5 Syllabus

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English Language- (Ch. 1 to 7, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23) Ch.1. Sentence, Ch.2. Nouns, Ch.3.Nouns: Number,
Ch.4. Nouns: Gender, Ch.5. Pronouns, Ch.6. Adjectives, Ch.7. Adjectives: Degrees Comparison, Ch.19.
Synonyms, Ch.20.Antonyms, Ch.21. Letters, Ch.22. Essay, Ch.23. Comprehension 1, 2.
Translation- (Glossary Ch.1, Translation Ch.1. to 8) Glossary Ch.1. General Vocabulary. Translation Ch-
1. Use of articles (a, an, the) Ch.2. ‘Some’ and ‘any’, Ch.3. ‘Is’, ‘am’, ‘are’, ‘was’, ‘were’, Ch.4. ‘Have’,
‘has’, ‘had’, Ch.5. Present Indefinite Tense, Ch.6. Past Indefinite Tense, Ch.7. Future Indefinite Tense, Ch.8.
Continuous Tense (Present, Past, Future).
English Literature- (Ch.1. to 7) Ch.1. Prayer, Ch.2. The King and the Nightingale, Ch.3. The bell of
justice, Ch.4. Nest in the letter box, Ch.5. A farewell, Ch.6.The adventurous thief, Ch.7. A clever trick of a
Hindi Language- (ऩाठ-1 से 5,16,17,18, 21 से 25 तक) ऩाठ-1. भाषा और व्याकरण, ऩाठ-2. वणण ववचार, ऩाठ-3.
शब्द ववचार, ऩाठ-4. वाक्य ववचार, ऩाठ-5. संऻा, ऩाठ-16. शब्द भंडार (ऩयाणयवाची शब्द, ववऱोम शब्द) ऩाठ-17. मुहावरे तथा
ऱोकोक्क्तयााँ, ऩाठ-18. मौखिक अभभव्यक्क्त, ऩाठ-21. अनच्
ु छे द ऱेिन, ऩाठ-22. कहानी ऱेिन, ऩाठ-23. ऩत्र ऱेिन, ऩाठ-
24. ननबंध ऱेिन, ऩाठ-25. अऩठठत गदयांश।
Hindi Literature- (ऩाठ-1 से 7 तक) ऩाठ-1.दया करो हे दयाऱु भगवन, ऩाठ-2. राि की रस्सी, ऩाठ-3. अऩशकुन, ऩाठ-4.
सौर ऊजाण, ऩाठ-5. बंद करो तकरार, ऩाठ-6. कभी भमजोरम भी आओ, ऩाठ-7. आत्म ववश्वास।
Mathematics- (Ch. 1 to 4 and 10) Ch.1. Numbers, Ch.2. Operations on Large Numbers, Ch.3. Factors and
Multiples, Ch.4. Fractions, Ch.10. Temperature.
Science- (Ch. 1 to 5) Ch.1.Living things depend on each other, Ch.2. How do plants increase in number,
Ch.3. Animals: Survival to the fittest, Ch.4. Why do we have bones? Ch.5. Nervous System.
Social Studies- (Ch.1 to 6 ) Ch.1. Earth: Our Homeland, Ch.2. Latitudes and Longitudes, Ch.3. Rotation and
Revolution, Ch.4. Variations in Climate, Ch.5. Equatorial Climate, Ch.6. Hot Desert of the World.
Computer- (Ch. 1 to 4) Ch.1. Programming Fundamentals, Ch.2. Windows-7, Ch.3. Windows Accessories,
Ch.4. Advanced Options in MS-Word 2007.
Urdu- 1. Write Counting 1 to 40 in Urdu, 2. Write Alif to Yeh with Zaber, 3. Reading Book Page No. 3 to
17, 4. Do hurfi Alfaaz, 5. Fill in the Blanks, 6. Dictation, 7.Matching.
G.K- Ch. 1 to15.
Art- Pg. No. 3 to 17.
English Language- (Ch. 8 to 13,19 to 23) Ch.8. Adverbs, Ch.9. The verb, Ch.10. Articles, Ch.11. Tenses,
Ch.12. Past Tense, Ch.13. The Future Tense, Ch.19. Synonyms, Ch.20. Antonyms, Ch.21. Letters, Ch.22.
Essay, Ch.23. Comprehension-3,4.
Translation- (Glossary Ch.2, Translation Ch. 9 to 14) Glossary Ch.2. Gender: Masculine and Feminine,
Translation- Ch.9. Present Perfect Tense, Ch.10 Past Perfect Tense, Ch.11. Future Perfect Tense, Ch.12.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Ch.13. Past Perfect Continuous Tense,Ch.14. Future Perfect Continuous
English Literature- (Ch. 8 to 14) Ch.8. Rain in Summer , Ch.9. The Valley of Diamonds-I, Ch.10. The
Valley of Diamonds-II, Ch.11. Tit for Tat (A Short Play), Ch.12. The Holy Ganges, Ch.13. Interesting facts
about Little Ants, Ch.14. A Quarrel Among Parts of the Body.
Hindi Language- (ऩाठ-6 से 10,16,17,19,21,22,23,25,25 तक) ऩाठ-6.संऻा : भऱंग, ऩाठ-7.वचन, ऩाठ-8.कारक,
ऩाठ-9. सवणनाम, ऩाठ-10. ववशेषण, ऩाठ-16. शब्द भंडार (अनेक शब्दों के भऱए एक शब्द, अनेकाथी शब्द), ऩाठ-17. मुहावरे
और ऱोकोक्क्तयााँ, ऩाठ-19. संवाद ऱेिन, ऩाठ-21. अनुच्छे द ऱेिन, ऩाठ-22. कहानी ऱेिन, ऩाठ-23.ऩत्र ऱेिन, ऩाठ-24.
