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Aviation Security Function Specific Training - Competency-Based Training

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1 Introduction

1.1 This guidance material can be used by Appropriate Authorities as a single reference source for competency
profiles for aviation security functions and competency-based training, complementing the guidance material in Chapter
8 of the ICAO Aviation Security Manual. The competency profiles can be used to support and enable the creation and
update of National Aviation Security Training Programmes (NCASTP), including the development of function specific
training and standardization across different training programmes.

2 Definitions

Generic competencies: A set of knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow the person to complete a task in a given
context, when applied in an integrated manner. (Frumkin & Gonzalez, 2016)

Function specific competencies: learning for the purpose of gaining specialized competencies and/or job credentials,
certification, authority, including training on technologies required for a specific function.

3 Competency-based training

3.1 The goal of competency-based training and assessment is to produce a competent workforce by providing
focused training. It does so by identifying key competencies that need to be achieved, determining the most effective
way of achieving them and establishing valid and reliable assessment tools to evaluate their achievement ( ICAO Doc
10147, 2021).

3.2 Personnel must be trained commensurate with the functions for which they are responsible. These
responsibilities are determined by the specific functions the personnel perform and not by their job titles. Concentrating
on functions and responsibilities rather than a job title or job description ensures that a person is competent to perform
assigned functions or responsibilities to an acceptable level ( ICAO Doc 10147, 2021).

3.3 Personnel may perform many functions such as screening (screeners) of persons (passengers and staff),
baggage (cabin and hold baggage), items carried and air cargo and main. They would need to be trained to perform
all of these functions competently. Personnel may perform only a small number of functions. They would need to be
trained only to perform those specific functions competently.

3.4 The main benefit of a competency-based approach to training and assessment is its potential to encourage
and enable personnel to reach their highest level of capability while ensuring a basic level of competence as a minimum
standard ( ICAO Doc 10147, 2021). It does this by:

a) targeting specific training needs;

b) supporting continuous learning and performance improvement;
c) gearing towards learning rather than simply passing a test;
d) ensuring the integration of the knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) needed to perform effectively; and
e) establishing sufficient, well-trained and competent instructors.

3.5 Ensuring personnel are able to perform their functions competently is critical to any organization. A competent
workforce mitigates the external and insider threats and reduces the risks for the aviation security system caused by
poor performance or miscommunication of job expectations. The consequences of employing an incompetent
workforce can be especially damaging, as this could result in costs and delays, and even more critically, it could result
in the introduction of security risks. A competency-based approach to training and assessment ensures that trainees
know what tasks they are expected to perform competently, and evaluators know what performance to assess.
4 Knowledge, skills and attitudes ( ICAO Doc 10147, 2021)

4.1 Knowledge. Knowledge is specific information required to enable a learner to develop and apply the skills
and attitudes to recall facts, identify concepts, apply rules or principles, solve problems, and think creatively in the
context of work. Knowledge is an outcome of the learning process, whether learning occurs in formal or informal. There
are different types of knowledge: declarative (e.g. facts and raw data), procedural (e.g. categorized/contextualized and
application of conditional if-then rules), strategic (e.g. synthesis, inference to guide resource allocation for decision
making, problem solving and behavioural action), and adaptive (e.g. generalization, innovation, and invention).

4.2 Skills. A skill is an ability to perform an activity or action. It is often divided into three types: motor, cognitive
and metacognitive skills. A motor skill is an intentional movement, involving a motor or muscular component, that must
be learned and voluntarily produced to proficiently perform a goal-oriented task. A cognitive skill is any mental skill used
in the process of acquiring knowledge, such as reasoning, perception and intuition. A metacognitive skill relates to the
ability of learners to monitor and direct their own learning processes (“thinking about thinking”); for example, planning
how to approach a given learning task, monitoring comprehension and evaluating progress toward the completion of a

4.3 Attitudes. Attitude is a persistent internal mental state or disposition that influences an individual’s choice of
personal action toward some object, person or event and that can be learned. Attitudes have affective components,
cognitive aspects and behavioural consequences. To demonstrate the “right” attitude, a learner needs to “know how to
be” in a given context.

5 Principles of competency-based training and assessment

5.1 A competency-based approach to training and assessment is based on the following principles ( ICAO Doc
10147, 2021):

a) relevant competencies are clearly defined for a particular role;

b) there is an explicit link between competencies and training, required performance on the job, and
c) competencies are formulated in a way that ensures they can be trained for, observed and assessed
consistently in a wide variety of work contexts for a given role;
d) trainees successfully demonstrate competency by meeting the associated competency standard;
e) each stakeholder in the process including the employer instructor, trainee, training organization and
Appropriate Authority has a common understanding of the competency standards;
f) clear performance criteria are established for assessing competence;
g) evidence of competent performance is valid and reliable;
h) instructors’ and assessors’ judgements are calibrated to achieve a high degree of inter-rater reliability;
i) assessment of competencies is based on multiple observations across multiple contexts; and
j) to be considered competent, an individual demonstrates an integrated performance of all the required
k) competencies to a specified standard.

6 Aviation security functions and responsabilities

6.1 This paragraph contains the identification of aviation security functions or responsibilities of the aviation
security personnel.
Table 6-1. List of aviation security functions and responsibilities of the aviation security personnel.

Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities

1.1.1. Person with general responsibility at local level

1.1 Airport Security
for ensuring that the airport security programme and
its implementation meet all legal provisions.

1.2.1. Person with general responsibility for ensuring

1.2 Air Carrier Security
that the air carrier security programme and its
implementation meet all legal provisions.

1.3.1. Regulated Agent Security Manager: Person at

each site who shall be responsible for the
implementation of the submitted regulated agent
security programme and its implementation meet all
1.3. Cargo Security
legal provisions.
Managers (Regulated Agent
1. Security Managers and Known Consignors)
1.3.2 Known Consignor Security Manager: Person at
each site who shall be responsible for the application
and supervision of the implementation of security
controls at that site.

1.4.1 Person at each site who shall be responsible

for the application and supervision of the
1.4 In-flight and Airport
implementation of security controls applied by an
Suppliers Security Managers
approved in-flight supplier or an approved airport

1.5 Security managers of

1.5.1 Person who shall be responsible for the
other entities responsible for
application and supervision of the implementation of
implementing security
security controls.

2.1 Persons directly supervising persons (screeners

2. Supervisors and other security staff) implementing security

3.1.1 Persons implementing screening of persons

3.1 Screeners - persons,
(passengers and staff), baggage (cabin and hold
baggage, items carried.
baggage) and items carried.

3.2 Screeners – Cargo and 3.2.1 Persons implementing screening of cargo and
3. Screeners
Mail mail.

3.3 Screeners – in-flight 3.3.1 Persons implementing screening of in-flight

supplies, airport supplies, air supplies, airport supplies, air carrier mail and
carrier mail and materials. materials.

4. Access Control of Persons (passengers and 4.1 Persons implementing access control of persons
staff) and Vehicles and vehicles.

5. Examination of Vehicles 5.1 Persons performing vehicle examinations.

6.1 Persons implementing surveillance and patrols.

6. Surveillance and Patrols
7.1 Aircraft Search 7.1.1 Persons implementing aircraft security

7.2 Aircraft Protection 7.2.1 Persons implementing aircraft protection.

7. Aircraft Security

7.3.1 Persons implementing in-flight security

7.3 In-flight Security

8.1 Persons implementing hold baggage

8. Hold baggage Reconciliation

9.1 Cargo and Mail 9.1.1 Persons implementing security controls for
cargo and mail other than screening.
9. Security controls
other than screening 9.2 In-flight supplies, airport 9.2.1 Persons implementing security controls for air
supplies, air carrier mail and carrier mail and materials, in-flight supplies and
materials. airport supplies other than screening.

10.1 Persons developing and/or delivering aviation

10. Instructors
security training.

11.1 Persons conducting a range of inspections and

11. Inspectors and Auditors audit activities to ensure aviation security
compliance, quality control and oversight activities.

6.2 The list in the Table 6-1, should be considered as a reference. States can add additional functions or
responsabilities as identified by the State and/or the appropriate authority.

7 Aviation security competency profiles

7.1 The Aviation Security Function Mapping Table (Attachment A to Appendix 8) defines for each specific function
a required competency profile composed by a generic competencies and function specific competencies to perform
assigned functions or responsibilities to an acceptable level.

7.2 The Aviation Security Function Mapping Table (Attachment A to Appendix 8) groups main function together
as categories, before splitting these down into sub-categories and specific functions or responsibilities. This allows the
document to be used as a reference tool for reviewing the training targeted for specific functions or responsibilities,
whilst harmonizing the training across all functions through the use of standardized competencies.

7.3 The generic and function specific competencies defined int the Aviation Security Function Mapping Table
(Attachment A to Appendix 8), should be considered as a minimum reference. States can add additional competencies
as identified by the State and/or the appropriate authority.

8 Development of aviation security function specific training based on competency profiles

8.1 The development of function specific training across the different categories and sub-categories should ensure
that, at the end of the training completion, all personnel is competent to perform their assigned function s to an
acceptable level.

8.2 For persons performing more than one specific function the development of training should take in
consideration the equivalence between the generic and function specific competencies of each category or sub-

Not applicable to in-flight security officers, for information on criteria refer to Chapter 12, paragraph 12.4.
category. For example, the development oftraining for personnel who performs screening (screeners) of persons
(passengers and staff), baggage (cabin and hold baggage), items carried and air cargo and mail should take into
consideration the following equivalences between competencies:

3.1 Screeners of persons (passengers and staff),

Equivalence between competencies
baggage (cabin and hold baggage),

3.1a)-3.2a); 3.1b)-3.2b); 3.1f)-3.2c); 3.1e)-3.2d); 3.1i)-

3.2e); 3.1j)-3.2f); 3.1m)-3.2h); 3.1n)-3.2i); 3.1o)-3.2j);
3.2 Screeners or air cargo and mail
3.1q)-3.2n); 3.1r)-3.2o); 3.1t)-3.2p); 3.1u)-3.2q);
Legend: Equivalent competencies; Partially equivalent competencies
Example pair of equivalence: 3.1a)-3.2a); the numbers are the sub-categories and the letters are the competencies
referring to each sub-category.

8.3 For the example above, the function specific training for screeners of persons (passengers and staff), baggage
(cabin and hold baggage), items carried and air cargo and mail should be based on competency profiles composed by
of all competencies listed in sub-categories 3.1 and 3.2 and should not repeat the competencies mentioned in the pairs
of equivalences, only one of the competencies in each pair should be considered.

8.4 For partially equivalent competencies the training should be adapted to the specificities of each specific
function. Partially equivalent competencies of functions of greater complexity and/or responsibility may be considered
as equivalent competencies in relation to functions of less complexity, for example the equivalence between the
Security Managers and Supervisors or Supervisors and persons to be supervised.

8.5 All pair of equivalences between all categories and sub-categories listed in the Aviation Security Function
Mapping Table (Attachment A to Appendix 8) are identified in the Matrix of Equivalences (Attachment B to Appendix

8.6 More information about the development of a training program, can be found in the paragraph 8.3.2 of the
Chapter 8.

ICAO Doc 10147. (2021). Guidance on a Competency-based Approach to Dangerous Goods Training and
Assessment DOC 10147 (First Edition ed.). Montreal, Canada: ICAO.

Frumkin, R., & Gonzalez, K. (2016). Handbook of Research on Effective Communication in Culturally
Diverse Classrooms. Harrisburg, PA, United States: Idea Group,U.S.

Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile

Generic competencies
1.1.1. Person with general responsibility at
a) Relate to the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
1.1 Airport Security local level for ensuring that the airport security
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
Managers programme and its implementation meet all
legal provisions. b) Be able to interpret and apply the aviation security legislative framework and relate
to aviation security programmes, including the understanding of the obligations and
responsibilities of persons implementing security controls, including those in the
1.2.1. Person with general responsibility for supply chain (cargo, inflight and airport supplier security managers);
1.2 Air Carrier Security ensuring that the air carrier security
Managers programme and its implementation meet all c) Explain access control systems, processes and procedures;
legal provisions.
d) Produce risk assessments and implement mitigation strategies to manage risk;
1.3.1. Regulated Agent Security Manager: e) Apply conflict management and decision-making skills;
Person at each site who shall be responsible
for the implementation of the submitted f) Outline and apply procedures for challenging persons and of circumstances in which
1.3. Cargo Security regulated agent security programme and its persons should be challenged or reported;
Managers (Regulated implementation meet all legal provisions.
g) Outline and apply reporting procedures in accordance with local and national
Agent and Known
1.3.2 Known Consignor Security Manager: requirements;
Person at each site who shall be responsible h) Associate how human behavior and responses can affect security performance;
for the application and supervision of the
implementation of security controls at that site. i) Apply clear and confident communication techniques in writing, speaking, listening
1. Security
1.4.1 Person at each site who shall be and gesturing;
1.4 In-flight and Airport responsible for the application and supervision j) Demonstrate project management, financial and human resources skills, including
Suppliers Security of the implementation of security controls selection criteria and recruitment principles;
Managers applied by an approved in-flight supplier or an
approved airport supplier. k) Be able to lead, manage and motivate others;
l) Identify elements to the establishment of a robust and resilient security culture in the
workplace, security campaigns and awareness training;
m) Identify prohibited articles;
n) Describe and recognize how prohibited articles may be concealed; and

1.5 Security managers of o) Identify and address insider threats by conducting risk assessments.
1.5.1 Person who shall be responsible for the
other entities responsible Function specific competencies
application and supervision of the
for implementing security
implementation of security controls. Airport Security Manager:
p) Knowledge of oversight management of safeguards and security control
q) Working knowledge of screening requirements, configurations of screening
checkpoints and screening process, capabilities and limitations of security
equipment and/or screening methods used;
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
r) Be able to interpret and apply internal, national, regional and international quality
control measures;
s) Apply security incident management principles and apply them in, contingency
planning and security exercises;
t) Be able to detect, prevent, respond and recover from security related incidents; and
u) Ability to interpret and apply requirements for Security Tamper Evident Bags
Air Carrier Security Manager:
v) Demonstrate knowledge of principles of hold baggage reconciliation and document
verification procedures;
w) Define measures for aircraft protection and searching processes;
x) Demonstrate knowledge on threat risk assessment, response procedures and
incident management;
y) Apply and explain processes and procedures in respect to inflight security and
inflight supplies, catering and cargo and mail;
z) Apply and explain procedures for carriage of firearms;
aa) Ability to interpret and apply requirements for Security Tamper Evident Bags
(STEBs); and
bb) Be able to detect, prevent, respond and recover from security related incidents.
Cargo and Known Consignor Security Managers
cc) Identify the principles and processes of secure supply chain;
dd) Demonstrate knowledge of selection and application of appropriate security
controls, including but not limited to screening methodologies; and
ee) Demonstrate and explain the requirements for high risk and high value cargo and
Inflight and Airport Supplies Security Managers (as applicable)
ff) Identify the principles and processes of secure supply chain;
gg) Demonstrate knowledge of selection and application of appropriate security
controls, including but not limited to screening methodologies; and
hh) Be able to detect, prevent, respond and recover from security related incidents.

