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It took time to complete this document and many people have shown their
support, encouragement, and effective pieces of advices in our struggle to finish
this project. This project would not be possible without these several people who
were instruments in helping us with our capstone project. We wish to
acknowledge these individuals who have so much contributed to the successful
completion of the study.

First and foremost, we offer our sincerest gratitude to our instructor Mr.
Rud Albert P. Abao, who gave us the opportunity to tackle such information that
we haven’t known yet. He supported us throughout our project, with his patience
and knowledge, at the same time allowing us to work on our own strategy.
Without him, this will not be completed.

To our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lumanog, Juson, Quicho, Galendez and
Tubo, for their unceasing support, emotionally, morally and financially. For
cheering us up during the days when we felt down, tired and stressed. They’ve
been so helpful and cooperative in giving their support at all times to help us
achieve our goals.

To all of our friends, classmates, and especially STEM-B family, who

contributed so much such as information that help us in our project to be
corrected, also who helped us in our hardship to accomplish this project. We
would like to extend our gratitude for giving us the inspiration to live.

Lastly, to our Heavenly Father, our savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, for the
protection, guidance, help, blessing and love. For giving us strength and
knowledge, and by giving us the words and terms just to correct our project.
Without Him, we can do nothing.

Flooding and urbanization are converging to challenge community

drainage infrastructure due to their adverse impact on precipitation extremes and
environment of urban areas. Sustainable drainage system have gained growing
public interest in recent years, as a result of its positive effects on water quality
and quantity issues and additional recreation amenities perceived in urban
landscape. This paper helps to improve recent progress in sustainable drainage
development based on literature across different disciplinary fields.

The FILTEGAR will be installed in open areas that are present in the
canals will be stuck at the area where our project is installed.

As we expect our project FILTEGAR will filter out the garbage in the
drainage. The water will continually flow because of the cone-shape metal and
left the garbage in the FILTEGAR. In result it will lessen the garbage that will be
spread in the bodies of water. If ever the FILTEGAR will be full, it will be
manually removed and segregation of garbage will be done.

Keyword: Filtegar, Segregation, Drainage development, canal and garbage


For a long time, urban drainage system has existed as a vital city
infrastructure to collect and convey storm water and waste water away from
urban areas. Despite development over the years, it remains a significant
challenge to design an effective functioning drainage system.

It particularly impacts improper waste disposal and urbanization and has

been widely acknowledged, which could entail a substantial increase in the
frequency and magnitude of urban flooding due to garbage in many regions of
the world.

Moreover, water is fundamental for life, but too much water with nowhere
to go can cause serious damage to roadways. It is so important for canal and
other waterways to handle running water through a drainage system; it will
lessen flooding, stock of garbage, and associated pollution during heavy or
prolonged rainfall.

The technique of sustainable drainage system is widely recommend and

applied in many parts of the community, whereas the terminology varies in
different regions, but with similar design philosophies. Proper design of drainage
is necessary for the satisfactory and prolonged performance of the pavement. In
enhancing drainage system, the primary objective is properly accommodate
water flow along and across the road and conveniently transport and deposit the
water or down stream without obstruction in the flow.

Conventionally, surface water drainage has been combined with filthy

drainage in many areas. Even though they are separated in new developments,
they often release into the same combined sewer. During heavy rainfall, the
treatment systems cannot cope with this combined overflow, and untreated water
is discharged via overflows into waterways. Even where surface water is
separated and carried directly to water courses, there are issues with
waterlogging from the surface drained and overloading of water courses, leading
to flooding during severe rainstorms.
Therefore, the most important thing to aid this problem is to conduct a
research and plan to enhance the drainage system in our community. This way
the people in our own community will face lesser problem during rains.

Statement of the Problem

Flood is one of the big problems worldwide which can ruin lots of life.
Economic, human, infrastructure, agricultural crops and all products that may
beneficial are being affected.

