Tender Document

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Government of Maharashtra
(Procurement Cell)
ArogyaBhavan1st Floor,
St.George's Hospital Compound,
Near C.S.T.Station,Mumbai-400 001.
Maharashtra State
Website :http://mahatenders.gov.in
Email: [email protected]
Phone : 022-22631831/22651026,

Tender for
Selection of System Integrator for the Design, Development, Implementation and Maintenance of Web
Based ERP Solution

E Tender No. E- 22/ Selection of System Integrator for the Design, Development, Implementation and
Maintenance of Web Based ERP Solution /CHS/ NHM/P.C/2020-21
Tender reference No: Tender No E-22 / Selection of System Integrator for the Design, Development,
Implementation and Maintenance of Web Based ERP Solution /CHS/ NHM/P.C/21-22
Joint Director of Health Services (Procurement Cell), Mumbai on behalf of Commissioner Health
Services invites on line TENDER in two envelope systems for providing services regarding project
management system with EMB software for IDW (Infrastructure Development wing) under National Health
Mission, Government of Maharashtra.
Sr. EMD In Cost of the Annual Turnover Tender Fee
No. Rs. tender (in Rs.) (in Rs.)
Providing services regarding
1 project management system 70,000/- 35,00,000/- 35,00,000/- 4200/-
with EMB software

Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information of technical specifications and other
terms and conditions applicable for agencies for providing services regarding project management system
with EMB software from the e-tendering website http://mahatenders.gov.in


All bid related activities (Process) like Tender Document Download, Bid Preparation and Hash
submission, bid submission and submission of online EMD and other documents will be governed by the time
schedule given under Key Dates below:

Date of commencement of sale of 20.08.2021 to 06.09.2021 up to 14.00 hours

Tender document/Download
Date of pre-bid meeting : 25.08.2021 11.00 AM (1st Floor, Arogya Bhavan)

Last date for sale of tender document . 06.09.2021 up to 14.00 hours

Bid preparation Period : 20.08.2021 to 06.09.2021 up to 14.00 hours

Closing of Bid (By Department) : 06.09.2021 2.00 PM

Last date and time for submission of tender : 06.09.2021 2.00 PM

Date and time of opening of Envelope No.1 : 07.09.2021 2.00 PM 2.00 PM onwards

Joint Director of Health Services

(Procurement Cell)
1st Floor, Arogya Bhavan
St. Georges Hospital Compound,
Mumbai 400 001.
Ph NO: 022-22631831 / 22651026
A complete set of tender documents may be purchased by interested eligible tenderer upon online payment of
a non-refundable fee as mentioned in tender document. Bidder has to be pay online payment as mentioned in
tender document through gateway in A/c of "Jt. Director of Health Services, (Procurement Cell) Mumbai" as
per the duration in time schedule as per e- tender procedure.
Exemption of Tender Fees & Earnest Money Deposit will be granted to MSE‟s having registration
with District Industries Center (DIC) or National Small Industry Commission (NSIC) or having Udyog Adhar
Tender cost of in the form of online payment gateway submitted before last date of sale close of
tenders by 14:00 Hrs. The tenders shall be rejected summarily upon failure to follow procedure prescribed in
the Tender document. The conditional tender is liable to be rejected.
Joint Director of Health Services (Procurement Cell), Mumbai reserves the right to increase or
decrease the quantity to be purchased and also reserves the right to cancel or revise or any of the all the
tenders or part of tenders without giving any reasons thereto.

Joint Directors of Health Services

(Procurement Cell), Mumbai.
Clause No. Clause Page No.
1 Introduction
2 Eligibility Criteria
3 Cost of Bidding
4 Clarification of tender document
5 Amendment of Tender Document
6 Submission of Tender
7 Deadline for submission of tenders
8 Opening of Tender
9 Period of Validity of tenders
10 Earnest Money Deposit
11 Prices
12 Technical Specification
13 Evaluation Tenders
14 Post Qualification
15 Security Deposit
16 Award of Contract
17 Period of Contract
18 Delivery Period & Place of Delivery
19 Liquidated damages
20 Default cause/cancellation on failure to supply
21 Inspection and tests
22 Warranty
23 Force Majeure
24 Confidentiality
25 Payment
26 Corrupt or Fraudulent practices
27 Rider A – Resolution of Case disputes etc.
Annexure A & Consignee List
Annexure B Technical Specification
Annexure 1 – Tender Form
Annexure 2 – Format for Past Performance Certificate
Annexure 3 – Format for Annual Turn over
Annexure 4 – Format for Details of unit
Clause No. Clause Page No.
Annexure 5 – Format for Security Deposit
Annexure6– Format for Price Schedule
Annexure 7 - 8 and Other
1. Introduction

1.1 The Joint Director of Health Services (Procurement Cell), Mumbai, on behalf of Commissioner Health
Services hereinafter referred to as a “Purchaser” invites online tender in two Envelope systems for
services specified in Annexure-A Schedule of Requirements..
1.2 Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information of technical specification and other terms
and conditions applicable for procurement of item from Government of Maharashtra E-tendering
website http://mahatenders.gov.in & our web sites :arogya.maharashtra.gov.in

Sr. Basic Requirement Specific Requirement Documents Required

1 Legal Entity Should be Company registered under  Copy of valid Registration
Companies Act, 1956 or a partnership Certificates
firm, Registered under LLP Act, 2008.  Copy of Certificates of
Registered with the Service Tax incorporation
Authorities. Should have been operating
for the last five years
2 Financial: Annual Turnover of the bidder from IT CA Certificate with CA‟s
Turnover Application development and operation Registration Number/ Sealed
from IT during the last three financial years, i.e.,
Application from (i.e.FY2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-
21) (as per the last published audited
balance sheets), should be at least INR
35,00,000 Only.

5 Technical The Tenderer should have relevant Work Order or Completion

Capability experience of at least five (05) years in certificates from the client
website Hosting, Maintenance &
development and Cost of One project
should be more then INR 35,00,000
(Copy of Purchase order or Contract to
be attached).
6 Tax registration The bidder should have a registered Copies of relevant Certificates of
and clearance number of i. GSTIN registration (Both)
ii. Pan Number.
7 Mandatory Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of A Self Certified letter that the
Undertaking Rs.100/- regarding the firm has not been bidder (or any of its successor) is
Certificate blacklisted in the past three years by any not in the active debarred list
State, Central Govt/ private institution to Published by Central Public
be submitted with 1 affidavits Procurement Portal; or Procuring
Department and that the bidder
has not been blacklisted by any
Central/ State Govt /PSU /PSE.
7 Manpower The bidder should have: Undertaking from HR division
Strength Full time Technically Qualified (BE/ B Of the bidder.
Tech/ MCA) Personnel on its rolls in the
Area of Information Technology on its
payroll for the past three years.