ननबंध ऱेिन, ऩाठ-25. अऩठठत गदयांश।
Hindi Literature-(ऩाठ-8 से 14 तक) ऩाठ-8. यमराज का ननमंत्रण, ऩाठ-9. अऩना स्थान स्वयं बनायें, ऩाठ-10. मााँ की
तीन आऻाएाँ, ऩाठ-11. नीनत के दोहे , ऩाठ-12. अजन
ुण का मोह भंग, ऩाठ-13 भभऺा ऩात्र, ऩाठ-14. दे श भक्क्त।
Mathematics- (Ch.5 to 8) Ch.5. Decimals, Ch.6. Basic Geometrical Concepts, Ch.7.Measurement, Ch.8.
Perimeter and Area.
Science- (Ch. 6 to 9) Ch.6. Communicable Diseases, Ch.7. Balanced Diets, Ch.8. States of Matter, Ch.9.
Rocks and Mineral.
Social Science- (Ch. 7 to 12) Ch.7. The Temperate Zone, Ch.8. The Polar Region, Ch.9 Pollution: Our
Biggest Enemy, Ch.10. Conservation of Environment, Ch.11.Natural Disasters, Ch.12. The United Nations.
Computer- (Ch. 5 to 7) Ch.5 Modification of Presentation, Ch.6. MS Excel-2007, Ch.7.Number System.
Urdu- 1. Write counting 41 to 70 in Urdu, 2. Alf to Yeh with Zeir, 3. Reading book page no. 18 to 39, 4.
Seh hurfi alfaaz, 5. Dictation, 6. Fill in the blanks, 7. Matching, 8. Recognise the picture and write its first
letter, 9. Join the letters.
G.K.- Ch.16 to 30.
Art- Pg. No. 18 to 32.
English Language- (Ch.14 to 23) Ch.14 Prepositions, Ch.15. Conjunctions, Ch.16. Punctuation and Capital
Letters, Ch. 17. Direct and Indirect Speech, Ch.18. Interjections, Ch.19. Synonyms, Ch.20. Antonyms,
Ch.21. Letters, Ch.22. Essay, Ch.23. Comprehension-5.
Translation- (Glossary Ch.3, Translation- Ch. 15 to 20) Glossary Ch.3. Some Grammatical Terms and
Definitions, Translation- Ch.15. Can, Could, May, Might, Must, Should, Would, Ought, Ch.16. Imperative
Sentences, Ch.17. Use of ‘Let’, Ch.18. Wishes and Exclamations, Ch.19. Use of ‘Infinitive’, Ch.20. Passive
English Literature- ( Ch.15 to 21) Ch.15.The Little Busy Bee, Ch.16. A Great Warrior of Mewar-I, Ch.17.
A Great Warrior of Mewar-II, Ch.18. An Interesting Dialogue, Ch.19. Try, Try and Try Again, Ch.20.
Man’s Journey to the Moon, Ch.21. Leisure.
Hindi Language- (ऩाठ- 11 से 15,16,17,20,21,22,23,24 तक) ऩाठ-11. क्रिया, ऩाठ-12. काऱ, ऩाठ-13 अव्यय/
अववकारी शब्द, ऩाठ-14.ववराम चच , ऩाठ-15. अशुवि शोधन, ऩाठ-16. शब्द भंडार (श्रनु तसम भभन्नाथणक शब्द) , ऩाठ-17.
मुहावरे तथा ऱोकोक्क्तयााँ, ऩाठ-18. सूचना ऱेिन, ऩाठ-20. अनुच्छे द ऱेिन, ऩाठ-22. कहानी ऱेिन, ऩाठ-23. ऩत्र ऱेिन,
ऩाठ-24. ननबंध ऱेिन।
Hindi Literature- (ऩाठ-15 से 20 तक) ऩाठ-15. बाघ का वववाह, ऩाठ-16. कोभशश करने वाऱों की कभी हार नहीं
होती, ऩाठ-17.ऩानी रे ऩानी,ऩाठ-18.जहााँ चाह वहााँ राह,ऩाठ-19. सच्ची जीत, ऩाठ-20. िान ऩान में स्वच्छता।
Mathematics- (Ch. 9,11 to13) Ch.9. Measurement of Volume, Ch.11. Time, Ch.12. Money, Ch.13. Data
Science- (Ch.10 to 13) Ch.10. Soil, Ch.11. Simple Machines, Ch.12. Light, Shadow and Eclipse, Ch.13.
Social Studies- (Ch.13 to 17) Ch. 13. The British Rule and the Revolt of 1857, Ch.14. Freedom Struggle,
Ch.15. Great Indians, Ch.16. Our Government, Ch.17. Knowledge is Power.
Computer- (Ch.8 to 10) Ch.8. Networking, Ch.9. Computer Viruses, Ch.10. Photoshop.
Urdu- 1. Write counting 71 to 100 in Urdu, 2. Write Alif to Yeh with Peish, 3. Reading book page no. 40 to
104, 4. Hukaari words, 5. Char hurfi alfaaz, 6. Fill in the blanks, 7. Dictation, 8. Matching, 9. Recognise the
Picture and write its name, 10. Join the letters.
G.K- Ch.31 to 45.
Art- Pg.no. 33 to 46.

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