Moreover, floods have affected business and population residing in all

barangays some of the effects of the floods that causes stock of drainage
include: destruction of property displacement of population environmental
degradation, which impacts on the health of the population as we observe. There
problems have remained persistent for close decade.

This project aims to enhance more the drainage system and mitigate the
chances of canals to overflow which leads to flooding. It also aims to avoid the
garbage to spread out to the sea that lead to distinction of aquatic species.

1. Why the resident of all barangays are faced with a waste water system?
2. Can sewage system improve?
3. Why wastes were spilled out through the body of water?


Drainage is an important element of physical infrastructure and constitutes

removal and disposal of surplus rain irrigation water from the land. It has two
aspects namely flood protection and removal of storm water. This project
aims to enhance more the drainage system and lessen the chances of canals
to overflow which can cause to flooding. It also aims to avoid the garbage to
spread out to the seas which can lead to water pollution (Cruz, 2006).
Community always gets flooded easily because drainage is not maintained
the way as it should be.

According to the National Capital Region, the extremely gentle gradient that
spreads almost all over the region restricts the degradation activities of the
streams/drains (EPD,2019).

It is, therefore, necessary to plan the drainage system at a high level in

integrated manner with adjoining groups. Topography, rainfall intensity, soil
characteristics, irrigation methods, crops, vegetative cover are important
factors for deciding the type and design of drainage system since urban
expansion is inevitable, increased run of would require remodeling of the
existing drainage as well as provision of new/supplementary drains,
implementation of appropriate Hood protection measures, protection of
natural drainage course, improved ground water recharge and other
environmental improvement measures (Linmei, 2004).


This research capstone focuses only in the construction of additional

design of the canals that will help to prevent garbage from spreading out to
the seas. Gathering of ideas will be through reading secondary sources such
as scholarly books and articles and with the help of the capstone mentor.

This device is limited in a canal that is located in an open-area. It is

capable of filtering out garbage that is within its capacity. If the time comes
that the Filtegar will be full, it will then be manually removed by the people
who are assigned to do the task. It will then be segregated manually to avoid
mixing of garbage.

The primary purpose of this project is to lessen the effect of the flooding
since we can’t stop this kind of problem. Also, the purpose of this project is to
minimize the amount of trash that can possibly spread out to the body of
water. The researchers will have a plan of the design on how to lessen this
dilemma and to improve the water drainage system in the community.


The findings of the study may provide deeper insights about the problem.
The study may determine the significant on enhancing drainage system in the
community. The outcome of this capstone project may benefit certain group.

The benefits they may be able to gain are as follows:

BARANGAY OFFICIALS - The findings will help them to be more responsible

with their duties as an official. They have to be more active to be a good role
model with their position.

COMMUNITY - The findings will help the people inside the community to be
aware with their surrounding that they have to be as one in doing community

FUTURE RESEARCHERS - The findings will help them to have more

effective and efficient ideas and would help improve again the project about
drainage systems.
RESIDENTS - The findings will help them to be observant within their
community, for them to be free from flooding. And also, help them to start
gathering trash within their properly that will eventually help mitigate the
problem. It will also help them segregate their garbage, and dispose it in the
proper manner.

STUDENTS. The findings will serve as their guide on how to enhance proper
drainage system; for them to know what the problems inside the community

This study consists of the key terms that are important for a greater
understanding of the study.

Drainage – The process of draining something. The process by which water of

other liquids flow a way into pipes or into the ground.

Degradation – The process of damaging or ruining something. Also, the act of

lowering something or someone to a less respected state.

Residing – To live in a particular place, the place where people live whether
house, hotel or mobile home – is where you reside.

Mitigate - the act of mitigating or lessening the force or intensity of something

unpleasant, as wrath, pain or extreme circumstances.

Dispose – Get rid of something by throwing away or giving or selling to someone

else, incline towards a particular activity or mood, arrange.

Enhance – Become or make more intense. Increase or further improve the

quality, value, or extent of.

