Estimation of Discharge Using Unit Hydrograph

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Estimation of Discharge Using Unit Hydrograph.

Estimation of runoff and peak flow by unit hydrograph.

It can now be recognized that a unit hydrograph is a kind of unit measure of runoff
occurring as a result of rainfall of specific or unit duration. A unit hydrograph gives 1 cm of
direct runoff obviously resulting from 1 cm of effective rainfall. Accordingly, if the effective
rainfall in the same duration is double, that is 2 cm, then the ordinates of the direct runoff
hydrograph will be double in size the total runoff period remaining the same.
The procedure of obtaining hydrograph from the unit hydrograph is just the reverse of the
procedure adopted for constructing unit hydrograph. To obtain direct runoff hydrograph resulting
from the storm of same unit duration multiply the ordinates of the unit hydrograph by the runoff
value or the effective rainfall expressed in cm.
Similarly, peak flow resulting from the storm of same unit duration can be obtained by
multiplying maximum ordinate of the unit hydrograph by the runoff value expressed in cm or
effective rainfall expressed in cm. The Figure below is self-explanatory and shows how a runoff
hydrograph is construction from a unit hydrograph.
In may be remembered that always rain storms may not occur with same unit duration. In
such cases the unit hydrograph theory permits superimposition. If a storm of e longer duration
occurs it is possible to divide it into two or o more storms of shorter duration for which unit
hydrograph is available.
Then say if the rain burst producing 1 cm 9 effective rainfall is succeeded by another rain
producing 2 cm effective rainfall in equal duration, the total hydrograph can be obtained by
drawing the two hydrographs with proper lag time but overlapping each other as if they are two
independent hydrographs. The summation the overlapped portion gives the ordinates of total
Generally, the calculations are done in a tabular form.
The ordinates of a six-hour unit hydrograph for a catchment area of 1000 km2 are given

The storm lasted for 18 hours. The effective rainfall increments (rainfall excess) for six-
hour periods are 0.6 cm, 2 cm and 1 cm respectively. Compute the runoff hydrograph. Also find
out the peak flow and the volume of runoff.

A base flow of 100 cumec may be assumed. Solution: The computation can be done in a
tabular form as shown in Table 4.7. Column-9 of the Table 4.7 gives the ordinates of the runoff
hydrograph. The peak flow is 664 cumec being the maximum ordinate. Following graph
illustrates the construction of runoff hydrograph. It is obtained by plotting the base flow and the
three hydrographs of 6-hour unit time with a lag of 6 hours. The ordinates of the three
hydrographs are taken from the columns 4, 5 and 6.

Total volume of runoff = Area of the hydrograph:

= Summation of sum of two successive ordinates / 2 x unit interval

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