September 2020 Orion Pharma
September 2020 Orion Pharma
September 2020 Orion Pharma
Amount In BDT
30-Sep-20 30-Jun-20
Non-Current Assets 19,188,495,657 19,094,525,507
Property, Plant and Equipment 6 14,702,323,081 14,930,942,237
Right of use Assets 7 43,107,140 50,347,853
Construction Work in Progress 8 1,931,646,330 1,651,460,156
Investment in Associates 10 364,146,000 319,403,000
Other Investments 11 2,147,273,105 2,142,372,262
Amount In BDT
30-Sep-20 30-Jun-20
Non-Current Assets 13,285,565,972 13,041,155,930
Property, Plant and Equipment 6a 7,782,393,396 7,860,572,660
Right of use Assets 7 43,107,140 50,347,853
Construction Work in Progress 8 1,931,646,330 1,651,460,156
Investment in Subsidiaries 9 1,017,000,000 1,017,000,000
Investment in Associate 10 364,146,000 319,403,000
Other Investments 11 2,147,273,105 2,142,372,262
Net Asset Value (NAV) Including Revaluation Surplus 31a 53.39 52.85
Amount In BDT
Particulars 1 July to 30 1 July to 30
September 2020 September 2019
Particulars Ordinary Share Capital Share Premium Reserves Retained Earnings Total
Particulars Ordinary Share Capital Share Premium Reserves Retained Earnings Total
Amount In BDT
Particulars 1 July to 30 1 July to 30
September 2020 September 2019
Condensed Statement of Cash Flows ( Unaudited)
For Three Month Period Ended 30 September 2020
Amount In BDT
Particulars 1 July to 30 1 July to 30
September 2020 September 2019
Selected Explanatory Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
For Three Month Period Ended 30 September 2020 (1st Quarter)
1 Reporting Entity
1.1 Background of the Entity
Orion Pharma Limited, earlier called Orion Laboratories Limited was incorporated in 1965 as a
private limited company. The Company was converted into a public limited company on 24 July
2010. The registered office of the company is at 153-154, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh.
The Company is listed both with Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) and Chittagong Stock
Exchange Limited (CSE) on 20 March 2013.
Orion Power Meghnaghat Ltd. was incorporated on 30 June 2010 as a public limited company
under the Companies Act, 1994 with authorized share capital of Tk. 4,000,000,000 divided into
400,000,000 Ordinary shares of Tk. 10 each. The company implemented a 100 MW HFO Power
based Plant on quick rental basis in Meghnaghat, Dhaka with machineries and equipment
supplied by Wartsila OY, Finland. The generated output of 105 MW electricity is being regularly
supplied to national grid. Orion Pharma Ltd. holds 95% of equity share of this company directly.
Dutch Bangla Power & Associates Ltd. was incorporated on 1 July 2010 as a public limited
company under the Companies Act, 1994 with authorized share capital of Tk. 1,000,000,000
divided into 100,000,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10 each. The Company was awarded by the
Government of Bangladesh and BPDB to implement 100 MW HFO Power Plant on quick rental
basis in Siddhirganj, Narayanganj with machineries and equipment supplied by Wartsila OY,
Finland. The generated output of 105 MW electricity is being regularly supplied to national grid.
Orion Pharma Ltd. holds 67% of equity share of this Company.
Orion Infusion Limited is a public limited company incorporated in Bangladesh on May 05, 1983
and is now operating under the banner of Orion Group. Other shareholders of the company are
sponsor shareholders, foreign investors, financial institutions and general public.
The Company was listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) on 05 October 1994 and
Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited (CSE) on 22 September 1996. Orion Pharma Ltd. holds 21.76 %
of equity share of this company directly.
2 Basis of Preparation
These Condensed Interim Financial Statements of the company comprised the company’s and its
subsidiaries (together referred to as the 'Group' and individually as 'Group entities') and the
Group’s interest in associates have been prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRSs) adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh
(ICAB), in particular International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34: Interim Financial Reporting , the
Companies Act 1994, Securities and Exchange Rules 1987 and other applicable laws and
According to IAS-34 'Interim Financial Reporting,', these interim financial statements include the
following components-
i. Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
ii. Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
iii. Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
iv. Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
v. Selected Explanatory Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
These Condensed Interim Financial Statements of the company cover three month period from 1
July 2020 to 30 September 2020.
3 Accounting Policies and Methods of Computations
The accounting policies and methods of computations followed in preparing these financial
statements are same as those used in the annual financial statements prepared and published for
the year ended 30 June 2020.
4 Subsequent Events
No material events occurred after the reporting date, non-disclosure of which could affect the
ability of the users of the financial statements to make proper evaluation and decision.
