Defining Vocabulary in Context

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Language is the dress of thought.

—Samuel Johnson, English author (1709–1784)

An active reader looks up unfamiliar words. But what if you don’t
have a dictionary? In a testing situation (or, for that matter, if
you’re reading on the bus), you almost certainly won’t be able to
look up words you don’t know. Instead, you can use the context
to help you determine the meaning.

S ometimes in your reading, you come across words or phrases that are unfamiliar to you. You might be
lucky and have a dictionary handy to look up that word or phrase, but what if you don’t? How can you
understand what you’re reading if you don’t know what all of the words mean? The answer is that you
can use the rest of the passage, the context, to help you understand the new words.


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Finding Meaning from Context

The following paragraph is about one of our nation’s favorite pastimes, reality TV. Read it carefully, marking it
up as you go—but do not look up any unfamiliar words or phrases in a dictionary.

Most reality TV shows center on two common motivators: fame and money.
The shows transform waitresses, hairdressers, investment bankers, counselors,
and teachers, to name a few, from obscure figures to household names. A lucky
few successfully parlay their 15 minutes of fame into celebrity. Even if you are
not interested in fame, you can probably understand the desire for lots of money.
Watching people eat large insects, reveal their innermost thoughts to millions
of viewers, and allow themselves to be filmed 24 hours a day for a huge financial
reward makes for interesting entertainment. Whatever their attraction, these
shows are among the most popular on television, and every season, they prolif-
erate like weeds in an untended garden. The networks are quickly replacing
more traditional dramas and comedies with reality TV programs, which earn
millions in advertising revenue. Whether you love it or hate it, one thing is for
sure—reality TV is here to stay!

As you read, you may have circled some words called determining word meaning through context.
that are unfamiliar. Did you circle obscure and prolif- Like detectives looking for clues at a crime scene, we
erate? If so, don’t look them up in a dictionary yet. If must look at the passage for clues that will help us
you do a little detective work, you can determine their define this word.
definitions by looking carefully at how they are used So, given the sentence we have here, what can we
in the paragraph. tell about obscure? Well, since the shows transform
waitresses, hairdressers, investment bankers, counsel-
What Does Obscure Mean? ors, and teachers from one position(obscure figures),
Start with obscure. How is this word used? to another position (household names), that immedi-
ately tells us that an obscure figure and a household
The shows transform waitresses, hairdressers, name are two different things.
investment bankers, counselors, and teachers, to Furthermore, we know from the sentence that
name a few, from obscure figures to household the people in question are involved in typical, everyday
names. jobs (waitresses, hairdressers, bankers, etc.) and that
from this position, they are transformed into house-
Even if you have no idea what obscure means, you hold names, which means they achieve some level of
can still learn about the word by how it is used, by fame and notoriety. Now you can take a pretty good
examining the words and ideas surrounding it. This is guess at the meaning of obscure.


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1. Before they become household names, the What Does Proliferate Mean?
waitresses, hairdressers, investment bankers, Look again at the sentence in the passage in which
counselors, and teachers are proliferate is used:
a. famous and notorious.
b. unknown and undistinguished. Whatever their attraction, these shows are among
c. unique and distinctive. the most popular on television, and every season,
they proliferate like weeds in an untended garden.
The correct answer, of course, is choice b. It cer-
tainly can’t be choice a, because we know that these Again, even if you have no idea what proliferate
people are not yet famous. The reality shows will make means, you can still tell what kind of word it is by the
them famous, but until that happens, they remain way it is used. You know, for example, that these shows
obscure. Choice c doesn’t really make sense because we proliferate like weeds in an untended garden. There-
know from the passage that these people are waitresses, fore, you can answer this question:
hairdressers, investment bankers, counselors, and
teachers. Now, these are all very respectable jobs, but 3. Proliferate is a word associated with
they are fairly common, so they wouldn’t be described a. growth.
as unique or distinctive. Furthermore, we can tell that b. reduction.
choice b is the correct answer because we can substitute c. disappearance.
the word obscure with the words unknown or undistin-
guished in the sentence and both would make sense. The answer, of course, is choice a, growth. How
can you tell? Well, we all know that weeds have a ten-
Review: Finding Facts dency to grow wherever they can.
Here’s a quick review of what you learned in question 1. Now that you’ve established that proliferate relates
Reality TV has the ability to take ordinary people and to growth, you can determine a more specific meaning
make them famous. by looking for more clues in the sentence. The sentence
doesn’t only tell us that these shows proliferate like
2. Another reason people participate in reality TV weeds. It also tells us that they proliferate like weeds in
shows is an untended garden. Just imagine a neglected garden,
a. for money. one that has been left to its own devices. Weeds will
b. because they feel lucky. begin to grow in every nook and cranny of that garden.
c. because they are bored. In fact, they’ll quickly take over, to the detriment of the
plants. The phrase “weeds in an untended garden” is
A quick check of the facts in the paragraph will quite descriptive, and as such, it serves as a wonderful
tell you the answer is choice a, for money. clue. Based on the words and phrases surrounding it,
an active reader should have no problem determining
the meaning of the word proliferate.

4. Proliferate in this passage means

a. decrease, shrink.
b. underestimate, play down.
c. increase, spread at a rapid rate.
d. fail, fall short.