8 Power of A board resolution or power of attorney Board resolution or Power of

Attorney/ Board in the name of person executing the bid, attorney on company Letter
Resolution in authorizing the signatory to commit the Head
favour of authorized bidder
1.3 All tender related activities (Process) like Tender Document Download, Tender Preparation and Hash
submission, Tender submission and submission of EMD and other documents will be governed by the
time schedule. Tender will be floated at state level and Period of agreement will be for 3 years. A
committee will be formed by Commissioner of Health Service which will advise on the experience and
outcome of services after completion of three quarters of 1st year of service and based on that service
will be extended to two years based on approvals and budget availability. Desired modifications as
recommended by committee will be done in extension period which shall be mutually agreed, but
decision of Commissioner of Health services will be final and binding to continue in the agreement.
After completion of 3 years of agreement AMC may be extended for another 2 years based on mutual
consultation between both the parties.
1.4 After selection of successful bidder, work order will be issued.
1.5 Payment will be done at state level by Commissionerate of Health Services, Mumbai depending on
decisions taken by Purchaser.
1.6 Payment will be on after submission of final reports and receipts from the National Health Mission,
1.7 All activities of this tender are carried out online on Website http://mahatenders.gov.in. The tender
document is uploaded/ Released on Government of Maharashtra, (GOM) e-tendering website
http://arogya.maharashtra.gov.in and has to be downloaded as well as filled up and submitted online
only. Tenderers are required to submit the tender cost of (Non-refundable) online by gateway in A/c of
“Jt. Director of Health Service, Procurement cell Mumbai‟‟ Tender shall liable to be rejected
summarily upon failure to follow procedure prescribed in the Tender document.
1.8 The No. of centres mentioned in the Tender are only. The Joint Director (Procurement Cell) reserves the
right to increase or decrease the no. of centers without assigning any reason thereof.
1.9 If any tenderer wishes to lodge any complaint against the other tenderer regarding submission of false
documents, information etc. The tenderer has to submit the complaint before price bid opening along
with deposit of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor
of Jt. Director of Health Services (Procurement Cell) Mumbai, Maharashtra payable at Mumbai in
terms of deposit. This issue will be submitted to Central Purchase Committee along with facts. The
amount so deposited shall be refunded if after scrutiny the complaint is found to be true by the Central
Purchase Committee. However, if the complaint found to be false and malafide the deposit will be
forfeited. No interest shall be paid against this deposit. Any complaint received after price bid opening
will not be entertained.

2. Eligibility criteria for this Tender:

2.1. Bidder must be company.
2.2. The use of the term “Bidder” in the Tender means the Selected Service Provider who must meet
the following pre-qualification requirements to become eligible for the Technical & Commercial
1. Relevant documents in support of the above Pre-Qualification Criteria should be furnished in the Pre-
qualification bid.
2. Proposals of bidders who do not conform to above pre-qualification criteria will be treated as non–
responsive at the pre-qualification stage and shall be summarily rejected.
3. Tenders will be accepted only from those who have obtained bid document from NRHM and a
support receipt of purchase of documents should been closed in the envelop.
4. All correspondence should be with Concern department contact person in writing only.
5. Bidder‟s valid License issued by respective Authority. Company Registration with competent
State/central Govt. authority, PAN Card & GST Clearance Certificate/Challan up to last month of the
tender publishing.
6. Bidder must submit all essential quality related certificates and documents for he is going to utilize for
rendering the services as mentioned in the tender document
7. The bidder must evidentially establish the capacity to perform execution of the service of the Bid for
which he has offered with the existing service capacity. For this bidder may submit plan of action for
the execution of project.
8. Annual qualifying turnover of the bidder for last three financial years (i.e., 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-
21) shall be at least equal to the tender price.

Sr. EMD Tender Fee
Description Turnover
No. In Rs. (in Rs.)
(in Rs.)
Empanelment of Agency for providing services
1 regarding project management system with EMB 70,000/- 35,00,000/- 4,200/-

2.3. The bidder must submit their audited & certified Balance sheets, profit & loss accounts for the
Financial Year 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21 along with copy of the Income Tax Returns.
2.4. Tenderer shall produce Certificate from Chartered Accountant on Annual turnover of last 3
Years 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21 in the format given in Annexure-5.
2.5. Tenderer shall produce Audited Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Accounts for last three years
i.e. 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21 certified by the Auditor.
2.6. Tenderer must have 3 years (2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21) of experience certificate for the
similar services quoted in the tender as per Annexure-2 of the tender document and is supported
by documentary proof. Firms must have three completed years‟ of experience as on date of
publication of the tender.
2.7. Tenders are not allowed from owner for the Firm found guilty of malpractice, misconduct, or
blacklisted/debarred either by Public Health Department, Govt. of Maharashtra or by any local
authority and other State Government/Central Government's organizations
2.8. Experience and Performance:
The Tenderer should have relevant experience of at least three (03) years in website
Hosting, Maintenance & development and Cost of one project(s) should be more
then INR 35,00,000/- (Copy of Purchase order or Contract to be attached).
3. Cost of bidding
The tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their tenders and
the Purchaser will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the tendering process.
4. Clarification of tender document
A prospective tenderer requiring any clarification of the tender document shall contact the Purchaser
by letter or email 10 days prior to last date & time of closing sale of tender.
For e-tendering help/information, please contact.
Contact No. 020-25315555 Ext - 516
Mobile 9167969601/9167969604
[email protected]
5. Amendment of tender document
5.1 At any time prior to the deadline for Sale of tender, the Purchaser may amend the tender documents
by issuing Addenda/Corrigendum.
5.2 Any addendum/corrigendum as well as clarification thus issued shall be a part of the tender
documents and it will be assumed that the information contained in the amendment will have been
taken into account by the Tenderer in its tender.
5.3 To give prospective Tenderers reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in
preparing their tenders, the Purchaser shall extend, at its discretion, the deadline for submission of
tenders, in which case, the Purchaser will notify all Tenderers by placing it on website of the extended
deadline and will be binding on them.
6. Submission of tenders:
6.1 Tender should be submitted on or before last date of submission.
6.2 Tender not submitted before deadline will not be entertained on any account.
6.3 Tender should be submitted through website http://phd.maharashtra.etenders.in and
Online only in two envelopes i.e. Technical Bid in envelop no.1& Commercial bid in
Envelop no. 2. The EMD as required in the tender documents should invariably be
submitted online gateway.
6.4 To prepare and submit the tender/offer online all bidders are required to have e-token
based DIGITAL CERTIFICATE. Digital signature certificate should be obtained from
competent authority. However the e tender website or helpline numbers may guide you
for obtaining the same.
6.5 Late tender offers: Late tender on any count shall be rejected summarily. Delay due to
Post or any other reason (for e.g.: electricity/internet/etc.) will not be condoned
6.6 Envelope No. 1 (Technical Bid):
Technical offer must be submitted online at http://mahatenders.gov.in as per the instructions on the
portal. The tenderer must upload the following documents as per e-tendering process. Technical offer
must be submitted along with following documents;
1. Tender Form as per Annexure-1.
2. The instruments such as power of attorney, resolution of board etc. authorizing an officer of the
3. Authorization letter nominating a responsible person of the tenderer to transact the business with
the Purchaser.
4. Attested photocopy of license duly approved by the Licensing Authority. The license must have
been duly renewed up to date and the items quoted shall be clearly highlighted in the license
5. Certificate of experience for the last 3 years along with list of items (Annexure-2)
6. Annual turnover statement for last 3 years 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21 in the format given in
Annexure -3 certified by the Chartered Accountant.
7. Copies of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Accounts for last three years i.e 2018-19, 2019-20 &
2020-21 certified by the Auditor.
8. GST Registration certificate.
9. GST Clearance Certificate/Challan up to last month of tender publishing.
10. Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- regarding the firm has not been found guilty of
malpractice, misconduct, or blacklisted/debarred either by Public Health Department, Govt. of
Maharashtra or by any local authority and other State Government/Central Government's
organizations in the past three years. For item quoted in tender.
11. Attested copy of valid registration made by manufacturing firm for the offered product under
Directorate General of Supplies & Disposal (D.G.S. & D) or Small Scale Industries (S.S.I) or
National Small Scale Industries Corporation (N.S.I.C) should be submitted, if applicable. EM Part
II certificate should be submitted in which name of products quoted has to be mentioned by the
competent authority. If firms of any of these Small Scale Industries categories wish to enjoy any
preference declared by Maharashtra Government, the Government Resolution under which they
are entitled for preferences should submit along with Registration Certificates failing which they
shall be treated at par with other tenderers. This preference shall invariably be applicable to the
manufacturers for the specific product as per technical specifications of this tender.
12. Details of unit in Annexure-4. The details containing the name and address of the premises where
the items quoted are actually manufactured.
13. Details of technical personnel employed in the unit and testing unit along with plant and
machinery available.
6.7 Envelope No. 2 (Price bid):
1. All Commercial offers must be submitted online at http://mahatenders.gov.in as per the
instructions on the portal.
2. Rates should be quoted in the Price Schedule Annexure-6 only.
3. Tenderers are strictly prohibited to change/alter specifications or unit size given in Annexure-A
Schedule of requirements while quoting
7 Deadline for submission of tenders
7.1 For Submission of tender tenderer must complete the online bid submission stage as
per online schedule of the tender.
7.2 The Purchaser may, at his discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of tenders by amending
the tender document in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser and Tenderers
previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
7.3 Offers not submitted online will not be entertained
8. Opening of tender: On the date and time specified in the tender notice following procedure will be
adopted for opening of tender for which tenderer is free to attend himself or depute an authorized
officer as his representative.

8.1. Opening of Envelope No.1 (Technical bid): Envelope No.1 (Technical bid) of the tenderer will be
opened in the presence of tender opening authority and in the presence of tenderer / their representatives
through e-tendering procedure.
8.2. Opening of Envelope No.2 (Financial envelop); This envelope shall be opened as per e-tendering
procedure after opening of Envelope No.1 (Technical bid) only if contents of envelope No.1 (Technical
bid) and services are found to be in accordance with the tender conditions stipulated in the tender
document. The date and time of opening of Envelope No. 2 will be communicated electronically by the
Purchaser separately to the eligible tenderers of Envelope No. 1

9. Period of Validity of tenders:

9.1 The tenders shall remain valid for a period of 180 days after the date of opening of Envelope No. 1
(Technical bid). A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected.
9.2 Prior to the expiration of the bid validity the Purchaser may request the tenderers to extend the bid
validity for the period as required by the Purchaser.

 Time Frame for Completion of Services

The overall duration for completion of services for each cluster can be categorized across three phases,
which would be considered from the day of signing of the Contract by the Authority and the Selected
Phase Details Timeline

Completion of information Within 08 days from the day of signing of the contract
and requirement gathering by both parties.
Gap Analysis and Within 30 days after completion of Phase 1 i.e.
Application development information gathering
Implementation and Testing Within 30 days after completion of Phase 2
of Application
10. Penal Charges
10.1 Penalty for delay in completion of tasks as mentioned in RFP
10.1.1 For delay up to 15 days in completion of services in each phase, a penalty of 0.5 % of
Contract Value shall be levied.
10.1.2 For delay between 16-30 days in completion of services in each Phase, a penalty of 1% of
Contract Value will be levied.
10.1.3 For delay between 30-45 days in completion of services in each Phase, a penalty of
5% of Contract Value will be levied. The maximum penalty for delay is 5% of the contract
10.1.4 For delay beyond 45 days contract may be terminated along with forfeiture of performance security
and deduction of all the pending payments for work completed by agency. The said deductions may be
used for payment to next eligible vendor.

11. Earnest Money Deposit:

11.1 All tenders must be accompanied with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for the amount specified in
Annexure-A Schedule of Requirements.
11.2 The EMD shall be submitted online only by online payment gateway.
11.3 Manufacturing Firms who registered for offered product under Government taking firms, Micro and
Small-scale Industries registered as a manufacturer under Micro &Small, Medium Industries
Development Act, 2006 will be granted exemption from payment of EMD in respect of tender item as
specified in the technical specifications and mentioned in the registration certificate & EM part II
which has been produced for exemption.
11.4 The tenders submitted without EMD will be summarily rejected.
11.5 The MSME units claiming exemption of Tender Cost/ EMD should submit UDYOG AADHAR
MEMORANDUM along with registration certificate issued by District Industries Center (DIC)/ Khadi
& Village Industries Board (KVIB / Coir Board/ National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)/
Directorate of Handicrafts and Handlooms or any other body specified by Ministry of MSME.
11.6 Unsuccessful tenderer's EMD will be discharged / returned within a period of 30 days after award of
contract to the successful bidder.
11.7 Tenderer shall not be entitled for any interest on EMD
11.8 The successful tenderer's EMD will be discharged after signing the Contract and submitting the security
deposit as stipulated
11.9 The EMD shall be forfeited:
(a) If a Tenderer withdraws its tender during the period of bid validity as specified in the Tender.
(b) In case of a successful Tender, if the tenderer fails:
(i) To sign the Contract in accordance with terms and conditions or.
11.10 The Tenderer shall indicate on the Price Schedule the unit prices and total bid prices of the goods it
proposes to supply under the Contract. Tenderers shall quote for the complete requirements of,
failing which such tenders will not be taken in to account for Evaluation.
11.11 If at any time during the period of contract, the price of tendered items is reduced or brought down
by any Law or Act of the Central or State Government or by the tenderer himself, the tenderer shall
be morally and statutorily bound to inform the Purchaser immediately about such reduction in the
contracted prices. The Purchaser is empowered to reduce the rates accordingly.
11.12 In case of any enhancement in GST due to statutory Act of the Govt. after the date of submission of
tenders and during the tender period, the quantum of additional GST so levied will be allowed to be
charged extra as separate item without any change in price structure of the approved under the
tender. For claiming the additional cost on account of the increase in GST, the tenderer should
produce a letter from the concerned Competent Authorities for having paid additional GST on the
goods supplied to the Purchaser and can also claim the same in the invoice.
11.13 To ensure sustained supply without any interruption the Purchaser reserves the right to split orders
for supplying the requirements amongst more than one tenderer provided that, the rates and other
conditions of supply are same.

