacks from 60 dungeons who are under his command.
feet behind them. Another favorite trick of the two is to lead
adventurers into known traps throughout the complex. Adus uses the commoner stat block, except with the
following changes:
 Alignment. Adus is chaotic evil.
Ability Score Adjustments. Adus' Strength score is 6 (-2)
Unlike the other sections of the Nightmare Tunnels, the and his Charisma score is 20 (+5).
Amber Areas are ruled by a family working as one instead of New Trait: Innate Spellcasting. Adus' innate spellcasting
a single demagogue. They are the Titian Ten. Here are brief ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). He can innately
descriptions of each of the members as well as their stats and cast the following spells, requiring only verbal
spell lists. components: at will—suggestion; 3/day—mass suggestion.
Adus carries a bag of holding filled with corpses.
Dezahl is the Titian Ten's elder and ultimate lord of the 
Amber Areas. Extraordinarily paranoid, he keeps to himself, Although a bit flamboyant for Dezahl's tastes, Awix is the
working from his scrying room in area 54.He is the son of most powerful spellcaster of Dezahl and Idinora's three
Crezar and Ofyne, brother of Zoldan, and father of Adus, children. He spends most of his days crafting illusions and
Awix, and Zavira with Idinora, his wife. playing harmful tricks on trespassers. Most of the time, he is
Dezahl is a LE human archmage. While he is in the Amber unseen, using his illusions to hide his true whereabouts.
Areas, Dezahl has lair actions which are described in area 54, Awix is a LE archmage except that his CR is 9 (5,000 XP)
which he rarely leaves. and wears slippers of spider climbing. He has the following
wizard spells prepared:
Dezahl's wife, Idinora, is a world-class transmuter and arcane Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mage hand, minor illusion,
experimenter. Like Dezahl, she holes up in area 54 in order to   prestidigitation, shocking grasp
keep an eye on intruders in the Amber Areas. With Dezahl, 1st level (4 slots): color spray, illusory script, mage armor,
her children are Adus, Awix, and Zavira. Astofaerus is her   silent image
father. In combat, Idinora uses her powers to assist others, 2nd level (3 slots): blur, mirror image, suggestion
casting harmful spells to remove enemy defenses and helpful 3rd level (3 slots): hypnotic pattern, major image,
spells to give allies an edge.   nondetection
Idinora is a LE human archmage, except her CR is 9 4th level (3 slots): dimension door, greater invisibility,
(5,000 XP) and she has the following wizard spells prepared:   hallucinatory terrain
5th level (3 slots): dream, mislead, seeming
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mending, message, 6th level (1 slot): programmed illusion
    prestidigitation, shocking grasp 7th level (1 slot): project image
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, identify, mage armor, magic 8th level (1 slot): mind blank
    missile 9th level (1 slot): weird
2nd level (3 slots): alter self, enlarge/reduce, spider climb
3rd level (3 slots): gaseous form, haste, slow 
4th level (3 slots): polymorph, stone shape, stoneskin Zavira is the oldest of Dezahl and Idinora's three children. A
5th level (3 slots): animate objects, hold monster, telekinesis loner, she prefers to hole up in her laboratory and study the
6th level (1 slot): flesh to stone dead and—by extension—undead.
7th level (1 slot): reverse gravity Zavira is a mage, except she has the following wizard
8th level (1 slot): feeblemind spells prepared:
9th level (1 slot): true polymorph
 Cantrips (at will): chill touch, light, mage hand, minor illusion,
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, mage armor, magic missile
Growing up, Zoldan did not possess the same magical   ray of sickness
aptitude as his brother, Dezahl. Frustrated, he instead turned 2nd level (3 slots): flaming sphere, gentle repose
to scientific and necromantic pursuits which eventually lead 3rd level (3 slots): animated dead, counterspell, fireball
to his transformation into a hyper golem—a flesh golem with 4th level (3 slots): dimension door, greater invisibility
its brain still intact. While Zoldan is in area 44 with the four 5th level (1 slot): cloudkill
pylons functioning he possesses lair actions. Zoldan is cruel,
impatient, sociopath who loves harming others.

