Curriculum Map For English 9 Honors2

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Leach 2008-2009

Curriculum Map for Honors English 9

Quarter Content (Standards) Skills/Activities Assessment
Firs Diagnostic Writing Sample PSSA Domain Scoring
Writing Sample
Composition Structure •Intro & Conclusion •Peer Revisions
t (5 paragraph essay format) Paragraphs •Conferencing
Mar (Standards 1.4.9.B; 1.5.9.A; 1.5.9.B; 1.5.9.C; •Supporting Paragraphs •Final drafts assessed
1.5.9.D; 1.5.9.E; 1.5.9.F; 1.5.9.G)
kin •Outlines
•Thesis Statements
g Public Speaking Mini-Unit •Prepare students for oral •Individual selections from
(Standards 1.6.9.A; 1.6.9. C) presentations throughout The Iliad
Per the year
iod Vocabulary •Review exercises from •Unit Assessments
(Standards 1.1.9.E;1.1.9.F;1.7.9.A;1.7.9.C) SAT prep material
•Words from Classical
Mythology and History
•Learning New Words from
The Iliad & The Odyssey •Homer •Individual and Group Oral
(Standards 1.1.9.A; 1.1.9.B; 1.1.9.C; 1.1.9.D; •The Epic and Oral Presentations
1.1.9.E; 1.1.9.F; 1.1.9.G; 1.1.9.H; 1.3.9.A;
1.3.9.B; 1.3.9.C; 1.3.9.E;1.3.9.F; 1.6.9.A;
Tradition •The Iliad Composition:
1.6.9.B; 1.6.9.C; 1.6.9.D; 1.6.9.E) •Homeric Hero The Homeric Hero
•Gods and Goddesses •The Odyssey Travel
•Literary Terms and Brochure
Figurative Language •Study Guide Checks
•Novel Assessments:
Quizzes and Tests
Composition: Critical Analysis •Homeric Hero •The Iliad Composition:
(Standards 1.4.9.B; 1.5.9.A; 1.5.9.B; 1.5.9.C; Qualifications The Homeric Hero
1.5.9.D; 1.5.9.E; 1.5.9.F; 1.5.9.G)
•Guidelines for selecting •Peer Revisions
details and arranging •Conferencing
information •Final drafts assessed
•An a critical
overall review of the •Diagnostic Pre-Post
Grammar: eight parts of speech: Assessments
Parts of Speech usage, and function •Various Exercises
(Standards 1.5.9.F; 1.6.9.A; 1.6.9.C)
•Objects (direct and •Unit Assessments:
indirect) Quizzes and Tests
•Predicate words
(nominatives and

Seco Vocabulary •Review exercises from •Unit Assessments

(Standards 1.1.9.E;1.1.9.F;1.7.9.A;1.7.9.C) SAT prep material
nd •Learning New Words from
Mar Context
•Short Stories Vocabulary
Grammar: •Common Errors •Various Exercises
Peri Usage Problems & Agreement •Pronoun/Antecedent •Usage Tests
od (Standards 1.5.9.F; 1.6.8.A; 1.6.8.C) •Usage Practice
•S/V Agreement

Short Story Selections •Authors •Group Presentations

Leach 2008-2009
(Standards 1.1.9.A; 1.1.9.B; 1.1.9.C; 1.1.9.D; •Plot structure, round/flat •Unit Assessments
1.1.9.E; 1.1.9F; 1.1.9.G; 1.1.9.H; 1.3.9.A;
1.3.9.B; 1.3.9.C; 1.3.9.F; 1.6.9.A; 1.6.9.B;
characters, setting and
1.6.9.C; 1.6.9.D; 1.6.9.E; 1.7.89A; 1.7.9.B) atmosphere, and theme.
•Class discussions

Composition: Comparison and •Guidelines for arranging •Peer Revisions

Contrast Essay information: similarities •Conferencing
and differences
(Standards 1.4.9.B; 1.5.9.A; 1.5.9.B; 1.5.9.C; 1.5.9.D; •Final drafts assessed
1.5.9.E; 1.5.9.F; 1.5.9.G) •Basic framework of
SE MID-TERM EXAMS Assessments will include all information covered from
August through January.