12 (A) Technical specifications:

12.1 The Tenderer shall carefully read and understand the technical specifications, quality requirements,
applicable standards, Acts & Rules including the Mandatory requirement for substantiation of their
compliance without deviating from tender requirements.
12 (B) Tenderer shall carefully read & understand the packing specifications

13 Evaluation of tenders:
13.1 After opening of Envelope No. 1 (Technical bid), on the scheduled date, time and venue, the Purchase
committee shall examine the contents of the tenders received online through e-tendering process
along with all prescribed mandatory documents.
13.2 The Purchase committee shall scrutinize the documents mentioned above for its eligibility, validity,
applicability, compliance and substantiation including post qualification criteria stipulated in tender
13.3 The Purchase committee shall also analyze that there is no collusive or fraudulent practice involved in
the entire tendering process amongst all the tenders received.
13.4 The technical scrutiny shall be on the basis of submitted substantiation documents and Rules
including allied standards of BIS codes as applicable.
13.5 Any tender during the evaluation process do not meet the tender conditions laid down in the tender
document will be declared as not acceptable and such tenders shall not be considered for further
evaluation. However, the tenderers can check their tender evaluation status on the website.
13.6 Tenders which are in full conformity with tender requirements and conditions shall be declared as
Eligible Tender for opening Envelop no. 2 in the website and Envelope No. 2 (Commercial bid) of
such tenderers shall be opened later, on a given date and time.
13.7 Each item will be evaluated separately.
14. Post Qualification:
14.1 The Purchaser will further evaluate the Tenderer's financial, technical, and production capabilities
based on the documentary evidence and information submitted by the Tenderer as well as other
information the Purchaser deems necessary and appropriate.
14.2 An affirmative post-qualification determination of the Purchaser will be a prerequisite for acceptance
of Technical Bid (Envelope No.1). A negative determination will result in rejection of the Tenderer's
tender, in which event the Purchaser will proceed to the next Tender to make a similar determination
of that Tenderer's capabilities to perform satisfactorily.
15. Security Deposit & Contract Agreement
15.1 The successful tenderer shall furnish the security deposit to the Purchaser within 7 days from the date
of communication of Acceptance of Tender for an amount of 3% of the contract value, valid up to 60
days after the date of completion of warranty obligations and enter into Contract Agreement on Rs..
100/- non-judicial stamp paper. The cost of Stamp paper should be borne by the tenderer. In the event
of any replacement of defective goods during the warranty period, the warranty for the
corrected/replaced material shall be extended to a further period of two years and the Performance
Bank Guarantee for proportionate value shall be extended 60 days over and above the extended
15.2 The Security Deposit should be in the form of Bank Guarantee in favour of the „Jt. Director Health,
Procurement cell, Mumbai' payable at Mumbai from any Nationalized or scheduled bank (Annexure-
15.3 The Security Deposit will be discharged by the Purchaser and returned to the Supplier not later than
60 days following the date of completion of the Supplier's performance obligations, including the
warranty obligation, under the contract.
15.4 The security deposit shall be discharged (forfeited) as a compensation for any loss resulting from the
failure to perform the obligations under the contract or in the event of termination of the contract or in
any event as the Purchaser thinks fit and proper.
16. Award of contract:
16.1 The Purchaser will award the contract to the successful tenderer whose tender has been determined to
be substantially responsive and has been determined as lowest evaluated tender, provided further that
the tender is determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily .
16.2 The Purchaser will place supply orders on staggered basis during the contract period to the lowest
evaluated responsive tenderer and will be governed by all the terms and conditions stipulated in the
tender document.
16.3 Contract will not be awarded to the successful tenderer if Security Deposit is not deposited by him to
the purchaser within stipulated time.
16.4 The successful tenderer who is liable for award of contract should submit demand draft
amounting to 1.5 % of order value to meet expenditure of tender administrative charges and
other incidental expenditure.
17. Period of Contract:
The period of contract shall be as per bid validity period from the date of execution of
the contract.
Scope of work
3.1 Overview of the Project
The purpose of the project is development of application for Streamlining & tracking of all the Infrastructure
development projects implemented under the IDW (Infrastructure Development Wing) of NRHM,
Maharashtra. This includes up - gradation of existing health institutes and new construction of various health
institutes as per norms established by Central Government, so that better health services can be provided to
people of various categories over a periphery of Maharashtra.

NRHM Department need an ERP System which provides an integrated view of core business processes,
often in real- time, using common databases maintained by a database management system. ERP system
will have all modules and functionality defined under brief scope section.
The applications that make up the system share data across various departments (Finance, HR, Project,
Map, Legal etc.) that provide the data. ERP will facilitate information flow between all business
functions, and manages connections to outside stakeholders.
The solutions should offer a high level of scalability offering to resize any new office or division without
any new coding to be done. The system should be robust and configurable at admin console to adapt to
any new process changes acceptable to the business process with ease and without hassle.

Integrates at all sections of NRHM office:

 Reduce the time in file movement (desk to desk)
 Easy accessibility / monitoring to all files and data (information)
 Ensure transparency in the functioning
 Get rid of enormous papers and their storage
 Improve time less / space less office concept
 MIS on almost every aspect
 The developed application should adhere to National IT Policy & Website Guidelines, along with
Maharashtra State IT Policy.
3.2 Process Flow:

P Study of Data & Selection /Abstarction

h Requirements for of Infrastructure
a Infrastructure development requests IDW Cell to take
s development for by IDW Cell for the Administration approval
e Health institutes year (eg 100 out of 150 for Shortlisted Request
(PHC,RH,SDH,SC,WH,D requests made by
1 H,GH) state stores )

Initiate the Tender
Finalize the Technical Process for Selection Finalize the Estimate Cost
Specifications and of the best contractor per Unit (Standard) &
proceed to Tender for respective provide Work Order to
e Completion
Process Developemnt /up- selecteded Contractor
gradation requests Report of Phase 1,
2 2 ,3 & 4

Generate the EBM in
Actual Site Inspection accordance to it
a Provide/ Upload the RA Bill
to be done by Selected (Calculate the total Bill
s &Final Bills to IDW Cell for
PMC/Contractor/Depar in accordance with
e Approval Process
tment Unit rate fixed during
Tender process )

P Approval of JE
h (Junior Approval Of EE
Contractor Approval Of
a Engineer) - (Circle level) -
Provides the Approval DPM/RRCHO Approval
s [100%] [5%] Checking
Workplan & Bills Of DAM OR Approval Of CEO
e Checking measurement
for Approval Of DHO
measurement of EMB
4 of EMB

C Maintanance & Warranty for entire project period and post 3 years after completion
Workflow of project
Scope: Modules

 Budget Management
 Estimate Management
 Expenditure Management
 Vendor Management System
 R.A. Bills and Final Bills Management System
 Intelligent MIS and Business Intelligent Dashboards
 Mobile App

Scope in Brief

Online Cloud Based Budget Management

 Provision for Master Budget Code

 Provision for Minor Budget Code
 Mapping of Revenue Budget and Capital Budget
 Mapping of Expenditure with Revenue Budget and Capital Budget
 Real time Budget Tracking

Online Cloud Based Estimate Management

 Creation of Estimates
 DSR Management
 Rate Analysis
 Geo Tagged and Geo Referenced Estimates
 Approval of Estimates as per Organization workflow

Online Cloud Based Expenditure Management system

 Capital Expenditure Management

 Revenue Expenditure Management
 eVoucher, eBills and eLedgers
 Real time tracking of expenditure
 Real time tracking of physical and financial spillover

Vendor Management System

 Vendor Registration and Mapping

 Work Oder Receipt
 Bill Preparation , Bill Acceptance , Bill Submission
 Physical Progress Recording and Tracking
 Bill Tracking
 TDS , Security Deposit , Penalty , Advances etc Management system
 Real time Geo Tagged Photos Facility

