Therapeutic Communication - Doc 12345
Therapeutic Communication - Doc 12345
Therapeutic Communication - Doc 12345
Offering Self Suggesting one’s I’ll stay with you until your
presence, interest, or daughter arrives.
wish to understand the We can sit here quitely for a
client without making any while; we dont need to talk
demands or attaching unless u want to.
conditions that the client I’ll help you to dress to go home,
must comply with to if you like.
receive the nurse’s
Giving Prividingin a simple and Your surger is scheduled for
Information direct manner, specific 11am tomorrow
factual You will feel a pulling sensation
when a tube is remove from
your abdomen.
I do not know the answer to
that, but I will find out to Mr.
King, the nurse incharge.
Acknowledgi Giving recognition, in a You trimmed yor beard and
ng nonjudgemental way, of mustache and washed your hair
a change of behavior, an I noticed you keep squinting
effort the client has your eyes are you having
made, or a contribution difficulty seeing?
to a communication.
Acknowledgement may
be with or without
understanding, verbal or
Clarifying Helping the client clarify Client: I vomited this morning.
time or an event, situation or Nurse: was that after breakfast
sequence happening in relationship Client: I feel that I have been
to time. asleep for a weeks.
Nurse: You had your operation
Monday, and today is Tuesday.
Presenting Helping the client to That telephone ring came from
reality differentiate the real the program on television .
from the unreal I see shadows from the window
Your magazine is here in the
drawer. It has not been stolen.
Focusing Helping the client expand Client: My wife says she will look
on and develop a topic of after me, but I dont think she
important for the nurse can, what with the children to
to wait until the client care of, and they’re always after
finishes starting the main her about something-clothes,
concerns before homework, what’s for dinner
atempting to focus. that night.
Nurse: Sounds like you are
worried about how well she can
Reflecting Directing ideas, feelings, Client: What can I do?
questions or content Nurse: What do you think would
back to clients enable to be helpful?
them to explore their Client: Do you think I should tell
own ideas and feelings my husband?
about the situation. Nurse: You seem unsure about
telling your husband.
Summarizing Stating the main point of During past hour we have talk
and planning a discusion to clarify the about....
relevant points Tomorrow afternoon we have to
discussed. This technique explore this further
is useful at the end of an In a few days I’ll review what
interview or to review a you have learned about the
health teaching session. actions and effects of your
It often acts as an insulin.
introduction to future Tomorrow, I will look at your
care planning. feeling journal.
Barriers to Communication
Barriers to Communication
Technique Description Examples
Stereotyping Offering generalizedand Two years old are brats.
oversimplified beliefs about Women are complainers.
groups of people that are Men dont cry.
based on experiences too Most people dont have any
limited to be valid. These pain after this type of
responses categorize clients surgery.
uniqueness as individual.
Agreeing and Akin to judgemental Client: I dont think Dr.
Disagreeing response, agreeing and Broad is a very good
disagreeing imply that the Doctor. He doesnt seem
client is either right or intersted to his patients.
wrong and that the nurse is Nurse: Dr. Broad os head of
in a position to judge this. a Department of Surgery
These responses deter and is an excellent
clients from thinking surgeon.
through their position and
may cause a client to
become defensive.
Being Atempting to protect a Client: Those night nurses
defensive person or health care must sit around and talk all
services from negative night. They didn’t answer
comment. These responses my call light for over an
prevent client to express hour.
true concerns. Nurse: I’ll have you know
we literally ran around
onnights. You’re not the
only client you know.
Challenging Giving a response that Client: I feel nauseated
make clients prove their after that red pill.
statement or point of view. Nurse: Surely you dont
This responses indicate that think I gave you the wrong
the nurse is failing to pill?
consider the clients Client: I feel as if I’m dying.
feelings, making the clienr Nurse: How you feel that
feel it necessary to defend a way when your pilse got
position. 60?
Client: I believe my
husband doesnt love me.
Nurse: You can’t say that,
Why he visits you
Probing Asking for information Client: I was speeding
chiefly out of curiosity along the street and didn’t
rather than with the intent see the stop sign.
to assist the client. These Nurse: Why were you
responses are considered speedy?
prying and violate the Client: I didn’t ask the
clients privacy. Asking doctor when he was here.
WHY” is often probing and Nurse: Why didn’t you?
places the client in a
defensive position.
Testing Asking the questions that Who do you think you are?
make the client admit to Do you think, I’m not busy?
something. These
responses permit the client
only limited answers and
often meet the nurse’s need
rather than the client’s.
Rejecting Refusing to discuss certain I dont want to discuss that.
topics with the client. These Lets talk about...
responses often make client I can’t talk now. I’m on my
feel that the nurse is way for cofee break.
rejecting not only their
communication but also the
client themselves.
Cognitive Impairements:
Physically Impairements: