Half Yearly Portion Class 8
Half Yearly Portion Class 8
Half Yearly Portion Class 8
English Literature
Poem. The lake isle of Innisfree
Ch2. The Narayanpur incident
Ch3 Melting ice in Alaska
Poem. The Rock and the sea
Ch4. Patol Babu
Ch5. My greatest Olympic prize
Poem Failure
English Language
Ch5. Parts of speech
Ch15 Comparison of adjectives
Ch16. The verb
Ch17. Agreement of subject and verb
Ch18 Tenses
Ch19. Present
Ch20 Past tense
Ch21 Future tense
Ch22. Infinitives and imperatives
Ch23. Participle and gerund
Ch25. Voice
Formal and informal letters
Ch.4 Urbanisation
Ch.6 Study of continent:Asia
Ch.2 Population (UT-1)
Ch.3 Migration(UT-1)
+ Map work: Asia(physical)
हहन्दी भाषा
(1) ननबंध-लेखन
(2) पत्र-लेखन
(3) अपनित गद्यं श
(4) निलोम शब्द,पयया यियची शब्द,अनेक शब्दों के नलए एक शब्द,मुहयिरे ,युग्म
शब्द,अशुद्धि-शोधन (शब्दों तथय ियक्ों में)इन सबकय अिा भयग ।
भयिियचक संज्ञय,निशेषण बनयनय।
(5)कयल पररितान,ियक् पररितान।
(6)ननदे शयनुसयर ियक्य पररितान-पनित पयिों के आधयर पर।
हहन्दी साहहत्य
Ch 1 Matter
Ch 2 Physical and Chemical change
Ch 3 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
Ch 4 Atomic Structure
Ch 5 Language of Chemistry
Ch-5: Program Coding
- Introduction to Java
- Features of Java
- Compilation Process
- Byte Code and JVM
- Values and Data Types (ASCII code, Unicode, Escape Sequence,
- Data Types and Variables (types of variables, constants)
- Introduction of Scanner Class
- Introduction of System.out.print()/println() function
- Simple program using Scanner class
- "if" Statement and program using "if" Statement
Ch 1- A period of transition
Ch 3- The American War of Independence
Ch 4 - The American Civil War
Ch 5 : Indian in the 18th century
Ch 6 : Traders to rulers
Ch 1- The Union Legislature
Ch 2 - The Union Executive
Ch 3- Indian Judiciary
Ch- 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,12,13.
Ch-1 Matter
Ch-2 physical Quantities and Measurement
Ch-3 Force and Pressure
Ch - Energys