R.A. Bills and Final Bills Management System

 e Work Order
 e Measurement and e Abstract generation
 Real time geo tagged photos and videos
 Mobilization advance management system
 Auto tax deductions
 Auto bill sanction process as per organization chart
 Real time tracking of physical Progress
 Auto penalty

Intelligent MIS and Business Intelligent Dashboards

 Creation of Interactive dashboard and Analytics Platform

 Creation of User wise Interactive Dashboards
 Creation and Display of Key Project Indicators on Dashboard
 Real time Status/Progress of All the Projects on a single Dashboard
 Design and Development of MIS Reports
 Provision of Daily , Monthly , Quarterly , Annual Real time MIS Reports

Mobile App (Android)

 Design , Develop and Implement a Mobile App that enables users to

 Prepare estimates with Geo tagged Photos quickly and easily.
 Design, Develop and Implement a Mobile App that enables users to record
Measurements on site Geo tagged Photos quickly and easily
 The app helps user‟s log and share data they collect in the field, interpret the data
through learning pop-ups, and export it to create databases
 Facility to send real time geo tagged Photos of Work before commencement. Progress of
Work and after Completion of Work
 Single App for all users and all the Projects
 Important Notification Alerts

3.3 Online Grievance Redressed System

In order to provide better services, NRHM wants to use an online geo tagged mobile
and web enabled application software for grievance Redressed and monitoring. The
Grievances department basically deals with all types of NRHM related general
Grievances. The Primary work of the department is to collect the Grievances and send it
to concerned department and monitor the status of its resolutions.

Requirement Specifications

 The system should provide open channels of communication allowing the user to
lodge geo-tagged complaints along with the facility to upload photos.
 The system should be able to generate an acknowledgement having a unique
reference number against Grievance
 The system shall be able to forward grievance to concerned Level one officer.
System should also have the facility to direct a grievance to multiple departments
(designated departmental officers).
 If grievance pertains to the concerned Department, the officer resolves or notes the
redressal steps in the system. If grievance does not pertain to his/her department,
he/she forwards grievance to concerned department/Departments Level 1 officer.
 The system should make a provision to allow the Level1 officer to forward the case
to highest level officers for resolution.
 System at all the stages will provide the details of status of Grievance. The real time
status of complaint resolution will be notified to the complainants, who could also
give their comments/feedback on it.
 The system should maintain records of updated status of grievance/query and
generate a trail of responses by NRHM officers
 The system shall maintain the details of work/application that has not been
addressed within the prescribed time, number of days of delay of the grievances
registered in the NRHM office
 The system should maintain a list of disposals made by departments.
 System should have reminder facilities for pending / prioritized grievances.
 System should have a facility to communicate with more than one department for solution of
any grievance.
 The system shall be able to prioritize/categorize the grievances depending upon the source.
 The system should also have following provisions: -
 To submit the location of the site, selfie along with a brief description of the issue
being dealt by Officers/Officials who are required to go to field inspections.
 System should allow such Officers/Officials to save the draft in case of no/slow
internet connectivity for uploading the same later on.
 Reports submitted by field inspecting Officers are made available to be seen by
themselves and the officers to whom they are reporting and other Officers who have
been given privilege to view their reports.
 Update the leave status by a particular Officer and during that period, automatic
assignment of references to the linked Officers. (integrated with HR Management
 Write a note on the concerned reference for view by the senior Officers.
 Track/view the references disposed/on hold/where no action is required/does not
pertain to NRHM /pending depending on various parameters.
 Provision to bulk update specific issues
 Email alerts to all concerned.
 Status updates of grievances across all channels.
 System shall provide dashboard at each login users.
 Use of Google or any open platform map to show walking path while on inspection.
 App should be bilingual (English/Hindi), responsive, dynamic, online support on
mobile phones and tablets with Android Operating System.
 The system shall generate various reports including MIS reports as desired by the NRHM
1- Based on the channel of grievance, source of grievance, type of grievance,
Dept. To which grievances pertain, Period from and to during which grievances
have been received, Grievances marked to Officers, Grievances marked by
Officers Status of the grievances (closed/replied/pending/On hold/any other
during a particular period, any other parameter.
2- Print trail of Responses.
3- Excel or CSV reports auto-emailed to admins

3.4 Planning Section Management

Key Features Required are as mentioned below

 Land Use Application / Scrutiny / Certificate

 Surveyor/Engineer License issuance and renewal
 Development Planning Proposal / Approval
 Master Plan /Zonal Development Plan Approval Process
 Public Objection/Suggestion
 Plan Amendments
 Online free hold process
 All financial management (collection etc.)
 Status is informed to applicant through mail / sms / portal
 All MIS related to applicant and land management
 Management of Land Records
 Management of Nazool Land
 Nazool Land Free Hold Process
 Nazool land Details with ownership tree

3.5 Notice list reports Construction Enforcement Module

NRHM is looking for a solution that ensures the law enforcement for constriction site/projects.
A system is required to manage enterprise transactions for office staff, mobile inspectors, third-
party agencies and government services on the web.
 Online cause register
 Monitoring case register date and hearing dates.
 FIR registration with site photographs
 Challan and notice generation using Hand Held Device
 Android OS
 SMS alerts and emails for case status (hearing date etc.)
 Review case status and pendency
 Check for case current status & past event actions.
 Review sector wise case registration ratio.
 Review of case closing turn around ratio.
 Monitor case events and updates.
 In-build Compounding process (map approval)
 Online hearing process
 Linked to map approval system in case some compounding is applied and
 Different MIS report
 Individual performance report (JE/AE)

3.6 MIS, Access Control, System Replication

MIS is envisaged as a highly interoperable model where over a period of time most of the
systems can participate in information sharing and data exchange to provide centralized
dashboard and MIS reports which can be accessible to all stakeholders anytime and
 MIS should have the capability to exchange data and records between multiple systems
that can be managed and maintained by department.
 Maintain Complete Access Audit Trail for complete ERP System
 The proposed system should be scalable enough to get replicated in similar public bodies
 Dashboard for all modules to be provided
Reporting is essential component of ERP System. There are many different types
of reports that an ERP System should run every night.
Generally, we separate reports into three categories:
Performance Reports: Individual performance report, section performance
report, Project progress report etc.
Financial Reports: Financial reports are just what they sound like. They‟re the
nitty gritty numbers that report revenue, taxes, commissions, net income, etc.
These reports will help understand what money is coming in and going out.
Daily Activity Reports: Daily activities reports to keep management and staff on the same
page every day.

3.7 SMS Gateway Integration

 Proposed App Server platform offers rich user interaction capabilities, allowing to setup
user notification at various points of the automated workflow. Proposed App Server
supports various types of integration with SMS gateway. The most common approach is
to use a Web Services API which is offered by the majority of SMS gateways. This type
of integration is typically handled by Enterprise Application Integration adapter – EAI.

3.8 Email Gateway Integration

Proposed Application platform provides extensive capabilities in terms of using e-mail
service for user notification and collaboration. Platform provides rich capabilities in terms
of interacting with public users (citizens) as well as back-office users (clerks) by sending
e-mail notification messages. Proposed application allows to setup business rules to send
e-mail when certain trigger conditions are met.
In terms of integration, the platform is using standard SMTP protocol to deliver e-mail to
an SMTP relay server which takes care of message routing and delivery.

