DGP/17/6162/UHF 400 MHz DMR-MBVV/44/2020-24
EMD Rs :6,65,000/- Tender Price :- Rs.69,000/-
A) Tender reference No:- No. DGP/17/6162/UHF 400 MHz DMR-MBVV/44/2020-24
B) Date of Tender Download:- From 04/09/2024, 14:30 hours up to 20/09/2024, 17:30 hours
C) Bid Starting Date:- From 04/09/2024, 17:00 hours up to 20/09/2024, 17:30 hours
D) Date of Technical bid Opening:- From 23/09/2024, 18.30 Onwards
E) Date of Commercial Opening :- To be informed later
The Director General of Police, Maharashtra State, Mumbai on behalf of the Hon’ble
Governor of Maharashtra invites online Tender in “Two Envelops System” (i.e. Technical Bid
& Commercial Bid) for supply of below mentioned ‘Modern Equipment’s’ for Maharashtra
Details as Under
Sr. Quantity in Tender
Item Tendered
No. Nos. Document Fee
1. VIRAR (UHF 400 MHz DMR Tier - II) 1 Project 69,000/-
(8) For any further assistance regarding the process of Electronic Tendering System,
the Bidders may please contact the Helpdesk of e procurement support system of
Maharashtra contact No. 0120-4001002/ 4001 005/6277787 & email :- support.
eproc @nic.in
(9) For further information, please visit https://mahatenders.gov.in.
(10) The technical bid envelope should contain the following :-
(i) The tenderer should submit the Original Tender Form with his Signature, Seal/
Rubber Stamp and uploaded it online with following information on his letter head :
Name of Company
Name of the Directors/ Proprietors
Name of Authorized Signatory for
signing the bid.
Registered office Address
Year of Establishment
Type of Firmpppp Public Private Partnership Traders/
Ltd. Co Ltd.Co Firm Authorised dealers/
. Distributors
Telephone Number(s)
E-mail Address/website
Fax No.
Mobile Number
Registration Number under Indian
Companies Act, 1956
GST Registration Certificate Reg. Number Date
Annual Turnover Year Amount in Crores Rs. Audited Y/N
With CSPO Without
Rate Cont. CSPO Rate
Total Annual Turnover
(ii) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): The Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.69,000/- ( Rupees
Sixty Nine Thousand only) should be paid online using payment gateway. If the
tenderer is exempted from submitting the EMD, it should be mentioned on the
original letter head along with the copies of G.R. / Govt. order. The exemption must
be for the tendered item i.e. the firm must have the certificate mentioning registered
with C.S.P.O. /NSIC / SSI unit for the tendered item.
(iii) Registration Certificate of C.S.P.O. / NSIC / SSI / MSMEDI with validity of
registration mentioned clearly. If the validity is expired fresh validity should be
uploaded. Please note that tenderer whose validity certificate is expired are not
eligible for exemption. Such bids are liable for rejection. Also applications made
to the concerned authority for issuing fresh validity certificate are not acceptable.
Only fresh validity certificate is acceptable for exemption.
(iv) The tenderer should be an authorized distributor / dealer for the tendered item and he
should furnish current year valid Authorization Letter / Dealerships certificates from
the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). The Authorization letter should be
specific for the tendered item. Xerox copy of Authorization letter should be attested
with valid dates. The name of item should be clearly mentioned in Authorization
Letter. (Original authorization letter should be submitted for verification at the time of
commercial bid opening).
(v) The tenderer should obtain a letter from the manufacturer that the Model quoted in the
tender conforms to the specifications of the products manufactured as on date and
latest. Also the product should not be of old model and service be provided for the
period as mentioned in the specifications, or up to 03 years whichever is higher from
the date of acceptance of stores /date of installation. Also a letter showing that he is an
authorized distributor/ dealer for a minimum period of next 3 years.
(vi) Power of Attorney in favour of person signing the bids to be given in Technical
envelope (if applicable).
(vii) Product Brochure clearly mentioning the features, Make/Model No. etc. If Brochure is
not available then Photograph of tendered product should be submitted.
(viii) Latest Test Report along with letter of the tenderer giving technical
specifications to the laboratory asking for latest report of the tendered item should be
(ix) Tenderer should submit Comparative chart in the following format for each item.
(11) The Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State, reserves the
right to select any vendor on the grounds of his experience, the clients, the capacity
or turnover of the vendor which can infuse confidence that selected vendor can
complete the work within given time.
(12) The tenderer who qualifies in technical bid will have to submit one sample for testing /
demonstration / field trials, before a committee of officials selected by Director General
of Police, Maharashtra State, within four days positively from opening of technical
envelop, on 'No cost, No commitment' basis.. If the tenderer failed to show the
demonstration/ field trials within given period, his offer will be liable for
(13) The tenderer shall give an undertaking for supply of spare parts / batteries for the period
specified in specifications of the tendered item.
(14) The Tenderer shall give an undertaking in case the equipment or any part thereof have to
be imported from their OEM.
(15) That he possesses valid Dealer Possession License ”DPL” for the tendered item as on
that date. The entire order Quantity should be delivered within Eight Weeks or
earlier from the date of receipt of the valid DTG/AIP/DL/Import license from WPC
whichever is later. If this time schedule is not adhered to then penalty shall be
1. The tenderer should submit all above mentioned compulsory documents in
specified format from Sr. No. 1 to 10. If the tenderer fails to submit any single
document in the technical envelope the tender shall be treated as invalid /
2. The bidder should note, that queries/ clarifications if any, should be raised
during first week only. From publication of this notice. Queries received after
first week will not be entertained.
No information related to Price bid should be furnished/disclosed in the Technical
Envelope otherwise the Bid shall be disqualified.
(16) Tenderers should submit separate Commercial bid for each item in the following
format clearly mentioning each and every details of the price bid online:-
Sr. Name of Basic Transport GST Insurance Education Forwarding/ Packing Customs Installation Training Final
item Price charges Cess Handling charge Duty charges Charges price
(Make / charges including
Model of all these
No.) charges
(i) The price quoted must be in figures and in words and should be in Rupees
(ii) The tenderer should note that Customs Duty Exemption Certificate will be given
to those tendered items which are included In the list of Govt. of India's
Notification of 03/07/1996. and thereon and subject to any decision made in
post G.S.T. implementation
(iii) The price quoted must be inclusive of supplying the item anywhere in
Maharashtra. No request of extra payment of transportation charges will be
entertained afterwards.
(iv) The warranty period of the tendered item should be mentioned in the Commercial
envelope & would start from installation of final product.
(v) Conditional offers and offers qualified by such vague and indefinite expression
such as "Subject to immediate acceptance, "Subject to prior sale" etc. will not be
(17) Exchange Rate Variation (ERV) :- Bidders should indicate import content(s) and the
currency(ies) used for calculating the value of import content(s) in their total quoted
price. Which (i.e. the total quoted price) will be in Indian Rupees. The bidder should
indicate the Base Exchange Rate for each such foreign currency used for converting
the foreign Exchange content into Indian Rupees and the extent of Foreign Exchange
rate variation risk they are willing to bear. To work out the variation due to changes
(if any) in the exchange rate(s). The base date for this purpose will be the due date of
opening of tenders. The variation will be allowed between the above base date and
the date of remittance to the foreign principal. The applicable exchange rates as above
will be according to the TT Selling Rates of Exchange as quoted by the authorized
exchange bankers approved by the Reserve Bank of India on the date in question. No
variation in prices in this regard will be allowed if the variation in the Rate of
Exchange remains within the limit of ± 2% (Plus / Minus Two Percent). Any
increase or decrease in the Customs Duty by reason of the variation in the Rate of
Exchange in terms of contract will be to the buyer’s account. In case delivery period
is refixed / extended, ERV will not be admissible. If this is due to default of the
supplier. The following documents should be furnished by the supplier for claiming
(26) The Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State, reserves the
right to inspect the manufacturing unit wherever found necessary, while considering
the tender.
(27) It is responsibility of the vender to take back Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) after
finalization of the tender. No interest will be paid at any cost on Earnest Money
(28) The Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State, reserves the
right to reject any part or the whole tender without assigning any reason.
(29) The conditions mentioned in Purchase Procedure Rules and Purchase Manual of
Govt. of Maharashtra, and instructions as per Government of Maharashtra,
Industries Energy & Labour Dept. Resolution
and recent amendments thereof will be applicable.
(30) The right to ignore any tender which fails to comply with the above instruction is
(31) Tenderers are at liberty to remain present or to authorize their representative at the
opening of technical or commercial bid at the time and date specified. Dates quoted
for opening of technical and commercial bids are subject to changes in case there is
any holiday abruptly declared by the Government or under certain unavoidable
(32) The Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State, Mumbai does
not pledge himself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves to himself the
right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity
offered against any item and tenderer should supply the same at the rate quoted.
(33) In the event of the order being placed against any of the tender and if tenderer fails
to supply any stores according to specifications or the terms and conditions of
Acceptance of Tender or fails to replace any stores rejected by the Director General &
Inspector General of Police , Maharashtra State, Mumbai. or by any person on his
behalf within such time as may be stipulated, the Director General & Inspector
General of Police, Maharashtra State, Mumbai, reserves the right to purchase such
stores from any other sources and at such price as the Director General & Inspector
General of Police, Maharashtra State, Mumbai shall in his sole discretions thinks fit.
If action as stipulated above is taken:-
(i) The offer of the defaulting contractor will not be considered.
(ii) The defaulting contractor will be penalized to the extent of the differences in
the rates or 10% of the value of the earlier orders whichever is higher.
(iii) If the defaulting contractor fails to pay the penalty he will be permanently de-
listed from the list of approved contractors of the Director General & Inspector
General of Police, MS, Mumbai and the registration deposit of the contractors
will be forfeited to Government.
(34) In case of no delivery and /or delayed delivery against an order placed after Acceptance
of Tender the Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State,
Mumbai reserves to himself the right to impose such penalty in his sole discretion as he
thinks fit.
(35) (a) Successful Tenderer will be required to pay security deposit as fixed by the
Director General & Inspector General of Police, M.S., Mumbai and enter in an
agreement for the performance of the contract.
(b) Bidders convicted or involved in any criminal office shall be considered
ineligible for awarding contract.
(c) Bidder should submit undertaking as follows:
That he has not been blacklisted from participating in any tender initiated by
any State / Central Govt. Or UT of Govt.
That there are no criminal cases against the Company. If there are any cases
(37) Without prejudice to the foregoing rights, if such failure to delivery in stipulated time as
aforesaid shall have arisen from any cause, which the Director General & Inspector
General of Police, M.S., Mumbai may admit as a reasonable ground for an extension of
the time (and his decision shall be final), he may allow such additional time considering
the circumstances of the case, which are justified. However, the decision taken by the
Director General & Inspector General of Police, M.S. will be final.
(38) Provided always that any failure or delay on the part of sub-contractors through their
employee shall not be admitted as a reasonable ground for any extension of time or for
exempting the tenderer from liability for any such loss or damage, as aforesaid and
provided further that no extension shall be allowed unless applied for and if shall, in the
opinion of the Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State,
Mumbai (which shall be final) have been made and in his opinion, are justified.
(39) Any statutory increases or decreases in an Act of State or the Central Government
relating to GST and other taxes shall be borne by the tenderer.
(40) Tenderers should state the place of inspection of the stores offered, if the goods are
offered for inspection outside Maharashtra State, the tenderer will have to bear all
expenditure of inspection carried out by this office.
(41) Goods should be dispatched at carrier’s risk and should be properly cover-ed by transit
insurance with Govt. Insurance Fund, Mumbai–400 032. However, the tenderer will be
responsible till the entire Stores contracted for arrived in good condition at destination.
(42) The tenderer should specifically mention whether they are licensed under Industries
Development and Regulation (IDR) ACT 1951 for the production of the item in
tender and if not, how prescribed and from whom they proposed to procure the
material and what arrangements are proposed for its assembly and supply.
I agree with all the above terms and conditions.