Amount in Taka
30 Sep 2020
5 Acquisition of Property, Plant & Equipments of Orion Pharma Ltd. and its subsidiaries during
three month Period
9. Investment in subsidiaries
30 Sep 2020
Name of the subsidiary company Number of shares Share holding
Amount in Taka
Orion Power Meghnaghat Ltd. 95,000,000 95.00 950,000,000
Dutch Bangla Power & Associates Ltd. 6,700,000 67.00 67,000,000
Total 1,017,000,000
Amount in Taka
30 Sep 2020
13. Trade & other receivables
Trade receivables 4,140,538,518
Other receivables (Note-13.1) 9,474,791,868
Trade receivables are unsecured, considered good and recoverable within one year. Classification schedules as req
1994 are as follows:
Amount in Taka
SL. No. Particulars
30 Sep 2020
I Trade receivables considered good in respect of which the company is fully secured 4,140,538,518
II Trade receivables considered good in respect of which the company holds no
security other than the debtor personal security -
Trade receivables are unsecured, considered good and recoverable within one year. Classification schedules as req
1994 are as follows:
Amount in Tk
SL No Particulars
30 Sep 2020
I Trade receivables considered good in respect of which the company is fully secured 177,543,912
II Trade receivables considered good in respect of which the company holds no
security other than the debtor personal security
III Trade receivables considered doubtful or bad
IV Trade receivables due by any director or other officer of the company
V Trade receivables due by common management
VI The maximum amount of receivable due by any director or other officer of the
company Total 177,543,912
Amount in Taka
30 Sep 2020
13a.1.2 Current account with other related companies
Orion Properties Ltd. 20,331,532
Orion Power Khulna Ltd. 986,021,913
Orion Power Dhaka Ltd. 2,176,293,707
Interior Accom Consortium Ltd. 107,995,459
Orion Agro Product Ltd. 232,265,920
Orion Power Unit -2 Dhaka Ltd. 1,358,708,776
Orion Power Rupsha Ltd. 186,800,000
Digital Power & Associates Ltd. 97,341,915
Orion Hospitals Ltd. 12,700,000
14.1 Advance income tax
16.1 Cash in hand
Head office 5,359,559
Depot office 1,920,000
17 7,279,559
Amount in Taka
30 Sep 2020
16.2 Cash at B/O account
Bank Asia Securities Limited. (2,201)
Jahan Securities Limited. 2,874
LankaBangla Securities Ltd. 1,604
Authorized capital
500,000,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10 each 5,000,000,000
30 Sep 2020
Number of
Range of Shareholding
Shareholders Number of
% of holding
Up to 500 Shares 26,884 3,082,065 1.32%
501 to 5,000 Shares 5,770 11,290,340 4.82%
5001 to 10,000 Shares 1,113 8,153,117 3.48%
10,001 to 20,000 Shares 598 8,749,513 3.74%
20,001 to above 564 202,724,965 86.63%
Total 34,929 234000000.00 1.00
Amount in Taka
30 Sep 2020
30 Sep 2020
Number of
Categories of shareholders Number of
Shareholders % of holding
Sponsors 5 74,841,600 31.98%
Foreign Investor 154 3,303,469 1.41%
Financial institutions 343 91,920,270 39.28%
General public 34,427 63,934,661 27.32%
Total 34,929 234000000.00 100.00
18. Reserves
18.a Reserve
Amount in Taka
30 Sep 2020
18a.2.1 Fair value gain/(loss) on marketable securities during the year
Unrealized gain/(loss) position (closing) (13,472,620)
Unrealized gain/(loss) position (opening) (24,544,509)
Fair value adjustment for sale of securities realized gain/(loss) (6,258,996)
Unrealized gain/(loss) during the year 4,812,893
22 Lease obligation
Phoenix Finance & Investment Ltd. 29,909,698
Lease obligation (Office rent) 44,963,526
Current portion of lease obligation (22.1) (38,955,205)
WDV as at 30.09.2020
Deferred tax liability
Particular Accounting
Tax Base as on 30.09.2020
Amount in Taka
30 Sep 2020
25 Trade and other payables
Goods suppliers & manufacturer 3,552,964,238
Other payable 320,712,317
Current account with inter companies (Note -25.1) 109,788,332
Amount in Taka
30 Sep 2020
26.a.1 Employee welfare fund
Opening balance 3,854,428
Add: Addition for the year 486,687
WPPF is charged @ 5% of net profit before tax as per labour law Act 2006 (Amended in 2018 ), whereas
80% is allocated to "Workers profit participation fund", 10% to "Employee welfare fund" and 10% to
"Bangladesh workers welfare foundation''.
27. Revenue from net sales
Local sales 540,025,788
Export sales 66,324,114
Revenue from power generation (Note-27.1) 2,322,653,538
28 Financial expense
Agrani Bank Limited, Cash Credit ( H ) - 48. 7,982,695
Agrani Bank Limited, LTR 2,317,081
Phoenix Finance & Investments Ltd. 1,063,981
Meridian Finance & Investment Ltd. 472,788
Finance cost on lease obligation (Office rent) 1,117,255
Interest on Long Term Borrowing 46,207,161
Bank Charge ,commission & Fees 18,864,467
Amount in Taka
30 Sep 2020
28a Financial expenses
Agrani Bank Limited, Cash Credit ( H ) - 48. 7,982,695
Agrani Bank Limited, LTR 2,317,081
Phoenix Finance & Investments Ltd. 1,000,776
Meridian Finance & Investment Ltd. 472,788
Finance cost on lease obligation (Office rent) 1,117,255
32.a Clause No. 5 (2) (e) of Notification No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/208/Admin/81, Dated: 20 June
2018: Reconciliation of Net operating cash flow under Indirect Method:
Particulars 30-Sep-20
Net profit before tax 97,337,449
Workers profit participation fund 4,866,872
Interest & other income (539,912)
Financial expenses 12,890,595
Depreciation 112,792,524
Increase/(Decrease) in inventory (26,521,062)
Increase/(Decrease) in receivables (21,891,795)
Increase/(Decrease) in advance, deposit & prepayments (50,340,698)
Increase/(Decrease) in employee benefit (4,866,872)
Increase/(Decrease) in payable (4,576,611)
Increase/(Decrease) in accrued expenses (2,739,510)
Income taxes paid (6,903,290)
Foreign Exchange Gain/(Loss)
Net cash flow from operating activities 109,507,689