Gasification and Incineration: Course: Environmental Engineering Module 5: Solid Disposal
Gasification and Incineration: Course: Environmental Engineering Module 5: Solid Disposal
Gasification and Incineration: Course: Environmental Engineering Module 5: Solid Disposal
Lecture 6
Gasification and incineration
Course: Environmental Engineering Module 5: Solid Disposal
In recent decades, industrialized countries also included the thermal treatment
(incineration, pyrolysis, or gasification) of MSW as an important option for its management.
Within thermal treatments, incineration has reached a great interest. However, although this
process notably reduces the space required for the disposal of the same amount of residues in
landfills (typically by a factor from 4 to 10) [1- 3], MSW incinerators (MSWI) have been
questioned because of the atmospheric emissions of acid gases, heavy metals, polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and especially by the
emission of the potential carcinogenic agents polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and
dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) [1, 2, 4-6].
Course: Environmental Engineering Module 5: Solid Disposal
desired product (gas of low calorific value, liquid oil and carbonaceous char) may be
optimized [11-13].
Refuse-derived fuel (RDF): Fuel produced from combustible waste is called refuse
derived fuel (RDF). RDFs are processed so that all non-combustible materials like
recyclables (glass, metals) and inerts (stones, etc.), which do not contribute to the energy
content of the waste are removed prior to burning. The waste going into the RDF mainly
comprises wastes with significant energy content like plastics, dried biodegradable materials,
textiles, etc [9]. In many instances, the waste remaining after processing is shredded into
confetti-like particles [7, 8]. Raw MSW typically has an energy content of 9 – 11 MJ/kg,
whereas an RDF can have an energy content of 17MJ/kg [8, 9].
(c) Gasification: When the heat for pyrolysis is provided by combustion of part of the waste
in air or oxygen, the term "gasification" is used [7]. In gasification, air (oxygen) is added but
the amounts are not sufficient to allow the fuel to be completely oxidized and full combustion
to occur. The temperatures employed are typically above 650oC. The process is largely
exothermic but some heat may be required to initialize and sustain the gasification process.
The main product is a syngas, which contains carbon monoxide, hydrogen and methane.
Typically, the gas generated from gasification has a NCV of 4 – 10 MJ/Nm3 [9]. The other
main product of gasification is a solid residue of non-combustible materials (ash) which
contains a relatively low level of carbon.
Course: Environmental Engineering Module 5: Solid Disposal
available. In most instances power can be easily distributed and sold via the national grid and
this is by far the most common form of energy recovery.
(B) Generation of Heat: For heat, the consumer needs to be local to the facility producing
the heat and a dedicated distribution system (network) is required. Unless all of the available
heat can be used the generating facility will not always be operating at its optimum
(C) Generation of Heat and Power: The use of combined heat and power (CHP) combines
the generation of heat and power (electricity). This helps to increase the overall energy
efficiency for a facility compared to generating power only. In addition, as power and heat
demand varies a CHP plant can be designed to meet this variation and hence maintain
optimum levels of efficiency.
Course: Environmental Engineering Module 5: Solid Disposal
[C] Energy recovery plant: The standard approach for the recovery of energy from the
incineration of MSW is to utilize 1the combustion heat through a boiler to generate steam. Up
to 80% of the total available energy in the waste can be retrieved in the boiler to produce
steam. The steam can be used for the generation of power via a steam turbine and/or used for
heating [8].
[D] Emissions control: The combustion process must be correctly controlled and the flue
gases must be cleaned prior to their release. Generally, ammonia is injected into the hot flue
gases for control of NOx emissions. Lime or sodium bicarbonate is injected to control SO2
and HCl. And finally, a filter bed consisting of adsorbents like activated carbon, fly ash and
other solids (lime or bicarbonate) is used to control the release of heavy metals, CO, VOCs
and dioxins.
[E] Residue handling: Finally, bottom ash and air pollution control residues should be
properly handled and disposed off as per the regulations.
[1] Magrinho, A., Didelet, F., Semiao, V. Municipal solid waste disposal in Portugal.
Waste Management, 2006, 26: 1477–89.
[2] Moy. P., Krishnan. N., Ulloa, P., Cohen, S., Brandt-Rauf, P. W. Options for
management of municipal solid waste in New York City: a preliminary comparison of
health risks and policy implications. Journal of Environment Management, 2008, 87,
[3] Sharholy, M., Ahmad, K., Mahmood, G., Trivedi, R. C. Municipal solid waste
management in Indian cities — a review. Waste Management, 2008, 28: 459–67.
[4] Domingo, J. L. Human health risks of dioxins for populations living near modern
municipal solid waste incinerators. Review on Environment Health, 2002,17, 135–47.
[6] Schuhmacher, M., Domingo, J. L. Long-term study of environmental levels of dioxins
and furans in the vicinity of a municipal solid waste incinerator. Environment
International, 2006, 32, 397–404.
[7] Morcos, V. H. Energy recovery from municipal solid waste incineration-A review Heat
Recovery Systems & CHP, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 115-126, 1989.
[9] DEFR, A. Incineration of Municipal Solid Waste, Department for Environment, Food
& Rural Affairs (Defra), UK, 2007.
Course: Environmental Engineering Module 5: Solid Disposal
[10] DEFRA, Advanced Thermal Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste, Department for
Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), UK, 2005.
[11] Pavoni, J. L., Heer, J. E., Hagerty, D. J. “Handbook of Solid Waste Disposal--Materials
and Energy Recovery”, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1975.
[12] Wilson, D. C. “Waste Management, Planning, Evaluation, Technology” Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1981.
[13] Veizy, C. R., Velzy, C. O. “Incineration, in Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical
Engineers” , 8th editionMcGraw-Hill, New York, 1978.