Creation of Man: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

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Prof. Dr. Muhammad



Muhammad Bin Saeed Roll No: (03) (BS.SE)6th

Imran Ali Roll No: (31) (BS.SE)6th


The Rationale behind the Scientific Study of the

Conflict between Religion and Science
 In the Sixteenth century the Polish philosopher Copernicus came to know of
the Heliocentric Hypothesis, that the earth and other planets revolved
around the sun, but was frightened to publish his findings for fear of Papal
disapproval. However, it was Copernicus’s successor Galileo who suffered
the full force of the Church’s disapproval. When he published his work “The
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems”, a masterful piece
agreeing with the Copernican theory, Galileo was brought to trial by the
Inquisition in Rome in 1632. He died in prison. These actions laid the
foundations of a continuous struggle between scientific discoveries and
church authorities. During the Renaissance period scientists inevitably took
their revenge, which is still evident today.
Qur’ān and Invitation to Scientific Study
 At a time when Christianity laid down heavy penalties on scientific
development, Muslim scholars flocked to the University of Cordoba, the
cultural center of Islam, making new discoveries. There is a long list of
scientists and scholars who made remarkable contributions in different fields
of science.
 Abul Qāsim az-Zahrawī was a renowned Muslim surgeon and physician. His
fame rests in his book “al-Tasrīf”. This was an amazing work on medical
science which laid the foundation of the development of surgery in Europe.
 Abu Ishāq was a great philosopher and translator. He translated and wrote
commentaries on the philosophical works of Aristotle. He was also a famous
mathematician, astronomer, optician, physicist and pharmacologist
The Qur’ān – a Supreme source of Knowledge

 Firstly, the Qur’ān is a supreme source of knowledge which is

multidimensional, all-comprehensive and allembracing. None of the
revealed books has this unique characteristic of the Qur’ān. Science is
nothing but an empirical interpretation of the Holy Qur’ān. Since the
development of science is at its zenith in our times, when we correlate
the Qur’ānic studies with man’s own scientific discoveries and
experiments, this opens up new avenues to strengthen the faith.
Furthermore, this kind of rational thinking to enable better
understanding of its verses, is also stressed by the Qur’ān itself.
Biological and Physical facts of the Universe and the
 Secondly, biological and physical facts of the universe, as described by the Qur’ān, could not be
known before modern technological advancements. If these descriptions of the Qur’ān are proved
beyond any doubt, then an unbiased person should not have any hesitation to accept the rest of the
teachings of the Qur’ān, especially so when the clarity, simplicity and practical application of these
teachings is superior to anything existing in the world. These reasons necessitate the study of the
Qur’ān in the light of science, of course keeping in mind the factor of probability and variant
interpretations of scientific observations. Such differences are similar to those which arise in
application of logic, grammar and other linguistic criteria.

The Unscientific Myth of Darwinian Evolution

and the Qur’ān
The Unscientific Myth of Darwinian Evolution and the
 Larmarck, Malthas, Mendle, Darwin, Wilson and others who have presented
evolution as Lamarckism. Darwinism or Neo-Darwinism all have based their
conclusions on certain similarities found between humans and certain animals.
These similarities are of the following nature:
 1. Biological similarities.
2. Anatomical similarities.
3. Biochemical similarities.
4. Genetic similarities.
 These similarities, discovered after a great deal of scientific research had already
been pointed out by the Qur’ān 14 centunes ago in verse 38 of’Surah 6 of the Holy
Qur’ān. And the animals on the earth and the twowinged birds which fly in the sky,
they are creations similar to you (O’Mankind)
The Most Progressive Evolutionis
 Not everybody realizes that as the crushing scientific evidence against Darwinism and Neo-
Darwinism continues to pile up, opposition to evolution, long considered to be the domain of
cranks, is in the last few years being joined by a progressively increasing number of main
stream biologists. As Jeremy Rifkin points out in his recent erudite and devastating critique of
the evolution myth, eminent biologists and zoologists such as C.H. Waddington, PierrePaul
Grasse, and Stephen Jay Gould have played their part in exposing evolution for the
pseudoscience (the epithet is Grasse’s) that it is.
 Prof Goldschmidt and Prof Macbeth make it clear that there is no scientific proof of evolution.
This is the truth behind the theory of evolution, which the semiliterate assume to be
established science. Some of the pictures given in books by evolutionists are total fabrications.
Despite these eliminatory facts, I would like to explain the inside story underlying certain
biological phenomena which evolutionists believe support their case, so that no door should be
left open to concession in the minds of those reading the verses and their interpretations.
Qur’ān on Evolution

 A number of Qur’ānic verses witness the Divine declaration pronouncing Adam as His
successor created with clay. After completing his special creation God Almighty
commanded the angels to prostrate before him. The logic was to enhance his dignified
stature as His successor. The Qur’ān says:
And (Call to the mind) when your lord said to the angels: “I am about to
create a vicegerent on earth.”
The word “vicegerent” in this verse is used as singular which means that Almighty Allāh is
showing His intention to create one successor. In order to further emphasize His design
the words ‘innija’elun’ have been used. These words indicate that Allāh is going to create
the first man (Adam) with through planning. A number of Qur’ānic verses corroborate the
reality that Allāh the Greatest does nothing without proper planning:
“And He has created everything,
then determined for it a proper measure”.
Emergence of Mankind from One Man