E. Features:
1 Mode of operations Analog, Digital
2 GPS capability In built GPS Ready with
TTFF(Time to First Fix) Cold start < 2 min
TTFF(Time to First Fix) Hot start < 10 sec
Horizontal Accuracy < 10 Meters
3 SMS Text SMS facility.
4 Protection Reverse polarity protection & Protection Against high VSWR.
5 Radio Programming PC Programmable.
6 Hand Set with Mic Key Pad DTMF Hand Set with backlight.
7 Signal Strength Indicator Received Signal Strength Indicator bar type or Digital read out.
F. Other features.
1 Alpha numeric List of 256 Users for sending SMS and for Selective Calling
2 Alpha numeric Channel Alias
3 Alpha numeric PTT ID Alias
4 Channel Scan and Priority Channel Scan.
5 Roaming facility
6 Facility to assign Network Access code, CTCSS/DCS
7 Call Alert.
8 Talk around.
9 Transmitter Time Out Timer (TOT) operation.
10 Emergency Call.
11 Selective Call, Group Call
12 Busy channel lockout
13 Capable to kill-unkill or disable-enable or Stun-Unstun.
14 Externally accessible accessory connector -
For Connecting Programming Kit, Repeater Interface, Data interface etc.
15 Offered Radios should be interoperable for voice with existing DMR radios in IP multisite
connectivity network.
G. Accessories and Manuals :
1 Type of For 3 dB Whip Antenna with suitable connector, 3 meter co-axial cable and
Antenna mobile stainless steel mounting bracket.
Make: Diamond /RFI/Comet /Comtelco / Sinclair/ DB Spectra /
Telewave /Andrew.
For static 1. 6 db GP Antenna with suitable connector and fitting clamps.
Make: Diamond / RFI / Comet / Comtelco /
Sinclair / DB Spectra / Telewave / Commscope.
2. Folded Dipole Antenna.
Make: Diamond / RFI / Comtelco / Sinclair / Telewave, With
complete fitting accessories of the respective Antenna OEM make.
3. 30 meter 1/2" Low Loss Foam-Dielectric RF Coaxial Cable.
Make: RFS (LCF12-50JFN) / Andrew/Commscope (LDF4-
50A) / LS cables (HFC12 D) / Rosenberger (SL 012R PE)
with suitable connectors.
2 Operating Manual Hardcopy one for each Radio
3 Detailed Level-3 Technical / Service Soft copy Qty.02 and Hard copy as per un priced
Manual (Original) from OEM for supplied BOM
Model & Version, in Hard and Soft copies.
4 Mounting Kit Mounting Kit.
5 Handset (Mic) DTMF Handset with clip.
6 Battery cable Length 3 meters with suitable fuse.
7 GPS Antenna Suitable for vehicle roof mounting.
Mandatory Requirements:
1 Equipment for demo At the time of product evaluation bidder should bring adequate
quantity of the offered make and model radios, Test jig, Digital
Communication System Analyzer and other test and measuring
instruments to demonstrate full functionality of Mobile Radio.
2 Field Trials Bidder should give field trials of Digital Mobile Radio and
Handheld Radio through the Repeater.
3 Technical Bid Hard Copy of the Technical Bid submitted through e-tender should
be provided by the Vendor at the time of product Evaluation.
4 Service and Spare Parts 1) Service support and Spare parts support should be provided for
support minimum Seven Years time after completion of Five years
mandatory warranty period.
2) Spares availability within four weeks after receipt of supply
3) During warranty period defective equipments should be collected
from C.S. Pune within a month after intimation and repaired
equipments should be returned back to C.S. Pune within two
months without fail, if not possible to repair, company must
provide replacement for those equipments.
5 Certificates of tests. Vendor shall provide the Certificates from OEM or Government
Accredited Lab OR from ILAC for radio parameters, Environmental
specifications and standard test as per IS9000 for all supplied
Equipments and system. (Ref. Mobile Radio specification parameter
no. B2, B3, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5)
6 Technical Clarification As regards technical clarification involved on the Tender
Meeting Documents, the vendor shall send queries within 7 working days to
the office of the Addl. D.G.P & Director Police Communication and
IT Pune, after tender is published. Accordingly, a meeting for
discussion will be arranged in the premises of Addl. D.G.P &
Director Police Communication and IT Pune office and the
clarifications will be communicated through D.G.P. M.S. office,
7 Training Necessary technical training shall be given to wireless technical
personnel at Police Wireless H.Q. Pune.
