Ktu Students: For More Study Materials WWW - Ktustudents.in
Ktu Students: For More Study Materials WWW - Ktustudents.in
Ktu Students: For More Study Materials WWW - Ktustudents.in
Credits Introduction
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
To enable the students to understand the concept of energy management and energy
management opportunities
To understand the different methods used to control peak demand
To know energy auditing procedure
To understand the different methods used for the economic analysis of energy projects.
General principles of Energy management and Energy management planning - Peak Demand
controls - Energy management opportunities in electrical systems and HVAC systems – Reactive
power management – Energy audit – cogeneration system – Economic analysis of energy projects
Expected outcome .
The students will be able to understand the different methods used to reduce energy
Data Book ( Approved for use in the examination):
1. Albert Thumann, William J. Younger, Handbook of Energy Audits, CRC Press, 2003.
2. Charles M. Gottschalk, Industrial energy conservation, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
3. Craig B. Smith, Energy management principles, Pergamon Press.
4. D. Yogi Goswami, Frank Kreith, Energy Management and Conservation Handbook, CRC
One question from each module of Modules I - IV; and two each from Module V & VI.
Part C: 3 questions uniformly covering Modules III & IV. Student has to answer any 2 from the 3
questions: (2 x 10) =20. Each question can have maximum of 4 sub questions (a,b,c,d), if needed.
Part D: 3 questions uniformly covering Modules V & VI. Student has to answer any 2 from the 3
questions: (2 x 10) =20. Each question can have maximum of 4 sub questions (a,b,c,d), if needed.