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The correct answer is choice c, “increase, spread Reality TV shows will adversely affect traditional
at a rapid rate.” It can’t be choices a or d because these dramas and comedies. As reality TV increases in popu-
are things associated with reduction, not growth. And larity, network executives will begin canceling more
everyone knows that weeds in an untended garden will traditional dramas and comedies and replacing them
grow fast and aggressively. Choice b is not an appropri- with the latest in reality TV.
ate answer because if you replace proliferate with
underestimate or play down, it doesn’t really make 5. In the passage, adversely most nearly means
sense. In addition, you can tell that choice c is the right a. mildly, slightly.
answer because the rest of the passage provides other b. kindly, gently.
clues. It tells you that reality TV shows are replacing c. negatively, unfavorably.
other network programs, that they are popular, and d. immediately, swiftly.
that they are earning millions of dollars in advertising
revenue. All these clues would indicate that reality TV The correct answer is choice c, “negatively, unfa-
shows are spreading and growing in number, not vorably.” The passage provides clues that allow you to
shrinking or declining. Hence, the meaning of proliferate determine the meaning of adversely. It tells you that as
must be c, “increase, spread at a rapid rate.” reality TV becomes more popular, network executives
will cancel more traditional dramas and comedies and
replace them with reality TV programming. So the
How Much Context Do You meaning of adversely is neither choice a, “mild or
Need? slight,” nor choice b, “kindly or gently.” And based on
the passage, you can’t really tell if these changes will
In the previous example, you would still be able to be immediate or swift (choice d) because the sentence
understand the main message of the passage even if doesn’t say anything about the exact time frame in
you didn’t know—or couldn’t figure out—the mean- which these changes will occur. Remember, good
ing of obscure and proliferate. In some cases, however, detectives don’t make assumptions they can’t support
your understanding of a passage depends on your with facts—and there are no facts in this sentence to
understanding of a particular word or phrase. Can you support the assumption that changes will occur imme-
understand the following sentence, for example, with- diately. Thus, choice c is the best answer.
out knowing what adversely means? You may also have noticed that adversely is very
similar to adversary. If you know that an adversary is a
Reality TV shows will adversely affect traditional hostile opponent or enemy, then you know that
dramas and comedies. adversely cannot be something positive. Or, if you know
the word adversity—hardship or misfortune— then
What does adversely mean in this sentence? Is it you know that adversely must mean something negative
something good or bad? As good a detective as you or difficult. All these words share the same root—
may be, there simply aren’t enough clues in this sen- advers. Only the endings change.
tence to tell you what this word means. But a passage
with more information will give you what you need to
determine meaning from context.


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When you are in an interview, try not to show any

TIP overt signs that you are nervous. Don’t shift in your
If you are unfamiliar with a particular word, use chair, shake, or stutter.
context clues to try to figure out its meaning. Draw
upon the important clues in the sentences that 7. Overt means.
appear directly before and after the unfamiliar word
a. embarrassing, awkward.
or passage. Punctuation can help you decipher
unfamiliar words:
b. subtle, suggestive.
c. obvious, not hidden.
■ Parentheses are often used to highlight or
explain words or phrases and elaborate
By the time our staff meeting ended at 8:00, I was
on the words that precede them.
■ An exclamation point appears in a sen- ravenous. I had skipped lunch and hadn’t eaten since
tence in which some kind of surprise, breakfast.
shock, or excitement is taking place.
■ Commas often set off non-restrictive 8. Ravenous means
elements that provide additional infor- a. like a raven, birdlike.
mation and elaboration on a word.
b. extremely hungry, greedy for food.
Example: I wanted to buy a digital cam-
era with a zoom lens, which is very costly.
c. exhausted, ready for bed.
(The phrase “which is very costly” pro-
vides added information that can be Answers
used to figure out the meaning of the 6. a. The writer says money is not important to
words that come before the phrase.) him. If money is not an issue, it is okay that
social work is not highly profitable, that it
doesn’t earn a lot of money.
Practice 7. c. Shifting, shaking, and stuttering are all
Read the following passages and determine the mean- obvious, not hidden signs of nervousness.
ing of the words from their context. The answers They are not subtle or suggestive (choice b);
appear immediately after the questions. and though they may make the interviewee
feel embarrassed or awkward (choice a), the
signs themselves are not embarrassing or
Although social work is not a particularly lucrative
career, I wouldn’t do anything else. Knowing I’m
8. b. Because the writer hadn’t eaten since break-
helping others is far more important to me than
fast, she is extremely hungry, greedy for food.
money. She may also be exhausted (choice c), but the
context tells us that this word has something
6. Lucrative means. to do with eating.
a. highly profitable.
b. highly rewarding.
c. highly exciting.


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Summary TIP
The ability to determine the meaning of unfamiliar
words from their context is an essential skill for reading The general tone or theme of the text can help
you figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
comprehension. Sometimes, there will be unfamiliar
Titles can also provide clues about the tone of a
words whose meaning you can’t determine without a story and the type of vocabulary words that are
dictionary. But more often than not, a careful look at likely to be found in the text. What overall tone
the context will give you enough clues to meaning. does each of the following titles convey?
■ “Babylon Revisited” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
■ Paradise Lost by John Milton
■ “The Fall of the House of Usher” by
Edgar Allan Poe
■ The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren


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