 Not only is Dezahl always prepared for the characters, but
the other Titian Ten are as well. Unless the characters have
Ledali is Zoldan's daughter. There are two things that make been particularly stealthy, assume that the members of the
her unusual. First, she has no spellcasting ability of her own, Titian Ten have had plenty of time to prepare before any
nor does she have an interest in spellcasting. Second, she encounter. This includes their lackeys, all of whom are
does not suffer from the same curse of madness that afflicts familiar with the layout of the Amber Areas, who can—and
the rest of the family. will—use the halls and chambers (and all the shadowy spaces
Ledali's bedroom is in area 52. However, it's rare that she's and traps within) to their advantage.
actually there. Instead, she spends time traveling around the
dungeons. She keeps herself safe with a ring of invisibility.
Still, she's come close to being killed on more than one
occasion. Ledali is a N human spy. Although she isn't evil, she
won't turn against her family and will defend them if pushed.
All locations descriptions for this level are keyed to the map
 on page 29. Orange is the theme of the Amber Areas, but also
plenty of shadows. While there are continual light lamps
Astofaerus is Idinora's father. In his old age, he's contracted hanging overhead and torches throughout, they are placed
an incurable disease that has confined him to a wheelchair. much more sparingly. Dezahl and his minions favor the dark.
He cannot speak and can only move his left hand to make
basic gestures. Even still, he is incredibly dangerous. 
Astofaerus is a commoner, but with the following changes:
The main part of this room is 40 feet wide by 40 feet deep
Alignment. Astofaerus is neutral evil. with 20 foot high ceilings. A shadowy 115-foot corridor
Movement. Astofaerus' movement speed is 0. However, he connects this area to area 44. Sparks of lightning from area
can be pushed around in his wheel chair. 44 illuminate the southern end of the hall at regular intervals.
Ability Score Adjustments. Make the following changes
to Astofaerus' ability scores: Str 3 (-4) Dex 1 (-5), Int 7 (+3). One Torch. There is only one torch that burns in this room
New Trait: Innate Spellcasting. Astofaerus innate in its northeastern corridor. The next source of light is cast
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +6 to by an overhead continual light lamp 20-feet down the
hit with spell attacks). Astofaerus can innately cast the corridor. Therefore, most of the room is bathed in
following spells, requiring no verbal components: At will— darkness.
friends, minor illusion; 3/day each—counterspell, hypnotic Secret Door. The secret door that connects the hallway to
pattern; 1/day each—demiplane, mislead. area 39 can be found with a successful DC 15 Wisdom
Astofaerus has no effective attacks. (Perception) check.
 
Crexar of Ofyne are Dezahl and Zoldan's parents. Before At the center of the room, kneeling overtop of a pentagram is
their sons were born, Crexar and Ofyne were cursed by a a humanoid-shaped creature with glistening, golden skin
danaavrakt: all of their descendants would be born evil and restrained to the floor by two, thick chains. From its back, are
insane. The couple worked for years to rid themselves of the two bony, bleeding protrusions, almost like the creature once
curse, but to no avail. Right away, they recognized the evil had wings, but those wings were gruesomely torn away from
inherent in their children. it.
Paranoid, Dezahl feared that his parents would try to stop A steel box has been placed over the creature's head. A
his machinations. However, he did not wish to kill them. With latch fastened around its neck below the box prevents the box
the help of his equally evil wife, Idinora, Dezahl trapped his from being removed. The words "Don't Believe My Lies" are
parents in a pocket dimension. Later, when Uncle Skeleton painted over the front of the box in white.
approached Dezahl to assist with the construction of the The creature is actually a deva named Anaiel. He only has
Nightmare Tunnels, Dezahl used his parents' chambers as 10 hit points remaining. The box placed over his head makes
the starting point for the development of the Amber Areas. it so he can't see, hear, or speak. The magic of the box also
Crexar and Ofyne are both LG archmages. They wish to makes it so he cannot use his innate spells, Healing Touch, or
stop Dezahl and the other members of the Titian Ten, but do Change Shape features. To make matters worse, there is a
not wish to kill them (although, they're flexible on Idinora and single scorpion inside the box. So long as Anaiel remains
her father Astofaerus). If freed, the two will assist the still, the scorpion will not sting him. However, if the box is
characters in putting an end to Dezahl's evil once and for all. jostled in any way, the scorpion stings Anaiel's face. Thanks
to its proximity and the box's enchantments, the scorpion
 always makes its attacks against Anaiel's face with
Assume that at all times Dezahl or one of his close minions Dezahl left the angel there as an experiment. Without
are scrying on the characters using either the Orb, his being able to communicate in any meaningful way to those
scrying dish, or seeing through the eyes of one of the who would enter this area and walk past him, would they sate
creatures in his employ. A self-proclaimed "student of Uncle their curiosity and free the angel? Or would they allow their
Skeleton" Dezahl has learned the value of toying with those paranoia to rule and ignore the restrained celestial? So far,
who would seek to undo him. every trespasser into the Amber Areas has avoided Anaiel.

