Standard: Normalisation Renault Automobiles Service 60201 Section Normes Et Cahiers Des Charges
Standard: Normalisation Renault Automobiles Service 60201 Section Normes Et Cahiers Des Charges
Standard: Normalisation Renault Automobiles Service 60201 Section Normes Et Cahiers Des Charges
01 - 70 - 000 / - - -
This document is to be considered as a whole the parts of which must not be separated.
The subject of this procedure is the approval of anti-corrosion protection coating applied to
mechanical and RMU (Repetitive and Multi-User) parts, whether these are elementary or
assembled parts or accessories and body mechanisms.
This standard:
An ASSEMBLED part consists of several elementary parts combined AFTER the anti-corrosion
protection coating has been applied, according to mechanical processes (riveting, bolting, crimping,
etc.) and/or welding. Constituent elementary parts may receive different types of anti-corrosion
protection; the assembled part is delivered to RENAULT and fitted as such (appendix 2).
- of STANDARD 01-71-002,
these requirements are FUNCTIONAL and depend on the position of the elementary part or the
assembled part on the vehicle; these are mission profile-related, i.e. related to the attacks
undergone by the surfaces in contact with the natural environment.
From the technical viewpoint, RENAULT's major counterparts for any proposal for a new protection
or approval of a protection for an elementary part or an assembled part is:
Any other RENAULT Department contacted by an outside Supplier MUST inform the above-
mentioned departments with a view to concerted action, if required.
Any proposal for protection of a part requested by RENAULT Department MUST have the approval
of the above-mentioned Departments.
This procedure in compliance with the provisions of Standard 00-10-001, offers complete hygiene in
the definition of products and supports RENAULT's strategy within the framework of QCDP
(Quality/Cost/Lead times/Product).
This procedure DOES NOT APPLY to large forgings or castings subject the Purchase
Specification 47-03-006.
- a PRODUCT (Formulator),
- for ONE PRODUCT (one formulator) implemented via one application PROCESS (one
applicator, one line).
The procedure for approval of a new protection is illustrated in the general block diagram of
appendix 3.
In as much as possible, the presentation to RENAULT of a new anti-corrosion protection (a)* shall be
made by the following two partners:
c) Test experimental results: the tests are performed on reference parts; the latter depend on
the method of application of the protective product: a SCREW for BARREL applied treatments
and a LUG for RACK applied treatments.
The tests requested depend on the reference part and the nature of the anti-corrosion protection.
d) Cost: the cost of the anti-corrosion protection is based on the industrial production of the
reference part corresponding to the application method (appendix 4).
→ procedure HALTED
→ procedure CONTINUED.
The excess treated reference parts, conserved by the Applicator, is sent to RENAULT
Department 0852; this consists of a minimum of:
- CONFIRM the results of the technical file presented by the Formulator and the Applicator
during phase 1,
- DRAW UP a PRODUCT APPROVAL SHEET (d) for the anti-corrosion protection resulting
from additional tests to define the behaviour of the protection when this is subjected to various
aggressions (knowledge of maximum functionalities).
From the results of all the tests performed, the utilization range for the new anti-corrosion protection
under the responsibility of Department 0852, are circulated to Department 0878P and the
PURCHASING Departments involved in protection of parts against corrosion.
In both cases, APPROVAL by RENAULT is granted by Department 0852 after inspection of the
TECHNICAL FILE submitted by the Formulator and the Applicator. This technical file must contain
the results of the SAME tests as those requested on presentation of a new protection. The
functional characteristics to be obtained must be identical to those approved on initial presentation,
and shall be defined by RENAULT.
The sequence of the steps for the approval of an anti-corrosion protection for an ELEMENTARY
PART is illustrated in the general block diagram of appendix 5. This agrees with the Product
Quality Assurance PROCEDURE (Product Quality Assurance: H-QFE 002).
The definition of FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS for an elementary part is the responsibility of the
Design Office Department REQUESTING the part (a)*; in as much as the resistance to corrosion is
concerned, this department is the most competent to:
- know the POSITION and ENVIRONMENT of the part on each vehicle and/or engine,
In the event of difficulties or doubt concerning the definition of the codification of the anti-corrosion
protection, Departments 0852 and/or 0878P may be consulted for their recommendations and
opinions (participation in a RENAULT Internal Technical Commission).