 According to the theory of evolution it is impossible for thousands of species to give birth to only
one human being. On the other hand this theory thinks it possible that a lot of people may born
simultaneously. While the holy Qur’ān categorically states that the appearance of mankind is from
one man and not many. God Almighty, first of all, created a single person, then from him created
his mate and from them spread may men and women. The Qur’ān says:
“O people! fear your Lord who performed (the first act of your) creation from a single soul,
and from it created its mate, then from the pair of them scatted (the creation of) countless men
and women”
This statement does not validate the evolutionary theory at any case. Here the Arabic word nafs
wāhidah means one single person. It is not applicable to amoeba or other unicellular organisms as
some people try to interpret it. It is illogical from scientific point of view. It is so because the unicellular
organisms do not have any conjugal system. They divide into two parts without any sexual process.
This natural phenomenon is existing from millions of years and no change in this system is noted till
date. So these unicellular organisms do not have any male or female
Special Creation of Adam
 The Divine declaration that ‘innija‘elun fil ardhe khalifah’ is refuting the evolutionary theory
altogether. Many other Qur’ānic verses validate this statement.
And (call to the mind) when your Lord said to the angels: “I am about to create a human
being from old (and) black stinking, sounding clay. 1
Here the interpretation of ‘innīja‘elun fil ardhe khalifah’ is being made with the words ‘inni Khaliq
un basharan’. In this way the creation of that particular ‘vicegerent’ is narrated. The word ‘bashar’
is used for both singular and plural in the Qur’ān. For plural it is used as:
But (the fact is that) the (creatures) whom Allāh has created, you (too) are a mortal
creature from (among) them (that is, you are like other human classes).2
Their messengers said to them: though, we are (in our mortal self) only but human like
1. Qur’ān (Hijr) 15:28.
2. Qur’ān (Ma‘idah) 5:18.
3. Qur’ān (Ibrāhīm) 14:11.

Chemical Stages
Human Creation
Sustenance system and chemical stages of human
 The study of the Qur’ān reveals that human life, before its
consummation passes through the following seven stages:
1. Inorganic matter
2. Water
3. Clay
4. Adsorbable clay
5. Physically and chemically altered old mud
6. Dried or highly purified clay
7. Extract of purified clay
Scientific interpretation of the above mentioned chemical

 Qur’ānic interpretation of the seven stages of chemical

creation of man are now being examined by the modern
scientific research. According to the modern scientific
research the creation of human life completed in two stages:
1. Stage of inorganic matter
2. Stage of organic matter

Biological Stages
Human Creation
The Beginning of Embryonic Development
 These biochemical processes, catabolism and metabolism form the
bases of all biological growth of human organism in its various
developmental stages. They keep the system going and generate
the requisite material that is consumed in the whole biological
process which we now attempt to focus.
 Until recently it was not known that the Qur’ān or traditions of the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) contained many citations
referring to the stages of human development. Any such statements
which were known were not clearly understood since they referred
to details in human development which were scientifically unknown
Seminal Fluid

 Modern science tells us that the beginning of human creation is by the fertilization of
a female ovum with the male spermatozoa resulting in the formation of a zygote.
While reminding human beings of their humble origin and benevolence and power of
their Creator, Allāh the Highest has narrated this process at several places in the
Qur’ān. Some of these are:
Was not he a cell from semen which was introduced. (or gushed forth)?1

So let man think from what he is created. He is created from a gushing

fluid that is issued from between sacrum and symphisis pubis.2

“Then he made his seed (or progeny) from a despised fluid”.3

Indeed we created man from a mixed or mingled fluid.4

Necessity of Gametes

 In 1759 the scientist Spallanzi evinced how both the sperm

and ovum were necessary in order for fertilization to take
place. However this had already been divinely revealed by
Prophet Muhammad  in a Hadith attributed to him.

When the Prophet (PBUH) was asked by a Jewish

person, O Muhammad what is man created from? The
Prophet (PBUH) answered, O Jew he is created from both the
fluid of the man and fluid of the women.1

 The first phase of fertilization occurs with the passage of the sperm through the female reproductive tract.
Once one sperm passes through what is known as the zona pellucida, a reaction takes place (Zona reaction)
making it impossible for other sperms to penetrate this membrane. Therefore out of millions of sperms that
are released into the uterus, only one will fuse with a female oocyte (mature ovum). So in human,
Monospermy is the answer and Polyspermy is impossible because of  Zona Reaction (b) Vitelline Reaction.
This is aptly described in the following verse of Qur’ān:
“God) fashioned man from a small quantity (of sperm)”.1
Process of Cellular Division (Cleavage or Segmentation

 An important Qur’ānic principle of the biological evolution of man is that it began

from a single cell. This is clearly stated at several places in the Qur’ān:

 O Mankind be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single

 And He is the One Who has produced you from a single cell.2

 And He created you from one cell.3

 Your creation and your resurrection are only as the creation and raising from a
single cell.4
Formation of the Embryo

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