3.9 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate Availability & Integration

Proposed Application platform should be hosted on a securely configured & commissioned
environment with deployment of SSL certificate and other required technologies towards
proper functioning of the application and application server.

3.10 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Integration

Proposed Application platform should provide integration with DSC, it will be used in all
the letter generated through the proposed system.

3.11 Payment Gateway Integration

Proposed Application platform should provide integration with Payment Gateways for
accepting payment through various modes like e-Wallet, net banking, Debit / Credit Card

3.12 Integration with Other Government Agencies and Their Applications

Proposed Application platform should provide integration with applications available with
other government department and NRHM. Scope for this would be freeze during SRS

3.13 Bi-Lingual Support

The Proposed system should provide support for Hindi, and English. User should be able
to key-in the values/information/comments in Hindi/English. The reports should be
generated in the selected language.
3.14 Mobile App
Mobile app for all the application as suitable required to be developed
3.15 Single Widow System integration
Scope of Services during Implementation Phase Broad Scope of services are mentioned
 System Study and Design
 Application software development including web portal
 Installation and commissioning of applications/tools and any other required
software‟s towards application deployment (Any Hardware and Software other
than application software will be provided by the Purchaser.)
 Data Digitization and Migration
 Training and Capacity Building
 System Integration and Commissioning, including application security &
SSL certificates (Go-Live)
 Operation & Maintenance (O&M)

4. Hosting Requirements
The Application shall be at any of Tier-3 or above MeitY empanelled Data Centre in India.
The cost shall be paid by the Bidder.

Sr. No. Managed Hosting Services

1 Operating System Management Services
2 Storage Management Services
3 Backup Management Service
4 Database Management Services
5 Network Management Services
6 Security Management Service for all the component mentioned in this BoM
7 Monitoring for all the component mentioned in this BoM
8 Replication Management and Monitoring
9 24*7 Support for above Mentioned services via Chat, Phone, Ticket

5. Standards
The solution needs to be complaint with all GoI standards for IT applications, metadata
standards, etc.

6. Security Audit of the Project

SI should get the application audited by a CERT-IN empanelled agency having experience of
successfully completing security audit of applications deployed / hosted in authorized data
centre for complete infrastructure, network and application software at Go-Live and in case of
any major change or biennially whichever is earlier. SI should also get the audit done for the
web services codes and procedure from security and vulnerability
Prospect required for integration with stakeholder‟s application as and when required. The SI
should submit first audit and compliance report by a CERT-IN empanelled agency for
consideration of the NRHM within three months from the date of Go-Live.
The NRHM Department also reserves the right to conduct un-scheduled quality audits as and
when required. Quality audits shall focus on following broad areas (but not limited to):
IT infrastructure, network, servers etc.
Physical and logical security etc.
Application and Data security.

7. Change Request /Ongoing Support for Implementation of Additional Requirements of

The SI shall implement and rollout any additional requirements specified by NRHM during the
post-implementation period of the project.
These additional requirements may include addition of new module, change in the workflow
etc. This may include changes / additions in the existing solution or development of new
component in solution.
For this component the SI needs to carry out all the activities such as requirement analysis, FRS
preparation, SRS ,preparation, SDD design , software development, implementation, rollout,
training, preparation of instruction / operational / user manuals etc. as per the requirement of
8. Process of Evaluation
1. Bidders who qualify on EMD Part shall be considered for further Technical evaluation.
2. Bidder shall be evaluated as per eligibility criteria. The bidders who fulfil all the eligibility
criteria will qualify for further Technical Evaluation.
3. The final evaluation for selecting the bidders will be based on the criteria mentioned in
section below.
4. The Bid Evaluation Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids without
giving any reasons thereof.

8.1 Technical Criteria

Only those bidders will qualify for further evaluation of Financial Bid. Bidders who are disqualified
in technical evaluation there Financial bid shall not be opened.

Sr. No. Criteria Document to be furnished

1. Annual Turnover of the bidder from IT CA Certificate with CA‟s
Application development and operation Registration Number
during the last three financial years, i.e.,
from (i.e. FY 2018-2019, 2019-20 & 2020-
21) (as per the last published audited balance
sheets),should be at least INR 35,00,000
2. Experience of Proposed
3. The bidder should have Implemented Work Order and
Multiple Integrated Modules in E- completion
Governance / ERP/ software solutions in certificates
Govt. / PSUs / Institutions in India in last 3
(three) years.
4. Office & Man Power Undertaking from HR
Strength of Bidder Certification division Of the bidder.
5. Certification of Bidder
(All certificate should be
valid or the bidder will be
black listed/ debarred in
the department
6. The Tenderer should have relevant Work Order and
experience of at least three (03) years in completion
website Hosting, Maintenance & certificates
development and Cost of one project(s)
should be more then Rs. 35,00,000 (Copy of
Purchase order or Contract to be attached).
7. The bidder should have a registered number Copy of relevant
of certificate for both
ii. Pan Number.

8.2 Financial Bid Evaluation

The bidders shall submit their quote as per the format provided (Financial Bid form). The
Financial proposals shall be evaluated on the basis of total lump sum charges offered by the
bidder to NRHM for the duration of this project. Any monetary figure in decimal shall be
rounded off to the nearest INR.
Financial scores for each bidder will be calculated through normalization process where the
bidder with the lowest bid will be given

8.3 Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights of source code, software, systems, programs etc. that will be
developed to meet the scope of work during the contract execution including the tools if any
used for development, will solely rests with the client and no claim can be made by the
solution provider.

8.4 Training & Capacity Building

 Tenderer will provide training to guide through the website and its pages and maintenance of
the Website. The training will also be extended to Owner user department personnel
associated or responsible for the content management of the website via user manual.
 Knowledge transfer should include training on user management, site management, and all
technical aspects of Website maintenance.
 Complete Website source code and other technical documents associated with the Website
development, administration and use will be provided to the NHRM team till satisfaction of
the Company. Vendor will provide necessary technical details including requirement of
software, software tools and systems required for the proper upkeep and maintenance of the
 The tenderer should deploy adequate resources to carry out the complete knowledge transfer
effectively within the stipulated timeline provided by NRHM without any cost to RD Team.
 Upon completion of period of contract, the vendor has to do the necessary hand over of the
completed set-up of the website to the new selected vendor along-with complete knowledge
transfer within 1(one) week as per the mutual Understanding.
 The Owner as per the mutual understanding will decide date and Time with Venue for training
after project handover.

8.5 Milestone Schedule

Sr. No. Milestone
1. 50% Payment will be done after completion of Application Development
(Phase 2)
2. 30% Payment after complete deployment and implementation of the project.
3. 20% Payment after Testing of Application and completion of end user

8.6 Exit Management Plan

The SI should submit a detailed exit management plan and revise it on yearly basis to keep it
relevant and up-to-date.

The SI shall ensure that the exit management plan provides for a handover and exit strategy
for the project.
Such an exit strategy shall include:
 A detailed plan of the transfer process
 Review of options to ensure service continuity
 Assessment of operations and maintenance needs, asset / service quality
 Asset and knowledge transfer to the satisfaction of NRHM
 Testing and valuation of assets
 Implementation plan for handing over project
 Plans for communication with various stakeholders including NRHM and any related
third party
 Plans for provision of contingent support to project and new SI for a reasonable
period after transfer of knowledge and its assets in case of termination
 Resource allocation for implementing the exit strategy and
 Obligation of the parties in relation to the exit strategy.

