The Theory of Creation Based On Quran Texts: Medhat Elsahookie, Prof. Emeritus

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The Theory of Creation Based on Quran Texts

Medhat Elsahookie, Prof. emeritus

[email protected]
University of Baghdad
Since very long time ago, thinkers thought of the time of creation of the
universe and its methodology, started with the Greeks hundred years
before Christ. To summarize that history of the story of creation it was
1912 when the American astronomer Slipher observed that galaxies are
moving away from earth! In 1916 there was the Einstein relativity, it
implied in a part of it that the universe is even contracting or expanding.
Being contracting is difficult to think of, and being expanding, it was
proved by Slipher in 1912, besides that Hubble observed in 1929 that
galaxies are getting away from each other. However, Quran, 1400 years
ago stated that the universe is expanding, Ath- Thariyat (47):((We built
the heaven with might, and We widely extending (expanding) it))/.
Between 1950-1965, there were the ideas of what so called the Bing Bang
Theory (BBT), which implied that the universe have been created from an
explosion of a very dense and very hot point (singularity) or black hole.
This was estimated the age of universe as 13.8 billion years, NASA
estimated the temperature of that explosion as 5.5 billion Celsius! At that
temperature, nothing will be in a specific shape as we see things today!
and no mention on the creation of seas, rivers, plants, animals or human.
We need to keep in mind that all those things are being created in a very
accurate size, shape, physiology, anatomy, ingredients………etc.
How did that happen and when? Especially that unique infra-structure of
cells, their molecular biology and some specific forms such as i-motif
DNA! in the living cells of human.

According to my precise readings of Quran , I found that creation didn’t

happen at one time, or one day, or one year, but it was a continuous
process . In Sura of Fussilat (53) ((Soon will We show them our Signs in
the furthest regions (of earth and heaven) and in their own souls, until it
becomes manifest to them, that this is the Truth! is it not enough that the
Lord doth witness all things?))/. Then I have set- up the following stages
of creation:

O-Pre- Creation :At this period of time, there was only God, and nothing
but God on His Throne: Hud(7): (( It is He who created the heavens and
earth in six days, and His Throne was upon the water that He might try
you and see which of you excel in works. If you say: After death you
shall be raised up, the unbelievers will say: This is nothing but a clear
sorcery!! ))/. However, the size of the Throne is so big! It is the biggest
created thing in the universe!

Al- Baqara (255): ((…….His (Chair) doth extend over the heavens and
the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for
He is the Most High, and The Supreme in glory!))/. this was explained by
prophet Muhamed that the Thorne is starting from the Chair and goes into
the infinite space! and that the earth and heavens to the Chair like a ring
thrown in a dessert! and so the Chair to the Throne! Wow! Imagine that:

1. The First Creation (Ratq):

This stage of creation represents the creation of the universe (heavens and
earth continents) sticking to each other! No sun shines, no moon, no seas
or rivers,………etc. This creation was probably in a minute creature,
even it could be in terms of Nanotechnology! This remained so for
unknown time; Sura Al –Anbia(30): ((Have the unbelievers not seen that
the heavens and the earth were sewn up as one mass, then We unstitched
them, and that We made every living thing of water? Will they not
believe?))/. This was called (Ratq) and after being separated it was called

2. The Second Creation (Fatq):

After an undefined time, the Ratq was turned into Fatq, this means that
heavens are around , and the earth is in the middle of the space
surrounded by stars and galaxies . Seas, rivers, mountains, ….. were
under human vision, but no human that time;
Sura Al- Baqra (29): (( He created for you all that is in the earth, then
He willed to the heaven, and made them seven heavens. He has
Knowledge of all things))/. It seems that an unknown time elapsed, then
plants were created, and animals later, then after long time, human was

3. The Third Creation ( The Human):
Probably a long long time elapsed after the Fatq, then human was created.
At this time, plants, animals and all natural resources were already made
available to humans (Homo sapiens), while it is supposed that other
species of the genus Homo were created at the same time of creating
animals, such as H. habilis , H.erectus, H. neanderthalensis , etc. Sura Al-
Insan(1): (( Indeed, there came upon the human a period of time when he
was not mentioned thing ))/. God has told the angels that He will create
the human, and that human will do some corruption on earth, by fighting
each other and not obey the commands of God which imply to be nice,
loving, cooperating,…..etc. besides worshiping God. The Angels and
Jinns (Satans) were created before human as understood from Quran
texts: Sura Ath-Thariyat (55-56): ((But teach them (my message of
commands), for teaching benefits the Believers. I have only created Jinns
(Satans) and human, that they may worship Me))/.
4. The Fourth Creation ( The Continuous Creation):
This stage of creation implies that, things may disappear (distinct), others
recently created. This was shown today by many scientists and
researchers, that some plants, animals and galaxies have been
disappeared, and new plants and animals have been seen to the first time
in history!. Then , the universe is being expanding, and there are many
beings to be created later: Sura An- Nahl(8): ((He has created horses,
mules, and donkeys (and many other animals) , which you ride and as an
adornment, and He creates what you do not know))/. If we check what
scientists found today, we will be so satisfied with what was mentioned
about stages of creation. Creation is an accurate process for every living
being. DNA, RNA, transposons …etc are the base of living and
variations. All these things were not mentioned in BBT. The continuous
variations among living beings, natural selection, adaptation and
evolution that Darwin worked on are still acting. Evolution is not
necessarily to give us the best being that human wants, but that one fits its
environment, i.e, survival for the fittest. References reported that the
galaxy NGC 1227 has an age of 50000 X35000 light years! Other
references reported that angiosperms were created since 135 million
years, sea animals, 200 million years, and the first creation of plants goes
back to 425 million years, and so on. This means sharply that non- living
and living beings were not created in a short time or in a close time, but

long long time among their creation. The complexity of creation and the
wise processes of creation are very long and so detailed. Quran text
Luqman (27) says: (( And if all the trees on earth were pens, and the
oceans were ink, with seven oceans behind it, to add to this supply, yet
would not the Words of God be exhausted (in the writing to explain
wisdoms of creation) for God is Exalted in power full of wisdom))/.
However, the age of Homo sapiens on earth is estimated to be only
between 12-16 thousand years! It is too short if compared to other created
beings. Then how long this life will last on earth? No idea! But sooner or
later it will be ended as the sun energy depleted: Al- Takwir(( When the
sun is folded up! and the stars losing their luster, and when the mountains
vanish,….., and when the Blazing fire is kindled to fierce heat! and when
the Garden is brought near …)). That time, human did goods goes to the
paradise, and those did not believe in God, and did wrongs on earth, goes
to Fire!. God help us this day and that day. I am a human like others, if I
had an error in explanation, please forgive, for God loves forgivers. God
may bless all of us

Note: This essay is related to another one written in Arabic entitled :

Theory of Creation and the Signs of Quran Revelation.

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