    The two chains binding Anaiel's arms have AC 20, 30 hit on tables, held by servants, or otherwise shoved into the
points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. They various nooks and crannies.
can be broken with a successful DC 22 Strength (Athletics) Furniture. Fine furniture is all over the room. Negotiating
check. Each time a chain is attacked or an attempt is made to the room is difficult. Treat the entire area as difficult
break one, have Anaiel make a DC 14 Constitution saving terrain, as the characters will have to sidestep, leap over, or
throw. On a successful saving throw, he remains calm and the kick past end tables, couches, chairs, etc. should combat
scorpion doesn't attack. On a failed saving throw, the box break out.
jostles and the scorpion attacks Anaiel's face.
The steel box is much more difficult to remove. It has AC 
25, 30 hit points, and is immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and It appears that there over two dozen humanoid revelers of
slashing from nonmagical attacks, as well as from poison and various species enjoying a masquerade ball of sorts. Masked
psychic damage. Picking the lock at the base of the box centaur servants offer amber cocktails on bronze platters.
requires a successful DC 25 Dexterity saving throw using Laughter fills the air. There are even a few nude patrons in
thieves' tools. Attacking the box or failing the Dexterity check the crowd.
to remove the lock by 5 or more causes the scorpion to attack However, something seems off about the room. After a
Anaiel's face. character observes the room for one round, they can make a
Once the box is removed from Anaiel's head, he can easily DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, they
break free of the chains binding him. Free of the chains, his realize that the sounds and voices of the party aren't actually
powers instantly return. He swears his life to the adventurers being made by the patrons.
so long as they do nothing that goes against his moral code. That's because all of the patrons are actually skeletons
Although Anaiel won't have his mace, he is proficient in all disguised with a seeming spell. The skeletons, 25 in all, have
simple and martial weapons and still adds his Angelic been commanded to gesture and act as if they were enjoying
Weapons bonus to any weapon he wields. themselves at a party. The sounds of the party are created by
Anaiel's Traits
other minor illusions cast throughout the room. However, the
voices and sounds rarely sync with the "party-goers."
Ideal. "All life is precious." When touched, a party goer's true form reveals itself
Bond. "I swear my life to those who have saved me." momentarily; a bleached skull with bits of dried, gray flesh
Flaw. "I am far too curious for my own good." clinging to it. When this happens, the sounds stop and the
illusion drops; they're all skeletons with the exception for one
 person, a bronze-skinned man with a curly black mohawk
This odd-shaped room is dimly lit by candles placed and orange livery. The man is on the far side of the room
(place him wherever the characters aren't).

  cluttered with makeups and trinkets, a small jewelry box,
The man speaks, "Welcome to my party! We were all dying to
and a mannequin head wearing a powdered, pink ponytail
meet you." He laughs and bows. "I am your host, Awix the
wig. The vanity's large mirror is dressed with beads and
Grand! And I am afraid that none of you were invited." Awix
then snaps his fingers; the skeletons stand and attack.
"Oh!" Awix says as the skeletons approach, "If you get any
When the characters open the armoire, inside they see what
funny ideas about attacking the party-goers with something looks like a portal back to the material, opening on a city
explosive like a fireball, just know that I've captured a child, street during the day. Passersby hurry past the portal,
knocked it unconscious, and fed it a potion of invisibility. seemingly without noticing it. Even the sounds are realistic.
Then, I hid the child somewhere in this room. Blast the room Of course, the whole thing is an illusion cast on the inside
and you blast the child." He then raises a glass to toast. of the armoire. Noticing that it is an illusion requires a DC 17
Intelligence (Investigation) check. If a living creature steps
into the armoire expecting to be transported to another
Awix is not actually in the room. His presence is an illusion city, the illusion fades and the armoire slams shut.
created by a mislead spell (he's actually invisible in area 38). Have the characters roll initiative. On initiative count 20
Remove the skeletons' shortbows. To simplify things, use (losing initiative ties), chains materialize from the sides of the
the mob rules described in the DMG for their attacks. For armoire and wrap around it, preventing the door from
your convenience, a Skeleton Mob Attacks chart has been opening. The chains have AC 19, 20 hit points, and immunity
included in the text. to poison and psychic damage. A character trapped in the
armoire can use their action to break the chains and burst
Skeleton Mob Attacks the door open with a successful DC 22 Strength check.