Prolong – Extend the duration of continuing for a long time or longer than
unusual; lengthy.

Water source – A source, means or process of supplying water (as for

community) usually including reservoirs tunnels and pipelines.

Cope – to deal with and attempts to overcome problems and difficulties.

Water ways – a river, canal or other route for travel by water.

Irrigation – the supply of water to land or crops to help growth typically by

means of channels.
Secondary sources – Is any source about an event, period or issue in history
that was produced after that event, period or issue has passed.

Filtegar – the name of our project which mean it filter out the garbage that flows
in canal.


The researchers made a review of related literature in order to conceptualize

thoroughly the research about drainage system.

Foreign Literature and Studies

The United Nations through the World Commission on Environment and

Development (WCED) promotes sustainable development, sustainability involves
simultaneous progress in four major areas human, economic, technological and
environmental; a development that meets the need of the present without comprising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Dupont, 2007).

However, the present industrial development and urbanization have serious

environmental consequences such as waste disposal problem; endanger human health,
radioactive and hazardous waste, depletion of natural resources, highly unpredictable
world climate and many others.

The united nations environment programs (UNEP) recommended pollution

strategy such reduction of production of waste as feasible solution to reduce
environmental problem (McGhee, 2001).

Montoya (2003) found out that water discharged from storm drainage system
was not directly attributed to precipitation. Sources of some of the water can be identified
and accounted from permit for permitted industrial wastewater that discharges to the
storm drainage system. However, most of the waste comes from other sources,
including illicit and or inappropriate entries to the storm drainage system. These entries
can account for significant amount of pollutants discharge from storm and domestic
sewerage system (Piit,, 2005).

In some urban areas, sanitary sewers are used to transport waters from septic
tank while sanitary sewers are connected to storm drainage. Connections of sanitary
sewers to the storm drainage system may be so widespread that the storm drainage
system has to be recognized as a combined sewer system. The storm drainage system
operates to some degree as a combined sewer system, because it is used to transport
both domestic sewage and storm water. It may be that the sanitary sewerage system is
not capable of handling the load that would impose on it if a complete sewer separation
program were undertaken.

For a more environmentally acceptable sewerage system, the combined sewer may be
tied into a centralized treatment system so that the sewer waters will be treated before
disposal to the environment (Tchobanoglous,, 1991). The identification and decision
to connect a storm drainage system into a sewer system with centralized treatment will
depend on the financial capability of the city or municipality. In essence, recognition of a
system as being a combined sewer system provides a focus in the regulatory community
so that it may be possible to operate the system to minimize the damage to the

Storm-water drainage piping is designed to convey excess groundwater to a

suitable location. A suitable location might be a catch basin, storm sewer, or pond.
Storm water drainage may never be piped into a sanitary sewer or plumbing system.

When you wish to size a storm-water drainage system, you must have some
benchmark information to work with. One consideration is the pitch of a horizontal pipe.
Another piece of the puzzle is the number of square feet of surface area your system will
be required to drain. You will also need data on the rainfall rates in your area.

Based from the company McGraw-Hill stated that when you use your codebook
to size a storm-water system, you should have access to all the key elements required to
size the job except possibly for the local rainfall amounts. You should be able to obtain
rainfall figures from your state or county offices. Your codebook should provide you with
a table to use in making your sizing calculations.

Highway drainage is the process of removing and controlling excess surface and
subsurface water within the right way. This includes interception and diversion of water
from the road surface and subgrade. The installation of suitable surface and sub-surface
drainage system is an essential part of highway design and construction. Highway
drainage is used to clear surface water from the highway. Good highway drainage is
important for road safety. Roads need to be well drained to stop flooding; even surface
water can cause problems with ice in the winter. Water left standing on roads can also
cause maintenance problems, as it can soften the ground under a road making the road
surface break up and as well lead to an accident from the road users (Amit, 2016).