Generic competencies
a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
2.1 Persons directly supervising persons
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
2. Supervisors (screeners and other security staff)
implementing security controls. b) Identify the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation security
programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
implementing security controls;
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
c) Apply and describe access control systems, processes and procedures;
d) Apply and explain procedures to challenge persons and circumstances in which
persons should be challenged or reported;
e) Apply and explain reporting procedures;
f) Apply and explain ways and techniques to identify prohibited articles;
g) Associate how human behavior and responses can affect security performance;
h) Be able to demonstrate clear and confident communication skills whether that be in
writing, speaking, listening or gesturing;
i) Identify elements to the establishment of a robust and resilient security culture in the
workplace, security campaigns and awareness training; and
j) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
reporting mechanisms.
Function specific competencies
In addition to the competencies of the persons to be supervised:
k) Apply supervisory tasks, including customer service and de-escalation techniques,
such as for roistering;
l) Apply the relevant legal requirements and explain how they should be met;
m) Ability to interpret and apply internal quality control procedures;
n) Be able to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles;
o) Be able to demonstrate the appropriate response emergency procedures and
respond appropriately to security related incidents; and
p) Be able to mentor, provide on-the-job training and to motivate others.
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require:
q) Demonstrate knowledge of conflict management and decision-making skills;
r) Working knowledge of capabilities and limitations of security equipment and/or
screening methods used;
s) Be able to implement standard operating procedures;
t) Apply alarm resolutions processes;
u) Identify and address insider threats and conduct mitigation methods;
v) Associate how human factors can affect security performance;
w) Be able to apply behavior detection principles/techniques; and
x) Demonstrate knowledge of personnel performance management.
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
Generic competencies
a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
b) Identify the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation security
programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
implementing security controls;
c) Identify and describe access control systems, processes and procedures;
d) Apply procedures for challenging persons and of circumstances in which persons
should be challenged or reported;
e) Apply reporting procedures;
f) Be able to identify prohibited articles;
g) Associate how human behavior and responses can affect security performance;
h) Be able to demonstrate clear and confident communication skills whether that be in
writing, speaking, listening or gesturing;
i) Describe the elements required to contribute to the establishment of a robust and
resilient security culture in the workplace in the aviation domain; and
j) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
3.1.1 Persons implementing screening of reporting mechanisms.
3.1 Screeners - persons,
3. Screeners persons (passengers and staff), baggage
baggage, items carried. Function specific competencies
(cabin and hold baggage) and items carried.
k) Describe the configuration of the screening checkpoint and the screening process;
l) Be able to detect prohibited articles;
m) Be able to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles;
n) Working knowledge of capabilities and limitations of security equipment and/or
screening methods used; and
o) Be able to demonstrate the appropriate response emergency procedures and
respond appropriately to security related incidents.
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require:
p) Apply effective clear and confident communication techniques, in particular when
dealing with cultural differences or with potentially disruptive passengers;
q) Describe the hand searching techniques;
r) Be able to carry out hand searches to a standard sufficient to reasonably ensure the
detection of concealed prohibited articles;
s) Explain exemptions from screening and special security procedures;
t) Be able to operate the security equipment used;
u) Be able to correctly interpret images produced by security equipment;
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
v) Explain the protection requirements for hold baggage;
w) Describe dangerous goods and their impact on the safety and security of flights; and
x) Be able to resolve alarms that arise during the screening process.
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require:
y) Be able to apply behavior detection principles/techniques.

Generic competencies
a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
b) Recognize the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation security
programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
implementing security controls in the supply chain;
c) Be able to identify prohibited articles;
d) Apply reporting procedures;
e) Describe the elements required to contribute to the establishment of a robust and
resilient security culture in the workplace in the aviation domain; and
f) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
reporting mechanisms.
Function specific competencies
g) Describe and recognize how prohibited articles may be concealed
3.2 Screeners – Cargo 3.2.1 Persons implementing screening of h) Be able to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles;
and Mail cargo and mail.
i) Working knowledge of capabilities and limitations of security equipment and/or
screening methods used;
j) Be able to demonstrate the appropriate response emergency procedures and
respond appropriately to security related incidents;
k) Describe the protection requirements for cargo and mail; and
l) Ability to interpret and apply screening requirements for cargo and mail, including
exemptions and special security procedures.
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require:
m) Describe the screening methods appropriate for different types of cargo and mail;
n) Describe the hand searching techniques;
o) Be able to carry out hand searches to a standard sufficient to reasonably ensure the
detection of concealed prohibited articles;
p) Be able to operate the security equipment used;
q) Be able to correctly interpret images produced by security equipment;
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
r) Explain the transportation requirements;
s) Describe dangerous goods and their impact on the safety and security of flights; and
t) Be able to resolve alarms that arise during the screening process.

Generic competencies
a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
b) Recognize the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation security
programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
implementing security controls in the supply chain;
c) Be able to identify prohibited articles;
d) Apply reporting procedures;
e) Describe the elements required to contribute to the establishment of a robust and
resilient security culture in the workplace in the aviation domain; and
f) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
reporting mechanisms.
Function specific competencies
3.3 Screeners – in-flight g) Describe and recognize how prohibited articles may be concealed;
3.3.1 Persons implementing screening of in-
supplies, airport supplies,
flight supplies, airport supplies, air carrier mail h) Be able to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles;
air carrier mail and
and materials.
materials. i) Working knowledge of capabilities and limitations of security equipment and/or
screening methods used; and
j) Be able to demonstrate the appropriate response emergency procedures and
respond appropriately to security related incidents.
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require:
k) Describe the hand searching techniques;
l) Be able to carry out hand searches to a standard sufficient to reasonably ensure the
detection of concealed prohibited articles;
m) Be able to operate the security equipment used;
n) Be able to correctly interpret images produced by security equipment;
o) Explain the protection and transportation requirements; and
p) Describe dangerous goods and their impact on the safety and security of flights;
q) Be able to resolve alarms that arise during the screening process.
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
Generic competencies
a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats
b) Identify the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation security
programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
implementing security controls;
c) Identify and describe access control systems, processes and procedures;
d) Apply procedures for challenging persons and of circumstances in which persons
should be challenged or reported;
e) Apply reporting procedures;
f) Be able to identify prohibited articles;
g) Associate how human behavior and responses can affect security performance;
h) Be able to demonstrate clear and confident communication skills whether that be in
writing, speaking, listening or gesturing;
i) Describe the elements required to contribute to the establishment of a robust and
4. Access Control of Persons (passengers 4.1 Persons implementing access control of resilient security culture in the workplace in the aviation domain; and
and staff) and Vehicles persons and vehicles.
j) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
reporting mechanisms.
Function specific competencies
k) Be able to interpret and apply legal requirements for access control, including
exemptions and special security procedures;
l) Be and use the access control systems available at an airport;
m) Be able to recognize and identify authorizations, including identification cards and
vehicle passes, providing access to airside areas;
n) Be able to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles;
o) Be able to demonstrate the appropriate response emergency procedures and
respond appropriately to security related incidents; and
p) Apply effective interpersonal skills, in particular how to deal with cultural differences
and with potentially disruptive passengers.
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require:
q) Be able to apply behavior detection principles/techniques.

Generic competencies
5. Examination of Vehicles 5.1 Persons performing vehicle examinations. a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
b) Identify the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation security
programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
implementing security controls;
c) Identify and describe access control systems, processes and procedures;
d) Apply procedures for challenging persons and of circumstances in which persons
should be challenged or reported;
e) Apply reporting procedures;
f) Be able to identify prohibited articles;
g) Associate how human behavior and responses can affect security performance;
h) Be able to demonstrate clear and confident communication skills whether that be in
writing, speaking, listening or gesturing;
i) Describe the elements required to contribute to the establishment of a robust and
resilient security culture in the workplace in the aviation domain; and
j) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
reporting mechanisms.
Function specific competencies
k) Be able to interpret and apply legal requirements for vehicle examinations, including
exemptions and special security procedures;
l) Describe and recognize how prohibited articles may be concealed;
m) Be able to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles;
n) Be able to demonstrate the appropriate response emergency procedures and
respond appropriately to security related incidents
o) Define the vehicle examination techniques; and
p) Be able to demonstrate vehicle examinations to a standard sufficient to reasonably
ensure the detection of concealed prohibited articles.
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require:
q) Be able to apply behavior detection principles/techniques.

Generic competencies
a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
b) Identify the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation security
6.1 Persons implementing surveillance and
6. Surveillance and Patrols programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
implementing security controls;
c) Identify and describe access control systems, processes and procedures;
d) Apply procedures for challenging persons and of circumstances in which persons
should be challenged or reported;
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
e) Apply reporting procedures;
f) Be able to identify prohibited articles;
g) Associate how human behavior and responses can affect security performance;
h) Be able to demonstrate clear and confident communication skills whether that be in
writing, speaking, listening or gesturing;
i) Describe the elements required to contribute to the establishment of a robust and
resilient security culture in the workplace in the aviation domain; and
j) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
reporting mechanisms.
Function specific competencies
k) Be able to interpret and apply the legal requirements for access control, including
exemptions and special security procedures;
l) Identify and use the access control systems available at an airport;
m) Be able to recognize and identify authorizations, including identification cards and
vehicle passes, providing access to airside areas;
n) Apply standard procedures for patrolling, including challenging persons and
circumstances in which persons should be challenged or reported;
o) Be able to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles;
p) Be able to demonstrate the appropriate response emergency procedures and
respond appropriately to security related incidents; and
q) Apply effective clear and confident communication techniques, in particular when
dealing with cultural differences or with potentially disruptive passengers.
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require:
r) Be able to apply behavior detection principles/techniques.

Generic competencies
a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
b) Identify the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation security
programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
implementing security controls;
7.1.1 Persons implementing aircraft security
7. Aircraft Security 7.1 Aircraft Search
searches. c) Identify and describe the access control and relevant screening systems processes
and procedures;
d) Apply reporting procedures;
e) Be able to identify prohibited articles;
f) Describe the elements required to contribute to the establishment of a robust and
resilient security culture in the workplace in the aviation domain; and
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
g) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
reporting mechanisms.
Function specific competencies
h) Be able to interpret and apply the legal requirements for aircraft security searches;
i) Be familiar with the configuration of the type(s) of aircraft on which the person is to
implement aircraft security searches;
j) Describe and recognize how prohibited articles may be concealed;
k) Be able to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles;
l) Be able to conduct aircraft security searches to a standard sufficient to reasonably
ensure the detection of concealed prohibited articles; and
m) Describe dangerous goods and their impact on the safety and security of flights.

Generic competencies
a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
b) Identify the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation security
programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
implementing security controls;
c) Identify and describe the access control and relevant screening systems processes
and procedures;
d) Apply reporting procedures;
e) Describe the elements required to contribute to the establishment of a robust and
resilient security culture in the workplace in the aviation domain; and
7.2.1 Persons implementing aircraft
7.2 Aircraft Protection f) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
reporting mechanisms.
Function specific competencies
g) Apply measures to protect and prevent unauthorized access to aircraft;
h) Apply procedures for sealing aircraft, if applicable for the person to be trained;
i) Apply procedures for challenging persons and of circumstances in which persons
should be challenged or reported; and
j) Be able to demonstrate the appropriate response emergency procedures and
respond appropriately to security related incidents.
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require:
k) Be able to apply behavior detection principles/techniques.
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
Generic competencies
Generic competencies should focus on the applicable security requirements and
procedures contained in the air carrier security program.
At minimum, they should include the following competencies:
a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
b) Identify the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation security
programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
implementing security controls; and
c) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
reporting mechanisms.
Function specific competencies
d) Be able to assess the seriousness of the occurrence;
e) Demonstrate capacity for communication and coordination capacity;
f) Identify and demonstrate appropriate self-defence responses;
g) Demonstrate correct use of non-lethal protective devices authorized by the
7.3.1 Persons implementing in-flight security Contracting State;
7.3 In-flight Security
measures2. h) Identify the behavior of terrorists so as to facilitate the ability to cope with hijacker
behavior and passenger responses;
i) Be able to deal with different types of threat, acquired through the simulation of
possible real threat situations on board an aircraft;
j) Be able to interpret and apply the protection procedures and access to the cockpit;
k) Be able to conduct aircraft search procedures, including identification of prohibited
l) Describe applicable procedures and demonstrate ability to deal with a bomb threat;
m) Describe the guidance on the least risk bomb locations;
n) Apply reporting procedures;
o) Apply procedures for challenging persons and of circumstances in which persons
should be challenged or reported;
p) Apply effective interpersonal skills, in particular how to deal with cultural differences
and with potentially disruptive passengers and unruly passengers; and
q) Describe the elements required to contribute to the establishment of a robust and
resilient security culture in the workplace in the aviation domain.
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require:

Not applicable to in-flight security officers, for information on criteria refer to the Chapter 12, paragraph 12.4.
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
r) Demonstrate the correct use of additional protective devices as authorized by the
Contracting State.

