Concepts and Principles of Aging

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Prepared by: Edna R. Javier

Module Description: This module summarizes the concepts and

principles in the Care of Older Adult. It will also discuss vast differences
across countries on the situation of older people, aging process and
consequences of population aging.
Learning Outcome:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: Integrate
principles, concepts of physical, social, natural, health sciences, and humanities
in the care of older adults.

HOW TO USE The Care of the Older adult MODULE

This module contains the first part of the course: Basic Concepts and Principles on the
Care of the Elderly. As you read through each part, the following icons will serve as your
Introduction/Module description. This icon describes the scope of the
module and gives a summary of the topics.
Learning outcome.  This icon tells what a learner is expected to do and know at
the end of the module.

pRETEST. This icon instructs a student to take a test prior to

starting the course to determine prior knowledge to the course.
TOPICS. This icon contains the discussions/lecture in the module.

KEY POINTS. This icon emphasized the essential/important parts of the


ACTIVITY ICON. This icon gives direction on the task or activity that a
student should accomplish.

P OST TEST. This icon instructs a student to take to test knowledge gained
on the topic.


R EFLECTION. This icon tells students to write their thoughts about their
learnings from the module, difficulties encountered and comments on the
context of the module.

R EFERENCES. This icon contains all the references cited throughout the

Topic 1: Concept and Principles in the Care

of Older Adult

Key points:
Aging is a biological reality and has its own
dynamics, which is beyond human control.
There are several factors that affect the
health of older people, individual or environmental.
Older people's common problems vary from physical, social and psychological.
The significance of healthy aging lies in the continuation of performing daily needs
At the biological level, ageing results from the impact of the accumulation of a wide
variety of molecular and cellular damage over time. This leads to a gradual
decrease in physical and mental capacity, a growing risk of disease, and
ultimately, death. But these changes are not inevitable.

Between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world's

population over 60 years will nearly double from 12% to
By 2020, the number of people aged 60 years and older will
outnumber children younger than 5 years.


In 2050, 80% of older people will be living in low- and middle-income countries.

The pace of population ageing is much faster than in the past.

All countries face major challenges to ensure that their health and social systems are
ready to make the most of this demographic shift.

Misconceptions on Ageing and Health:

 Reaching a certain age will prevent a person from
practicing the activities he used to practice, and he will
become weak and a burden on his family.
 Not all older people are at the same health level. Those who are still active must be given the
freedom to exercise the activities they can do, and use their power for their own benefit.
 Memory loss is a part of ageing process: Memory loss is not an inevitable part of the aging
process; a person can train his brain and learn new things at any age. 

Defining Ageing: 
"Ageing process is a biological reality and has its own dynamics, which is
beyond human control, and of course its definition differs from one society to
another. In the developed world, the chronological time is an indicator of old
age, and the age of 60-65 years is the retirement age and the beginning of old
age. In many other part of the world, chronological time has little or no
importance in the meaning of old age. Other factors determine the old age
such as: the ability to do the works assigned to them, meaning that old age is
seen to begin at the point when active contribution is no longer possible"
(Gorman 2000.)

Aging has been defined as the collection of changes that render human beings progressively
more likely to die (Medawar, 1952)

 Aging is a series of processes that include direct damage, accumulation of cellular waste,

errors, and imperfect repairs as well as the responses to them. These processes result in the
familiar signs of aging and ultimately to the development of age-related diseases that eventually
kill us.

Aging, progressive physiological changes in an organism that lead to senescence, or a decline of

biological functions and of the organism’s ability to adapt to metabolic stress. (Kara Rogers)


Aging takes place in a cell, an organ, or the total organism with the passage of time. It is a process that
goes on over the entire adult life span of any living thing.

