Golden Harvest Agro Industries Limited: Statement of Financial Position As at June 30, 2012
Golden Harvest Agro Industries Limited: Statement of Financial Position As at June 30, 2012
Golden Harvest Agro Industries Limited: Statement of Financial Position As at June 30, 2012
Non-Current Assets 1,024,677,371 927,686,981
Property, Plant & Equipment 713,251,281 658,044,917
Leased Assets 6 22,321,040 12,434,489
Deferred Expenses 7 13,669,0 12 15,377,639
Investment in Subsidiary Company 8 275,436,038 241,829,935
Amount in BDT
2012 2011
1,029,714 3,844,485
Export Incentive 29 229,536 1,945,724
Other Income 30 800,178 l,898,761
Loss from Investment in Quoted Shares - (4,442,103)
Finance Cost S1 (38,775,702) (5,409,474)
Profit before WPPF 75,310,672 130,833,765
Provision for WPPF (3,584,788) -
Net Profit before Tax 71,72s.gs4 130,833,765
Revalnatioo Retained
Share Capital
Surplus Earnings
Man ng Director
Amouot ia BDT
2012 1 2011
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 446,505 13,275,232
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 764,624 446,505
Criteria Weight Score
Actual Score
D. Security 10% Parameter
Parameter Obtained
1. Security Coverage (Primary) Fully pledged facilities/substantially 4 Registered 3
cash covered/Reg. Mortg, for HBL Hypothecation
Registered Hypothecation 3 (1st charge/1st
(1st charge/1st Pari passu charge) Pari passu
2nd Charge/Inferior charge 2 charge)
Simple hypothecation/negative lien 1
on assets.
No security 0
2. Collateral Coverage Registered Mortgage on Municipal 4 Registered 3
(Property Location) Corporation/Prime area property. Mortgage on
Registered Mortgage on 3 Pourashava/Se
Pourashava/semi-urban area mi-Urban area
property property
Equitable Mortgage or No property but 2
plant & machinery as collateral
Negative lien on collateral 1
No collateral 0
3. Support (Guarantee) Personal guarantee with high net 2 Personal 2
worth or Strong Corporate Guarantee guarantee
Personal Guarantees or Corporate
Guarantee with average financial
strength 1
No Support/Guarantee
Total Score- Security Risk 10 8