Generic competencies
a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
b) Recognize the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation security
programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
implementing security controls;
c) Describe the configuration of the screening checkpoint and the screening process;
d) Identify and describe the access control and relevant screening systems processes
and procedures;
e) Apply reporting procedures;
8.1 Persons implementing hold baggage f) Describe the elements required to contribute to the establishment of a robust and
8. Hold baggage Reconciliation
reconciliation resilient security culture in the workplace in the aviation domain; and
g) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
reporting mechanisms.
Function specific competencies
h) Be able to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles;
i) Be able to demonstrate the appropriate response emergency procedures and
respond appropriately to security related incidents;
j) Be able to interpret and apply passenger and hold baggage reconciliation
requirements and techniques; and
k) Be able to interpret and apply protection requirements for air carrier materials used
for passenger and baggage processing.

Generic competencies
a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
b) Recognize the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation security
programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
9. Security implementing security controls in the supply chain;
9.1.1 Persons implementing security controls
controls other than 9.1 Cargo and Mail
for cargo and mail other than screening. c) Apply procedures for challenging persons and of circumstances in which persons
should be challenged or reported;
d) Apply reporting procedures;
e) Be able to identify prohibited articles;
f) Describe the elements required to contribute to the establishment of a robust and
resilient security culture in the workplace in the aviation domain; and
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
g) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
reporting mechanisms.
Function specific competencies
h) Describe and recognize how prohibited articles may be concealed;
i) Be able to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles;
j) Be able to interpret and apply protection requirements for cargo and mail; and
k) Be able to interpret and apply transportation requirements of cargo and mail, if
In addition, where the person holds an airport identification card:
l) Identify the configuration of the screening checkpoint and the screening process;
m) Identify and describe the access control and relevant screening systems processes
and procedures; and
n) Be able to demonstrate the appropriate response emergency procedures and
respond appropriately to security related incidents.

Generic competencies
a) Recognize the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
b) Recognize with the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation
security programmes, including the understanding of the responsibilities of persons
implementing security controls in the supply chain;
c) Apply procedures for challenging persons and of circumstances in which persons
should be challenged or reported;
d) Apply reporting procedures;

9.2 In-flight supplies, 9.2.1 Persons implementing security controls e) Be able to identify prohibited articles;
airport supplies, air for air carrier mail and materials, in-flight f) Describe the elements required to contribute to the establishment of a robust and
carrier mail and supplies and airport supplies other than resilient security culture in the workplace in the aviation domain; and
materials. screening.
g) Recognize suspicious behaviours indicative of insider threat and understand
reporting mechanisms.
Function specific competencies
h) Describe and recognize how prohibited articles may be concealed;
i) Be able to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles;
j) Be able to interpret and apply protection requirements for air carrier mail and
materials, in-flight supplies and airport supplies, as applicable; and
k) Be able to interpret and apply transportation requirements, if applicable.
In addition, where the person holds an airport identification card:
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
l) Identify the configuration of the screening checkpoint and the screening process;
m) Identify and describe the access control and relevant screening systems processes
and procedures; and
n) Be able to demonstrate the appropriate response emergency procedures and
respond appropriately to security related incidents.

Generic competencies
a) Relate to the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
b) Be able to illustrate the aviation security legislative framework and relate to aviation
security programmes;
c) Be able to identify and explain security technologies and techniques;
d) Explain access control systems, processes and procedures;
e) Clearly explain procedures for challenging persons and circumstances in which
persons should be challenged or reported;
f) Clearly explain reporting procedures;
g) Outline and explain emergency procedures and how to respond appropriately to
security related incidents;
h) Explain ways and techniques to identify prohibited articles;
i) Demonstrate how human behavior and responses can affect security performance;

10.1 Persons developing and/or delivering j) Apply clear and confident communication techniques in writing, speaking, listening
10. Instructors and gesturing;
aviation security training.
k) Define elements to establish a robust and resilient security culture in the workplace,
by implementing security campaigns and awareness training; and
l) Explain how to identify insider threats, including methods of reporting.
Function specific competencies
m) Apply a system’s approach to the analysis, design, development, delivery and
evaluation of training;
n) Demonstrate proficiency in the subject matter of the training programme;
o) Be able to share information that captures the learner’s interest taking into account
the different learning styles and abilities;
p) Apply instructional aids such as equipment, techniques and other resources to make
an environment that is conducive to adult learning;
q) Be able to design and carry-out authentic scenario-based exercises relating to the
subject matter;
r) Be able to work collaboratively with others in order to optimize the learning
experience; and
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
s) If applicable, competency in instructional techniques, recognized by the appropriate
training authority of the Contracting State.
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person to be trained concerned so require:
t) Be able to explain and demonstrate behavior detection and techniques;

Generic competencies
a) Relate to the impact of previous acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation,
including but not limited to current and evolving threats;
b) Be able to interpret and apply the aviation security legislative framework and relate
to aviation security programmes;
c) Be able to identify and explain security technologies and techniques;
d) Explain access control systems, processes and procedures;
e) Apply procedures for challenging persons and circumstances in which persons
should be challenged or reported;
f) Apply reporting procedures;
g) Apply emergency procedures during security incidents and respond appropriately to
security related incidents;
h) Apply techniques to identify prohibited articles;
i) Associate how human behavior and responses can affect security performance;
11.1 Persons conducting a range of
inspections and audit activities to ensure j) Apply clear and confident communication techniques in writing, speaking, and
11. Inspectors and Auditors listening;
aviation security compliance, quality control
and oversight activities. k) Assess security campaigns and awareness training for a robust and resilient security
l) Identify and address insider threats by conducting risk assessments; and
m) Be able to influence stakeholders to adhere to regulatory requirements and address
security concerns.
Function specific competencies
n) Perform quality control activities, inspections and audits to address compliance
o) Assess the establishment, implementation and maintenance of national
p) Describe current applicable security measures and how they are applied to the
operations being examined;
q) Working knowledge of security technologies and techniques;
r) Apply compliance monitoring principles, procedures, techniques and risk based
Categories Sub-Categories Functions/Responsibilities Required competency profile
s) Describe the role and powers of the inspector/auditor; and
t) Be able to deal with security issues and incidents as they emerge.
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person to concerned so require:
u) Apply behavior detection and techniques during inspections, surveys, audits and
9. Security controls other
1. Security Managers 3. Screeners 7. Aircraft Security
than screening
4. Access
Control of 8. Hold
5. 6. 11.
Persons baggage 10.
Equivalences 2. Supervisors Examination Surveillance Inspectors
(passengers Reconciliatio Instructors
between 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 3.1. 3.2 3.3 of Vehicles and Patrols 7.1 7.2 7.3 9.1 9.2 and Auditors
and staff) n
competencies and Vehicles

1a)-3.1a); 1a)-10a); 1a)-11a);