Factors Influencing Healthy Ageing:

Individual Factors Environmental Factors

Habits and behaviors Household environment

Aging-related changes Assistive technologies

Genetic Factors Transportation

Developing Diseases Social Facilities

Common Health Conditions Associated with Ageing:


1. Chronic diseases
2. Heart diseases 1. Mental problems
2. Sleep disorders 1. Isolation
3. Fall and fractures
2. Low level of job
4. Diseases of the musculoskeletal
5. Malnutrition
6. Respiratory Diseases
7. Neurological Diseases
8. Gastrointestinal Problems
9. Dryness
10. Oral and Dental Problems

 It is the ability to perform the basic daily tasks such as:

eating, dressing, bathing, walking and using toilet
independently, even if they use walking and moving

Aging in the Philippines

Perceptions Regarding Aging


Many Filipinos view the aging process from direct interactions with their family members
and older Filipinos in their surrounding community.
Living in multigenerational households and communities shape perceptions of aging as
a responsibility, due to the establishment of family roles, adult engagement in the
workforce, and family social ties (Valdez, Angeles, Pareja-Corpuz, & Hernandez, 2013).
 Valdez and colleagues (2013) discovered that although older Filipinos acknowledge the
physical decline that can occur with aging, there is a general positive outlook that aging
is a period of increased productivity and promising experiences.
Social resources can be predictive of positive views of aging for older Filipinos (Valdez
et al., 2013). For example, older adults who receive more social support from their
relatives often feel encouraged and have better perceptions about their own aging
Filipino elders’ perceptions of aging are derived from the unique life experiences and
social units that encompass their lives (Valdez et al., 2013). These experiences, either
negative or positive, form their views on aging and outlook on life.
Older Filipinos do acknowledge the physical and functional declines that might occur
with increasing age, they view aging in a more positive light due to the respect and
dignity that are attained with maturation.
 In the Philippines, the number of older people is
increasing rapidly, faster than growth in the total
 In 2000, there were 4.6 million senior citizens (60
years or older), representing about 6% of the total
 In two decades, this has grown to 9.4 million older
people or about 8.6% of the total population. T
 he World Population Prospects 2019 projects that by 2050, older people will make up
around 16.5% of the total population.


 An ageing population increases the
demand for health services. Older


people suffer from both degenerative and communicable diseases due to the ageing of
the body’s immune system.
 The leading causes of morbidity are infections, while visual impairment, difficulty in
walking, chewing, hearing, osteoporosis, arthritis and incontinence are other common
health-related problems.


(Source: Health Age Global Network)

2019 2050
Population aged 60 and above (total) 9,433,000 23,863,000
Population aged 60 and above (% of total population) 8.6 16.5
Older women aged 60+ (% of total population) 4.83 9.40
Life expectancy (males) 67.08 71.88
Life expectancy (females) 75.31 79.5
Old-Age Dependency Ratio (Age 65+ / Age 15-64) 8.6 17.7
Rural older people (% of total population) 6.48
Urban older people (% of total population) 6.54
Older persons living alone aged 60 and above (% of total 5.4
population aged 60+)

Direction: Check out the video below and learn more about
aging, the aging process, global aging and aging in the

Activity 1: Life Review Paper

Direction: This paper should follow the following format as indicated in the
following guide questions below:


Introduction: Describe who this person is and why you chose this person to interview

A Picture (not a photograph) of the person you interviewed:

Summarize the person's past (include some information on
childhood) and present. Briefly describe their physical,
psychosocial, cultural and environmental information. This
should provide a picture of the person.

Philosophy: Describe how the person feels about aging and

their philosophy of life.

Analysis: Summarize your analysis of the information you have

gathered related to coping strategies, adaptation to change and the
impact various milestones (such as childhood, marriage, social and
historical events, etc) have had on them. Identify lifelong threads and

Insights: Discuss your insights into the aging process and tell what thoughts or feeling
about aging occurred because of the conversation you had with this person. What
stereotypes have been exemplified or dispelled?
Summary: Discuss the impact this conversation will have on future interactions with the

 What did you learn from this module?
 What difficulties did you encounter while learning from this module?
 What is your comment/response on the content of this module?

Bryant, Clifton D. Handbook of Death and Dying. Vol. 1, Sage Publications, 2003.

Connidis, Ingrid C, and Amanda E Barnett. Family Ties and Aging. Sage
Publications, 2018.



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