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Meee 73
Z a for in its lightless caverns
a Mj wo og lie untold treasures.
" A ’ tIndeed, the Underdark is the favored
locale for the standard dungeon craw
DMs love such excursions, too, for there
are hazards galore in the subterranean
environment: rockalides and cave-ins,
poot ventilation and pockets of gas, and
all sotts of datigerous iithabltarts, intel-
gent and otherwise,
“There are already a small handful of
PC races that del in the sunless world
below. Here are three new character
races for the Underdark setting, allow=
ng players to devise characters froth
such bizarre stock as upright-walking
beetles; intelligent, floating fung!; and
two-headed, bipedal, eatapaced ior
Even if the DM is not interested in
fuinthing an Underdark-based cain
the races detailed below can be
speclal NPCs to spring of the
party when they next venture into the
sunless world of the subterranean
tealins, Such NPCs cat help ot hatass
the PCs, as best fits the DM's campaign.
Diopsids are large, underground beetles
that walk upright on thelr hind legs,
tusing thelr other four limbs as arms,
‘hele most distinctive features are thelr
red, multifaceted eyes, which project
sideways on long, narrow stalks, Unitke
snails’ eyestalks, diopaids' eyestalks ate
immobile; they cannot move thet
arouind. Thus, dlopsids must walk side-
ways down narrow passageways, for
the span of their eyestalks is greater
than the width of thetr bodies
The length from eyestalk to eyestalk
{s an important distinction between
diopsids. Males are often intimidated
by other males with “wider eyes,” and
the greater the eyestalk length among
females, the more attractive they ate to
the males.
Like many insects, dlopsids begin life
as grubs. A diopsid grub beats litte
resemblance to its adult form, appear-
ing when it hatches like a giant, long
‘white maggot. Diopsld grubs lack intel
ligence and are little more that eating
machines, Their first 3 years of life are
spent doing litte else, until they reach a
length of 7 feet or 80. Once a grub meta-
tmorphosizes into its adult forth (0
rocess that takes about a week, at the
end of which the beetle rips out of its
discarded "grub-skin”), it enters into
adult soctety and is raised by the entite
diopsid community. Diopsids do tot
‘RtOW larger once they've attained adult
fotth, #0 it’s usually impossible for
tmetbers of other races to tell the difter-
cence between a dlopsid elder atid one
"rest from the grub.” Diopalds tive
contly about 28 years,
‘The diopsid language Is visual, based
‘upott lightning-qutck flashes of biolu-
minescence from glands in thelt
abdotnens. Stich light-fashes ate alm-
line to the pulves of light produced by
the common lightning bug. The light
pulses flash on and off with amaelng
rapidity, While dlopsids find it easy to
Interpret thelt language, other faces
have a dlficult Hie separating the tnl-
vidual pultes into a coherent messaye.
For obvious reasons, diopalds eottti-
‘nleate only among thetrietves th this
fashion. In fact, they have so much cot
trol over thelr own light-flashes that
they can project thee light-Frequericles
{tito the infrated spectrum, where thelr
theswages cantot be seen even by those
‘unable to employ infravision. (This ts
the dlopald equivalent of a whisper)
Although dlopalds prefer comin.
cating via light pulses, thelr vocal
organs are capable of producing the
speech of other races, and many have
leatned to speak Undereomimon ot
cother language. Dlopslds have to apo-
ket racial language of thelr own,
Diopsids are Large-size creatures,
standing 7-74 feet tall. Thelt size and
‘Appearance often intimidate other races,
and most dlopslds (especially warriors)
take full advantage of this effect, often
acting meaner and flercer than they
really are, A favored tactie is to spread
thelr elytra (the hard, outer sheath cov-
eting their gauzy wings) wide, causing
them to appeat tick larger, This tactic
works well agaitist nort-intelligent an
mals and many intelligent ones smaller
than the dlopsids. All dlopsids, regard
less of character class, tend to gloty in
combat, although they don’t take this
feeling to outrageous extremes—a diop-
sid knows when to fle from a stronger
foe andl sees to shai in the act.