1a)-9.1a); 1a)-9.2);
1a)-2a); 1b)-2b); 1b)-3.1b); 1b)-10b); 1b)-11b);
1b)-9.1b); 1b)-9.2b);
All 1c)-2c); 1f)-2d); 1c)-3.1c); 1a)-3.2a); 1a)-3.3a); 1a)-5a); 1b)- 1a)-6a); 1b- 1a)-7.1a); 1c)-10d); 1c)-11d);
1a)-4a); 1b)- 1a)-7.2a); 1a)-7.3a); 1f)-9.1c); 1f)-c9.2c);
generic All 1g)-2e); 1h)- 1f)-3.1d); 1b)-3,2b); 1b)-3.3b); 5b); 1c)-5c); 6b); 1c)-6c); 1b)-7.1b); 1f)-10e); 1f)-11e);
All All 4b); 1c)-4c); 1b)-7.2b); 1b)-7.3b); 1a)-8a); 1b)- 1g)-9.1d); 1g)-9.2d);
compet generic 2g); 1i)-2h) 1l)- 1g)-3.1e); 1m)-3.2c) 1m)-3.3c); 1f)-5d); 1g)- 1f)-6d); 1g)- 1c)-7.1c); 1g)-10f); 1g)-11f);
generic generic 1g)-4e); 1f)- 1c)-7.2c); 1i)-7.3e); 8b); 1q)-8c); 1m)-9.1e); 1m)-9.2e);
1.1 encies; compet 2i); 1m)-2f); 1r)- 1h)-3.1.g); 1g)-3.2d); 1n)-3.3g); 5e); 1h)-5g); 6e); 1h)- 1g)-7.1d); 1m)-10h); 1t)-11g);
compet compet 4d) 1h)-4g); 1g)-7.2d); 1g)-7.3n); 1c-8d); 1g)- 1l)-9.1f); 1l)-9.2f);
1t)- encies; 2m); 1k)-2p); 1m)-3.1f); 1l)-3.2e); 1g)-3.3d); 1m)-5f); 1i)- 6g); 1i)-6h); 1m)-7.1e); 1t)-10g) 1h)- 1m)-11g);
encies encies 1m)-4f); 1i)- 1l)-7.2e); 1f)-7.3o); 8e); 1l)-8f) 1n)-9.1h); 1n)-9.2h);
1bb); 1t)-1hh) 1e)-2q); 1q)-2r); 1l-3.1i); 1q) 1n)-3.2g); 1l)-3.3e); 5h); 1n)-5l); 1l)-6i); 1m)- 1l)-7.1f); 10i); 1i)- 1h)-11i); 1i)-
4h); 1l)-4i) 1f)-7.2i) 1l)-7.3q) 1q)-9.1l); 1q)-9.2l);
1u)-1aa) 1o)-2u): 1j)-2x); -3.1k); 1q)- 1.q)-3.2i) 1q)-3.3i) 1i)-5i) 6f); 1n)-7.1j) 10j); 1l)- 11j); 1l)-
1c)-9.1m): 1c)-9.2m):
1t)-2o) 3.1n); 1i)- 10k); 1o)- 11k); 1o)-
1q)-9.1m) 1q)-9.2m)
3.1p) 10l) 11l)
1a)-10a); 1a)-11a);
1a)-9.1a); 1a)-9.2a); 1b)-10b); 1b)-11b);
1a)-2a); 1b)-2b); 1b)-3.1b); 1a)-5a); 1b)- 1a)-6a); 1b-
All 1a)-3.2a); 1a)-3.3a); 1a)-4a); 1b)- 1a)-7.1a); 1a)-7.2a); 1b)-9.1b); 1b)-9.2b); 1c)-10d); 1c)-11d);
All 1c)-2c); 1f)-2d); 1c)-3.1c); 5b); 1c)-5c); 6b); 1c)-6c); 1a)-7.3a); 1a)-8a); 1b)-
generic 1b)-3,2b); 1b)-3.3b); 4b); 1c)-4c); 1b)-7.1b); 1b)-7.2b); 1f)-9.1c); 1f)-c9.2c); 1f)-10e); 1f)-11e);
All generic All 1g)-2e); 1h)- 1f)-3.1d); 1f)-5d); 1g)- 1f)-6d); 1g)- 1b)-7.3b); 8b); 1q)-8c);
compet 1m)-3.2c) 1m)-3.3c); 1g)-4e); 1f)- 1c)-7.1c); 1c)-7.2c); 1g)-9.1d); 1g)-9.2d); 1g)-10f); 1g)-11f);
generic compet generic 2g); 1i)-2h) 1l)- 1g)-3.1e); 5e); 1h)-5g); 6e); 1h)- 1i)-7.3e); 1c-8d); 1g)-
1.2 encies; 1g)-3.2d); 1n)-3.3g); 4d) 1h)-4g); 1g)-7.1d); 1g)-7.2d); 1m)-9.1e); 1m)-9.2e); 1m)-10h); 1m)-11g);
compet encies; compet 2i); 1m)-2f); 1k)- 1h)-3.1.g); 1m)-5f); 1i)- 6g); 1i)-6h); 1g)-7.3n); 8e); 1l)-8f);
1t)- 1l)-3.2e) 1g)-3.3d); 1m)-4f); 1i)- 1m)-7.1e); 1l)-7.2e); 1l)-9.1f); 1l)-9.2f); 1h)-10i); 1i)- 1h)-11i); 1i)-
encies 1bb)- encies 2p); 1e)-2q); 1m)-3.1f); 5h); 1n)-5l); 1l)-6i); 1m)- 1f)-7.3o); 1v)-8j);
1bb); 1n)-3.2g); 1l)-3.3e); 4h); 1l)-4i); 1l)-7.1f); 1f)-7.2i); 1n)-9.1h); 1n)-9.2h); 10j); 1l)- 11j); 1l)-
1hh) 1o)-2u): 1j)-2x); 1l-3.1i); 1i)- 1i)-5i) 1bb)- 6f); 1bb)- 1l)-7.3q) 1bb)-8i)
1u)-1aa) 1bb)-3.2j) 1bb)-3.3j) 1bb)-4o) 1n)-7.1j) 1bb)-7.2j) 1c)-9.1m); 1c)-9.2m); 10k); 1o)- 11k); 1o)-
1bb-2o) 3.1p); 1bb)- 5n) 6p)
1bb)-9.1n) 1bb)-9.2n) 10l); 1bb)- 11l); 1bb)-
10g) 11g)
1a)-10a); 1a)-11a);
1a)-3.1a); 1a)-9.1a); 1a)-9.2a);
1b)-10b); 1b)-11b);
1a)-2a); 1b)-2b); 1b)-3.1b); 1a)-3.2a); 1a)-3.3a); 1a)-5a); 1b)- 1a)-6a); 1b- 1a)-7.1a); 1b)-9.1b); 1b)-9.2b);
1a)-4a); 1b)- 1a)-7.3a); 1a)-7.3a); 1c)-10d); 1c)-11d);
1c)-2c); 1f)-2d); 1c)-3.1c); 1b)-3.2b); 1b)-3.3b); 5b); 1c)-5c); 6b); 1c)-6c); 1b)-7.1b); 1f)-9.1c); 1f)-9.2c);
All All All All 4b); 1c)-4c); 1b)-7.3b); 1b)-7.3b); 1a)-8a); 1b)- 1f)-10e); 1f)-11e);
1g)-2e); 1h)- 1f)-3.1d); 1m)-3.2c) 1m)-3.3c); 1f)-5d); 1g)- 1f)-6d); 1g)- 1c)-7.1c); 1g)-9.1d); 1g)-9.2d);
generic generic generic generic 1g)-4e); 1f)- 1i)-7.3e); 1i)-7.3e); 8b); 1q)-8c); 1g)-10f); 1g)-11f);
1.3. 2g); 1i)-2h) 1l)- 1g)-3.1e); 1g)-3.2d); 1n)-3.3g); 5e); 1h)-5g); 6e); 1h)- 1g)-7.1d); 1m)-9.1e); 1m)-9.2e);
compet compet compet compet 4d) 1h)-4g); 1g)-7.3n); 1g)-7.3n); 1c-8d); 1g)- 1m)-10h); 1m)-11g);
2i); 1m)-2f); 1k)- 1h)-3.1.g); 1l)-3.2e) 1g)-3.3d); 1m)-5f); 1i)- 6g); 1i)-6h); 1m)-7.1e); 1l)-9.1f); 1l)-9.2f);
encies encies encies encies 1m)-4f); 1i)- 1f)-7.3o); 1f)-7.3o); 8e); 1l)-8f) 1h)-10i); 1i)- 1h)-11i); 1i)-
2p); 1e)-2q); 1m)-3.1f); 1n)-3.2g); 1l)-3.3e); 5h); 1n)-5l); 1l)-6i); 1m)- 1l)-7.1f); 1n)-9.1h); 1n)-9.2h);
4h); 1l)-4i) 1l)-7.3q) 1l)-7.3q) 10j); 1l)- 11j); 1l)-
1o)-2u): 1j)-2x) 1l-3.1i); 1i)- 1cc)-3.2b) 1cc)-3.3b) 1i)-5i) 6f); 1n)-7.1j) 1c)-9.1m); 1c)-9.2m);
10k); 1o)- 11k); 1o)-
3.1p) 1cc)-9.1b) 1cc)-9.2b)
10l) 11l);
1a)-10a); 1a)-11a);
1a)-3.1a); 1a)-9.1a); 1a)-9.2a);
1b)-10b); 1b)-11b);
1a)-2a); 1b)-2b); 1b)-3.1b); 1a)-3.2a); 1a)-3.3a); 1a)-5a); 1b)- 1a)-6a); 1b- 1b)-9.1b); 1b)-9.2b);
1a)-4a); 1b)- 1a)-7.1a); 1a)-7.2a); 1c)-10d); 1c)-11d);
All 1c)-2c); 1f)-2d); 1c)-3.1c); 1b)-3.2b); 1b)-3.3b); 5b); 1c)-5c); 6b); 1c)-6c); 1a)-7.3a); 1a)-8a); 1b)- 1f)-9.1c); 1f)-9.2c);
All 4b); 1c)-4c); 1b)-7.1b); 1b)-7.2b); 1f)-10e); 1f)-11e);
generic All All 1g)-2e); 1h)- 1f)-3.1d); 1m)-3.2c) 1m)-3.3c); 1f)-5d); 1g)- 1f)-6d); 1g)- 1b)-7.3b); 8b); 1q)-8c); 1g)-9.1d); 1g)-9.2d);
generic 1g)-4e); 1f)- 1c)-7.1c); 1c)-7.2c); 1g)-10f); 1g)-11f);
compet generic generic 2g); 1i)-2h) 1l)- 1g)-3.1e); 1g)-3.2d); 1n)-3.3g); 5e); 1h)-5g); 6e); 1h)- 1i)-7.3e); 1c-8d); 1g)- 1m)-9.1e); 1m)-9.2e);
1.4 compet 4d) 1h)-4g); 1g)-7.1d); 1g)-7.2d); 1m)-10h); 1m)-11g);
encies; compet compet 2i); 1m)-2f); 1k)- 1h)-3.1.g); 1l)-3.2e) 1g)-3.3d); 1m)-5f); 1i)- 6g); 1i)-6h); 1g)-7.3n); 8e); 1l)-8f); 1l)-9.1f); 1l)-9.2f);
encies; 1m)-4f); 1i)- 1m)-7.1e); 1l)-7.2e); 1h)-10i); 1i)- 1h)-11i); 1i)-
1bb)- encies encies 2p); 1e)-2q); 1m)-3.1f); 1n)-3.2g); 1l)-3.3e); 5h); 1n)-5l); 1l)-6i); 1m)- 1f)-7.3o); 1v)-8j); 1n)-9.1h); 1n)-9.2h);
1t)-1hh) 4h); 1l)-4i); 1l)-7.1f); 1f)-7.2i); 10j); 1l)- 11j); 1l)-
1hh) 1o)-2u): 1j)-2x); 1l-3.1i); 1i)- 1ff)-3.2b); 1ff)-3.3b), 1i)-5i); 1hh)- 6f); 1hh)- 1l)-7.3q) 1hh)-8i) 1c)-9.1m); 1c)-9.2m);
1hh)-4o) 1n)-7.1j) 1hh)-7.2j) 10k); 1o)- 11k); 1o)-
1hh)-2o) 3.1p); 1hh)- 1hh)-3.2j) 1hh)-3.3j) 5n) 6p) 1ff)-9.1b); 1ff)-9.2b);
10l); 1hh)- 11l); 1hh)-
3.1o) 1hh)-9.1n) 1hh)-9.2n)
10g) 11g)
1a)-10a); 1a)-11a);
1a)-3.1a); 1a)-9.1a); 1a)-9.2a); 1b)-10b); 1b)-11b);
1a)-2a); 1b)-2b); 1b)-3.1b); 1a)-5a); 1b)- 1a)-6a); 1b- 1a)-7.1a); 1b)-9.1b); 1b)-9.2b); 1c)-10d); 1c)-11d);
1a)-3.2a); 1a)-3.3a); 1a)-4a); 1b)- 1a)-7.2a); 1a)-7.3a);
1c)-2c); 1f)-2d); 1c)-3.1c); 5b); 1c)-5c); 6b); 1c)-6c); 1b)-7.1b); 1f)-9.1c); 1f)-9.2c); 1f)-10e); 1f)-11e);
All All All All 1b)-3.2b); 1b)-3.3b); 4b); 1c)-4c); 1b)-7.2b); 1b)-7.3b); 1a)-8a); 1b)-
1g)-2e); 1h)- 1f)-3.1d); 1f)-5d); 1g)- 1f)-6d); 1g)- 1c)-7.1c); 1g)-9.1d); 1g)-9.2d); 1g)-10f); 1g)-11f);
generic generic generic generic 1m)-3.2c) 1m)-3.3c); 1g)-4e); 1f)- 1c)-7.2c); 1i)-7.3e); 8b); 1q)-8c);
1.5 2g); 1i)-2h) 1l)- 1g)-3.1e); 5e); 1h)-5g); 6e); 1h)- 1g)-7.1d); 1m)-9.1e); 1m)-9.2e); 1m)-10h); 1t)-11g);
compet compet compet compet 1g)-3.2d); 1n)-3.3g); 4d) 1h)-4g); 1g)-7.2d); 1g)-7.3n); 1c-8d); 1g)-
2i); 1m)-2f); 1k)- 1h)-3.1.g); 1m)-5f); 1i)- 6g); 1i)-6h); 1m)-7.1e); 1l)-9.1f); 1l)-9.2f); 1t)-10g) 1h)- 1m)-11g);
encies; encies encies encies 1l)-3.2e) 1g)-3.3d); 1m)-4f); 1i)- 1l)-7.2e); 1f)-7.3o); 8e); 1l)-8f)
2p); 1e)-2q); 1m)-3.1f); 5h); 1n)-5l); 1l)-6i); 1m)- 1l)-7.1f); 1n)-9.1h); 1n)-9.2h); 10i); 1i)- 1h)-11i); 1i)-
1n)-3.2g) 1l)-3.3e) 4h); 1l)-4i); 1f)-7.2i) 1l)-7.3q)
1o)-2u): 1j)-2x); 1l-3.1i); 1i)- 1i)-5i) 6f); 1n)-7.1j) 1q)-9.1l); 1q)-9.2l); 10j); 1l)- 11j); 1l)-
3.1p) 1c)-9.1m) 1c)-9.2m) 10k); 1o)- 11k); 1o)-
10l) 11l)
1b)-2b); 1a)-2a); 1a)-2a);
1a)-2a); 1a)-2a); 2b)-3.1b);
1c)-2c); 1b)-2b); 1b)-2b);
1b)-2b); 1b)-2b); 2c)-3.1c); 2a)-10a);
1f)-2d); 1c)-2c); 1c)-2c); 2a)-4a); 2b)- 2a)-5a); 2b)- 2a)-6a); 2b)- 2a)-7.1a); 2a)-9.1a); 2a)-9.2a);
1c)-2c); 1c)-2c); 2d)-3.1d); 2a)-3.2a); 1b)-10b); 2a)-11a);
1g)-2e); 1f)-2d); 1f)-2d); 2a)-3.3a); 4b); 2c)-4c); 5b); 2c)-5c); 6b); 2c)-6c); 2b)-7.1b); 2a)-7.2a); 2a)-7.3a); 2b)-9.2b); 2b)-9.2b);
1f)-2d); 1f)-2d); 2e)-3.1e); 2b)-3.2b); 2c)-10d); 1b)-11b);
1h)-2g); 1g)-2e); 1g)-2e); 2b)-3.3b); 2d)-4d); 2e)- 2d)-5d); 2e)- 2d)-6d); 2e)- 2c)-7.1c); 2b)-7.2b); 2b)-7.3b); 2c)-9.1m); 2c)-9.2m);
1g)-2e); 1g)-2e); 2f)-3.1f); 2e)-3.2d); 2a)-8a); 2b)- 2d)-10e); 2d)-11e);
1i)-2h) 1h)-2g); 1h)-2g); 2e)-3.3d); 4e); 2f)-4f); 5e); 2f)-5f); 6e); 2f-6f); 2e)-7.1d); 2c)-7.2c); 2d)-7.3o); 2d)-9.1c); 2d)-9.2c);
1h)-2g); 1h)-2g); 2g)-3.1g); 2f)-3.2c); 8b); 2c)-8d); 2e)-10f); 2f)- 2e)-11f); 2f)-
1l)-2i); 1i)-2h) 1i)-2h) 2f)-3.3c); 2g)-4g); 2g)-5g); 2bg)-6g); 2f)-7.1e); 2d)-7.2i); 2e)-7.3n); 2e)-9.1d); 2e)-9.2d);
2. 1i)-2h) 1i)-2h) 2h)-3.1h); 2i)-3.2e); 2e)-8e); 2i)- 10h); 2g)- 11h); 2g)-
1m)-2f); 1l)-2i); 1l)-2i); 2i)-3.3e); 2h)-4h); 2i)- 2h)-5h); 2i)- 2h)-6h); 2i)- 2.1i)-7.1f); 2e)-7.2d); 2f)-7.3k); 2f)-9.1e); 2f)-9.2e);
1l)-2i); 1l)-2i); 2i)-3.1i); 2j)- 2j)-3.2f); 8f); 2j)-8g); 10i); 2h)- 11i); 2h)-
1r)-2m); 1m)-2f); 1m)-2f); 2j)-3.3f); 4i); 2j)-4f); 5i); 2j)-5j); 6i), 2j)-6j); 2j)-7.1g); 2i)-7.2e); 2h)-7.3e); 2i)-9.1f); 2j)- 2i)-9.2f); 2j)-
1m)-2f); 1m)-2f); 3.1j); 2n)- 2n)-3.2h); 2o)-8i) 10j); 2i)- 11j); 2i)-
1k)-2p); 1k)-2p); 1k)-2p); 2n)-3.3h); 2n)-4n; 2o)- 2n)-5m); 2n)-6o); 2n)-7.1k) 2j)-7.2f); 2i)-7.3q); 9.1g); 2n)- 9.2g); 2n)-
1k)-2p); 1k)-2p); 3.1m); 2o)- 2o-3.2j); 2r)- 10k); 2u)- 11k); 2o)-
1e)-2q); 1e)-2q); 1e)-2q); 2o)-3.3j) 4o); 2w)- 2o)-5n); 2o)-6p); 2o)-7.1p); 2o)-7.2j) 2j)-7.3c); 9.1i); 2o)- 9.2i); 2o)-
1e)-2q); 1e)-2q); 3.1o); 2r)- 3.2i) 10l); 2w)- 11t)
1q)-2r); 1o)-2u): 1o)-2u): 4q); 2c)-4l) 2w)-5q) 2w)-6r) 2w)-7.1r) 9.1n) 9.2n)
1o)-2u): 1o)-2u): 3.1n); 2t)- 10t)
1o)-2u): 1j)-2x); 1j)-2x);
1j)-2x) 1j)-2x) 3.1x); 2w)-
1j)-2x); 1bb-2o) 1hh)-2o)
9. Security controls other
1. Security Managers 3. Screeners 7. Aircraft Security
than screening
4. Access
Control of 8. Hold
5. 6. 11.
Persons baggage 10.
Equivalences 2. Supervisors Examination Surveillance Inspectors
(passengers Reconciliatio Instructors
between 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 3.1. 3.2 3.3 of Vehicles and Patrols 7.1 7.2 7.3 9.1 9.2 and Auditors
and staff) n
competencies and Vehicles