Dipnoan (2014) studied highway surface drainage system and problems of water
logging and concluded that adverse roadway elements contributing to highway accidents
were substandard roadway alignment or geometry, lack of shoulders and shoulder
defects, absent or inappropriate pedestrian facilities, narrow and defective lanes and
bridges/bridge approaches, roadside hazards, undefined pavement centre and edge
lines, poor sight distances and visibility, unmarked and inappropriate design of
intersections, serious allocation deficiencies along the route, haphazard bus
shelters/stops, and others are causes of water logging problem in highway. This
research traced that Proper drainage is a very important consideration in design of a
highway. Inadequate drainage facilities can lead to premature deterioration of the
highway and the development of adverse safety conditions such as hydroplaning. It is
common, therefore, for a sizable portion of highway construction budgets to be devoted
to drainage facilities. Studied highway drainage system and started that highway is
importance for removing water from the road surface, preventing ingress of water into
the pavement, passing water across the road, either under or over and preventing scour
and/ or washout of the pavement, shoulder, batter slopes, water courses and drainage
structures. He identified types of drainage on the highway to include kerb and gullies,
surface water channel, combined filter drain (French drain), over-the-edge drainage,
drainage channel locks, combined kerb and drainage units, linear drainage channels, fin
and narrow filter drain (sub-surface drainage) and edge drainage for porous asphalt


A study of Perante (2001) discussed about the existing sewerage system in

Tacloban City and how to develop a new system. Tacloban City experiences flooding
even at small rain and other associated environmental problems. This was because the
existing drainage system in Tacloban City doesn’t function according to its purpose.
Problems were encountered in the existing sewerage system such as the presence of
solid wastes on the sewerage canal, no monitoring and maintenance program and the
people of Tacloban were not aware of the purpose of the sewerage system. Highly felt
problems by the residents of Tacloban City were the solid wastes and its other forms
being indiscriminately discharged to the canals, and the lack of inspection and
monitoring programs for household sewer to the common sewer. Moderately felt
problems encountered were the absence of city ordinance that regulates waste materials
that may be discharged to the canal, sewers were not covered which proved harmful to
the health and life of the residents, and building sewers were not connected to the
common sewer.

Bayag (1997) conducted a study that discussed about establishing a reasonably

adequate storm sewage drainage system at the university that will incorporate in the
future physical expansion and development of the said university. The goal was to
regulate storm water runoff that may cause flood in the university area during heavy
downpour so that the safety, health and general well-being of the students, employees
and clients of the university can be ensured, and so as not to hamper and disrupt the
daily activities and services of the university even during heavy downpour or storm. The
University of San Carlos - Talamban Campus has an existing drainage system but is
inadequate to convey the rainwater into its point of discharge. The main streamline,
which is the point of discharge, is also deficient to accommodate and convey the storm
water from the university sub catchment. The sizes of the sewer pipes the existing
drainage system use are insufficient. The flooding at the two gates of the university
during heavy downpour is the evidence of this deficiency and inadequacy.

A study by Monisit (1997) entitled “The Status of Danao City Main Drainage with
its Implications to Sewerage System of the Local Government Unit: Measures for
Improvement” discussed about the need of the existing drainage system in Danao City
to be improved and developed. Residents of the city have experienced major problems
about health and water supply.

From the review, it has been concluded that poor drainage facilities on highway
structures has many devastating effects on the economy of users, as both
functional and structural failures due to poor drainage leads to increase in travel
time, thus reducing productivity of a community or nation, it leads to sicknesses such
as Malaria fever due to breeding of mosquitoes in stagnant water around poorly
drained pavements in residential areas, there is increased number of accidents thus
leading to the death of many. etc. The effect of poor drainage condition on road is very
adverse. It causes the failure of road in different ways. Proper drainage system provided
to the road increases the life of roads. But the improper drainage system causes the
failure of the road at its early edge. Therefore effective road drainage should be taking
into consideration during construction of roads. Thus, proper design, construction and
maintenance practices should be adopted to keep roads drained.