Because of thelr rather short lifespan
‘or detalla) (rogue) adiverturer, aauas-
‘in, soout, thug (PHBR2), acavenger,
tunnel rat, ahadow (PHBA 0),
(compared to those of other races),
dlopslds tend to be impatient and hate
‘wailing above al else. Inthe manner of
many insects, they do not sleep but
remain motionless In extended periods
of rest. Thus, diopsids are favorite look-
outs during the sleep shifts of mixed
tace adventuring parties, fot thelt
compound eyes are incapable of clos-
ing, and dlopsids remains aware of
events in thelr vielnity even when in
test status, Furthermore, bectuse ofthe
way thelr compound eyes are built, a
dlopsld enjoys « 270° panotatnle view
at all times; its only “blind spot’ is the
90" are ditwetly belie it
Diopsids are fascinated by new types
of weapotts, especially since they have
ho metalsmithing abilities as a race,
Moat dlopslds take thelr weapons from
the corpses of slain enemies, atid the
DRAGON 267: aslopsid Basic Game Information
‘Score Adjustmenta, The Initial
Ability soores are modilied by a +4
bonus to Strength and & -1 penalty to
Diopsid thieves adjust thelr thieving
ablities as follows: +5% to Pick Pock-
ats, +10% to Detect Noise, 15% to
load Languages. (Diopsids have no
written language of thelr own and find
the concept puzzling.)
‘Diopsles can become fighterithieves,
but shamans and druids do not multl-
‘lass, Diopsid druids are members of
the gray druld branch, as detailed in
discovery of a new type of weapon
brings diopsid warriors flocking from
all over to study this new means of
{inflicting harm upon one’s enemies.
While diopsids are often loners by
nature, they are always willing to help
others of their race master a new
‘weapon proficiency.
Diopsids fear the surface world and
all that it entails. In the diopsid cosmol-
ogy, the surface world is the place of
eternal punishment, where the poor
souls dwelling there must suffer the
random effects of changing weather, the
‘burning sun and endless skies of day,
and the vast pool of stars at night
Diopsids view creatures from the sur-
face world with the same dread that
most races feel toward the undead: as
strange, unnatural things intruding
‘upon the normal order: Until they learn
otherwise, diopsids attack such abomi-
fnations that dare to enter the Under-
ditrk, the world of the living,
The Complete Drula's Handbook.
Hit Dice, Diopsid PCs receive Hit
Dice by class,
Alignment. Diopsids tend toward
‘neutral, although PC diopside can be
of any alignment.
Natural Armor Class. 4. Because
‘ot thelr tough, chtinous exoskeletons,
‘dopsids cannot wear armor, although
they can improve thelr armor class by
‘wearing magical rings, amulets, and
other such items. Diopsids can use
shields, often orafted trom the wing-
‘case of « dead dlopsid. A dlopsid wing-
case shield improves the bearers AC
by 1 point against melee attacks and
by 2againet misalle attacks.
‘Average Height and Weight.
Height: 78 + 248, Weight 200 + S410.
Unlike many races, there Is litle or no
difference in height and weight
between the sexes among diopside, In
fact, most other races are unable to
even determine the diference between
dlopsid males and temsies; diopside
find this highly amusing, ae the dltter-
‘ences are quite obvious to them.
‘Age. Starting Age: 3 + 1d4, Maxi-
mum Age Range: 20 + 108. Average
Maximum Age: 28 years, Middle Age:
10 years. Old Age
Venerable 20 years.
Diopsid tales tell of daring warriors
who braved the horrors of the surface
world to prove their fearlessness. Diop-
sids wishing to prove their worth (as a
rite of passage into a band of warriors
of to win the affections of a desited
mate) can elect to enter the World
‘Above and bring back the head of one
of the foul beasts that live there. Such
visitations ean a great deal of respect in
the diopsid community.