1a)- 1a)-
3.1a); 3.1a);
1b)- 1a)- 1a)-
1b)- 1b)-
3.1b); 3.1a); 3.1a); 3.1a)-3.2a): 3.1a)-3.3a);
3.1b); 3.1b);
1c)- 1b)- 1b)- 3.1b)-3.2b); 3.1b)-3.3b);
1c)- 1c)- 2a)-3.1a); 2b)- 3.1a)-9.1a); 3.1a)-9.2a);
3.1c); 3.1b); 3.1b); 3.1f)-3.2c); 3.1e)-3.3d); 3.1a)-10a);
3.1c); 3.1c); 3.1b); 2c)-3.1c); 3.1a)-7.1a); 3.1a)-8a); 3.1b)-9.1b); 3.1b)-9.2b); 3.1a)-11a);
1f)- 1c)- 1c)- 3.1e)-3.2d); 3.1f)-3.3c); 3.1a)-7.2a); 3.1b)-10b;
1f)- 1f)- 2d)-3.1d); 2e)- All generic All generic 3.1b)-7.1b); 3.1b)-8b); 3.1c)-9.1m); 3.1c)-9.2m); 3.1b)-11b);
3.1d); 3.1c); 3.1c); 3.1i)-3.2e); 3.1i)-3.3e); All generic 3.1b)-7.2b); 3.1a)-7.3a); 3.1c)-10d):
3.1d); 3.1d); 3.1e); 2f)-3.1f); competenci competenci 3.1c)-7.1c); 3.1c)-8d); 3.1d)-9.1c); 3.1d)-9.2c); 3.1c)-11d);
1g)- 1f)- 1f)- 3.1j)-3.2f): 3.1j)-3.3f); competenci 3.1c)-7.2c), 3.1b)-7.3b); 3.1d)-10e);
1g)- 1g)- 2g)-3.1g); 2h)- es; 3.1m)- es; 3.1m)- 3.1e)-7.1d); 3.1e)-8e); 3.1e)-9.1d); 3.1e)-9.2d); 3.1d)-11e);
3.1e); 3.1d); 3.1d); 3.1m)-3.2h); 3.1m)-3.3h); es; 3.1m)- 3.1e)-7.2d); 3.1c)-7.3o); 3.1e)-10f);
3.1. 3.1e); 3.1e); 3.1h); 2i)-3.1i); 4n); 3.1o)- 6o); 3.1o)- 3.1f)-7.1e); 3.1i)-8f); 3.1f)-9.1e); 3.1f)-9.2e); 3.1e)-11f);
1h)- 1g)- 1g)- 3.1n)-3.2i); 3.1n)-3.3i); 5m); 3.1o)- 3.1i)-7.2e); 3.1e)-7.3n); 3.1f)-10h);
1h)- 1h)- 2j)-3.1j); 2n)- 4o); 3.1p)- 6p); 3.1p)- 3.1i)-7.1f); 3.1j)-8g); 3.1i)-9.1f); 3.1i)-9.2f); 3.1f)-11h);
3.1.g); 3.1e); 3.1e); 3.1o)-3.2j); 3.1o)-3.3j); 5n); 3.1y)- 3.1j)-7.1f); 3.1i)-7.3q); 3.1g)-10i);
3.1.g); 3.1.g); 3.1m); 2o)- 4p); 3.1y)- 6q); 3.1y)- 3.1j)-7.1g); 3.1k)-8c); 3.1j).9.1g); 3.1j).9.2g); 3.1g)-11i);
1m)- 1h)- 1h)- 3.1q)-3.2n); 3.1q)-3.3k); 5q) 3.1o)-7.2j); 3.1j)-7.3c) 3.1h)-10j);
1m)- 1m)- 3.1o); 2r)-3.1n); 4q) 6r) 3.1k)-7.1c); 3.1m)-8h); 3.1k)-9.1l); 3.1k)-9.2l); 3.1h)-11j);
3.1f); 1l- 3.1.g); 3.1.g); 3.1r)-3.2o); 3.1r)-3.3l); 3.1y)-7.2k) 3.1i)-10k);
3.1f); 1l- 3.1f); 1l- 2t)-3.1x); 2w)- 3.1m)7.1k) 3.1o)-8i) 3.1m)-9.1i); 3.1m)-9.2i); 3.1o)-11g)
3.1i); 1m)- 1m)- 3.1t)-3.2p); 3.1t)-3.3m); 3.1o)-10g)
3.1i); 3.1i); 3.1y) 3.1o)-9.1n) 3.1o)-9.2n)
1q) - 3.1f); 1l- 3.1f); 1l- 3.1u)-3.2q); 3.1u)-3.3n);
1i)- 1i)-
3.1k); 3.1i); 3.1i); 3.1x)-3.2t) 3.1x)-3.3q)
3.1p); 3.1p);
1q)- 1i)-3.1p) 1i)-3.1p)
1bb)- 1hh)-
3.1o) 3.1o)
1a)- 1a)- 1a)- 3.2a); All generic
3.2a); 3.2a); 3.2a); 1b)- 1a)- competenci
1b)- 1b)- 1b)- 3.2b); 3.2a); es; 3.2g)- 3.2a)-5a); 3.2a)-9.1a); 3.2a)-9.2a);
3.1e)-3.2d); 3.2a)-4a); 3.2a)-6a); 3.2a)-7.1a);
3.2b); 3,2b); 3.2b); 1m)- 1b)- 3.3g); 3.2h)- 3.2b)-5b); 3.2a)-8a); 3.2a)-8a); 3.2b)-9.1b); 3.2b)-9.2b);
2a)-3.2a); 2b)- 3.1i)-3.2e); 3.2b)-4b); 3.2b)-6b); 3.2b)-7.1b); 3.2a)-7.2a); 3.2a)-10a);
1m)- 1m)- 1m)- 3.2c) 3.2b); 3.3h); 3.2i)- 3.2c)-5f); 3.2b)-8b); 3.2b)-8b); 3.2c)-9.1e); 3.2c)-9.2e); 3.2a)-11a);
3.2b); 2e)-3.2d); 3.1j)-3.2f): 3.2c)-4f); 3.2c)-6f); 3.2c)-7.1e); 3.2b)-7.2b); 3.2b)-
3.2c) 3.2c) 3.2c) 1g)- 1m)- 3.3i); 3.2j)- 3.2d)-5e); 3.2d)-8e); 3.2d)-8e); 3.2d)-9.1d); 3.2d)-9.2d); 3.2b)-11b);
2f)-3.2c); 2i)- 3.1m)-3.2h); 3.2d)-4e); 3.2d)-6e); 3.2d)-7.1d); 3.2d)-7.2d); 10b);3.2c)-
3.2 1g)- 1g)- 1g)- 3.2d); 3.2c) 3.3j); 3.2n)- 3.2e)-5i); 3.2e)-8f); 3.2e)-8f); 3.2e)-9.1f); 3.2e)-9.2f); 3.2c)-11h);
3.2e); 2j)-3.2f); 3.1n)-3.2i); 3.2e)-4i); 3.2e)-6i); 3.2e)-7.1f); 3.2e)-7.2e); 10h); 3.2d)-
3.2d); 3.2d); 3.2d); 1l)-3.2e) 1g)- 3.3.k); 3.2f)-5j); 3.2f)-8g); 3.2f)-8g); 3.2f)-9.1g); 3.2f)-9.2g); 3.2d)-11f);
2n)-3.2h); 2o)- 3.1o)-3.2j); 3.2f)-4j); 3.2f)-6j); 3.2f)-7.1g); 3.2f)-7.2f); 10f); 3.2e)-
1l)- 1l)-3.2e) 1l)-3.2e) 1n)- 3.2d); 3.2o)-3.3l); 3.2g)-5l; 3.2h)-8h); 3.2h)-8h); 3.2g)-9.1h); 3.2g)-9.2h); 3.2j)-11g)
3.2j); 2r)-3.2i) 3.1q)-3.2n); 3.2h)-4n); 3.2h)-6o; 3.2g)-7.1j); 3.2j)-7.2j) 10k)
3.2e); 1n)- 1n)- 3.2g); 1l)-3.2e) 3.2p)-3.3m); 3.2h)-5m; 3.2j)-8i) 3.2j)-8i) 3.2h)-9.1i); 3.2h)-9.2i);
3.1r)-3.2o); 3.2 j)-4o) 3.2j)-6p) 3.2h)-7.1k)
1n)- 3.2g); 3.2g); 1ff)- 1n)- 3.2r)-3.3o); 3.2j)-5n) 3.2j)-9.1n) 3.2j)-9.2n)
3.2g); 1bb)- 1cc)- 3.2b); 3.2g) 3.2s).3.3p);
1q)-3.2i) 3.2j) 3.2b) 1hh)- 3.2t)-3.3q)
1a)- 1a)- 3.3a); 3.1a)-3.3a);
1a)- All generic
3.3a); 3.3a); 1b)- 3.1b)-3.3b);
3.3a); 1a)- competenci
1b)- 1b)- 3.3b); 3.1e)-3.3d);
1b)- 3.3a); es; 3.2g)- 3.3a)-5a); 3.3a)-9.1a); 3.3a)-9.2a);
3.3b); 3.3b); 1m)- 3.1f)-3.3c); 3.3a)-4a); 3.3a)-6a); 3.3a)-7.1a);
3.3b); 1b)- 3.3g); 3.2h)- 3.3b)-5b); 3.3a)-8a); 3.3b)-9.1b); 3.3b)-9.2b);
1m)- 1m)- 3.3c); 2a)-3.3a); 2b)- 3.1i)-3.3e); 3.3b)-4b); 3.3b)-6b); 3.3b)-7.1b); 3.3a)-7.2a); 3.3a)-10a);
1m)- 3.3b); 3.3h); 3.2i)- 3.3c)-5f); 3.3b)-8b); 3.3c)-9.1e); 3.3c)-9.2e); 3.3a)-11a);
3.3c); 3.3c); 1n)- 3.3b); 2e)-3.3d); 3.1j)-3.3f); 3.3c)-4f); 3.3c)-6f); 3.3c)-7.1e); 3.3b)-7.2b); 3.3a)-7.3a); 3.3b)-
3.3c); 1m)- 3.3i); 3.2j)- 3.3d)-5e); 3.3d)-8e); 3.3d)-9.1d); 3.3d)-9.2d); 3.3b)-11b);
1n)- 1n)- 3.3g); 2f)-3.3c); 2i)- 3.1m)-3.3h); 3.3d)-4e); 3.3d)-6e); 3.3d)-7.1d); 3.3d)-7.2d); 3.3b)-7.3b); 10b);3.3c)-
3.3. 1n)- 3.3c); 3.3j); 3.2n)- 3.3e)-5i); 3.3e)-8f); 3.3e)-9.1f); 3.3e)-9.2f); 3.3c)-11h);
3.3g); 3.3g); 1g)- 3.3e); 2j)-3.3f); 3.1n)-3.3i); 3.3e)-4i); 3.3e)-6i); 3.3e)-7.1f); 3.3e)-7.2e); 3.3d)-7.3n); 10h); 3.3d)-
3.3g); 1n)- 3.3.k); 3.3f)-5j); 3.3f)-8g); 3.3f)-9.1g); 3.3f)-9.2g); 3.3d)-11f);
1g)- 1g)- 3.3d); 2n)-3.3h); 2o)- 3.1o)-3.3j); 3.3f)-4j); 3.3f)-6j); 3.3f)-7.1g); 3.3f)-7.2f); 3.3e)-7.3q) 10f); 3.3e)-
1g)- 3.3g); 3.2o)-3.3l); 3.3g)-5l; 3.3h)-8h); 3.3g)-9.1h); 3.3g)-9.2h); 3.3j)-11g)
3.3d); 3.3d); 1l)- 3.3j) 3.1q)-3.3k); 3.3h)-4n); 3.3h)-6o; 3.3g)-7.1j); 3.3j)-7.2j) 10k)
3.3d); 1g)- 3.2p)-3.3m); 3.3h)-5m; 3.3j)-8i) 3.3h)-9.1i); 3.3h)-9.2i);
1l)- 1l)- 3.3e); 3.1r)-3.3l); 3.3 j)-4o) 3.3j)-6p) 3.3h)-7.1k)
1l)- 3.3d); 3.2r)-3.3o); 3.3j)-5n) 3.3j)-9.1n) 3.3j)-9.2n)
3.3e); 3.3e); 1ff)- 3.1t)-3.3m);
3.3e); 1l)-3.3e) 3.2s).3.3p);
1bb)- 1cc)- 3.3b), 3.1u)-3.3n);
1q)-3.3i) 3.2t)-3.3q)
3.3j) 3.3b) 1hh)- 3.1x)-3.3q)
1a)-4a); 1a)-4a); 4a)-9.1a); 4a)-9.2a); 4a)-10a);
1a)-4a); 1a)-4a); 1a)-4a); 4a)-7.2a); 4a)-11a);
1b)-4b); 1b)-4b); 2a)-4a); 2b)-4b); 3.2a)-4a); 3.3a)-4a); 4a)-7.1a); 4b)-9.1b); 4b)-9.2b); 4b)-10b);
1b)-4b); 1b)-4b); 1b)-4b); All generic All generic 4b)-7.2b); 4b)-11b);
1c)-4c); 1c)-4c); 2c)-4c); 2d)-4d); 3.2b)-4b); 3.3b)-4b); 4b)-7.1b); 4a)-7.3a); 4c)-9.1m); 4c)-9.2m); 4c)-10d);
1c)-4c); 1c)-4c); 1c)-4c); competenci All generic competenci 4c)-7.2c); 4a)-8a); 4b)- 4c)-11d);
1g)-4e); 1g)-4e); 2e)-4e); 2f)-4f); 3.2c)-4f); 3.3c)-4f); 4c)-7.1c); 4b)-7.3b); 4d)-9.1c); 4d)-9.2c); 4d)-10e);
1g)-4e); 1g)-4e); 1g)-4e); es; 3.1m)- competenci es; 4k)-6k); 4d)-7.2i) 8b); 4c)-8d); 4d)-11e);
1f)-4d) 1f)-4d) 2g)-4g); 2h)- 3.2d)-4e); 3.3d)-4e); 4e)-7.1d); 4d)-7.3o); 4e)-9.1d); 4e)-9.2d); 4e)-10f); 4f)-
4. 1f)-4d) 1f)-4d) 1f)-4d) 4n); 3.1o)- es; 4n)-5m); 4l)-6l); 4m)- 4e)-7.2d); 4e)-8e); 4i)- 4e)-11f); 4f)-
1h)-4g); 1h)-4g); 4h); 2i)-4i); 2j)- 3.2e)-4i); 3.3e)-4i); 4f)-7.1e); 4e)-7.3n); 4f)-9.1e); 4f)-9.2e); 10h); 4g)-
1h)-4g); 1h)-4g); 1h)-4g); 4o); 3.1p)- 4o)-5p); 6m); 4n)- 4i)-7.2e); 8f); 4j)-8g); 11h); 4g)-
1m)-4f); 1m)-4f); 4f); 2n)-4n; 2o)- 3.2f)-4j); 3.3f)-4j); 4i)-7.1f); 4j)- 4i)-7.3q); 4i)-9.1f); 4j)- 4i)-9.2f); 4j)- 10i); 4h)-
1m)-4f); 1m)-4f); 1m)-4f); 4p); 3.1y)- 4q)-5q) 6o); 4o)- 4j)-7.2f); 4n)-8i) 11i); 4h)-
1i)-4h); 1i)-4h); 4o); 2w)-4q); 3.2h)-4n); 3.3h)-4n); 7.1g; 4n)- 4j)-7.3c) 9.1g); 4n)- 9.2g); 4n)- 10j); 4i)-
1i)-4h); 1i)-4h); 1i)-4h); 4q) 6p); 4q)-6r) 4o)-7.2j); 11j); 4o)-
1l)-4i); 1l)-4i); 2c)-4l) 3.2 j)-4o) 3.3 j)-4o) 7.1k) 9.1i); 4o)- 9.2i); 4o)- 10k); 4o)-
1l)-4i); 1l)-4i) 1l)-4i); 4q)-7.2k) 11g)
1bb)-4o) 1hh)-4o) 9.1n) 9.2n) 10g)
1a)-5a); 1a)-5a);
1a)-5a); 1a)-5a); 1a)-5a); 5a)-9.1a); 5a)-9.2a); 5a)-10a);
1b)-5b); 1b)-5b); 3.2a)-5a); 3.3a)-5a); 5a)-7.1a); 5a)-7.2a); 5a)-11a);
1b)-5b); 1b)-5b); 1b)-5b); 5b)-9.1b); 5b)-9.2b); 5b)-10b);
1c)-5c); 1c)-5c); 2a)-5a); 2b)-5b); 3.2b)-5b); 3.3b)-5b); 5b)-7.1b); 5b)-7.2b); 5b)-11b);
1c)-5c); 1c)-5c); 1c)-5c); All generic 5a)-7.3a); 5c)-9.1m); 5c)-9.2m); 5c)-10d);
1f)-5d); 1f)-5d); 2c)-5c); 2d)-5d); 3.2c)-5f); 3.3c)-5f); All generic All generic 5c)-7.1c); 5c)-7.2c); 5a)-8a); 5b)- 5c)-11d);
1f)-5d); 1f)-5d); 1f)-5d); competenci 5b)-7.3b); 5d)-9.1c); 5d)-9.2c); 5d)-10e);
1g)-5e); 1g)-5e); 2e)-5e); 2f)-5f); 3.2d)-5e); 3.3d)-5e); competenci competenci 5e)-7.1d); 5d)-7.2i) 8b); 5c)-8d); 5d)-11e);
1g)-5e); 1g)-5e); 1g)-5e); es; 3.1m)- 5d)-7.3o); 5e)-9.1d); 5e)-9.2d); 5e)-10f); 5f)-
5. 1h)-5g); 1h)-5g); 2g)-5g); 2h)- 3.2e)-5i); 3.3e)-5i); es; 4n)-5m); es; 5m)-6o); 5f)-7.1e); 5e)-7.2d); 5e)-8e); 5i)- 5e)-11f); 5f)-
1h)-5g); 1h)-5g); 1h)-5g); 5m); 3.1o)- 5e)-7.3n); 5f)-9.1e); 5f)-9.2e); 10h); 5g)-
1m)-5f); 1m)-5f); 5h); 2i)-5i); 2j)- 3.2f)-5j); 3.3f)-5j); 4o)-5p); 5n)-6p); 5i)-7.1f); 5j)- 5i)-7.2e); 8f); 5j)-8g); 11h); 5g)-
1m)-5f); 1m)-5f); 1m)-5f); 5n); 3.1y)- 5i)-7.3q); 5i)-9.1f); 5j)- 5i)-9.2f); 5j)- 10i); 5h)-
1i)-5h); 1i)-5h); 5j); 2n)-5m); 3.2g)-5l; 3.3g)-5l; 4q)-5q) 5q)-6r) 7.1g; 5l)- 5j)-7.2f); 5n)-8i) 11i); 5h)-
1i)-5h); 1i)-5h); 1i)-5h); 5q) 5j)-7.3c) 9.1g); 5m)- 9.2g); 5m)- 10j); 5i)-
1n)-5l); 1n)-5l); 2o)-5n); 2w)-5q) 3.2h)-5m; 3.3h)-5m; 7.1j); 5m)- 5n)-7.2i); 11j); 5p)-
1n)-5l); 1n)-5l); 1n)-5l); 9.1i); 5n)- 9.2i); 5n)- 10k); 5n)-
1i)-5i) 1i)-5i); 3.2j)-5n) 3.3j)-5n) 7.1k) 5q)-7.2k) 11g)
1i)-5i) 1i)-5i) 1i)-5i) 9.1n) 9.2n) 10g)
1bb)-5n) 1hh)-5n)
9. Security controls other
1. Security Managers 3. Screeners 7. Aircraft Security
than screening
4. Access
Control of 8. Hold
5. 6. 11.
Persons baggage 10.
Equivalences 2. Supervisors Examination Surveillance Inspectors
(passengers Reconciliatio Instructors
between 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 3.1. 3.2 3.3 of Vehicles and Patrols 7.1 7.2 7.3 9.1 9.2 and Auditors
and staff) n
competencies and Vehicles