At the time of Test Report –
(a) Programming and configuration.
(b) Operation and Maintenance of the Radio.
8 Warranty 05 (Five) years from date of successful commissioning of system.
Warranty for All equipments including accessories will be 05 (Five)
years and for all batteries will be 03 (Three) years.
Sr.No. Specification Required specifications
A General Specifications:
1 Frequency Range 403-470MHz (Full Band)
2 Channel Capacity 255 or Higher
3 Protocol 2 SLOT TDMA
4 Digital Vocoder AMBE +2
5 Channel Spacing 12.5 KHz
6 Frequency Stability ±1.5 PPM or better
7 Battery capacity Li-Ion rechargeable battery of 2400 mAh or better.
8 Antenna Impedance 50Ω
9 Display Multiline, Multi character, Multifunction alphanumeric LCD display
with backlight
10 Weight Less than 450 grams with battery.
11 Antenna Rugged flexible Helical Antenna for the specified frequency Band.
12 EMI/EMC ETSI EN 301 489-1 & ETSI 301 489-5
13 Air Interface Standards Shall be open Standards DMR Tier-II
14 Type of Operation Simplex, Half Duplex Press to Talk
B: Transmitter:
1 RF Power Output UHF 1 Watt to 4 Watt or more Programmable
2 Type of Emission Analog: 11KOF3E
Digital: 7K60FXE & 7K60FXD/7K60FXW
3 Digital Modulation 4FSK
4 Modulation Limiting ±2.5 KHz at 12.5 KHz
5 Audio Response +1, -3dB at 6dB / Octave
6 FM Hum Noise -40 db or better
7 Adjacent Channel Power -60 db or better
8 Audio Distortion Less than 3%
9 Communication Security System should have inbuilt Encryption.
(Optional) Should also have provision to support third party Encryption (For
Special Police Security units).
C. Receiver:
1 Sensitivity Analog: 0.30 µV (12 db SINAD) or better
Digital: 0.30 µV at 5% BER or better
2 Adjacent Channel Selectivity 60 db or better
3 Inter-modulation 70 dB or better
4 Audio Output Minimum 500 mW
5 Audio Distortion Less than 3%
6 Audio Response +1,-3dB at 6dB / Octave
D. Environmental Specifications:
1 Operating Temperature Range 00 C to +600 C
2 Storage Temperature 00 C to +600 C
3 Humidity 95% non-condensing (300 C to +600 C)
4 MIL Standards MIL Standard 810 C, D, E, F, G
5 IP Standards IP67
E Features :
1 Mode of operations Analog , Digital
2 GPS capability In built GPS Ready with
TTFF(Time to First Fix) Cold start < 2 min
TTFF(Time to First Fix) Hot start < 10 sec
Horizontal Accuracy < 10 Meters
3 SMS facility Text SMS facility.
4 Protection Protection Against high VSWR
5 Radio Programming Facility PC Programmable.
6 Front Panel Key Pad DTMF Front Panel keypad with Backlight.
7 Battery Strength Indicator Battery strength bar indicator or Digital Readout.
Alert for ‘Low Battery’.
8 Signal Strength Indicator RSSI – Received Signal Strength Indicator Bar type or Digital
F. Other features:
1 Alpha numeric List of 256 Users for sending SMS and Selective Calling.
2 Alpha numeric Channel Alias.
3 Alpha numeric PTT ID Alias.
4 Channel Scan and Priority Channel Scan.
5 Roaming facility
6 Facility to assign Network Access code, CTCSS/DCS
7 Call Alert.
8 Talk around.
9 Transmitter Time Out Timer (TOT) operation.
10 Emergency call facility.
11 Selective Call, Group Call.
12 Busy channel lockout.
13 Capable to kill-un kill or disable-enable or Stun-Unstun.
14 Externally accessible accessory connector - for Connecting Hand's free accessory Kit / Programming
Kit etc.
15 Offered Radios should be interoperable for voice with existing DMR radios in IP multisite
connectivity network.