The diopsid views on other subter-
ranean races are skewed by thelr love of
exotic weaponry. The illithids, for
Instance, are scorned for their general
lack of weapons use; diopsids do not
understand thelr preference for mind
powers over physical weapons. (This
doesn’t mean that diopsids see illithids
as pushovers. They respect and even
fear the mind flayers’ psionic abilities;
they just realize there's little point in
dealing with an illithid,) Drow, on the
other hand, are respected as manufac-
turers of adamantite weapons. Diop-
aids, even good-aligned ones, usually
have no ethical dilemma in consorting,
‘with the evil drow, seeing them primar-
lly as an excellent source for magical
‘weapons. (Whether this is through
trade with the drow or by slaying drow
‘warriors and looting their bodies after
ward depends upon the individual
diopsid.) To a lesser extent, duergar and
ktio-toa are tolerated, although diop-
sids greatly prefer drow weapons
above all others,
Special Dopsid vantages
+ Having four arms, diopsids can
attack with two weapons and still use a
shield each round without penalty.
+ Digpsids have infravision to a range
of 120 feet. Unlike many subterranean
races, they are not discomfited by
bright lights.
«TF forced to fight without weapons, «
diopsid inflicts 1-3 points of damage
‘with ts claws. It gets two stich attacks
per round.
‘Although diopsids have wings, they
fare not strong enough to allow them
full powers of fight. They do allow the
dlopsid to slow a fall, however; in such
Instances the effects are the same as a
feather fll spell.
Special api isatvatages
+ Because of their insectoid body
structure, diopsids are unable to wear
boots, slippers, shoes, gauntlets, gloves,
helmets, robes, or belts/gitdles (except
possibly those made for giant-sized
humanoids, although wearing a belt
prevents the diopsid from spreading its
elytra, thereby precluding the tse ofits
wings). Their compound eyes prevent
them from employing any of the magi-
cal eves (stich as eves of minut seeing or
eyes ofthe eg)
inlike many Insects, diopsids can-
not walk along walls and ceilings
Members of the rogue class can learn to
climb as well as any other character
races, though
+n addition, few people seeing @
diopsid for the first time ate likely to
assume it {s an intelligent being: as a
result, dlopsid PCs receive a +4 penalty
to initial reaction checks.
+ Diopaids have bestial appetites and.
require twice as mich food as the aver-age human at every meal. Diopsids
don’t handle food rationing well at all;
they suffer a temporary -1 penalty to
their Strength and Constitution scores
any time they miss a meal.
+ Diopsids suffer damage as Large
Sapromnemes (Fungal Ghosts}
Sapromnemes (SAP-ro-neems), or
fungal ghosts, are a normally non-
intelligent type of airborne fungus,
similar to a gas spore. They have more
of a jellyfishlike appearance, however,
witha broad central mass similar to the
cap of a toadstool from which depend
twenty or so thin tentacles. The cap
holds two black eyespots along its rim,
ranting the creature 60'infravision.
Sapromnemes move by an innate
form of telekinesis, hovering up to 10
feet above the surface of the ground. A
sapromneme stretches about 6 feet fram
the top of its central mass to the tips of
its tentacles; its central cap has a diame-
ter of about 3 feet.
Sapromnemes reproduce only in
death, exploding into a puff of spores
when slain. The spores drift off in the
currents of the Underdark; those fortu-
nate enough to land on a dead organ-
ism break down its decaying flesh and
expand its form into that of a fully
grown fungal ghost
Those spores that happen to land
‘upon a slain intelligent being do more
than just absorb the nutrients from its
body; they also absorb the slain victim's
The Sapromneme fesurrection
A sapromneme represents a unique
way for the DM to return a player's
favorite PC to the party once slain.
Perhaps the Underdark adventurers
have recently lost a dwarven fighter
toa fall down a seemingly endiess
chasm. The other party members
grieve thelr fallen comrade but never
‘expect to see him again, for retrieving
his body would be nigh impossible.