Target AC Skeletons Needed for One to Hit On the second round, on initiative count 20 (losing
initiative ties), the armoire bursts into flames. Each creature
9 or less 1 that starts its turn within 5 feet of the armoire takes 3 (1d6)
10-16 2 fire damage from the flames. If a creature starts its turn
inside the armoire, it takes 10 (3d6) fire damage from the
17-18 3
flames, and the creature must succeed on a DC 10
19-20 4 Constitution saving throw, or take an additional 3 (1d6) fire
21-22 5
damage and fall unconscious from inhaling the smoke. Once
the creature is away from the fire and smoke, it can repeat its
23 10 saving throw at the end of each of its turns, returning to
24 20 consciousness on a success. The armoire also takes 10 (3d6)
fire damage.
If the characters clear out the skeletons and/or start to A creature can use its action to extinguish the flames using
target Awix, he adds to the illusion by "drawing two swords" an object like a blanket, cloak, or even sand to smother the
from the nearest wall. The swords are actually a pair flying flames (use your discretion). Until then, the armoire
swords. continues to burn until it is destroyed.
They match their movements so they appear to be in The armoire has AC 16, 20 hit points, and is immune to
Awix's hands. Unless the characters specifically target the poison and psychic damage.
swords, Awix shrugs off all their attacks while the flying 
swords make attacks on his behalf. A character who takes the It is likely that Awix is in the room when the characters enter.
Search action can spot that the swords aren't in sync with his He should still be under the effects of his mislead spell. If so,
hands on a successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check. he is 20-feet up, sitting cross-legged on the ceiling (thanks to
Should the characters defeat the skeletons and recognize his slippers of spider climb), and invisible. Awix keeps
that Awix is nothing more than an illusion, a quick search of perfectly still, not wanting to alert his presence. He'd rather
the room reveals that there is no invisible child. Awix lied observe and report on the adventurers than get into direct
about that, too. Still, you might keep the players guessing. conflict with them. Should his illusory duplicate still be
 active, he'll use it to follow the adventurers around. He
particularly enjoys using his duplicate to alert the other
This 25-foot-square chamber is Awix's sleeping chambers. creatures of the dungeon to the presence of characters using
stealth to slink through the dungeon. Awix's stats are detailed
Armoire. At the south end of the room is a seven-foot-tall on the Titian Ten section on page 27.
armoire. The armoire radiates conjuration, evocation, and Treasure. The jewelry decorating the vanity has a
illusion magic if a detect magic spell is cast upon it. combined value of 350 gp. The wig is a hat of disguise.
Broken Egg Shells. While remotely watching the characters
from his place on the ceiling, Awix was eating raw eggs. 
The discarded shells are on the floor below, the only hint This rotunda is 30 feet in diameter and has 100-foot-high
that he may be in the room. ceilings.
Four-post bed. The western wall is dominated by a
comfortable-looking four-post bed with orange sheets. Stench. The entire room reeks of human waste and death.
Vanity. Awix's vanity hugs the northern wall. The desk is
Two torches. Only two torches light the main rotunda, Lab Table. A 10-foot long, 5-foot wide steel table is at the
casting long shadows throughout. center of the room. The foot of the table points towards the
hidden trap. Zavira can tilt the table to dispose of bodies.
 There is currently a corpse on the table. 
The spot on the map marked with a "T" has a glyph of Meat Hooks. At regular intervals in the north side of the
warding (DC 17) attached to it. Any creature that steps into room, six dead humanoids hang on meat hooks. As soon as
the area triggers glyph (it's part of what keeps the slaves a character comes with 5 feet of a dead
turning the wheel). The glyph triggers a cloudkill spell that humanoid, the humanoid animates as a zombie. Until the
fills the rotunda, likely killing all the slaves. Adus, in his zombie frees itself, it cannot move. A zombie can use its
arrogance, informs all of the slaves that the glyph exists, action to pull itself from the meathook. Zavira can use her
explaining how it functions and what it will do, knowing they bonus action to mentally command the zombies so long as
would not be able to disable the glyph themselves. Although she remains within 60 feet of them.
