Estimation of Discharge Using Unit Hydrograph
Estimation of Discharge Using Unit Hydrograph
Estimation of Discharge Using Unit Hydrograph
The storm lasted for 18 hours. The effective rainfall increments (rainfall excess) for six-
hour periods are 0.6 cm, 2 cm and 1 cm respectively. Compute the runoff hydrograph. Also find
out the peak flow and the volume of runoff.
A base flow of 100 cumec may be assumed. Solution: The computation can be done in a
tabular form as shown in Table 4.7. Column-9 of the Table 4.7 gives the ordinates of the runoff
hydrograph. The peak flow is 664 cumec being the maximum ordinate. Following graph
illustrates the construction of runoff hydrograph. It is obtained by plotting the base flow and the
three hydrographs of 6-hour unit time with a lag of 6 hours. The ordinates of the three
hydrographs are taken from the columns 4, 5 and 6.