G. Accessories and Manuals:
1 Type of Antenna Rugged flexible Helical Antenna for the specified frequency Band.
2 Battery Vendor shall mention DC voltage. Handheld should be supplied with two
3 Rapid Charger Single Unit, Desktop type Rapid battery charger. Charging Time 2 to 4
4 Surveillance Kit Vendor should supply Inline PTT Surveillance Kit with clear acoustic
tube type ear piece compatible with supplied Handheld Radio.
5 Belt clip with proper If the clip is provided on battery, it shall be provided for both the
Lock batteries.
6 Carrying case Good quality Leather Carrying Case shall be provided.
7 Operating Manual Hardcopy, one for each handheld radio
8 Detailed Level-3 Technical / Service Manual Soft copy Qty.02 and Hard copy as per un priced
(Original) from OEM for supplied Model & BOM
Version, in Hard and Soft copies.
Mandatory Requirements:
1 Equipment for demo At the time of product evaluation bidder should bring adequate
quantity of the offered make and model radios, Test jig, Digital
Communication System Analyzer and other test and measuring
instruments to demonstrate full functionality of Mobile and
Handheld Radio.
2 Field Trials Bidder should give field trials of Digital Mobile Radio and
Handheld Radio through the Repeater.
3 Technical Bid Hard Copy of the Technical Bid submitted through e-tender should
be provided by the Vendor at the time of product Evaluation.
4 Service and Spare Parts 1) Service support and Spare parts support should be provided for
support minimum Seven Years time after completion of Five years
mandatory warranty period.
2) Spares availability within four weeks after receipt of supply
3) During warranty period defective equipments should be collected
from C.S. Pune within a month after intimation and repaired
equipments should be returned back to C.S. Pune within two
months without fail, if not possible to repair, company must
provide replacement for those equipments.
5 Certificates of tests. Vendor shall provide the Certificates from OEM or Government
Accredited Lab OR from ILAC for radio parameters, Environmental
specifications and standard test as per IS9000 for all supplied
Equipments and system (Ref. specifications parameter no. B2, B3,
D1, D2, D3, D4)
6 Technical Clarification As regards technical clarification involved on the Tender
Meeting Documents, the vendor shall send queries within 7 working days to
the office of the Addl. D.G.P & Director Police Communication and
IT Pune, after tender is published. Accordingly, a meeting for
discussion will be arranged in the premises of Addl. D.G.P &
Director Police Communication and IT Pune office and the
clarifications will be communicated through D.G.P. M.S. office,
7 Training Necessary technical training shall be given to wireless technical
personnel at Police Wireless H.Q. Pune.
At the time of Test Report –
(a) Programming and configuration.
(b) Operation and Maintenance of the Radio.
8 Warranty 05 (Five) years from date of successful commissioning of system.
Warranty for All equipments including accessories will be 05 (Five)
years and for all batteries will be 01 (One) year.
3 Humidity 95% non-condensing (300 C to +600 C)
E. Features
1 IP compatibility To extend coverage of the communication system the repeater
should be configurable for working with IP network using
Microwave link for voice, data & all features in digital mode.
2 Interoperability The Vendor shall mention other manufacturer models of the radios
which are interoperable for voice and data communication to the
system offered. Offered Repeater should be interoperable for voice
with existing DMR radio in the IP multisite connectivity network.
3 Back to back patching Offered Repeater should be able to connect with Radio back to back
using 26 pin accessory Connector.
Remote Diagnostic and Necessary Software for remote diagnosis and control of repeater
Control should be provided.
G. Accessories & Manuals
1 Battery cable Battery cable having 3 meter length with suitable fuse.
2 Duplexer Duplexer make Pulse/RFS/Sinclair/Telewave
Duplexer having
1.Rx -Tx separation: 5 MHz or More
2. Insertion loss ≤ 1.2 dB
3. Rx Isolation at TX freq better than 70dB
4. Port impedance 50 ohms
3 Antenna and Feeder 1. 6 dB GP Antenna: Make: Diamond / RFI / Comet / Comtelco /
cable Sinclair / DB Spectra / Telewave / Commscope with suitable
(As per User connectors and fitting Clamps.
Requirement) 2. 60 meter 1/2" Low Loss Foam-Dielectric RF Coaxial Cable. Make:
RFS (LCF12-50JFN), Andrew (LDF4-50A), LS cables (HFC12 D),
Rosenberger (SL 012R PE) with their respective make connectors.