8.7 Governing Language

The contract shall be written in English. All correspondence and other documents pertaining
to the contract, which are exchanged by the parties, shall be written in same languages.

8.8 Applicable Law

The contract shall be interpreted in accordance with appropriate Indian laws.

8.9 Deliverables
 Work Plan Schedule for Development
 User Manuals
 Training
 Relevant Escalation Matrix

8.10 County of Origin

The Service Provider Should be Indian Incorporated in India.

8.11 Contract Amendments

No variation in or modification of the terms of the Contract shall be made, except by written
amendment, signed by the parties.

8.12 Project Timeline

Project should be ready to go live in 2 months from project start date.

8.13 Bid Currency

Bids should be quoted in Indian Rupees only


The Contract shall become legally binding and in force only upon:
18.1 Submission of Performance Bank Guarantee in accordance with Clause 15
18.2 The Contractor shall commence services in Client‟s premises immediately from the date of
receipt of award of contract.

19. Default Clause / Cancellation on failure to supply:

If the supplier fails to commence delivery as scheduled or to deliver the quantities ordered to
him within the delivery period stipulated in the contract, it shall be discretion of the
purchaser either. (a) to extend the delivery period or .(b) to cancel the contract in whole or in
part for the unsupplied quantities without any show cause notice. In the event of extension,
liquidated damages, will be applicable. If the purchaser decides to cancel the contract, the
mode of repurchase will be at the discretion of the purchaser. The supplier shall be liable to
pay any loss by way of extra expenditure or other incidental expenses, which the purchaser
may sustain on account of such repurchase at the risk and cost of the supplier. In addition to
action above, the purchaser may debar the defaulting supplier from future orders, for
maximum period of 3 years. In any case the supplier will stand debarred for future contracts
for the period till extra expenditure on account of cancellation and repurchase in terms of
action above is paid by the supplier or recovered from his bill for supplied goods against any
orders with the purchaser or his authorized consultants / agents.

23. Force Majeure:

23.1 For purposes of this Clause, 'Force Majeure' means at any time during subsistence of
contract an event beyond the control of the Supplier and not involving the Supplier's fault or
negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not limited to, acts of the
Purchaser either in its sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods,
epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes.
23.2 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly but not later than 30 days
notify the Purchaser in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise
directed by the Purchaser in writing, the Supplier shall continue to perform its obligations
under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative
means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
23.3 Force Majeure will be accepted on adequate proof thereof.
23.4 If contingency continues beyond 30 days, both parties argue to discuss and decide the
course of action to be adopted. Even otherwise contingency continues beyond 60 days then
the purchaser may consider for termination of the contract on equitable basis.
24. Confidentiality
24.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and comparison of tenders,
and recommendations for the award of a Contract shall not be disclosed to tenderers or any
other persons not officially concerned with such process until the notification of Contract
award is made.
24.2 Any effort by the tenderer to influence the Purchaser in the Purchaser's bid evaluation, bid
comparison, or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the Tenderer's bid.
25.1 The purchaser shall have every rights to deduct the pending dues on account of loss,
compensation, or any remedial action in monetary terms from the said payment. The
supplier shall not agitate the said issue in future.
26. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices
26.1 The Purchaser as well as Tenderers shall observe the highest standard of ethics during
the procurement and execution of such contracts.
26.2 “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of
value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in
contract execution; and.
26.3 Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts in order to
Influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of
purchaser and includes collusive practice among Tenderers (prior to or after tender
submission) designed to establish tender prices at artificial non-competitive levels and
to deprive the Purchaser of the benefits of free and open competition;.
26.4 “Collusive practice” means a scheme or arrangement between two or more tenderers,
with or without the knowledge of the Purchaser, designed to establish tender prices at
artificial, noncompetitive level; and.
26.5 “Coercive practice” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly,
persons or their property to influence their participation in the procurement process or
effect the execution of the contract.
26.6 “The Purchaser will reject a tender for award if it determines that the tenderer
recommended for award has directly or through an agent engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question;.
26.7 The Purchaser will declare a firm or individual as ineligible, either indefinitely or for
a stated period of time, to be awarded a contract if it at any time determines that they
have, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or
coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract.

27. Please see “Rider A”

In the event of any question, dispute or differences in respect of contract or terms and
conditions of the contract or interpretation of the terms and conditions or part of the
terms and conditions of the contract arises, the parties may mutually settle the dispute
In the event of failure to settle the dispute amicably between the parties, the same shall
be referred to the sole arbitrator (insert name and designation of the officer),
Government of Maharashtra. The award passed by the sole Arbitrator shall be final and
binding on the parties.
The arbitration proceedings shall be carried out as per the Indian Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 and the rules made there under.
English language version of the contract shall govern its interpretation.
The contract shall be governed in accordance with the law prevailing in India, Act,
Rules, Amendments and orders made there on from time to time.

The contractor shall indemnify the purchaser against all actions, suit, claims and demand
or in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by contractor in connection with the
contract and against any losses or damages to the purchaser in consequence of any action
or suit being brought against the contractor for anything done or omitted to be done by
the contractor in the execution of the contract.
27.6 Jurisdiction
All the suits arising out of the contract shall be instituted in the court of competent
jurisdiction situated in Mumbai only and not elsewhere.
27.7 Saving clause
No suits, prosecution or any legal proceedings shall lie against the Joint Director of
Health Services (Procurement Cell), Mumbai or any person for anything that is done in
good faith or intended to be done in pursuance of tender.
Tender Form

The Joint Director of Health Services (Procurement Cell)
Directorate of Health Services
1st Floor, Arogya Bhavan,
Mumbai 400 001.

Dear Sir
Having examined the tender document,(Tender No. E- ) the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to supply and deliver the goods under the above-named
Contract in full conformity with the said tender document and our financial offer in the Price
schedule submitted in Envelop No. 2 which is made part of this tender.

We undertake, if our tender is accepted, to deliver the goods in accordance with the delivery
schedule specified in the tender document.

If our tender is accepted, we undertake to submit the security deposit in the form, in the
amounts, and within the times specified in the tender document.

We agree to abide by this tender, for the Tender Validity Period specified in the tender
document and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted by you at any time before the
expiration of that period.

Until the formal final Contract is prepared and executed between us, this tender together
with your written acceptance of the tender and your Acceptance of Tender, shall constitute a
binding Contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any
tender you may receive.

Signed: ______________________________

Date: ________________________________

In the capacity of ____________________________________

Duly authorized to sign this bid for and on behalf of _____________________

Signature & stamp of tenderer

1) Addressed to:

Name of the Tendering Authority

Tele Fax

2) Firms Details:
Name of Firm
Name of Contact Person with Designation
Registered Office Address
Address of the Firm
Year of Establishment
Type of Firm
Put Tick( ??) mark
Telephone Number(s)
Email Address/ Web Site
Fax No.
Mobile Number
Certification/Accreditation/Affiliation, if
3) The requisite tender fee amounting to Rs. /- (Rupees <in words>) has been deposited vid receipt
no. dated _.

4) The requisite EMD amounting to Rs. /- (Rupees <in words>) has been deposited vide FDR/ DD no.
dated _.

