Universitas Bumigora Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Humaniora Program Studi S1 Sastra Inggris

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Mata Kuliah KODE Rumpun MK: BOBOT (sks): SEMESTER Tgl Penyusunan
Public Speaking MKB 2314 Mata Kuliah Wajib 2 SKS VI 12 Agustus 2019
Dosen Pengembang RPS Koordinator RMK Kaprodi
(Erwin Suhendra, M.Pd) (Puspita Dewi, M.Pd)
Tanda Tangan Tanda Tangan Tanda Tangan

Capaian Pembelajaran (CP) CPL-PRODI

1 Mampu mengelaborasi dan mengembangkan konsep-konsep teoritis dalam ilmu
bahasa dan Sastra.
2 Mampu mengaplikasikan bidang keahliannya dan memanfaatkan IPTEKS pada
bidangnya dalam penyelesaian masalah serta mampu beradaptasi terhadap situasi
yang dihadapi.
3 Mampu menerapkan konsep-konsep filosofi paradigmatis,teoritis, dan metodologis
ilmu bahasa dan sastra dalam meningkatkan kinerja profesional sehingga dihasilkan
karya yang kreatif, orisinil, dan teruji.
4 Mampu menerapkan ilmu dan keterampilan berbahasa dalam bidang pariwisata
dan budaya dalam mendukung NTB sebagai daerah tujuan wisata.
5 Memiliki wawasan kewirausahaan yang baik sesuai dengan karakter daerah.
M1 Students are able to communicate their feelings and thoughts using the
appropriate expression
M2 Students are able to apply the degrees of formality and informality in speaking
M3 Students are able to set clear the objectives for speaking and organize talks in a
logical manner
M4 Students obtain postive attitude toward speaking courses
M5 Students obtain higher self confidence in speaking
Deskripsi Singkat MK The course focuses on improving self-confidence, pronunciation and vocabulary building through
doing language games, role-playing, and discussion of various issues. Grammar and semantics will
be discussed in semantics. Various language functions and activities will also be used in this course.
Original materials from different sources such as magazines, newspapers, Internet, songs, and film
will be used. Students are expected to do the assigned reading, listening, and observing on relevant
topics to prepare the class discussion.

Materi Pembelajaran/Pokok Bahasan  The systematic study of meaning

 Language in Use
 The dimension of meaning
 Semantic roles
 Lexical relations
 Transition and transfer predicates
 Reference
 Sentences as arguments
 Speech acts
 Aspect
 Factivity, implication and modality
 A variety of predicates
 The semantic of morphological relations

Pustaka Utama
 Blundell, J., et al. (1982). Function in English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

 Tillit, B., & Bruder, M.N. (1985). Speaking Naturally: Communication skills in american english.
Cambridge: CUP.
 Van Ek, J.A., & Trim, J.L.M., (1998). Threshold 1990: Council of Europe. Cambridge: CUP.
Media Pembelajaran Perangkat Lunak:
Team Teaching Erwin Suhendra, M.Pd
Mata Kuliah Syarat Speaking 1

Mg Sub-CP-MK Indikator Kriteria & Bentuk Metode Materi Bobot

Ke- Penilaian Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Penilaian
(Estimasi Waktu) (Pustaka)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 Students are able to a. Students are aware - Lecture & RPS 0
understand the the lesson of the subject’s Discussion
plan guide, references, [TM:1x(1x50’)]
materials, and
expected learning
b. Students are
familiar with basic
knowledge of the
subject and
divisions of group
2 Students are able to a. Students are able Kreidlr, p 1-15
understand understand to understand the
the expression degrees of approaches in
certainty. investigating
b. Students are able
to demonstrate
some of the
expression of
meaning in their
3 Students are able to a. Students are able Kreidlr, p 17-40
understand the concept to observe the
of permission and non-linguistic signs
granting and get meanings
from them
b. Students can
distinct between a
sentence, a
construction, and
an utterance, a
particular act of
speaking or writing
4 Students are able to a. Students are
understand express hope recognized with
and wishes lexemes, function
of words
polysemous and
5 Students are able to a. Students are bale -
express interest and lack to understand
of interest semantic cases,
thematic roles,
participant roles or
thematic functions
6 Students are able to a. Students are able -
understand how to to classify lexemes
express like and dislike b. Students are able
to understand the
concept of lexical
7 Students are able to a. Students are able -
understand previous to determine what
materials a meaning
comprehensively sentence expresses
b. Students are able
to determine roles
the accompanying
8 Midterm Test: Conduct validation and evaluation 20
9 Students are able to a.
express how to invite,
accepting an offer
10 Students are able to a.
express obligation
11 Students are able to use a.
manner of expressing
intention and enquiring
12 Students are able to a.
express satisfaction,
dissatisfaction, enquirin
satisfaction and
13 Students are able to a.
express regret and
14 Students are able to a.
express denying
15 a.
16 Final Exam: Conduct validation and evaluation 50

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