A 2GS/s 9-Bit 8-12x Time-Interleaved Pipeline-SAR ADC For A PMCW Radar in 28nm CMOS
A 2GS/s 9-Bit 8-12x Time-Interleaved Pipeline-SAR ADC For A PMCW Radar in 28nm CMOS
A 2GS/s 9-Bit 8-12x Time-Interleaved Pipeline-SAR ADC For A PMCW Radar in 28nm CMOS
Oscar E. Mattia∗ , Davide Guermandi, Guerric de Streel, Mark Ingels, Andy Dewilde, Piet Wambacq∗ , Jan Craninckx
IoT Sensing, imec, Leuven, Belgium
∗ also with ETRO Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Email: [email protected]
Abstract—This paper describes a 2 GS/s 9-bit 8-12x time- a few mW. Instead, programmability, simplicity of calibration
interleaved analog to digital converter for a millimeter-wave and silicon area are given priority.
phase-modulated continuous-wave radar in 28 nm CMOS. The
lane samples are quantized by a 2-stage pipelined-successive- Shown in Fig. 1 is the PMCW radar receiver (RX) block
approximation-register algorithm, where a novel dynamic am- diagram. It is part of a larger SoC that comprises two iden-
plifier with output common-mode control performs the residue tical transmitter and receiver chains, enabling multiple-input,
amplification with high linearity. Characterization of the con- multiple-output (MIMO) radar like in [1]. The chip contains
verter including the radar analog baseband is presented, as well complete millimeter-wave functionality (PA, LNA, injection-
as reconstructed radar waveforms with TX leakage and a static locked oscillators, mixers), complete mixed-signal functional-
target. ity (ADCs, shared PLL for LO and CK frequency synthesis)
Keywords—analog to digital converter, PMCW radar, pipeline, and the first stage of digital functionality (code generator, cor-
successive approximation, time interleaved, CMOS relators, accumulators, memory storage and output interface).
The baseband variable gain amplifiers (VGA) are implemented
as fully-differential Miller OTAs with programmable resistive
I. I NTRODUCTION feedback and 1 GHz bandwidth.
Phase modulated continuous wave (PMCW) radars are
based on binary sequences with good periodic autocorrelation
properties, such as M-sequences [1]. The sequence is used
to binary phase modulate the RF or mm-wave carrier, that is
radiated over the air, reflected by the targets to the receiver
and down-converted by the same carrier. Delayed versions of
the sequence are then correlated with the digitized received
data, where non-zero correlation values indicate the location
of the targets in so called range bins. If a target is moving
in the direction of the radar, the reflected frequency will be
slightly shifted (Doppler shift) from the transmitted one. An
accumulation of coherently sampled sequences increases the
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and a further FFT of accumulated Fig. 1. Top-level block diagram of one 79 GHz PMCW radar RX.
complex values (I and Q) is used to compute the target’s
velocity, producing a range-Doppler mesh. Non-linearity in the The ADC architecture and its main building blocks are
signal path increases the noise floor and creates ghost targets, discussed in Section II. Section III presents experimental
reducing the detection accuracy [2]. results for the ADC characterization and a reconstructed radar
waveform based on a static target. Section IV concludes the
For a range resolution of 7.5 cm a 2 Gbps chirp rate
is needed, and therefore a 2 GS/s converter, which is im-
plemented in a time-interleaved (TI) fashion. Thanks to the
correlation and accumulation of multiple ADC samples, it is
convenient to have a non-integer ratio of the number of ADC A block diagram of the implemented ADC is shown in Fig.
lanes and the modulated sequence length (e.g. 10 or 11 for 2. The number of active lanes can be programmed between
a 504 symbol APS-sequence, or 8-12 for a 511 symbols M- 8 and 12, to accommodate a variety of sequence lengths and
sequence), such that the same symbol of subsequent sequences accumulation factors, with a fixed clock of 1.975 GHz provided
is converted by different lanes. If the number of averaged by the on-chip PLL (see Fig. 1). To overcome the limitation
sequences is a multiple (or much larger) of the number of of the ADC in [1], each lane is designed for 9-bit quantization
lanes, each symbol experiences the non-idealities of all lanes, and 8-bit spurious free dynamic range (SFDR). As discussed
resulting in desensitization of the TI non-idealities. Differing in [1] noise is less of a concern due to the integration nature
from recent trends in data-converter research, power consump- of the signal processing. Some extra noise can be beneficial,
tion of the ADC is not so relevant for this application, where an since it results in quantization level dithering for small target
antenna path consumes around 500 mW for an ADC power of reflections in presence of large clutters or TX-leakage.
Fig. 2. Programmable Time-Interleaved ADC block diagram.
