Physical & Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood
Physical & Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood
Physical & Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood
Development in Middle
Middle Adulthood
► Middle Adulthood – Developmental period
lasting from 40-45 until 60-65 years of age
The midpoint, not the end of life
Continuation of early adulthood changes
►Time Orientation
“Years since birth”
“Years left to live”
Changing Midlife
► Boundaries of middle age are being pushed
More people lead healthier lifestyles; medical
discoveries are holding off aging process
Middle age is starting later and lasting longer
Best educated and most affluent cohort
► Increasingpercentage of population is made
up of middle-aged and older adults
“Rectangularization” of the age distribution
Young Young
Middle Adulthood
► Middle Adulthood – Developmental period
lasting from 40-45 until 60-65 years of age
► For many, middle age is a time for:
Declining physical skills and increasing responsibility
An awareness of the young-old polarity
Transmitting something meaningful to the next
Reaching and maintaining career satisfaction
A reassessment of life’s priorities
Middle Adulthood
► Overall,
gains and losses tend to balance
each other in middle adulthood
Biological functions decline
Sociocultural supports such as education,
career, and relationships may peak
Individual variations are common
► For
many, losses will begin to dominate
toward the end of middle adulthood
Middle Adulthood
► LateMidlife (55 to 65) is likely to be
characterized by:
Death of a parent
Last child leaving the parental home
Becoming a grandparent
Preparation for, and actual retirement
Physical Changes
► Some of the visible signs of aging (usually gradual;
rates of aging vary):
Skin begins to wrinkle & sag
Appearance of aging spots
Hair becomes thinner & grayer
Nails become thicker & more brittle
Yellowing of teeth
► Interest
in plastic surgery, Botox, weight control &
vitamins may reflect the desire to take control of the
aging process
Changes in Skin
► Wrinkles
Forehead – Starting in 30’s
Crow’s Feet – 40’s
► Sagging
Face, arms, legs
► Age spots
After age 50
► Faster
with sun
exposure, for women
Muscle-Fat Makeup
► Weight gain common
Increase in body fat
►Men: Upper abdomen, back
►Women: Waist, upper arms
► Information-Loss View
Information lost at each step
through cognitive system
Entire system slows to inspect
and interpret information
►Photocopy of a photocopy
Erikson’s 7th Stage:
Generativity vs. Stagnation
► Generativity – Reaching out to others in ways
that give to and guide the next generation
Contributions that will last beyond death
Often realized through child rearing
►Other family
Erikson’s 7th Stage:
Generativity vs. Stagnation
► Stagnation
Place own comfort and security above
challenge and sacrifice
Self-centered, self-indulgent, self-absorbed
Lack of involvement or
concern with young people
Little interest in
work productivity,