OOP Activity
OOP Activity
OOP Activity
flourishing, write a 300 -500-word analysis of the documentary by answer the following questions:
➢ "It is a thesis that the methods of the natural sciences should be used in all areas of investigation,
including philosophy, the humanities, and the social sciences: a belief that only such methods can
fruitfully be used in the pursuit of knowledge," according to google, which also fits Lewis' usage of the
term "scientism”. "Meaning, natural science serves as the only reliable method of knowledge and truth
about the world, above all else. It not only rejects or imposes other disciplines such as philosophy, as
well as our moral, religious, and other convictions, but it also weakens the credibility of science itself. As
a result, this scientific knowledge is ‘superior' to what we may learn from any other intellectual field,
and science may be tainted. He opposes scientism because he feels that science is beneficial to our lives,
but that it should be limited. Science and technology are beneficial because they make our lives easier,
allow us to learn more about our environment and discover new things, but they may also be deadly
when they cross the line. He believes that science may produce huge societal difficulties that could lead
to conflict. He also argues that science has the potential to rule the entire globe. "C.S. Lewis," the
documentary stated. “This idea and process of science should be the bar of every other intellectual
discipline,” Lewis writes, “but he does not challenge science itself.”
• Science was compared science to magic in three ways: as religion, as credulity, and as power. Explain
his comparison for each case.
➢ Science, like a religion, has the potential to convince people that religion, like any other religion,
requires worship. There are prophets in religion, and there are prophets in science as well, with
scientists and professors serving as examples. This perception of the universe's grandeur provides us
with a sense of meaning and purpose that extends beyond the physical domain into the realm of the
metaphysical. Even for non-religious persons, this mystical picture of the universe can be more
convincing, because science-as-religion replaces scientism with God (religion) (magic, politics). Science is
a form of credulity. Science is a form of credulity, and, like magic, it encourages a lack of skepticism.
Science as a source of power, and magic as a source of power, with magicians desiring control over
• Based on what you have learned in the documentary film, what is the presented principle of
modernity and its values in the magician’s twin?
• How does scientism threaten the human person thriving in science and technology? Why should
science adhere to a moral basis that is not dictated by science itself?
➢ Because the method of science to explain every part of our lives. The dangerous of it when it is not
limited. Ethics should constrain science rather than guide it. Certain moral principles, such as care for
people, empathy, and kindness, are vital in deciding science's study objectives and applications.