A. ADC Input Buffer and Sampling Network capacitances being split) are connected to VDD. During the
For the required bandwidth a source-follower type of buffer sampling phase R2 is open, S closed (bootstrapped) and the
is preferred over an op-amp based one. The main drawback of input voltage is sampled on CP + CS . After sampling, reset
the source-follower is the common-mode voltage drop from is released, and the DAC is connected to the comparator input
input to output. In order to achieve the desired linearity with nodes by means of the series capacitor divider. At release of
a 0.9 V supply, the full-scale has been set at 440 mVP P,dif f . reset the bottom plate of half DAC is connected to ground to
The buffer is designed for more than 70 dB SFDR, not to operate in split mode – if the DAC would have been in this
affect the overall receiver performance. Shown in Fig. 3, it is position during reset, its output could go above VDD during
an improvement of the one in [1] and partially inspired by [4]. conversion.
Transistors M1 to M7 realize a flipped source follower, B. Dynamic Residue Amplifier with Common-Mode Control
with the feedback implemented by the common-gate M6 and
current mirror M3-4 (ratio 4:1). R1 provides enough VDS for The proposed residue dynamic amplifier is shown in Fig.
M7, shorted by C1 for the AC signal. Transistor M7 improves 5. During the reset phase (reset = 1) nodes VOP and VOM are
the buffer linearity when the output voltage is close to its discharged to ground. When the integration phase starts, and
minimum range by copying the VDS of M3 onto M4, so that clock goes high, charge is injected from VDD to capacitances
the current of M4 is better mirrored by M3. Without M7, CDAC and CP on nodes VOP and VOM . CP is used to scale
the current of M3 will decrease with respect to M4 while the DAC contribution, implemented mostly as metal finger
reducing the output voltage due to channel length modulation. capacitors.
To achieve 9-bit matching a 300 fF DAC array is required,
while only 125 fF are needed for sampled kT/C noise. The Common-mode and differential-mode voltages are decou-
series sampling network of Fig. 4 was adopted, scaling the pled in this amplifier by pre-charging the bottom plate of part
DAC contribution to the residue voltage by CS /(CP + CS ) of the parasitic capacitance CP to VDD during the reset phase
[3]. The sampling capacitance CS and (part of) the parasitics and discharging it to VSS during the integration phase. The
CP are laid out together with the DAC and using the same discharging current on the bottom plate is a scaled replica of
unit capacitor, guaranteeing good matching between the lanes the common-mode charging current of the top plate, reducing
and reducing interleaving gain errors. the common-mode gain of the amplifier. Controlling the output
common-mode voltage at the end of integration phase is thus
At the reset phase (end of conversion) switches R and R2 possible, by selecting how much of the CP capacitance bottom
are closed. The inputs VIN P and VIN M are shorted and both plate is pre-charged to VDD. The common mode voltage
the bottom and the top plate of the DAC (represented as two is kept reasonably low, to maintain M1-3 in saturation and
significantly improve the linearity. common-mode for the 1st stage comparator, and by shorting
the amplifier’s output for the 2nd stage comparators. The
output bits of the inactive stages are masked, and an average
code is sought with a binary search algorithm. The amplifier
gain and offset calibration is done in a two-step procedure. The
first round compensates coarsely for the gain, and coarsely
for the offset on the 1st stage auxiliary DAC. During the
second run, only the gain is calibrated finely with half the
resolution of the first run. Finally, the small residual offset is
compensated by re-calibrating the 2nd stage comparators, now
without shorting the amplifier’s output.
Fig. 10. Reconstructed range profile for a static target at range bin 20. Averge
of 43 repetitions of the 511 M-seq at 1.975 GS/s.
Fig. 8. Measured calibrated ADC at close to Nyquist (950 MHz). This paper presented a high linearity PMCW radar receiver
baseband including a 9-bit 2 GS/s 8-12x time-interleaved
pipelined-SAR ADC. An improved input buffer and a novel
Harmonic distortion of the input signal, shown in Fig. 9, is
dynamic residue amplifier with output voltage common mode
measured to be better than 50 dB across all the Nyquist band.
control have been introduced. Foreground calibration was
Disregarding the clock issues, overall the total SNDR should
performed individually for each lane, where conservative siz-
be limited by thermal noise, which does not affect the radar
ing, careful layout implementation and the rotation of the
detection due to the averaging operation.
modulation sequence across the multiple lanes further atten-
uates the time-interleaving non-idealities. This was confirmed
by characterizing the baseband with a sine wave input, and
through a reconstructed range profile of an M-sequence input
including TX leakage and one static target.
The authors thank the imec radar team Marc Bauduin, Luc
Pauwels, Matthias Hartmann, Michael Libois, Veerle Derudder.
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emulate the radar waveform for an M-511 sequence, including
TX leakage, one static target at range bin 20, and noise. The
reconstructed range profile for an average of 43 repetitions
of the 511 M-seq at 1.975 GS/s is presented in Fig. 10. The