The document is the unaudited balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement, and statement of changes in equity for Bangladesh Lamps Limited as of June 30, 2010. It shows the company had total assets of BDT 750.8 million, total equity of BDT 303.7 million, and net profit of BDT 23.2 million for the first half of 2010. Cash flows from operating activities was negative BDT 78.1 million due to payments exceeding collections.
The document is the unaudited balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement, and statement of changes in equity for Bangladesh Lamps Limited as of June 30, 2010. It shows the company had total assets of BDT 750.8 million, total equity of BDT 303.7 million, and net profit of BDT 23.2 million for the first half of 2010. Cash flows from operating activities was negative BDT 78.1 million due to payments exceeding collections.
The document is the unaudited balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement, and statement of changes in equity for Bangladesh Lamps Limited as of June 30, 2010. It shows the company had total assets of BDT 750.8 million, total equity of BDT 303.7 million, and net profit of BDT 23.2 million for the first half of 2010. Cash flows from operating activities was negative BDT 78.1 million due to payments exceeding collections.
The document is the unaudited balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement, and statement of changes in equity for Bangladesh Lamps Limited as of June 30, 2010. It shows the company had total assets of BDT 750.8 million, total equity of BDT 303.7 million, and net profit of BDT 23.2 million for the first half of 2010. Cash flows from operating activities was negative BDT 78.1 million due to payments exceeding collections.
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Bangladesh Lamps Limited
Sadar Road, Mohakhali
Dhaka - 1206
AS AT 30 JUNE 2010 Figures in Taka 2010 2009 Particulars At 30th June At 31st Dec. Assets Property, plant and equipment 99,814,608 106,946,118 Intangible assets 102,500 117,500 Investments 38,250,523 38,250,523 Loans and deposits 2,208,648 2,240,969 Total non-current assets 140,376,279 147,555,110 Inventories 132,374,860 127,990,769 Trade and other debtors 335,634,455 253,086,921 Advance, deposits and prepayments 6,326,036 4,999,566 Advance income tax 40,990,123 25,757,285 Cash and cash equivalents 95,086,120 89,925,773 Total current assets 610,411,594 501,760,314 Total assets 750,787,873 649,315,424 Equity Share capital 72,081,600 72,081,600 Reserves and surplus 231,668,070 233,742,040 Total equity 303,749,670 305,823,640 Liabilities Long term loan 30,208,334 36,458,334 Deferred liability - gratuity payable 23,120,691 22,008,780 Deferred tax - liability 17,065,548 19,441,088 Total non- current liabilities 70,394,573 77,908,202 Current portion of long term loan 12,500,000 12,500,000 Short term finance 209,920,770 92,323,508 Trade and other creditors 48,153,503 60,957,763 Accrued expenses 9,180,407 7,455,857 Other liabilities 15,745,690 16,210,389 Provision for taxation 58,374,554 48,652,421 Provision for royalty 22,768,706 27,483,644 Total current liabilities and provisions 376,643,630 265,583,582 Total liabilities 447,038,203 343,491,784 Total equity and liabilities 750,787,873 649,315,424 Net assets value per share 421 424 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT (UN-AUDITED) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2010 Figures in Taka Particulars Jan-June 2010 Jan-June 2009 April-June 2010 April-June 2009 Sales ( net of VAT & SD ) 280,531,564 256,667,172 130,555,964 116,639,425 Cost of Goods Sold -239,184,021 -217,985,319 -113,541,918 -100,505,572 Gross profit 41,347,543 38,681,853 17,014,046 16,133,853 Other Income 5,612,057 5,444,699 2,807,057 2,723,699 Operating Expenses -14,470,960 -12,664,643 -7,730,738 -6,566,323 Profit from operation 32,488,640 31,461,909 12,090,365 12,291,229 Finance cost : Finance expense -14,506,804 -17,462,393 -6,809,260 -8,941,231 Finance income 14,044,406 12,303,659 8,728,094 7,859,827 -462,398 -5,158,734 1,918,834 -1,081,404 Profit before contribution to WPPF 32,026,242 26,303,175 14,009,199 11,209,825 Contribution to WPPF -1,525,059 -1,252,532 -667,105 -533,801 Profit before income tax 30,501,183 25,050,643 13,342,094 10,676,024 Tax expense : Current tax -9,722,133 -9,331,020 -4,258,581 -3,920,205 Deferred tax 2,375,540 2,315,179 1,260,220 1,157,589 Profit after Tax 23,154,590 18,034,802 10,343,733 7,913,408 Earning per share ( per value Tk.100 ) 32 25 14 11
FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2010 Figures in Taka Particulars Jan-June 2010 Jan-June 2009 A)Cash flows from operating activities: Collection from Turnover 250,000,000 275,000,000 Collection from other income 11,051,874 6,817,889 Sub-Total 261,051,874 281,817,889 Payment to suppliers 190,844,755 200,687,893 Payment to employees 37,230,031 35,903,968 Income tax payments 15,232,838 13,947,969 VAT & supplementary duty payments 47,000,796 42,673,007 Other payments for expenses & services 48,826,461 46,724,760 Sub-Total 339,134,881 339,937,597 Net cash flows from operating activities -78,083,007 -58,119,708 B)Cash flows from investing activities: Payment for purchase of fixed assets -2,007,774 -589,039 Payment for purchase of shares 0 0 Sub-Total -2,007,774 -589,039 C)Cash flows from financing activities: Dividend payments -26,096,134 -11,997,439 Repayment of long term loan -6,250,000 0 Sub-Total -32,346,134 -11,997,439 Net cash inflows /(outflows)for the period -112,436,915 -70,706,186 Opening cash and bank balances -2,397,735 -110,198,289 Closing cash and bank balances -114,834,650 -180,904,475 Net operating cash flow per share ( NOCFPS ) -108 -81 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (UN-AUDITED) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2010
Description Share Capital General Unappropriated Total
Capital Reserve Reserve Profit Balance as at 1 January 2010 72,081,600 2,305,167 194,526,232 36,910,641 305,823,640 Dividend paid - - - (25,228,560) (25,228,560) Net profit after tax for the half year 2010 - - - 23,154,590 23,154,590 Balance as at 30th June 2010 72,081,600 2,305,167 194,526,232 34,836,671 303,749,670
Balance as at 30th June 2009 72,081,600 2,305,167 164,526,232 26,436,553 265,349,552