the slaves are forced to endure Adus' mass suggestion
powers and continue turning the wheel, they can still freely 
communicate. It's not uncommon for Zavira's creations to go berserk. As
 such, she's installed a portcullis that drops from the ceiling,
At the center of the rotunda is a 10-foot-wide wheel with a cordoning off the southmost 20-foot by 30-foot section of the
shaft that extends up into the ceiling and down into the floor. lab. The switch to drop the portcullis is in the southeastern
The wheel has six spokes, each one manned by an emaciated corner of the room. Lifting the portcullis or bending the bars
commoner. Together, the six commoners turn the wheel one enough so a creature can pass through requires a DC 20
full rotation each round. If the wheel stops turning or it is Strength check. The bars have AC 19, 25 hit points, and are
destroyed, the pylons in area 44 cease to function. This draws immune to poison and psychic damage.
the ire of Zoldan who comes to investigate in 1d4 + 1 rounds. 
All six of the wheel-turning slaves are under the effect of a Complex trap (level 5-10, dangerous threat)
permanent suggestion spell that forces them to turn the
wheel until they die of exhaustion. When a slave dies, a new Zavira uses a concealed pit trap to incinerate test subjects for
slave is drawn from the dungeons in area 124 to fill the which she no longer has a need. The pit is a 10-foot square
position.  The dead slaves are then handed over to his sister positioned in the square north of the lab table. The pit is 15-
Zavira to reanimate (or play with). feet deep. Its walls are covered in char and grease and the
Once, every twenty-four hours, Adus returns to this area to floor is blanketed in thick, black ash.
feed and recast mass suggestion on the slaves, dimension Trigger. The pit opens when Zavira speaks the command
door in any new slaves the wheel requires, and stow any dead word "incinerate." One round after the doors open, the doors
slaves into his bag of holding to later deliver to Zavira. When close, then one round after that, the fires start. The fires
the characters first enter the room, it's been 1d8 - 1 hours continue to burn for 5 hours or until Zavira speaks the
since the last "changing of the guard." On a result of 0, Adus is command word "snuff" to stop it.
in the room. See the Titian Ten sidebar for details. Initiative. The trap acts on initiative count 20 and initiative
 count 10.
Active Elements. Zavira's Incinerator's walls are lined
This 20-foot-by-30 foot room is packed with dead, electrified with flame jets. The trap door remains closed while the fires
humanoid corpses. burn. If the trap door is opened, the flame jets stop.
Corpses. The corpses are victims of Zoldan's Trap Door (Initiative 20). The trap door opens the
"experiments." They are awaiting Zavira's resurrection. moment Zavira says the command word "incinerate."
Dust. Heavy flakes of black dust float around the room. The doors then close on initiative count 20, losing
initiative ties.
 Flame Jets (Initiative 10). Once the doors close, the
This large room is Zavira's laboratory and bedchambers. flame jets come on. Any creature in the pit when the jets
Zavira is here when the characters arrive, but unless the come on takes 3 (1d6) fire damage.
characters have been incredibly careful while wandering   Dynamic Elements. The fires grow hotter the longer the
through the Amber Areas, she is prepared to face them. See trap remains active.
the Titian Ten sidebar on page [x] for Zavira's stats and her
tactics below. Heating Up. The damage from the Flame Jets element
increases by 3 (1d6) each round after it activates, to a
Furniture. Most of the room's walls are wrapped in shelves maximum of 17 (5d6).
with strange, necromantic tomes, jars of strange odds and   Constant Elements. The flames continue to burn until
ends, and even the occasional body part. The south part of they are disabled.
the room—the portion which acts as her bedroom—has a
small bed in the corner, a table with two chairs, and an Flame Jets. Any creature that ends its turn in the pit takes
unlocked iron footlocker. 3 (1d6) fire damage from the flame jets.

    Countermeasures. The trap can be neutralized by Furniture. There are multiple couches, chairs tables, and
destroying the Flame Jets element or escaping through the bookshelves throughout the room.
trap door.
Flame Jets. Characters can smash a wall of flame jets A family tree has been painted in orange and gold on the
or disable their components. There are four walls of northern wall, each branch with a small portrait of a family
flame jets. Each time a wall is disabled or destroyed, member. If a character with an Intelligence score of 14 or
the damage dealt by the Flame Jets element decreases higher spends one round observing the wall, they will
by 25% (to a minimum of 0%, at which point the flame automatically recognize the members of the Titian Ten the
jets no longer deal damage). moment they see them. All other characters who observe the
wall only recognize
Attack. A creature in the area can attack one
of the walls of Flame Jets.  A wall of flame jets has Dezahl and Idinora are husband and wife.
