Learning Progressions Student Versions English
Learning Progressions Student Versions English
Learning Progressions Student Versions English
Learning to deep learn, to keep trying, to have integrity, empathy, and compassion,
and to always be a learner.
Proactive stance I am not clear about With help, I can identify I can describe what I am I understand what I need to learn I have the skills to find and create
toward life and what I need to learn and what I know, what I need interested in, what I know, and am skilled at working out how my own learning opportunities.
learning to deep why I need to learn it. to learn, and why. what I need to learn, and why I to learn it. I am continually building the
learn I can complete tasks my With help, I can choose need to learn it. As I learn, I reflect on my progress knowledge and skills that help me
teacher prepares for me, a topic and find the I can choose a topic and and seek feedback to improve my succeed in life.
but I need help to reflect information I need. create/design a project to help learning. I create meaningful solutions that
on and understand how I I am learning to see peer my learning. I use what I learn to help improve impact my life and the world.
am doing with a task. and teacher feedback I listen to peer and teacher current and future projects. I enjoy I actively seek out feedback
Learning is not a positive as opportunities to learn feedback and use it to improve learning and see it as a way to and use it to better understand
experience for me yet. and improve. the way I learn. improve my life. I try to balance how I learn and what helps me
I think I can learn and Learning is a positive work with play. grow. I look for any opportunity to
achieve. experience and it leads to a learn something new, even when
feeling of accomplishment and it’s challenging. I balance work
achievement. with play.
Grit, tenacity, I usually give up when I need a lot of support I am learning to persevere I persevere and never give up, My grit, tenacity, perseverance,
perseverance, I face an unexpected to deal with setbacks, and to not give up even when even when working on the most adaptability, and resilience allow
and resilience challenge or receive negative feedback, and tasks are challenging. challenging tasks. me to work through any challenge
negative feedback. difficult challenges. Major setbacks or difficulties When faced with major setbacks or setback and to help others do
When a task or I am starting to work may throw me off track or negative feedback, I pause, the same.
experience is too hard, through challenges sometimes, but I can deal with reflect, adapt, and work through I seek out feedback and use it to
I am unable to work but still need to small or medium challenges by the challenge to find a solution. help my learning.
through the challenge to be supported and pausing, reflecting, adapting, I understand and can talk about I understand that the character
find a solution. encouraged not to and finding new solutions. why the character qualities are qualities are essential for creating
give up. important for my life. meaningful change in my life and
the world.
Source: Copyright © 2019 by Education in Motion (New Pedagogies for Deep Learning™). All rights reserved. Reproduction authorized for educational use by educators, local school sites, and/or noncommercial or nonprofit entities that
have purchased the book.
Character (Cont’d) | Student-Friendly Deep Learning Progression
Learning to deep learn, to keep trying, to have integrity, empathy, and compassion,
and to always be a learner.
Using I use some digital during I use digital to assist with I regularly use digital to I know and can explain how digital I effortlessly use technology to
technology for the learning process, my learning occasionally. support my learning and I helps me to learn and reflect help me throughout my learning
learning but I don’t see how it I am beginning to understand how digital can and develop traits like empathy, experience.
(leveraging supports my learning. use digital to develop deepen traits like empathy, compassion, and grit. I use digital to support others with
digital) empathy, compassion, compassion, and grit. their learning by encouraging them
and grit. and providing feedback.
Source: Copyright © 2019 by Education in Motion (New Pedagogies for Deep Learning™). All rights reserved. Reproduction authorized for educational use by educators, local school sites, and/or noncommercial or nonprofit entities that
have purchased the book.
Citizenship | Student-Friendly Deep Learning Progression
Thinking like global citizens and considering global issues with empathy
and compassion.
Commitment to I see the world from With help, I am beginning I am beginning to understand I really care about the world and I use my strong understanding of
human equity my own perspective to understand my that who I am and how I see everyone who lives in it. my culture and other cultures to
and well-being and don’t understand own culture and some the world is influenced by I am curious about different better understand global issues
through empathy or appreciate the differences of other where I was born and how I cultures and worldviews and from different points of view.
and compassion perspectives of cultures. was raised. have a strong understanding of When I speak up for others (who
for diverse values people in different With guidance, I am learning my own. can’t speak up for themselves),
and worldviews cultures. to understand what the I am helping to make the world
I care about the welfare of
experiences of others better.
people from across the world,
might be like and respect even though I don’t know them. It is this wider view that allows
other cultures’ values and me to take action to improve the
worldviews. human condition in small and
big ways.