(Specifications as per Annexure 'A')
Installation is to be done by bidder.
4 Cabinet As per Annexure 'A' attached herewith.
5 Operating Manual Hard and Soft copy one for each repeater.
Detailed Level-3 Soft copy Qty.01 and Hard copy as per un priced BOM
Technical / Service
Manual (Original) from
OEM for supplied
Model & Version, in
Hard and Soft copies.
Programming kit Hardware and software for the Programming, Servicing and Tuning of
Digital Repeater.
Mandatory Requirements
1 Equipment for demo At the time of product evaluation the bidder should bring adequate
quantity of the offered make and model radios, test jig, Digital
Communication System Analyzer and other test and measuring
instruments to demonstrate full functionality of the Repeater.
2 Technical Bid Hard Copy of the Technical Bid submitted through e-tender should
be provided by the Vendor at the time of product Evaluation.
3 Installation & Repeater site Installation
Commissioning 1) Installation of Receiver & Transmitter Antenna.
2) Layout of RF cables with required accessories.
3) Repeater site Linking with the help of Microwave link.
4) Proper earthing to be done at the repeater site.
4 Site visit Bidder is supposed to visit to concern Repeater site & get required
information, prior to quoting for installation and commissioning.
5 Service and Spare 1) Service support and Spare parts support should be provided for
Parts support minimum Seven Years time after completion of Five years
mandatory warranty period.
2) Spares availability within four weeks after receipt of supply order.
3) During warranty period defective equipments should be
collected from C.S. Pune within a month after intimation and
repaired equipments should be returned back to C.S. Pune within
two months without fail, if not possible to repair, company must
provide replacement for those equipments.
6 Certificates of tests. Vendor shall provide the Certificates from OEM or Government
Accredited Lab OR from ILAC for radio parameters, Environmental
specifications and standard test as per IS9000 for all supplied
Equipments and system. (Ref. parameter no.A13, B2, B3, D1, D2, D3
Certificate from OEM or Authorized dealer for Specification
compliance confirming make & Type of product (6 db GP antennas
& Coaxial Cable) should be submitted with the material.
7 Technical As regards technical clarification involved on the Tender Documents,
Clarification Meeting the vendor shall send queries within 7 working days to the office of
the Addl. D.G.P & Director Police Communication and IT Pune, after
tender is published. Accordingly, a meeting for discussion will be
arranged in the premises of Addl. D.G.P & Director Police
Communication and IT Pune office and the clarifications will be
communicated through D.G.P. M.S. office, Mumbai.
8 Training Necessary technical training shall be given to wireless technical
personnel at Police Wireless H.Q. Pune.
At the time of Test Report –
(a) Programming and configuration.
(b) Operation and Maintenance of the Radio.
9 Warranty 05 (Five) years from date of successful commissioning of system.
Warranty for All equipment including accessories will be 05 (Five)
Warranty for Repeater’s batteries will be 04(Four) years.
L Switch
1 Managed Ethernet Switch Managed Ethernet Switch 28 port (Hot–Standby controlling
system) Make: D-Link / Cisco / Netgear.
2 MDIX Ports a) 28 auto-sensing 10/ 100 ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10/
100Base -T, Media Auto-MDI/ MDIX adjustment for all twisted
pair port.
b) 1 RJ-45 serial console port
3 Memory and processor 16 MB flash or better , 128 MB SDRAM or better
packet buffer size: 1 MB or better
4 Performance
a) Routing/ Switching capacity ≥ 12.8 Gbps
b) MAC address table size 8,000 entries
1) Service and Spare Part support minimum for five Years and spare
availability within four weeks after receipt of supply order.
Service and
6 Spare Part 2) During warranty period defective equipments should be collected
support from C.S. Pune within a month after intimation and repaired
equipments should be returned back to C.S. Pune within two months
without fail, if not possible to repair, company must provide
replacement for those equipments.
Sr.No. Specifications
Make: Times Microwave Systems (LMR400) / Commscope (CNT400) /
Rosenberger (RTK400) / Huber Suhner (SPUMA400) with suitable Connectors.
