Second Syllabus-1

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Doon Cambridge school

Final Examination Syllabus 2023-24


English Language

L-2 Sentences and their kinds

1-3 Nouns

L-4 Common and Proper Nous

L-5 Collective Nouns

L -7 Nouns Number

L -8 Nouns Genders

L -9 Nouns Possessions

L-10 Adjectives

L-11 Comparison of Adjectives

L-12 A, An, The

L-13 Pronouns

L-14 Verbs

L-16 The Simple Present Tense

L-17 The Present continuous Tense

L-18 The Simple Past Tense

L-19 Subject Verb Agreement

L-20 Adverbs

L-21 Preposition

L-22 Conjunctions

L-23 Interjection

* Composition Writing

* Unseen passage

* Letter writing
English Literature

Ch-8 Chips

Ch-9 Crow Boy

L-10 Running Away

L 11 A Tuesday

L-12 A Game of Hopscotch


1.How the little kite Learned to fly

2.Great wide, Beautiful wonderful world

3.Planting the Tree

English story ( Learn any one story of your choice and narrate it in your own words)

Hindi language
संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, कारक, विशेषण, क्रिया, काल , विराम–चिह्न, लिंग, विलोम, वचन,
पर्यायवाची शब्द, अनेक शब्दो के लिए एक शब्द, अशुद्ध को शुद्ध करना, मुहावरे,
निबंध लेखन,पत्र लेखन, अपठित गद्यांश
Hindi Literature

काकी,अच्छे इंसान (कविता),भारत की अंतरिक्ष महिला(कल्पना चावला),किससे याचना की

जाए,कौआ हो गया काला (कविता), गुलाबी नगरी (जयपुर),वह बुड्ढा (कविता),सब धन धुरि
समान,उपकार का बदला

कथा कलश - (आपको अपने शबदो में कोई भी एक कहानी सुनानी है।)

Maths I
Ch-1 Numbers
Ch-5 Multiple and Factors
Ch-6 Fractions
Ch-7 Addition and subtraction of fractional Number
Ch-8 Decimals

Maths II

Ch-11 Geometrical shapes

Ch -13 Number Patterns

Ch- 14 Data handling

Ch- 15 Roman Numerals

Mental Maths - (Related to these chapters)


Ch:12 Animals used for transportation

Ch:13 Roots and trees

Ch:14 Flowers and Who is attracted to flowers

Ch: 15 How do we get our food?

Ch:16 Water World

Ch:17 Water fit for drinking

Ch: 18 Managing Waste

Ch: 19 Houses, Then and Now

Ch: 20 Construction of building and bridges

Ch:21 Travel and currency

* Political map of India.


• Rangoli design
• Sunflower
• Butterfly
• Fruit basket
• Pencil shading cup and saucer


• Grid drawing
• Paper origami (rabbit,fish,frog, batman mask)

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