NOTE: The requirements SPECIFIED be the Standard and the Purchase Specification mentioned
above apply to AMBIENT aggressions undergone by the OUTSIDE surface of the parts;
the Design Office in charge must also allow for the INTERNAL surface of the part which
may be in contact with vehicle fluids (coolant, oils, etc.).
Via the PURCHASING Department concerned by the elementary part, the functional requirements
shown on the drawing are SUBJECTED to the part Supplier. the latter (b):
The PURCHASING Departments concerned by the elementary port (c) GIVE A DECISION on the
Supplier's product-process proposal using the documents in its possession and drawn up by
Department 0852:
- IS NOT APPROVED by RENAULT (d): it MUST follow the approval procedure for a new
anti-corrosion protection (paragraph 2) or a new application process (paragraph 3) for
APPROVAL or REJECTION. The PURCHASING Departments concerned inform the Supplier
and requesting Design Office Departments, 0852 and 0878P,
- IS APPROVED by RENAULT and MEETS the functional requirements (including the friction
coefficient in cases of bolts, nuts and screws) (e): the PURCHASING Department concerned
by the elementary part starts the Product Quality Assurance PROCEDURE and informs the
Requesting Department of this. Departments 0852 and/or 0878P participate in the
SUPPLIER'S TECHNICAL COMMISSION and the I.S.A.C. (Initial Sample Approval
Commission) for parts initially considered critical in terms of resistance to corrosion. Such
participation is not mandatory for bolts, nuts and screws or simple fastening type parts, since
the reference parts used for Product-process approval (chapters 2 and 3) are considered
sufficiently representative.
- IS APPROVED by RENAULT but DOES NOT MEET the functional requirements (f). For bolts,
nuts and screws and if the friction coefficient requirement is not complied with, another anti-
corrosion protection MUST be proposed; in other cases, the PURCHASING Departments
concerned by the elementary part MUST REQUEST from the Supplier of the part to propose
another anti-corrosion treatment meeting the protection requirements.
If the behaviour of the elementary part is considered ACCEPTABLE (b), Department 0878P
informs the Purchasing Department concerned with the elementary part, so as to rapidly begin
the Product Quality Assurance PROCEDURE, and draws up an EXEMPTION for this part.
The exemption is circulated by Department 0878P to the Requesting Design Offices, 0852 and
the Purchasing Departments.
If the behaviour of the elementary part is considered UNACCEPTABLE (i), the Supplier of the
part MUST PROPOSE another anti-corrosion protection.
The procedure for the approval of an anti-corrosion protection for an ASSEMBLED PART is given
in the general block diagram of appendix 6; the procedure is comparable to that for elementary
As for an elementary part, the definition of the FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS for an assembled
part is the responsibility of the DESIGN OFFICE Department REQUESTING the part (a)*; this
Department defines the CODIFICATION of the resistance to corrosion requirement according to
Standard 01-71-002 and Purchase specification 47-01-003. Participation of Departments 0852
and/or 0878P in the RENAULT Internal Technical Commission can assist in defining this
Via the PURCHASING Department involved with the assembled parts, the functional requirements
of the drawing are SUBMITTED to the Part Supplier. The latter (b):
- INDICATES the GRADE of all non-protected elementary parts and the PRODUCT-PROCESS
for all protected elementary parts constituting the assembled part (intrinsic resistance to
corrosion of each elementary part),
- JUSTIFIES the resistance to corrosion of the assembled part (risk of local damage to the
protection of an elementary part due to assembly and inter-compatibility of the protections on
elementary parts).
To evaluate the risks of local and/or galvanic corrosion, Department 0852 MUST participate in
the Supplier's Technical Commission.
Department 0852 and the PURCHASING Departments involved by the assembled part (c), GIVE A
DECISION on the product-process proposals of the Supplier using the documents in their
- ARE APPROVED by RENAULT and the assembled part MEETS the functional
requirements (d), the PURCHASING Department concerned by the assembled part starts the
Product Quality Assurance PROCEDURE and informs the requesting Design Office.