Genuine interest I am not very aware I recognize that I understand that caring for I understand and appreciate the I have a strong understanding of
in human and of or concerned everybody’s actions the environment is important importance of the environment environmental issues and their
environmental about issues have an impact on the for our survival as human for human life and survival. I importance.
sustainability relating to the environment. With help, beings. The solutions I care about environmental issues My understanding of the issues
environment. I can think of ideas that create take into account the and can generate sustainable and care for the environment
benefit the earth and its environment and the threats solutions that affect the planet allow me to act in ways that
people. I am starting to it is facing. and its inhabitants. create positive, lasting change.
see change opportunities
in my local environment.
Source: Copyright © 2019 by Education in Motion (New Pedagogies for Deep Learning™). All rights reserved. Reproduction authorized for educational use by educators, local school sites, and/or noncommercial or nonprofit entities that
have purchased the book.
Citizenship (Cont’d) | Student-Friendly Deep Learning Progression
Thinking like global citizens and considering global issues with empathy
and compassion.
Using I do not yet use I can use technology to I use technology to improve I can describe how technology I effortlessly use technology
technology for technology to learn connect to others and my understanding of improves my global, to improve my global,
learning about issues. understand their context. local, global, cultural, and environmental, and cultural environmental, and cultural
I am learning about digital environmental issues. understandings. Technology understandings. I am able
citizenship and usually Technology allows me allows me to create relevant, to transfer and apply these
communicate respectfully to create solutions for a equitable, fair, and sustainable understandings to new
when using technology. multicultural audience and solutions to benefit humankind challenges or contexts. I can
contribute to sustainability and our planet. I model digital clearly describe how technology
and social justice. When citizenship skills. enhances my products or
I communicate using solutions to global challenges of
technology I respect laws, equity, justice, and sustainability.
digital etiquette, and the I encourage others to be good
feelings of other people, even digital citizens.
if I don’t know them.
Source: Copyright © 2019 by Education in Motion (New Pedagogies for Deep Learning™). All rights reserved. Reproduction authorized for educational use by educators, local school sites, and/or noncommercial or nonprofit entities that
have purchased the book.
Collaboration | Student-Friendly Deep Learning Progression
Working interdependently and with others, making important decisions together, and learning from and
contributing to the learning of others.
Interpersonal I may help or work with When working in a group, I am I work well with others, and our I understand and can clearly I work with other members
and others on tasks, but I aware of the common goal or team effort makes the learning explain how each member of my of my group to make sure our
team-related often don’t understand solution that we are all working experience more successful. team works together to produce collaborative process is as
skills why we are working to achieve. I talk with and listen to my our best work. effective as possible.
together or the best way Key group decisions are often group members and we I work with others to resolve I make sure that everyone´s ideas,
to go about it. made by one or two group agree upon plans and desired conflicts and to achieve group knowledge, and abilities are heard
members rather than the outcomes of our work. goals. and valued.
whole group. I am a very good listener and I make sure that our work is the
make sure that everyone´s voice best it can be.
is heard and appreciated in the
way we work together.
Social, I am beginning to see I am developing a better I understand who I am as a I have a strong sense of who I am. My social and emotional skills
emotional, that my behavior has understanding of who I am and person and why I have my I fully understand my own show that I have a strong sense of
and an impact on others but what I am interested in. perspectives. perspectives and know how and myself and my culture.
intercultural still have trouble seeing I see how my behavior affects I listen to and understand other why they differ from others’. I communicate respectfully with
things from other people’s others and know that people people’s viewpoints, and I value I listen to the emotions and everyone and form positive
perspectives. may have different feelings and their perspectives even if they viewpoints of others and use them relationships with team members.
I sometimes struggle to opinions than my own. differ from my own. to improve my own learning. I understand other people’s
form positive relationships In teams, I work in ways that help perspectives and am able to
with my group members. me grow as a person and that change my behavior after listening
help my team members grow to others.
as well.
Source: Copyright © 2019 by Education in Motion (New Pedagogies for Deep Learning™). All rights reserved. Reproduction authorized for educational use by educators, local school sites, and/or noncommercial or nonprofit entities that
have purchased the book.
Collaboration (Cont’d) | Student-Friendly Deep Learning Progression
Working interdependently and with others, making important decisions together, and learning from and
contributing to the learning of others.
Using I can use some I can use technology to work I use technology to I can clearly describe how I effortlessly use technology to
technology technologies to with others and monitor our work independently and technology improves how we collaborate effectively, working
for learning collaborate with others. group effectiveness. collaboratively. Technology work together, how we share and thinking in new and deeper
allows me to understand and responsibilities, and how we ways. Technology allows me to
(leveraging appreciate others’ points of make decisions about important work in ways that suit my needs.
digital) view. aspects of our work. Technology allows all our team
members to make significant
contributions to the task.