1a)-6a); 1a)-6a); 6a)-10a);

1a)-6a); 1a)-6a); 1a)-6a); 6a)-9.1a); 6a)-9.2a); 6a)-11a);
1b-6b); 1b-6b); 3.2a)-6a); 3.3a)-6a); 6a)-7.2a); 6b)-10b);
1b-6b); 1b-6b); 1b-6b); 2a)-6a); 2b)-6b); All generic All generic 6a)-7.1a); 6b)-9.1b); 6b)-9.2b); 6b)-11b);
1c)-6c); 1c)-6c); 3.2b)-6b); 3.3b)-6b); 6b)-7.2b); 6a)-7.3a); 6c)-10d);
1c)-6c); 1c)-6c); 1c)-6c); 2c)-6c); 2d)-6d); competenci competenci All generic 6b)-7.1b); 6a)-8a); 6b)- 6c)-9.1m); 6c)-9.2m); 6c)-11d);
1f)-6d); 1f)-6d); 3.2c)-6f); 3.3c)-6f); 6c)-7.2c); 6b)-7.3b); 6d)-10e);
1f)-6d); 1f)-6d); 1f)-6d); 2e)-6e); 2f-6f); es; 3.1m)- es; 4k)-6k); competenci 6c)-7.1c); 8b); 6c)-8d); 6d)-9.1c); 6d)-9.2c); 6d)-11e);
1g)-6e); 1g)-6e); 3.2d)-6e); 3.3d)-6e); 6d)-7.2i) 6d)-7.3o); 6e)-10f); 6f)-
6. 1g)-6e); 1g)-6e); 1g)-6e); 2bg)-6g); 2h)- 6o); 3.1o)- 4l)-6l); 4m)- es; 5m)-6o); 6e)-7.1d); 6e)-8e); 6i)- 6e)-9.1d); 6e)-9.2d); 6e)-11f); 6f)-
1h)-6g); 1h)-6g); 3.2e)-6i); 3.3e)-6i); 6e)-7.2d); 6e)-7.3n); 10h); 6g)-
1h)-6g); 1h)-6g); 1h)-6g); 6h); 2i)-6i), 2j)- 6p); 3.1p)- 6m); 4n)- 5n)-6p); 6f)-7.1e); 8f); 6j)-8g); 6f)-9.1e); 6f)-9.2e); 11h); 6g)-
1i)-6h); 1i)-6h); 3.2f)-6j); 3.3f)-6j); 6i)-7.2e); 6i)-7.3q); 10i); 6h)-
1i)-6h); 1i)-6h); 1i)-6h); 6j); 2n)-6o); 6q); 3.1y)- 6o); 4o)- 5q)-6r) 6i)-7.1f); 6j)- 6p)-8i) 6i)-9.1f); 6j)- 6i)-9.2f); 6j)- 11i); 6h)-
1l)-6i); 1l)-6i); 3.2h)-6o; 3.3h)-6o; 6j)-7.2f); 6j)-7.3c) 10j); 6i)-
1l)-6i); 1l)-6i); 1l)-6i); 2o)-6p); 2w)-6r) 6r) 6p); 4q)-6r) 7.1g) 9.1g); 6p)- 9.2g); 6p)- 11j); 6p)-
1m)-6f); 1m)-6f); 3.2j)-6p) 3.3j)-6p) 6p)-7.2j) 10k); 6p)-
1m)-6f); 1m)-6f) 1m)-6f) 9.1n) 9.2n) 11g)
1bb)-6p) 1hh)-6p) 10g)
1a)- 1a)- 1a)- 1a)- 1a)-
7.1a); 7.1a); 7.1a); 7.1a); 7.1a);
3.1a)-7.1a); 5a)-7.1a);
1b)- 1b)- 1b)- 1b)- 1b)- 3.2a)-7.1a); 3.3a)-7.1a); 4a)-7.1a);
2a)-7.1a); 2b)- 3.1b)-7.1b); 5b)-7.1b); 6a)-7.1a); 7.1a)-8a); 7.1a)-9.1a); 7.1a)-9.2a);
7.1b); 7.1b); 7.1b); 7.1b); 7.1b); 3.2b)-7.1b); 3.3b)-7.1b); 4b)-7.1b); 7.1a)-7.2a); 7.2a)-11a);
7.1b); 2c)-7.1c); 3.1c)-7.1c); 5c)-7.1c); 6b)-7.1b); 7.1b)-8b); 7.1b)-9.1b); 7.1b)-9.2b); 7.1a)-11a);
1c)- 1c)- 1c)- 1c)- 1c)- 3.2c)-7.1e); 3.3c)-7.1e); 4c)-7.1c); 7.1b)-7.2b); 7.1a)-7.3a); 7.2b)-11b);
2e)-7.1d); 2f)- 3.1e)-7.1d); 5e)-7.1d); 6c)-7.1c); 7.2c)-8d); 7.1c)-9.1m); 7.1c)-9.2m); 7.1b)-11b);
7.1c); 7.1c); 7.1c); 7.1c); 7.1c); 3.2d)-7.1d); 3.3d)-7.1d); 4e)-7.1d); 7.1c)-7.2c); 7.1b)-7.3b); 7.2c)-11d);
7.1 7.1e); 2.1i)- 3.1f)-7.1e); 5f)-7.1e); 6e)-7.1d); 7.2d)-8e): 7.1d)-9.1d); 7.1d)-9.2d); 7.1c)-11d);
1g)- 1g)- 1g)- 1g)- 1g)- 3.2e)-7.1f); 3.3e)-7.1f); 4f)-7.1e); 7.1.d)-7.2d); 7.1d)-7.3n); 7.2d)-11f);
7.1f); 2j)-7.1g); 3.1i)-7.1f); 5i)-7.1f); 5j)- 6f)-7.1e); 7.2e)-8f); 7.1e)-9.1e); 7.1e)-9.2e); 7.1d)-11f);
7.1d); 7.1d); 7.1d); 7.1d); 7.1d); 3.2f)-7.1g); 3.3f)-7.1g); 4i)-7.1f); 4j)- 7.1f)-7.2e); 7.1f)-7.3q) 7.2i)-11e);
2n)-7.1k) 2o)- 3.1j)-7.1g); 7.1g; 5l)- 6i)-7.1f); 6j)- 7.2f)-8g); 7.1f)-9.1f); 7.1f)-9.2f); 7.1e)-11h)
1m)- 1m)- 1m)- 1m)- 1m)- 3.2g)-7.1j); 3.3g)-7.1j); 7.1g; 4n)- 7.1g)-7.2f) 7.2j)-11g)
7.1p); 2w)-7.1r) 3.1k)-7.1c); 7.1j); 5m)- 7.1g 7.2j)-8i) 7.1g)-9.1g) 7.1g)-9.2g)
7.1e); 7.1e); 7.1e); 7.1e); 7.1e); 3.2h)-7.1k) 3.3h)-7.1k) 7.1k)
3.1m)7.1k) 7.1k)
1l)-7.1f); 1l)-7.1f); 1l)-7.1f); 1l)-7.1f); 1l)-7.1f);
1n)-7.1j) 1n)-7.1j) 1n)-7.1j) 1n)-7.1j) 1n)-7.1j)
1a)- 1a)-
1a)- 7.2a); 1a)- 7.2a); 1a)-
7.2a); 1b)- 7.2a); 1b)- 7.2a); 4a)-7.2a); 5a)-7.2a);
3.1a)-7.2a); 6a)-7.2a);
1b)- 7.2b); 1b)- 7.2b); 1b)- 4b)-7.2b); 5b)-7.2b); 7.2a)-8a); 7.2a)-9.1a); 7.2a)-9.2a); 7.2a)-10a);
2a)-7.2a); 2b)- 3.1b)-7.2b); 3.2a)-7.2a); 3.3a)-7.2a); 6b)-7.2b); 7.1a)-7.2a); 7.2a)-11a);
7.2b); 1c)- 7.2b); 1c)- 7.2b); 4c)-7.2c); 5c)-7.2c); 7.2a)-7.3a); 7.2b)-8b); 7.2b)-9.1b); 7.2b)-9.2b); 7.2b)-10b);
7.2b); 2c)-7.2c); 3.1c)-7.2c), 3.2b)-7.2b); 3.3b)-7.2b); 6c)-7.2c); 7.1b)-7.2b); 7.2b)-11b);
1c)- 7.2c); 1c)- 7.2c); 1c)- 4d)-7.2i) 5d)-7.2i) 7.2b)-7.3b); 7.2c)-8d); 7.2c)-9.1m); 7.2c)-9.2m); 7.2c)-10d);
2d)-7.2i); 2e)- 3.1e)-7.2d); 3.2d)-7.2d); 3.3d)-7.2d); 6d)-7.2i) 7.1c)-7.2c); 7.2c)-11d);
7.2 7.2c); 1g)- 7.2c); 1g)- 7.2c); 4e)-7.2d); 5e)-7.2d); 7.2d)-7.3n); 7.2d)-8e): 7.2d)-9.1d); 7.2d)-9.2d); 7.2d)-10f);
7.2d); 2i)-7.2e); 3.1i)-7.2e); 3.2e)-7.2e); 3.3e)-7.2e); 6e)-7.2d); 7.1.d)-7.2d); 7.2d)-11f);;
1g)- 7.2d); 1g)- 7.2d); 1g)- 4i)-7.2e); 5i)-7.2e); 7.2e)-7.3q); 7.2e)-8f); 7.2e)-9.1f); 7.2e)-9.2f); 7.2e)-10k);
2j)-7.2f); 2o)- 3.1j)-7.1f); 3.2f)-7.2f); 3.3f)-7.2f); 6i)-7.2e); 7.1f)-7.2e); 7.2i)-11e);
7.2d); 1l)- 7.2d); 1l)- 7.2d); 4j)-7.2f); 5j)-7.2f); 7.2i)-7.3o) 7.2f)-8g); 7.2f)-9.1g); 7.2f)-9.2g); 7.2i)-10e);
7.2j) 3.1o)-7.2j); 3.2j)-7.2j); 3.3j)-7.2j) 6j)-7.2f); 7.1g)-7.2f) 7.2j)-11g)
1l)- 7.2e); 1l)- 7.2e); 1l)- 4o)-7.2j); 5n)-7.2i); 7.2j)-8i) 7.2j)-9.1n) 7.2j)-9.2n) 7.2j)-10g)
3.1y)-7.2k) 6p)-7.2j)
7.2e); 1f)-7.2i); 7.2e); 1f)-7.2i); 7.2e); 4q)-7.2k) 5q)-7.2k)
1f)-7.2i) 1bb)- 1f)-7.2i); 1hh)- 1f)-7.2i)
7.2j) 7.2j)
1a)- 1a)- 1a)- 1a)- 1a)-
7.3a); 7.3a); 7.3a); 7.3a); 7.3a);