Departments 0852 and/or 0878P participate in the Initial Sample Approval technical
Commission (I.S.A.C.) for parts which have previously been judged critical in terms of
resistance to corrosion,
- * ARE APPROVED by RENAULT, but the assembled part DOES NOT MEET functional
requirements (e),
** or ARE NOT APPROVED by RENAULT (all or some) and the assembled part MEETS or
DOES NOT MEET the functional requirements (f), the behaviour of the assembled part is
EVALUATED in the actual configuration aboard the vehicle on the LARDY Corrosion Circuit (g).
Departments 0846 (Vehicle Corrosion Tests), 0852 and 0878P give a decision on the
behaviour of the assembled part, after the test.
If the behaviour of the assembled part is considered ACCEPTABLE (h), Department 0878P
informs the PURCHASING Department concerned by the assembled part for rapid starting of
the Product Quality Assurance PROCEDURE and draws up an EXEMPTION for this
assembled part. The exemption is circulated by Department 0878P to the requesting Design
Offices, Department 0852 and the Purchasing Departments. Moreover, for product-processes
not approved by RENAULT, the approval procedure for a new anti-corrosion protection
(chapter 2) or a new application process (chapter 3) is implemented by Department 0852.
If the behaviour of the assembled part is considered UNACCEPTABLE (i), the Supplier of the
assembled part MUST PROPOSE another protection for the non-satisfactory elementary parts.
Compilation of the data related to assembled parts approved by RENAULT is the RESPONSIBILY
of the PURCHASING Departments: easily accessible DATA BANKS, in which each part is
identified by its Supplier(s), its anti-corrosion protection product(s) and its protection application
(A or B)
Screw H M8x1,25 class 8.8, length 55, tolerance 6 g, Part N° : 7 703 001 169.
The treated reference screws must be obtained from an industrial production run (minimum one
barrel). In as much as possible, and at the same time as the screws, some parts offering a flat
surface (dia. > 10 mm) must also be treated.
Screws not used during the tests and the flat surface parts are conserved by the Applicator with a
view to be used during phase 2.
b) Corrosion resistance to salt spray (ME 1058): time of appearance of WHITE corrosion and
RED corrosion, WITHOUT and AFTER thermal shock for 1 h at 120 °C for a minimum
of 10 screws in each case; in addition, aspect of 3 other screws after 400 h salt spray
WITHOUT thermal shock, but AFTER scratching of the treatment down to the support on the
flatside of the screw head.
c) Geometrical check after protection on a minimum of 10 screws, with use of ring gauge (as per
Standard 01-30-018).
The screws subjected to the tests MUST accompany the technical-economic file.
APPENDIX 4 (continued)
Price for the treatment of 1 000, 5 000 and 10 000 reference lugs.
Reference lugs treated must be obtained from an industrial production (several subsequent runs).
In as much as possible, and at the same time as the lugs, a minimum of 25 flat test specimens
of 10 cm × 20 cm in mild steel sheet must also be treated.
The lugs not used during the tests, together with the flat test specimens, are conserved by the
Applicator with a view to a possible phase 2.
- mixed anti-corrosion treatment: metallic under-layer and organic-based finish, of thickness less
than 5 µm.
b) Resistance to salt spray (ME 1058): time of appearance of WHITE corrosion and RED
corrosion, WITHOUT and AFTER thermal shock for 1 h at 120 °C for a minimum of 10 lugs in
each case; in addition, aspect of 3 other lugs after 400 h salt spray WITHOUT thermal shock,
but AFTER damaging of the anti-corrosion treatment down to the support in the flat area of
the lug.
APPENDIX 4 (continued)
b) Cyclic corrosion resistance test 3C (ME D 17 1686): full panel APPEARANCE and
DELAMINATION of organic film on either side of the scratch after 9 corrosion cycles,
WITHOUT and AFTER thermal shock for 1 h at 120 °C for a minimum of 10 lugs in each case.
The lugs having undergone the tests MUST accompany the technical-economic file.
Société MOINE
8 rue Charles Pathé
Tél. 43 74 58 48