Source: Copyright © 2019 by Education in Motion (New Pedagogies for Deep Learning™). All rights reserved. Reproduction authorized for educational use by educators, local school sites, and/or noncommercial or nonprofit entities that
have purchased the book.
Communication | Student-Friendly Deep Learning Progression
Communicating clearly, in a variety of ways, and for specific audiences.
Message I communicate in ways I am starting to consider who I understand that the way I I think about and research I can excite and motivate my
advocates a that I am comfortable needs to understand my communicate should depend my audiences’ needs before audience in ways that make
purpose and with but don’t always message. on the type of audience I am designing my communication. them care about my message.
makes an impact make sense to my I need some help to make sure hoping to reach. I understand that messages are I use my knowledge and
audience. my communication choices are I know some effective ways of “heard differently,” depending intuition to challenge audiences
suitable and helpful. communicating with specific on audience members’ life beyond what they already
I am becoming aware of audiences. experiences. think, know, or feel.
different ways I can express My communication is relevant I know how to design I know how to create messages
myself. to my audience and allows communication that is relevant that will stick in the minds of
them to understand my points. and adds value for my audience. my audience and change the
My message does not yet My message is clear, but it way they think and act.
encourage my audience to doesn’t inspire others to
take action. take action.
Source: Copyright © 2019 by Education in Motion (New Pedagogies for Deep Learning™). All rights reserved. Reproduction authorized for educational use by educators, local school sites, and/or noncommercial or nonprofit entities that
have purchased the book.
Communication (Cont’d) | Student-Friendly Deep Learning Progression
Communicating clearly, in a variety of ways, and for specific audiences.
Voice and Identity I am not sure how I am beginning to understand I attempt to communicate I can usually express myself I can express my true self.
expressed to I connect the way I that I am unique. My culture using my own unique voice, honestly and communicate When I communicate, it
advance humanity communicate with who and background make me who which is informed by my own to influence change. When I has impact on others and
I am. I am and how I communicate. culture, background, and communicate, I also consider generates positive change. I am
I am beginning to see that in interests. I am beginning to the voices and identities of a champion for those whose
others as well. include voices and identities of those who may not be heard. voices and identities may not
others as I communicate. be heard.
Using technology I sometimes use I can use technology as a I use technology to I can describe how technology I effortlessly use technology
for learning technology to tool to communicate what communicate efficiently. improves the way I communicate to work efficiently, create
(leveraging digital) communicate with I am learning or to give key Technology allows me to create and helps me learn. high-quality products, and
my team but I do not messages. high-quality products with Technology allows me to communicate effectively with
understand how it can Technology allows me to reach clear messages. communicate with others in others.
make communication new audiences. ways that are memorable and I can clearly describe how
I can use technology to
better. stimulate them to take action. technology enhances my ability
adapt my presentations for
different audiences so that to communicate and how it
they can each understand and influences others to take action.
remember my key ideas. I am comfortable using
technologies that are new to
me to communicate with others
and can do so effectively.
Source: Copyright © 2019 by Education in Motion (New Pedagogies for Deep Learning™). All rights reserved. Reproduction authorized for educational use by educators, local school sites, and/or noncommercial or nonprofit entities that
have purchased the book.
Creativity | Student-Friendly Deep Learning Progression
Being able to see and take opportunities, creating new ideas or products, leading others.
Learning Progressions
Asking the I may be interested in a With help, I am learning I can identify real-life issues I can identify real-world and I am good at framing problems and
right inquiry topic, but I am not sure to ask relevant questions or challenges and come up controversial issues and define can pose questions in ways that open
questions about how to really about topics that interest with good inquiry questions what the challenge is. up thinking and possibilities.
explore it. me. to address them. I understand the issue from I can generate and work with ¨big
I need help to know I still need some help different perspectives and come ideas¨ using reliable thinking processes.
how to find further to design an inquiry or up with important questions to I am curious and believe that things are
information and what to problem-solving process. help design a solution. not ¨carved in stone.” I can challenge
look for. what exists and make it better.
Pursuing and When I face a challenge, When facing a challenge, I When facing a challenge, When facing a challenge, I think When facing a challenge, I not only
expressing novel I look for what others look for different solutions I can imagine and create about how and why previous come up with “game-changing”
ideas and did or the tools they that may have been tried. new solutions or ideas. solutions worked and what I can solutions but know how to build a
situations used to solve it. With some help, I try to I can organize my creative do to make them even better. plan and use the right resources to
If a solution looks like adapt these to suit my thoughts in a way that I encourage and consider other make it happen.
a good one, I will use goals. helps me come up with people’s ideas, looking for opportunities I can change problems into
it without considering I know and can use some promising ideas. in the different points of view. opportunities and develop solutions
others’ ideas. strategies that help me I often use “what if” I am happy to take risks in creating based on multiple perspectives.
work or think in new thinking to create or add solutions. I think outside the box and my
ways. value to what already I ensure that my solution solutions make a real difference in
exists. addresses the issues and adds people´s lives.
something of real value.