1b)- 1b)- 1b)- 1b)- 1b)-
2a)-7.3a); 2b)- 3.1a)-7.3a); 4a)-7.3a); 5a)-7.3a); 6a)-7.3a);
7.3b); 7.3b); 7.3b); 7.3b); 7.3b); 7.2a)-7.3a); 7.3a)-8a); 7.3a)-9.1a); 7.3a)-9.2a); 7.3a)-10a);
7.3b); 2d)-7.3o); 3.1b)-7.3b); 3.3a)-7.3a); 3.3a)-7.3a); 4b)-7.3b); 5b)-7.3b); 6b)-7.3b); 7.1a)-7.3a); 7.3a)-11a);
1i)- 1i)- 1i)- 1i)- 1i)- 7.2b)-7.3b); 7.3b)-8b); 7.3b)-9.1b); 7.3b)-9.2b); 7.3b)-10b);
2e)-7.3n); 2f)- 3.1c)-7.3o); 3.3b)-7.3b); 3.3b)-7.3b); 4d)-7.3o); 5d)-7.3o); 6d)-7.3o); 7.1b)-7.3b); 7.3b)-11b);
7.3 7.3e); 7.3e); 7.3e); 7.3e); 7.3e); 7.2d)-7.3n); 7.3c)-8g); 7.3c)-9.1g); 7.3c)-9.2g); 7.3n)-10f);
7.3k); 2h)-7.3e); 3.1e)-7.3n); 3.3d)-7.3n); 3.3d)-7.3n); 4e)-7.3n); 5e)-7.3n); 6e)-7.3n); 7.1d)-7.3n); 7.3n)-11f);
1g)- 1g)- 1g)- 1g)- 1g)- 7.2e)-7.3q); 7.3n)-8e); 7.3n)-9.1d); 7.3n)-9.2d); 7.3q)-10k);
2i)-7.3q); 2j)- 3.1i)-7.3q); 3.3e)-7.3q) 3.3e)-7.3q) 4i)-7.3q); 5i)-7.3q); 6i)-7.3q); 7.1f)-7.3q) 7.3o)-11e)
7.3n); 7.3n); 7.3n); 7.3n); 7.3n); 7.2i)-7.3o) 7.3q)-8f) 7.3q)-9.1f) 7.3q)-9.2f) 7.3o)-10e)
7.3c) 3.1j)-7.3c) 4j)-7.3c) 5j)-7.3c) 6j)-7.3c)
1f)- 1f)- 1f)- 1f)- 1f)-
7.3o); 7.3o); 7.3o); 7.3o); 7.3o);
1l)-7.3q) 1l)-7.3q) 1l)-7.3q) 1l)-7.3q) 1l)-7.3q)
1a)-8a); 1a)-8a); 8a)-9.1a); 8a)-9.2a); 8a)-10a);
3.1b)-8b); 3.2a)-8a); 3.3a)-8a); 7.1a)-8a); 7.2a)-8a);
1a)-8a); 1b)-8b); 1a)-8a); 1b)-8b); 1a)-8a); 8b)-9.1b); 8b)-9.2b); 8b-10b);
3.1c)-8d); 3.2b)-8b); 3.3b)-8b); 4a)-8a); 4b)- 5a)-8a); 5b)- 6a)-8a); 6b)- 7.1b)-8b); 7.2b)-8b); 7.3a)-8a); 8a)-11a);
1b)-8b); 1q)-8c); 1b)-8b); 1q)-8c); 1b)-8b); 2a)-8a); 2b)-8b); 8c)-9.1l); 8c)-9.2l); 8d)-10d);
3.1e)-8e); 3.2d)-8e); 3.3d)-8e); 8b); 4c)-8d); 8b); 5c)-8d); 8b); 6c)-8d); 7.2c)-8d); 7.2c)-8d); 7.3b)-8b); 8b-11b);
1q)-8c); 1c-8d); 1q)-8c); 1c-8d); 1q)-8c); 2c)-8d); 2e)-8e); 8d)-9.1m); 8d)-9.2m); 8e)-10f); 8f)-
8. 3.1i)-8f); 3.2e)-8f); 3.3e)-8f); 4e)-8e); 4i)- 5e)-8e); 5i)- 6e)-8e); 6i)- 7.2d)-8e): 7.2d)-8e): 7.3c)-8g); 8d)-11d);
1c-8d); 1g)-8e); 1c-8d); 1g)-8e); 1c-8d); 2i)-8f); 2j)-8g); 8e)-9.1d); 8e)-9.2d); 10k); 8g)-
3.1j)-8g); 3.2f)-8g); 3.3f)-8g); 8f); 4j)-8g); 8f); 5j)-8g); 8f); 6j)-8g); 7.2e)-8f); 7.2e)-8f); 7.3n)-8e); 8e)-11f); 8i)-
1g)-8e); 1l)-8f); 1g)-8e); 1l)-8f); 1g)-8e); 2o)-8i) 8f)-9.1f); 8f)-9.2f); 10l) 8h)-
3.1k)-8c); 3.2h)-8h); 3.3h)-8h); 4n)-8i) 5n)-8i); 6p)-8i) 7.2f)-8g); 7.2f)-8g); 7.3q)-8f) 11g)
1l)-8f) 1v)-8j); 1l)-8f) 1v)-8j); 1l)-8f) 8g)-9.1g); 8g)-9.2g); 10h); 8i)-
3.1m)-8h); 3.2j)-8i) 3.3j)-8i) 7.2j)-8i) 7.2j)-8i)
1bb)-8i) 1hh)-8i) 8i)-9.1n); 8i)-9.2n) 10g);
1a)- 1a)-
9.1a); 1a)- 1a)- 9.1a); 1a)-
1b)- 9.1a); 9.1a); 1b)- 9.1a);
9.1b); 1b)- 1b)- 9.1b); 1b)-
1f)- 9.1b); 9.1b); 1f)- 9.1b); 3.1a)-9.1a);
4a)-9.1a); 5a)-9.1a);
9.1c); 1f)- 1f)- 9.1c); 1f)- 3.1b)-9.1b); 3.2a)-9.1a); 3.3a)-9.1a); 6a)-9.1a);
2a)-9.1a); 2b)- 4b)-9.1b); 5b)-9.1b); 8a)-9.1a); All generic 9.1a)-10a);
1g)- 9.1c); 9.1c); 1g)- 9.1c); 3.1c)-9.1m); 3.2b)-9.1b); 3.3b)-9.1b); 6b)-9.1b); 7.1a)-9.1a); 7.2a)-9.1a);
9.1b); 2c)- 4c)-9.1m); 5c)-9.1m); 8b)-9.1b); competenci 9.1b)-10b); 9.1a)-11a);
9.1d); 1g)- 1g)- 9.1d); 1g)- 3.1d)-9.1c); 3.2c)-9.1e); 3.3c)-9.1e); 6c)-9.1m); 7.1b)-9.1b); 7.2b)-9.1b); 7.3a)-9.1a);
9.1m); 2d)- 4d)-9.1c); 5d)-9.1c); 8c)-9.1l); es; 9.1h)- 9.1c)-10e); 9.1b)-11b);
1m)- 9.1d); 9.1d); 1m)- 9.1d); 3.1e)-9.1d); 3.2d)-9.1d); 3.3d)-9.1d); 6d)-9.1c); 7.1c)-9.1m); 7.2c)-9.1m); 7.3b)-9.1b);
9.1c); 2e)-9.1d); 4e)-9.1d); 5e)-9.1d); 8d)-9.1m); 9.2h); 9.1i)- 9.1d)-10f); 9.1c)-11e);
9.1 9.1e); 1m)- 1m)- 9.1e); 1m)- 3.1f)-9.1e); 3.2e)-9.1f); 3.3e)-9.1f); 6e)-9.1d); 7.1d)-9.1d); 7.2d)-9.1d); 7.3c)-9.1g);
2f)-9.1e); 2i)- 4f)-9.1e); 5f)-9.1e); 8e)-9.1d); 9.2i); 9.1l)- 9.1e)-10h); 9.1d)-11f);
1l)-9.1f); 9.1e); 9.1e); 1l)-9.1f); 9.1e); 3.1i)-9.1f); 3.2f)-9.1g); 3.3f)-9.1g); 6f)-9.1e); 7.1e)-9.1e); 7.2e)-9.1f); 7.3n)-9.1d);
9.1f); 2j)-9.1g); 4i)-9.1f); 4j)- 5i)-9.1f); 5j)- 8f)-9.1f); 9.2l); 9.1m)- 9.1f)-10k); 9.1e)-11h);
1n)- 1l)-9.1f); 1l)-9.1f); 1n)- 1l)-9.1f); 3.1j).9.1g); 3.2g)-9.1h); 3.3g)-9.1h); 6i)-9.1f); 6j)- 7.1f)-9.1f); 7.2f)-9.1g); 7.3q)-9.1f)
2n)-9.1i); 2o)- 9.1g); 4n)- 9.1g); 5m)- 8g)-9.1g); 9.2m); 9.1g)-10l) 9.1n)-10g)
9.1h); 1n)- 1n)- 9.1h); 1n)- 3.1k)-9.1l); 3.2h)-9.1i); 3.3h)-9.1i); 9.1g); 6p)- 7.1g)-9.1g) 7.2j)-9.1n)
9.1n) 9.1i); 4o)- 9.1i); 5n)- 8i)-9.1n) 9.1n)-9.2n) 9.1n)-10g)
1q)- 9.1h); 9.1h); 1c)- 9.1h); 3.1m)-9.1i); 3.2j)-9.1n) 3.3j)-9.1n) 9.1n)
9.1n) 9.1n)
9.1l); 1c)- 1c)- 9.1m); 1q)- 3.1o)-9.1n)
1c)- 9.1m); 9.1m); 1ff)- 9.1l);
9.1m): 1bb)- 1cc)- 9.1b); 1c)-
1q)- 9.1n) 9.1b) 1hh)- 9.1m)
9.1m) 9.1n)
9. Security controls other
1. Security Managers 3. Screeners 7. Aircraft Security
than screening
4. Access
Control of 8. Hold
5. 6. 11.
Persons baggage 10.
Equivalences 2. Supervisors Examination Surveillance Inspectors
(passengers Reconciliatio Instructors
between 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 3.1. 3.2 3.3 of Vehicles and Patrols 7.1 7.2 7.3 9.1 9.2 and Auditors
and staff) n
competencies and Vehicles