B Configuration
Inner conductor Material Copper-clad aluminum wire
Dielectric Type Foam PE
Outer conductor Aluminum Tape
Overall Braid Tinned Copper
Jacket Material & Color PVC, Black
C Mechanical &Electrical Specification
Impedance 50 ±2Ω
Maximum Operating frequency 1000 MHz
Conductor Construction 2.74 ±0.10 mm
Outer conductor 7.39 ±0.10 mm
Overall Braid 8.13 ±0.10 mm
Dielectric diameter 7.24 ±0.10 mm
Jacket diameter 10.30 ±0.15 mm
D Attenuation (dB/ 100 mtr.)
Freq 50MHz 2.9
Freq 150MHz 5.0
Freq 220MHz 6.1
Freq 450MHz 8.9
Freq 900MHz 12.8
NOTE :- 1) Certificate from OEM for specification compliance confirming Make &
Type of
Product should be submitted.
2) Sample should be submitted with "N" Type male connector at both Ends.
2.Specifications for 1/2" Low Loss Foam-Dielectric RF Coaxial Cable
3. Specifications of Cable Preparation Tools For 1/2" Low Loss Foam-
Dielectric RF Coaxial Cable
Detailed Requirements for Repeater/Microwave Mounting Cabinet/Rack- size 34U
Free floor standing design with 04 (four) wheels (02wheels with break and 02 wheels
without break)
Vertically adjustable rack trays for Repeaters, batteries, PSU, Switch etc. with suitable
load bearing capacity.
8. Standard colour Black/Grey and total load bearing capacity minimum 500Kgs.
9. Appropriate grounding wires
AC 230V/32Amp Vertical power distribution unit with 05 pin sockets minimum
15nos., with switch and indicator .
11. Make- D-Link, Valrack, Netrack, Trynox, Eldon.
Specification for 12Volt 30 AMP float SMPS Charger
Component Required Specification
1 Rating 12Volt, Minimum 30 Amps.
Output voltage settable from 12.0v to 14.00v+/-0.25 by adjusting the
(V.adj.)Potentiometer provision on the front panel
2 Technology SMPS Type.
Charging All types of SMF and Lead acid Batteries.
3 Charging Mode Automatic shift on Boost mode(14.3+/-0.2V) to Float mode(13.5+/-0.2V)
4 Charging Cut Off 14.3V+/- 0.2V.
5 AC Input voltage range 170 to 270 Volts AC.
13 Manuals Bidder should provide operating and maintenance manual for each in hard and soft copy.
14 Service and spare part 1)Service & spare part support minimum for five years and spare availability
support within four weeks after receipt of supply order.
2) During warranty period defective equipments should be collected from C.S. Pune
within a month after intimation and repaired equipments should be returned back to
C.S. Pune within two months without fail, if not possible to repair, company must
provide replacement for those equipments.
15 Cabinet Material and CRCA Sheet and 1.2 mm
16 Warranty 03(THREE) years comprehensive warranty from date of successful
commissioning of system .(ATP)
Required documents
Sr.No Required documents Required documents Yes or No
1. Whether EMD submitted or exempted.
2. Whether registered with CSPO,DGS&D or as
SSI/NSIC or MSME for this particular Item quoted
3. G.S.T. Registration Number
4. Last 3 Years Income Tax Certificate and audited
Balance sheet from the competent authority.
5. Authorization letter given by OEM.
6. Original Tender Form with signature seal/ Rubber
Stamp and profile of the Bidder on company letter
7. Letter from manufacturer regarding model quoted in
tender confirms to specification.
8. Letter of authorized distributor / dealers for a
minimum period of 3 years.
9. Power of Attorney for signing the BID
10. Affidavit regarding not Blacklisted by the
Government of India or any state Government.
11. Whether service Centre / repair workshops are
available in Maharashtra
12. Model No. / Make & Catalogue / Photograph Given
13. Copy of the latest lab test report of NABL Approved
/Accredited lab.
14. Comparative chart of his product with specification
given by this office, and additional features if so, may
also be shown separately.
15. List of Clients and copies of supply order given or
16. Whether tenderer has given undertaking for supply of
spares or batteries during the life span of tendered