Technical Background


For the past few years, our country has been experiencing natural
calamities that made the entire community in despair. All sorts of solutions
have been presented but it is not enough to stop such disaster. Garbage have
long been presented as a huge problem during natural calamities. It is mostly
the reason why canals over-flow. Some garbage flow to the rivers and
eventually to the seas.

Enhanced drainage system minimizes the impact of flooding by safely

carrying storm water away from built-up areas into rivers and creeks when it
rains, some water naturally seeps into the ground. To prevent the rest of it
from flowing towards low-lying land, the drainage system directs it into rivers
and creeks at the same time collecting the garbage that may eventually flow
directly to the bay. The Filtegar filters out the garbage that will help mitigate
the risk of a certain place to be affected when a natural calamity strikes. It
might be that a certain place may be affected but less amount garbage that
might be present. This project will help curtail the chances of garbage to
spread out to the oceans and at the same time prevent the extinction of
aquatic animals.


Obviously, every project has different components. And each different

component has a big role of a particular project. In this part of the capstone
project, it discusses about the function of every important part of our project.
Without this following component, we can’t achieve our objectives in this

The parts of the project along with details are follows:

Metal Screen- the most crucial piece of our project it used to filter out the
garbage that the carries.

Metal Screw- also called as the “threaded fastener” use to hold the
screen and iron.

Hook - the important piece while strong water current occur. It is very
dangerous if we get the metal screen out from the current. We researchers, must
know the safety measures about the project, so we made a hook to get the our

Welding rod – with the use of the welding machine, welding rod plays the
important role of the project because it used to stick the angle bar and flat bar

Flat bar - metal screen alone can’t stand the strong current of the water
so we add some flat bar to strengthen more the metal screen.

Angle bars - use to hold the filtegar against strong current of water.

 How the project will work

Our project named “FILTEGAR” is a design drainage system with

purely metal that may filter out multifarious garbage. The size of our
“FILTEGAR” depends of the size of a particular canal.

Filtegar is conical shape. The purpose of the shape is to regulate

the passage of the water
First, we will attach some iron bars where we will attach our project
“FILTEGAR” and fasten it by the use of metal screws.

After the “FILTEGAR” is attached, a variety of garbage is going to

approach to our “FILTEGAR”. The garbage will enter FILTEGAR. It will filter all
the garbage and the water will continuously flow and leave the garbage behind.
But before removing the filtegar we must attached a metal screen right before the
filtegar to prevent the other garbage to flow.

If the FILTEGAR will be full of garbage we will get the FILTEGAR by

loosening the screws: and rid all garbage inside our FILREGAR and put it back in
the canal.
 Cost Benefit Analysis:X

Materials Size Quality Prices Total

Metal Screen 3 meters PHP. 40.00 PHP. 120.00
Metal Screw 1 box PHP. 20.00 PHP. 20.00
Iron Rod 12mm x 6m 2 pcs. PHP. 150.00 PHP. 300.00
Welding Rod 1/2 kilo PHP. 100.00 PHP. 50.00
Flat Bars 1 x 20 x 3mm 1 pcs PHP. 463.00 PHP. 463.00
Angle Bars 1 ⅟₂ x ⅟₂ x 20 x 2mm 1 pcs PHP. 322.00 PHP. 322.00

 Miscellaneous

Expenses Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Sub Total

Fare php. 2,860 php. 2,600 php. 2,650 php. 2,750 php. 10,860
Snacks php. 3,450 php. 3,350 php. 3,300 php. 3,400 php. 13,500
Bond Paper php. 150.00 php. 150.00
Yellow Pad php. 35.00 php. 35.00 php. 35.00 php. 35.00 php. 140.00
Load Internet php. 150.00 php. 150.00 php. 200.00 php. 150.00 php. 650.00
Panelist php. 500.00 php. 500.00

Chapter 4


Drainage system has a big role in our community. It is a passage way of

water from houses, urban areas and even natural water resources. The purpose
of the study is to enhance the drainage and to lessen the effects of flooding,
whereas the function of the main drainage system is to collect transport, and
dispose of the water through an outfall or outlet. In some instances one makes
an additional distinction between collector and main drainage system.