Source: Copyright © 2019 by Education in Motion (New Pedagogies for Deep Learning™). All rights reserved. Reproduction authorized for educational use by educators, local school sites, and/or noncommercial or nonprofit entities that
have purchased the book.
Creativity (Cont’d) | Student-Friendly Deep Learning Progression
Being able to see and take opportunities, creating new ideas or products, leading others.
Using I can use some Technology allows me to I can use technology I use technology to design, identify, I effortlessly use technology to
technology technologies to efficiently and effectively to create, support, and and solve challenges in new develop new and creative ideas
for learning create products or identify, investigate, and improve new ideas or ways. I also use it to enhance and into products or processes that can
demonstrate my ideas. pursue my ideas. products. I can use understand the questions I am impact the real world. I tap new
(leveraging technology to refine asking and being asked. opportunities and find new partners
digital) my questions, inquiries, and discover new places that can
I use technology to consider how
and thinking as well as I might apply my ideas in the real broaden my learning.
create new knowledge or world.
Source: Copyright © 2019 by Education in Motion (New Pedagogies for Deep Learning™). All rights reserved. Reproduction authorized for educational use by educators, local school sites, and/or noncommercial or nonprofit entities that
have purchased the book.
Critical Thinking | Student-Friendly Deep Learning Progression
Evaluating information and arguments, seeing patterns and connections, constructing
meaningful knowledge, and applying it in the real world.
Making I understand that I am beginning to understand I can connect what I know with I understand that looking at I am skilled at making
connections when learning about that I can seek, access, and what I learn and expand my a topic or task from different connections, identifying patterns,
and identifying something, information explore information in many understanding of a topic. points of view is an important and seeing relationships.
patterns and ideas connect different ways. I am able to make some difficult part of learning. I can use the connections I see
(relate) to each other. I am beginning to connect connections, such as across I am able to make connections to understand topics or themes
I have trouble making what I am learning with what classes, cultures, periods of between and across subject deeply.
these connections by I already know. time, or multiple key learning areas. I understand that the world is full
myself. With help, I am able to make areas. of conflicting information and am
connections and expand my able to decide which information
understanding. is most relevant and useful.
Meaningful I can find information I am beginning to be able to I can use a number of strategies I am able to think about topics in I can analyze, interpret, synthesize,
knowledge on a topic but have explore what I already know to find and create new new and exciting ways and can and evaluate information.
construction trouble engaging with and use this as a starting knowledge and beliefs. explain why my new knowledge I am skilled at looking at topics
the information in a point for new learning. I can evaluate information and is useful. from different points of view and
meaningful way. I try to improve the use it to answer questions in I make meaningful connections then creating my own opinion
I understand what I see information I see or hear but class but usually don’t make and clearly understand why they about them.
or hear but don’t think don’t use evidence to back connections between subject are important in my life. I reflect on and evaluate how
about how to improve it. up my thinking. areas. and what I learn and improve my
own learning outcomes.
Source: Copyright © 2019 by Education in Motion (New Pedagogies for Deep Learning™). All rights reserved. Reproduction authorized for educational use by educators, local school sites, and/or noncommercial or nonprofit entities that
have purchased the book.
Critical Thinking (Cont’d) | Student-Friendly Deep Learning Progression
Evaluating information and arguments, seeing patterns and connections, constructing
meaningful knowledge, and applying it in the real world.
Using I have difficulty in using I can use technology as a I use technology to generate and I can use a variety of I effortlessly use technology
technology for technology to help me tool to produce questions, to explore important ideas. technologies to evaluate, to help me think critically
learning learn, to connect my connect, and to develop my I can use technology to connect generate, and explore both new about issues and share and
(leveraging ideas and with others. thoughts. with others and explore ways to and unfamiliar concepts and develop this thinking with
digital) apply new knowledge. arguments. others.
I can clearly describe how
technology enhances my ability
to think critically.
In new contexts, I can use
technology as a tool to think and
work effectively.
Source: Copyright © 2019 by Education in Motion (New Pedagogies for Deep Learning™). All rights reserved. Reproduction authorized for educational use by educators, local school sites, and/or noncommercial or nonprofit entities that
have purchased the book.