5) We agree to abide by all the terms and conditions mentioned in this form issued by the
Empanelment Authority and also the further conditions of the said notice given in the attached
Sheets (all the pages of which have been signed by us in token of acceptance of the terms
Mentioned therein along with stamp of the firm).

Date: ____________
Name & Seal of the firm: _____________________
Authorized Signatory: __________________________

The Commissioner of Health Services,
National Rural Health Mission.

I/ We {Name/ Designation} hereby declare/ certify that {Name/ Designation} is hereby

authorized to sign relevant documents on behalf of the company/ firm in dealing with Tender/
reference No.____ dated ____. He/ She is also authorized to attend meetings & submit
technical & commercial information/clarifications as may be required by you in the course of
processing the Bid. For the purpose of validation, his/ her verified signatures are as under.

Thanking you,

Name of the Bidder: - Verified Signature:

Authorized Signatory: -

Seal of the Organization: -

Date: _

I/ We declare that I am/we are bonafide Solution Integrator / Whole Sellers/ Sole distributor/
Authorised dealer/ dealers/ sole selling/ Marketing agent/ reseller of the goods/ stores/
equipment/ Solution for which I/We have tendered.

If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action
that may be taken, my/our security may be forfeited in full and the tender, if any, to the
extent accepted may be cancelled.

Signature of the Bidder

Annexure II


Bidder must fill in this form

Annual Turnover data for the last 3 years:

Year Amount in INR

Year 1 2018-2019
Year 2 2019-2020
Year 3 2020-2021

1. The information supplied should be the Annual Turnover of the bidder

2. A brief note should be appended describing thereby details of turnover as per audited


Annexure III

Sr. No. Client Name Project Duration & Contact Person

Details Period Name and contact

Date: Authorized Representative Signature

Place: Name:
Company Name:
Seal of Company
 The Tenderer has to provide following escalation matrix for issues related to website:

Support Level Name Designation Contact No. Email ID


Date: Authorized Representative Signature

Place: Name:
Company Name:
Seal of Company
Annexure IV
Price Bid


Bidder must fill in this form

Sr. No. Item Description Quantity Units Basic Rate in Total Amount
Rs. Without Taxes in
1. Design, Develop, Implementation, 1 No.
Training, Manuals and onsite
2. AMC Charges (Application 1 Year
hosting, Customization and
AMC charges are taken for 1 Year, but the AMC can be extended upto 5 Yrs after
Mutual Agreement.
*In case of any discrepancy in value quoted in words and in figures, then quote in words
would be considered final.

Amount in words______________

 L1 will be considered on cost mentioned in Sr. No 1 (Design, Develop,
Implementation, Training, Manuals and onsite manpower)
 In case of discrepancy between unit price and total price, the unit price shall prevail.
 Price should be quoted in Indian rupees only.
 GST as applicable.
 L1 bidder will have to match the L1 rate for Sr. No 2 (AMC Charges) in case a different
bidder is L1 for that item.

Signature of the tenderer

Business address


To: (Name of Purchaser)

WHEREAS................................................................... (Name of Supplier)

Hereinafter called "the Supplier" has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No................. dated,
200... to supply...................... .................................................(Description of Goods and
Services) hereinafter called "the Contract".

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Supplier shall
furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as
security for compliance with the Supplier's performance obligations in accordance with the
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Supplier a Guarantee:
THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of
the Supplier, up to a total of................................... ........................................ (Amount of the
Guarantee in Words and Figures) and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand
declaring the Supplier to be in default under the Contract and without cavil or argument, any
sum or sums within the limit of ................................ (Amount of Guarantee) as aforesaid,
without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum
specified therein.
This guarantee is valid until the ........day of...................200......

Signature and Seal of Guarantors



THIS AGREEMENT made the .......day of.................................., 200... Between.......................... (Name

of purchaser) of.............. (Country of Purchaser) (Hereinafter "the Purchaser") of the one part
and..................... (Name of Supplier) of......................... (City and Country of Supplier) (Hereinafter
called "the Supplier") of the other part :
WHEREAS the Purchaser is desirous that certain Goods and ancillary services viz. (Brief Description
of Goods and Services) and has accepted a bid by the Supplier for the supply of those goods and
services in the sum of.............................. (Contract Price in Words and Figures) (Hereinafter called “the
Contract Price").
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this
Agreement, viz.:
(a) The Price List submitted by the Supplier;
(b) The Schedule of Requirements;
(c) The Technical Specifications;
(d) Terms & conditions of tender document.
(e) The Purchaser's Notification of Award.
3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier as hereinafter
mentioned, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Purchaser to provide the goods and services
and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract.
4. The Purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the provision of the
goods and services and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such other sum as
may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner
prescribed by the Contract.
Brief particulars of the goods and services which shall be supplied/provided by the Supplier are
as under:

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with
their respective laws the day and year first above written.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the
Said..................................................... (For the Purchaser)
in the presence of:.......................................
Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the
Said..................................................... (For the Supplier)

In the presence of

Document to be submitted in Envelop no. 1
S.N. Documents Submitted Page No.
1 Annexure B Technical Compliance
2 Annexure-1 (Tender Form)
3 Annexure-2 – for last three years 2018-19,2019-20& 2020-21
(PAST PERFORMANCE STATEMENT) along with copies of supply orders
and clients satisfactory certificates
5 Annexure-4(DETAILS OF UNIT)
7 Audited Balance Sheet 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21
11 Power of attorney, resolution of board etc. authorizing an officer of the
12 Authorization letter nominating a responsible person of the tenderer to transact
the business with the Purchaser
13 Attested photocopy of unit licence for each and every product quoted as per
specification in the tender. The license must have been duly renewed up to
date and the items quoted shall be clearly highlighted in the license
14 GST Registration certificate
15 GST Clearance Certificate / challan up to last month of the tender publishing
16 Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- regarding the firm has not
been blacklisted in the past three years by any State, Central Govt/ private
institution to be submitted with 1 affidavits + EMD.
17 Attested copy of valid registration made under Directorate General of Supplies
& Disposal (D.G.S.& D), Small Scale Industries (S.S.I) & National Small
Scale)Industries Corporation (N.S.I.C) should be submit, if applicable
18 E M II certificate to be submitted in case of SSI. CSPO, NSIC.
19 Annexure 8 (GOODS QUALITY)




In the event of any question, dispute or differences in respect of contract or terms and
conditions of the contract or interpretation of the terms and conditions or part of the terms and
conditions of the contract arises, the parties may mutually settle the dispute amicably.

In the event of failure to settle the dispute amicably between the parties, the same shall be
referred to the sole arbitrator (insert name and designation of the officer), Government of
Maharashtra. The award passed by the sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties.
The arbitration proceedings shall be carried out as per the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation
Act, 1996 and the rules made there under.


English language version of the contract shall govern its interpretation.


The contract shall be governed in accordance with the law prevailing in India, Act, Rules,
Amendments and orders made thereon from time to time.

The contractor shall indemnify the purchaser against all actions, suit, claims and demand or in
respect of anything done or omitted to be done by contractor in connection with the contract and
against any losses or damages to the purchaser in consequence of any action or suit being brought
against the contractor for anything done or omitted to be done by the contractor in the execution of
the contract.


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