As people evolved, drainage system fluctuates. Poor maintained drainage

system and poor waste management habits can adversely affect our
environment. Flooding and spreading of waste on to the bodies of water. May
loss of human life, damage of property and extinction of aquatic species. To
enhance drainage system, the FILTEGAR is created to lessen effect of the
flooding since the evolution of existence can’t be stopped. It also minimizes the
amount of trash that can possibly spread out to the body of water that aquatic
wild life might be affected.

Drainage system and its maintenance, if neglected, could pose a
threat in community and environment causing destruction or damage as
well as the garbage that could cause unpredictable clog in the canal.
Therefore, people and the future researchers may focus on enhancing
drainage systems because it’s a must, where it helps our surrounding
seek to what it deserves to be. Sustainable drainage system is gaining
greater importance as a result of increased acknowledgment of the
positive effect such a system on nature and the environment. This paper
performs a literature review of recent developments and application of
sustainable drainage system around the community.

The researcher arrived at the following recommendation to the following

BARANGAY OFFICIALS – we recommend the barangay officials for their

coordination among researchers, that implementation should be strengthened to
achieve maximum output and sustainability. Disposal networks should be
constructed by the public sector, field drainage facilities by the private sector,
with subsides.

COMMUNITY- we recommend the community for their cooperation, to be as one

in doing community service. They need to be educated, and declare Mother
Earth’s right to health and freedom, mandatory for everyone to respect them.

RESIDENTS- we recommend the residents that they should be more observant

within their community, and be responsible as well. They should gather and
recycle non-biodegradable materials than to throw it anywhere. The family should
discipline their selves, to be a good models for their children.

STEM STUDENTS – we recommend the STEM students to share their learning

from what they have learned from their chosen strand, to enhance a proper
drainage system in our community.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS - we recommend the future researcher to educate

well for more efficient ideas that would gain into their mind, and that would help
improve again the drainage system in our community.

 Ylaya, R. (2010), “The Proposed of New Drainage System in Cebu

technological University Main campus”,
 Vitalis, I. (2016), “The effects of poor drainage system on road pavement”.
 Amit, K. (2016), ”Drainage System: A Review”,
 Civil Engineering dictionary (2004), “Highway Drainage”,
 Getachew, T. (2016), “Assessment of the Effects of Urban Road
 Lorver, V. (2016). “The Effects of poor drainage system”,
 Api, K. (2011), “Drainage System: Statement of the Problem”,



Date of Birth: OCTOBER 12, 2000


Civil Status: SINGLE





"On how struggle you're in today, developing the strength that you need for tomorrow"



Date of Birth: AUGUST 16, 2000


Civil Status: SINGLE







Name: Juncinth T. Lumanog

Address: Purok 2 Brgy. 20, Gingoog City

Date of Birth: June 18,2001


Civil Status: SINGLE


Elementary: Don Restituto Baol Central School

Secondary: Gingoog City Colleges

MOTTO: "Stay low key. Not everyone needs to know everything about you.
Name: Dan Vincent Obatay Juson

Address: Purok 2 Brgy. 20, Gingoog City

Date of Birth: November 21, 1999


Civil Status: SINGLE


Elementary: Duka Elementary School

Secondary: Gingoog City Colleges

MOTTO: "The most luxurious possession, the richest treasure anybody has, is his personal


Date of Birth: MAY 17, 2000


Civil Status: SINGLE





“Do the best you can until you know better. Then, if you know better, do better”
“Enhancing the drainage system in the community”

Submitted by:

Ilyzza Quicho

Lionelle Tubo

Marc Dominic Galendez

Dan Vincent Juson

Juncinth Lumanog

Submitted to:

Mr. Rud Albert Abao


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