Imagine their surprise when several
‘weeks later a fungal ghost floats up to
them, claiming to be none other than
their old pal Bjorgas Battleblade,
ready to pick up where he left off!
intelligence. When fully
{grown into the jllyfishlike form
of a sapromneme, the creature has, for
all intents and purposes, the mind of
the dead being whose decaying body
gave "birth” to the fungal ghost. Many
sapromnemes believe themselves to be
reincarnation or magically altered ver-
sions of their “predecessors,” somehow
polymorphed into their present shape.
Intelligent sapromnemes have an
unconscious ability to alter their own
bodies during the growth stage, twist-
ing their normal growth to create a pair
of vocal organs and a lunglike organ
deep in its cap, through which it can
"speak.” Sapromneme speech is stilted
and strange, with litle tonal quality and
‘no inflections (modern-day listeners
would compare a sapromneme's voice
to that of a robot), but it allows the fun-
gus-being to communicate with others,
and even allows those sapromnemes
with spellcasting predecessors to cast
spells with verbal components.
Sapromneme tentacles are highly
flexible and dexterous; they serve
admirably in place of hands. Saprom-
nemes have no difficulty ting”
remembered hand movements into the
proper tentacle movements, whether
Available Kits: (Warrlor) mine rowdy,
demihumans will not have a humanoid
it but possibly the kit of thelr prede-
(ce6soy Instead, as allowed by the slur
ation and the OM.
the action be swinging a sword or cast-
{ng a spell with somatic components.
‘As fungal lifeforms, sapromnemes
eat by absorbing nutrients from decay-
ing flesh through their tentacles, They
can also “drink” through thelr tentacle
tips. (This allows them to drink the con-
tents of a magical potion vial.)
Sapromnemes have no racial la
guage. Once a fungal ghost achieves
consciousness, it “remembers” the ini
tial language spoken by its predecessor,
If the predecessor knew more than one
language, the sapromneme can remem-
ber only one of the languages at first but
can recall additional languages as it
increases in level. Languages must be
purchased with nonweapon proficien-
ies as per the normal rules.
A sapromneme can be played in one
of two different ways: Either the crea
ture knows what itis, or else it believes
itself to be its predecessor, somehow
‘warped in form.
In the latter case, the sapromneme
spends much of its time trying to find a
“cure” for is present condition. It hates
‘what it has become: a lowly form of life
no better than a flying mushroom.Sapromneme Basic Game Information
Clase Restrictions
All eapromneme clase restrictions are
‘based an those af the creature's pre-
ecessor's race,
Hit Blow, Sapromnemes receive Hit
Dice per character clase but have ®
"op" of @ hit pointe per die, That is, @
‘Sapromname fighter rolls 1410 for te
it pointe, and a roll of 6, 7, 8, @ or 10
Wa rented aa a8.
Alignment, @apromnemes can be of
‘any alignment, depending upon the
‘alignment of thelr predecessor.
‘Natural Armor Claes, @.
Average Height and Weight. Height:
O5+101&, Weight: 10+1d4, Sapram-
Nemes are aaexual,
‘Age. Btarting Age: 1 year. Maxi-
mum Age Range: 85+1d10, Averag
Maximum Age: @0 years. Middie Age:
‘90 years, Qld Age: 40 yeare, Venera-
ble: 68 years,
‘Those PCs offer an interesting roleplay-
{ng challenge, ax the sapromneme
repeatedly insists upon searching for a
way to reverse ite transformation, @
quest that caninat be achieved (although
1 might be possible with wish-level
magic, at the DM's discretion), These
fungal ghonts often have the sharpest
memories of thelr “former life," and
thay have difficulty accepting that
things are no longer what they were,
Sapromnenves that realiae that thelr
Intelligence in the result of having
devoured another's memories wse their
[precoconsor’s life asa template and pat-
{orn themselves after the predecessor to
the best of their ability. They da nat,
hhawover, believe (ar expect others to
believe) that they are the same being,
48 JANUARY 2000
Their predecessors are revered in a
manner similar to ancestor-worship,
although sapromneme priest PCs wor-
ship their predecessor’s deity. (Whether
the deity accepts the warship of the
sapromneme depends upon the indi-
vidual deity; most recognize fungal
ghost priests as they would the prede-
Many sapromnemes (especialy those
aware of thelr existence as a separate,
fungold species) are heavily supersti-
tious, giving great credence to the
Whim of Fate. Afterall they realize that
{twas only a matter of luck that their
spores happened to land where they did
and provide them with a selfawareness,
even if it is patterned after that of «
deceased individual, How easily they
could have landed elsewhere, on the
norvntelligent corpse of a lower animal
‘or upon some barren rock somewhere!