1a)- 1a)-
9.2a); 1a)- 1a)- 9.2a); 1a)-
1b)- 9.2a); 9.2a); 1b)- 9.2a);
9.2b); 1b)- 1b)- 9.2b); 1b)-
1f)- 9.2b); 9.2b); 1f)- 9.2b); 3.1a)-9.2a);
4a)-9.2a); 5a)-9.2a);
9.2c); 1f)- 1f)- 9.2c); 1f)- 3.1b)-9.2b); 3.2a)-9.2a); 3.3a)-9.2a); 6a)-9.2a);
2a)-9.2a); 2b)- 4b)-9.2b); 5b)-9.2b); 8a)-9.2a); All generic 9.2a)-10a);
1g)- 9.2c); 9.2c); 1g)- 9.2c); 3.1c)-9.2m); 3.2b)-9.2b); 3.3b)-9.2b); 6b)-9.2b); 7.1a)-9.2a); 7.2a)-9.2a);
9.2b); 2c)- 4c)-9.2m); 5c)-9.2m); 8b)-9.2b); competenci 9.2b)-10b); 9.2a)-11a);
9.2d); 1g)- 1g)- 9.2d); 1g)- 3.1d)-9.2c); 3.2c)-9.2e); 3.3c)-9.2e); 6c)-9.2m); 7.1b)-9.2b); 7.2b)-9.2b); 7.3a)-9.2a);
9.2m); 2d)- 4d)-9.2c); 5d)-9.2c); 8c)-9.2l); es; 9.1h)- 9.2c)-10e); 9.2b)-11b);
1m)- 9.2d); 9.2d); 1m)- 9.2d); 3.1e)-9.2d); 3.2d)-9.2d); 3.3d)-9.2d); 6d)-9.2c); 7.1c)-9.2m); 7.2c)-9.2m); 7.3b)-9.2b);
9.2c); 2e)-9.2d); 4e)-9.2d); 5e)-9.2d); 8d)-9.2m); 9.2h); 9.1i)- 9.2d)-10f); 9.2c)-11e);
9.2 9.2e); 1m)- 1m)- 9.2e); 1m)- 3.1f)-9.2e); 3.2e)-9.2f); 3.3e)-9.2f); 6e)-9.2d); 7.1d)-9.2d); 7.2d)-9.2d); 7.3c)-9.2g);
2f)-9.2e); 2i)- 4f)-9.2e); 5f)-9.2e); 8e)-9.2d); 9.2i); 9.1l)- 9.2g)-10l) 9.2d)-11f);
1l)-9.2f); 9.2e); 9.2e); 1l)-9.2f); 9.2e); 3.1i)-9.2f); 3.2f)-9.2g); 3.3f)-9.2g); 6f)-9.2e); 7.1e)-9.2e); 7.2e)-9.2f); 7.3n)-9.2d);
9.2f); 2j)-9.2g); 4i)-9.2f); 4j)- 5i)-9.2f); 5j)- 8f)-9.2f); 9.2l); 9.1m)- 9.2e)-10h); 9.2e)-11h);
1n)- 1l)-9.2f); 1l)-9.2f); 1n)- 1l)-9.2f); 3.1j).9.2g); 3.2g)-9.2h); 3.3g)-9.2h); 6i)-9.2f); 6j)- 7.1f)-9.2f); 7.2f)-9.2g); 7.3q)-9.2f)
2n)-9.2i); 2o)- 9.2g); 4n)- 9.2g); 5m)- 8g)-9.2g); 9.2m); 9.2f)-10k); 9.2n)-10g)
9.2h); 1n)- 1n)- 9.2h); 1n)- 3.1k)-9.2l); 3.2h)-9.2i); 3.3h)-9.2i); 9.2g); 6p)- 7.1g)-9.2g) 7.2j)-9.2n)
9.2n) 9.2i); 4o)- 9.2i); 5n)- 8i)-9.2n) 9.1n)-9.2n) 9.2n)-10g)
1q)- 9.2h); 9.2h); 1c)- 9.2h); 3.1m)-9.2i); 3.2j)-9.2n) 3.3j)-9.2n) 9.2n)
9.2n) 9.2n)
9.2l); 1c)- 1c)- 9.2m); 1q)- 3.1o)-9.2n)
1c)- 9.2m); 9.2m); 1ff)- 9.2l);
9.2m): 1bb)- 1cc)- 9.2b); 1c)-
1q)- 9.2n) 9.2b) 1hh)- 9.2m)
9.2m) 9.2n)
1a)- 1a)-
1a)- 1a)-
10a); 1a)- 10a);
10a); 10a);
1b)- 10a); 1b)- 10a)-11a);
1b)- 1b)-
10b); 1b)- 10b); 3.1a)-10a); 4a)-10a); 5a)-10a); 6a)-10a); 10b)-11b);
10b); 10b);
1c)- 10b); 1c)- 2a)-10a); 1b)- 3.1b)-10b; 4b)-10b); 5b)-10b); 6b)-10b); 8a)-10a); 9.1a)-10a); 9.2a)-10a); 10c)-11c);
1c)- 1c)- 7.2a)-10a);
10d); 1c)- 10d); 10b); 2c)-10d); 3.1c)-10d): 3.2a)-10a); 3.3a)-10a); 4c)-10d); 5c)-10d); 6c)-10d); 7.1a)-10a); 8b-10b); 9.1b)-10b); 9.2b)-10b); 10d)-11d);
10d); 10d); 7.2b)-10b); 7.3a)-10a);
1f)-10e); 10d); 1f)-10e); 2d)-10e); 2e)- 3.1d)-10e); 3.2b)- 3.3b)- 4d)-10e); 5d)-10e); 6d)-10e); 7.1b)-10b); 8d)-10d); 9.1c)-10e); 9.2c)-10e); 10e)-11e);
1f)-10e); 1f)-10e); 7.2c)-10d); 7.3b)-10b);
1g)-10f); 1f)-10e); 1g)-10f); 10f); 2f)-10h); 3.1e)-10f); 10b);3.2c)- 10b);3.3c)- 4e)-10f); 4f)- 5e)-10f); 5f)- 6e)-10f); 6f)- 7.1c)-10d); 8e)-10f); 8f)- 9.1d)-10f); 9.2d)-10f); 10f)-11f);
10. 1g)-10f); 1g)-10f); 7.2d)-10f); 7.3n)-10f);
1m)- 1g)-10f); 1m)- 2g)-10i); 2h)- 3.1f)-10h); 10h); 3.2d)- 10h); 3.3d)- 10h); 4g)- 10h); 5g)- 10h); 6g)- 7.1d)-10f); 10k); 8g)- 9.1e)-10h); 9.2g)-10l) 10g)-11g);
1m)- 1m)- 7.2e)-10k); 7.3q)-10k);
10h); 1m)- 10h); 10j); 2i)-10k); 3.1g)-10i); 10f); 3.2e)- 10f); 3.3e)- 10i); 4h)- 10i); 5h)- 10i); 6h)- 7.1e)-10h); 10l) 8h)- 9.1f)-10k); 9.2e)-10h); 10h)-11h);
10h); 10h); 7.2i)-10e); 7.3o)-10e)
1h)-10i); 10h); 1h)-10i); 2u)-10l); 2w)- 3.1h)-10j); 10k) 10k) 10j); 4i)- 10j); 5i)- 10j); 6i)- 7.1f)-10k) 10h); 8i)- 9.1g)-10l) 9.2f)-10k); 10i)-11i);
1t)-10g) 1t)-10g) 7.2j)-10g)
1i)-10j); 1h)-10i); 1i)-10j); 10t) 3.1i)-10k); 10k); 4o)- 10k); 5n)- 10k); 6p)- 10g) 9.1n)-10g) 9.2n)-10g) 10j)-11j);
1h)-10i); 1h)-10i);
1l)-10k); 1i)-10j); 1l)-10k); 3.1o)-10g) 10g) 10g) 10g) 10k)-11k);
1i)-10j); 1i)-10j);
1o)-10l); 1l)-10k); 1o)-10l); 10l)-11l)
1l)-10k); 1l)-10k);
1bb)- 1o)-10l) 1hh)-
1o)-10l) 1o)-10l)
10g) 10g)
1a)- 1a)-
1a)- 1a)-
11a); 1a)- 11a);
11a); 11a);
1b)- 11a); 1b)- 10a)-11a);
1b)- 1b)-
11b); 1b)- 11b); 10b)-11b);
11b); 11b); 3.1a)-11a); 4a)-11a); 5a)-11a); 6a)-11a);
1c)- 11b); 1c)- 10c)-11c);
1c)- 1c)- 3.1b)-11b); 4b)-11b); 5b)-11b); 6b)-11b);
11d); 1c)- 11d); 2a)-11a); 1b)- 7.2a)-11a); 9.1a)-11a); 9.2a)-11a); 10d)-11d);
11d); 11d); 3.1c)-11d); 3.2a)-11a); 3.3a)-11a); 4c)-11d); 5c)-11d); 6c)-11d); 7.1a)-11a); 8a)-11a);
1f)-11e); 11d); 1f)-11e); 11b); 2d)-11e); 7.2b)-11b); 7.3a)-11a); 9.1b)-11b); 9.2b)-11b); 10e)-11e);
1f)-11e); 1f)-11e); 3.1d)-11e); 3.2b)-11b); 3.3b)-11b); 4d)-11e); 5d)-11e); 6d)-11e); 7.1b)-11b); 8b-11b);
1g)-11f); 1f)-11e); 1g)-11f); 2e)-11f); 2f)- 7.2c)-11d); 7.3b)-11b); 9.1c)-11e); 9.2c)-11e); 10f)-11f);
11. 1g)-11f); 1g)-11f); 3.1e)-11f); 3.2c)-11h); 3.3c)-11h); 4e)-11f); 4f)- 5e)-11f); 5f)- 6e)-11f); 6f)- 7.1c)-11d); 8d)-11d);
1m)- 1g)-11f); 1m)- 11h); 2g)-11i); 7.2d)-11f); 7.3n)-11f); 9.1d)-11f); 9.2d)-11f); 10g)-11g);
1t)-11g); 1t)-11g); 3.1f)-11h); 3.2d)-11f); 3.3d)-11f); 11h); 4g)- 11h); 5g)- 11h); 6g)- 7.1d)-11f); 8e)-11f); 8i)-
11g); 1m)- 11g); 2h)-11j); 2i)- 7.2i)-11e); 7.3o)-11e) 9.1e)-11h); 9.2e)-11h); 10h)-11h);
1m)- 1m)- 3.1g)-11i); 3.2j)-11g) 3.3j)-11g) 11i); 4h)- 11i); 5h)- 11i); 6h)- 7.1e)-11h) 11g)
1h)-11i); 11g); 1h)-11i); 11k); 2o)-11t) 7.2j)-11g) 9.1n)-10g) 9.2n)-10g) 10i)-11i);
11g); 11g); 3.1h)-11j); 11j); 4o)- 11j); 5p)- 11j); 6p)-
1i)-11j); 1h)-11i); 1i)-11j); 10j)-11j);
1h)-11i); 1h)-11i); 3.1o)-11g) 11g) 11g) 11g)
1l)-11k); 1i)-11j); 1l)-11k); 10k)-11k);
1i)-11j); 1i)-11j);
1o)-11l); 1l)-11k); 1o)-11l); 10l)-11l)
1l)-11k); 1l)-11k);
1bb)- 1o)-11l) 1hh)-
1o)-11l) 1o)-11l)
11g) 11g)
Legend: Equivalent competencies; Partially equivalent competencies
Example pair of equivalence: 3.1a)-3.2a); the numbers are the categories or sub-categories and the letters are the competencies referring to each category or sub-category.

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