AC 14, 5 hp, and immunity to fire, poison, and psychic Zoldan is Dezahl's brother. His wife is deceased.
damage. Adus, Awix, and Zavira are Dezahl and Idinora's children.
Dexterity check using thieves' tools, DC 10. Creatures Ledali is Zoldan's daughter.
can use thieves' tools to disarm the Flame Jets. A Astofaerus is Idinora's father. His wife is deceased.
successful check disables one of the Flame Jets' walls. Crexar and Ofyne are Dezahl's parents. An X has been
drawn through each one of their faces.
Open the Doors. Opening the trap doors is the quickest You are free to add in any other family members that you
way to circumvent the trap. To open the doors, a like into the description of the family tree. None are present.
character must climb to the top of the pit and succeed
on a DC 18 Strength check to pry the door open. As 
soon as the door opens, the flame jets stop. This 30-foot square chamber is Astofaerus' bedroom.
Astofaerus is invalid and cannot speak or walk on his own.
 He sits in a wheelchair until one or more of his family
Zavira feints surrender, claiming that she has been members retrieve him for dinner. Although he appears
kidnapped by the other Titian Ten. Of course, her orange harmless, he is still very dangerous and despicably evil. With
robes should give her away. Her primary goal is to what little motor skills he has in his hand, he can still cast
encourage the characters to step onto the trap door so that spells to assist his family members if he happens to be
she can trap them in her incinerator. Next, she drops the present. See the Titian Ten section on page 28 for his stats.
portcullis to prevent melee combatants from approaching.
With the portcullis down, she takes cover behind the 
furniture of her room, either by kicking over a table and
hiding behind it or ducking behind a shelf. Once out of This large chamber has 50-foot high ceilings. This is where
sight, she casts cloudkill to cover the north side of the Zoldan draws his power. As long as the pylons are still
room, just beyond the portcullis. While the characters deal working when the characters arrive, he is electrifying slaves
with cloudkill and the zombies, Zavira breaks cover only to drawn from the dungeons. There are four living slave
cast ranged spells. commoners huddled at the center of the area, with a fifth in
She saves her casting of counterspell for any castings of his hands. After frying his victims to a crisp with the electrical
silence or any other spell that would disrupt her ability to currents that flow through his body, he tosses aside the
use magic, then saves dimension door if her hit points are smoking husk. Arrogant, Zoldan doesn't care if the characters
reduced by 40% or more, retreating to Dezahl's chambers are hunting through the Amber Areas. When the characters
(area 54) to regroup. arrive, he estimates that his brute strength and the powers
Treasure. Zavira's laboratory has enough supplies to granted him by the pylons will be enough to defeat them.
create one full set of alchemist's supplies and weaver's Zoldan is a hyper golem (see the Appendix).
tools, as well as a herbalism kit and a poisoner's kit. The
shelves and drawers all have enough spell components to Light. There are no sources of light in the room beyond the
cast any wizard spell up to 3rd level once; this includes lightning generated by the pylons.
components with gp costs. She keeps a small, unlocked Locked Door. The door to area 47 is locked.
chest on one of the shelves that contains 50 gp. She also
keeps a small jewelry collection in her footlocker. The 
jewelry is worth 100 gp. She has 100 books, most of which There are four, thirty-foot-tall pylons at regular intervals in
are treatises on necromancy. Each book is worth 1d4 x 5 this room (marked as pillars on the map). As long as at least
gp. She also keeps two copies of all 1st-level necromancy one of the pylons is active, Zoldan has lair actions in this
spell scrolls, one copy of all 2nd and 3rd level necromancy area. If the slaves in area 39 stop turning the wheel, the
spells scrolls, and also has a single blight scroll. There is pylons cease to function.
also a single potion of healing on one of her shelves Each pylon is a Huge object with AC 20, 30 hit points, and
(marked as such). immunity to lightning, poison, and psychic damage. A
creature that touches the pylon or hits it with melee attack
 while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) lightning damage.
This 40-foot-by-30-foot room is furnished like a den.