Thi Vocabulary •Review exercises from •Unit Assessments

(Standards 1.1.9.E;1.1.9.F;1.7.9.A;1.7.9.C) SAT prep material
rd •Building Vocabulary
Ma through Central Ideas
•Animal Farm Vocabulary
ng Research Project: •Plagiarism •Graded check - points
Historical Perspective – The • throughout the marking
Pe Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet •Thesis period
rio (Standards 1.2.9.A; 1.2.9.B; 1.4.9.B; 1.4.9.C;
1.5.9.A; 1.5.9.B; 1.5.9.C; 1.5.9.D; 1.5.9.E;
•Note cards •Conferencing
•Source cards •Final Copy of Research
d 1.5.9.F; 1.5.9.G; 1.8.9.A; 1.8.9.B; 1.8.9.C)
•Rough draft •Oral Presentation of
•Sources page Research
Animal Farm •George Orwell •Oral Presentation of
(Standards 1.1.9.A; 1.1.9.B; 1.1.9.C; 1.1.9.D; •Historical Background Selected Famous Speech
1.1.9.E; 1.1.9F; 1.1.9.G; 1.1.9.H; 1.3.9.A; 1.3.9.B;
1.3.9.C; 1.3.9.F; 1.6.9.A; 1.6.9.B; 1.6.9.C; •Allegory •Group Discussion and
1.6.9.D; 1.6.9.E) •Propaganda Log Presentations
•Character Analysis •Unit Assessments:
•Famous Historical Quizzes and Test
Great Expectations
(Standards 1.1.9.A; 1.1.9.B; 1.1.9.C; 1.1.9.D;
1.1.9.E; 1.1.9F; 1.1.9.G; 1.1.9.H; 1.3.9.A; 1.3.9.B;
1.3.9.C; 1.3.9.F; 1.6.9.A; 1.6.9.B; 1.6.9.C;
1.6.9.D; 1.6.9.E)

Fou Vocabulary •Review exercises from •Various Exercises

(Standards 1.1.9.E;1.1.9.F;1.7.9.A;1.7.9.C) SAT prep material •Usage Tests
rth •Anglo-Saxon Vocabulary
Mar Composition: Persuasive Essay •Elements of essay: •Peer Revisions
appeals and opposing
(Standards 1.4.9.B; 1.5.9.A; 1.5.9.B; 1.5.9.C; 1.5.9.D; •Conferencing
kin 1.5.9.E; 1.5.9.F; 1.5.9.G) arguments •Final drafts assessed
g Grammar: •Prepositional, Verbal, •Various Exercises
Phrases and Clauses and Appositive Phrases •Usage Tests
Peri (Standards 1.5.9.F; 1.6.8.A; 1.6.8.C) •Independent and
od Subordinate Clauses
The Tragedy of Romeo and •William Shakespeare •Oral Presentation of
Juliet •Globe Theatre Sonnet Selection
(Standards 1.1.9.A; 1.1.9.B; 1.1.9.C; 1.1.9.D; •Perfect Mate Activity •Unit Assessments:
1.1.9.E; 1.1.9F; 1.1.9.G; 1.1.9.H; 1.3.9.A; 1.3.9.B; Quizzes and Test
1.3.9.C; 1.3.9.F; 1.6.9.A; 1.6.9.B; 1.6.9.C; •Mask Activity
1.6.9.D; 1.6.9.E) •Comparison of variety of
Leach 2008-2009
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar film clips
(Standards 1.1.9.A; 1.1.9.B; 1.1.9.C; 1.1.9.D; TBA
1.1.9.E; 1.1.9F; 1.1.9.G; 1.1.9.H; 1.3.9.A; 1.3.9.B;
1.3.9.C; 1.3.9.F; 1.6.9.A; 1.6.9.B; 1.6.9.C;
1.6.9.D; 1.6.9.E)

Assessments will include all information covered from

January through June.

Information included on this curriculum map was compiled from a sampling of activities and
assessments from previous years and is subject to change throughout the school year; however, the
unit topics will remain consistent.

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