Module 5
Module 5
Module 5
Western Eastern
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are some common Arrange marriages are common.
religions practice in the Western. western-culture/amp/
People from the west are more expressing their Easterners give more priority to family and elders.
feelings. If they are angry, they vent it out. western-culture/amp/
Arranged marriages are not all common in the West for The population in Eastern countries is more traditional
they believe in love as the basis for the marriage. than people in West when we consider their clothing, rituals, and other differences.
When it comes to attitude, the West could be thought of People are conservative and traditional.
as analytical and detailed. The focus on the problem at
hand and arrive an outcome based of the pros and western-culture/amp/
cons of that particular problem.
The female in the West it free to decide her priorities The East is known for its holistic view. The preference
and something as basic as when to marry or even bear of the latter is to come to a well- rounded and all-
a child. inclusive solution which applies across the table.
Do you agree with the differentiation between the West and the East? Where can you find the Philippines in the
distinction? What are the factors that make the Philippines similar or different from its Asian neighbors? Is there also
a difference between regions or ethnolinguistic groups in the Philippines?
= Yes, we can find the Philippines in Eastern part; some factors that make the Philippines similar to some Asian
neighbors are Beliefs, Culture, Foods and traditions, Filipinos have similar factors with its Asian neighbors in terms of
culture and traditions, this is how neighbors influence each other. For the differences, Philippines was invaded by
some countries in the Western part so There are factors I consider that make the Philippines difference to some
Asian neighbors, such as invasions, globalizations and similarities in terms of government in some country in western
part, invasions makes our culture, beliefs, and individualism different from our Asian neighbors because we inherited
it by some country in western part. Philippine’s ethnolinguistic also vary from our Asian neighbors because some of
those are acquired and being mixed from other countries cause by invasion in the Philippines back then.