 ladder; without a rope, a character must succeed on a DC 10
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), so long as at least Strength (Athletics) check to shimmy safely down the shaft
one pylon is active and Zoldan is in this area, Zoldan can take and land in area 140. Noticing that the bench slides out
a lair action to cause one of the following effects described requires a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check. A
below. Zoldan can't use the same effect two rounds in a row. character can slide out the bench with a successful DC 12
Zoldan's CR is 12 (8,400 XP) while he is in his lair. Strength (Athletics) check.
Treasure. Zoldan keeps his spellbook here. It contains all
Arcs of lightning hit Zoldan. Zoldan and any creature the spells on his stat block plus another three 1st-level wizard
standing within 5 feet of Zoldan must make a DC 13 spells, two 2nd-level wizard spells, and one 3rd-level wizard
Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) lightning damage spell of your choosing.
for each functioning pylon on a failed saving throw, or half
as much damage on a successful one. Intentionally failing 
his saving throw, Zoldan absorbs the lightning and regains This room is dark and seemingly empty.
hit points equal to the lightning damage he takes.
Zoldan directs each of the functioning pylons to fire a Gelatinous Cubes. The Ten's three pet gelatinous cubes
beam of lightning at a target that he can see within 60 feet are in this room, hidden in plain sight. The cubes stand
of the pylon. The pylon makes a ranged spell attack with a next to each in a line that stretches from the center of the
+5 to hit. The pylon has advantage on the attack roll if the western wall to the center of the eastern wall between the
target is wearing armor made of metal. On a hit, the target
takes 4 (1d8) lightning damage and it can't take reactions doors to areas 44 and 48. The cubes have been trained by
until the start of its next turn. the Ten to wait patiently for creatures to walk into them.
Each of the functioning pylons creates a pinwheel of
electricity that encircles it. Any creature within 10 feet of a 
pylon must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, The Titian Ten and any friends that they've invited from the
taking 7 (2d6) lightning damage on a failed saving throw, other sections of Uncle Skeleton's Nightmare Tunnels dine in
or half as much damage on a successful one. this large room.
 Tables. There are two 25-foot long, 6-foot wide tables in the
This odd-shaped room functions as the pens for the wights' center of the room. The tables are covered in dirty dishes
giant spiders. The room is dark and covered in freshly-spun and the discarded remains of a recent meal. 
webbing (see Dungeon Hazards in chapter 5 of the DMG for Tapestry. A massive, orange tapestry bearing the sigil of the
details). There are four giant spiders present. Titian Ten covers the western wall.
Treasure. The wights fed the spiders a life-drained devilkin Zombie Servants. There are eight zombies in this room
adventurer whose half-eaten corpse now hangs in their dressed in orange livery. The zombies are focused on
webbing. The adventurer wears a colorful suit of full plate cleaning the mess left behind by the Titian Ten. Unless
mail, still intact. there is a member of the Ten or Grandma is in the room,
the zombies pay no heed to the characters. They will, of
 course, fight back if attacked.
This 30-foot square chamber is Zoldan's workshop.
Workbenches. The walls are flanked by benches covered in The door to area 50 is not only locked, but it is arcane locked;
tinker's tools (at least three sets worth) and any other the DCs to pick the locks or break down the door increase by
objects you deem logical to be found in a crude workshop. 10. In addition, a large, rectangular bar made of black stone
has been placed in front of the door. There are no rails
 holding the bar in place—it seems to magically float in space.
At the center of the room is a 10-foot square, steel morgue The bar functions the same way an immovable rod does,
table. On the table is a dead war horse carved into 6 separate except that it does not have a button to disengage it. Only
pieces: head, torso, and four legs. It's been drained of blood Dezahl can activate or deactivate the bar using the command
and the open wounds covered with steel caps that have been word "filthy" to do so.
bolted directly into the horse's flesh. Thick cables run from 
each of the steel caps with a final cable set into a small, steel Under the orange rug in the southeastern corner of the room,
box sitting at the edge of the table. The box has a single red there is a trap door. Noticing the trap door while it is hidden
button with two positions: "off" (its current position) and "on." by the carpet requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom
When the box is turned to the on position, the horse jolts to (Perception) check. The trap door opens to a 50-foot deep
life and starts writhing on the table. In pieces, it is harmless, shaft that leads to area 140. There are handholds bolted into
albeit disturbing to watch. the wall of the shaft to make climbing easy. The Titian Ten
 uses this as a way to escape.
A section of the workbenches hides the presence of a secret
trap door that opens a 5-foot wide square shaft in the floor
that descends 50-feet down to area 136. The shaft has no


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