‘A sapromneme’s opinions of other
Underdark races is heavily influenced
by the opinions of its predecessor, A
fungal ghost with the memories of a
surface elf, for instance, is not likely to
hhave much regard for the drow. Slmi-
larly, a sapromneme whose dwarven
predecessor was killed by duergar
Might have an irrational fear of or
hatred for members of that race. Oddly
‘enough, intelligent sapromnemes do
‘ot seem to enjoy association with other
fungal ghosts; since each intelligent
sapromneme has the memories of a
member of a standard humanoid
‘species, the sight ofa floating, jellyfish-
ike mushroom-being seems strange to
them, (Most of these sapromnemes
‘avoid mirrors forthe same reason.)
‘Special Advantages
Sapromnemes are immune to all other
fungal-based attacks, including the
spares of yellow and russet mold and
the touch of a violet fungi’s branches.
They are likewise immune to cold
based attacks, magical or otherwise
‘Their innate ability to hover at a height
‘af up to 10 feet above the surface below
them allows them to pass harmlessly
‘ver cavered pit traps and even bodies
of water. They ean "climb" a wall by
staying in contact with the walls sur
face with thelr tentacles and havering,
upward. Aw fungoid life, they do not
require air to breathe (although alr must
be present to allow them to speak
Special bisetvanages
Because their telekinetic fight depends
lupon a lightweight body, sapromnemes
cannot wear armor or carry significant
amounts of weight, (Fifty pounds is
about the maximum a fungal ghost can
carry and stil maneuver.) Because of
thelr body structure, they cannot wear
‘most magical {tems, although the DM
should allow magical rings to be worn
at the tip of a tentacle. (The standard
‘maximum of two magical rings being
worn at the same time should likewise
be enforced.)
All sapromnemes give off a slight
smell of decay, noticeable within a 10
radius, They feast upon decaying fleshy
thelr odor is worsened immediately
after having consumed such fare. These
traits, combined with the fungal ghost’s
alien appearance, combine to create an
{nial reaction penalty of +4
Zygodacts are curious creatures of
dubious appearance and unknown ori-
gin, They stand upright on two long,
Armored, insectoicl legs jutting out from
a thick carapaced body similar to that af
8 tortoise. Their most distinctive fea-
tures are thelr upper appendages, how-
ever; Extending from where a turtle’s
forelegs would appear are two thick but
sinuous stalks, ending in a combination
head /hand. The stalks are retractable,
capable of being pulled almost fully
{nto the zygodact’s carapace.
‘The head /hand extremities of a zygo-
ddact can perhaps best be visualize
follows; Imagine a human hand giving
the Vulcan “Live Long and Prosper”
salute (fingers splayed so that the
pointer and middle fingers are together,
‘as are the ring and pinkie fingers), Bend
the wrist forward so the fingers are
pointed at you, and bend the thumb
dawn 40 it's below the index and mid-
de fingers. Now add a second thumb
Under the other two fingers, so the
whole hand {s more or less symmetri-
cal, On the tips of the middle and ring
fingers add a glistening, shiny black
eye, and in the center ofthe palm add a