RPS Literal Listening FPBI 2021
RPS Literal Listening FPBI 2021
RPS Literal Listening FPBI 2021
M2 The students ar eable to listen and understand the language expressions in self introduction
The students are able to listen and understand, and practicing the language expressions used in asking and answering
questions in market transaction
M4 The students are able to listen and understand the language expressions about food and meals
M5 The students are able to listen and understanding the language expressions in describing directions
M6 The students are able to listen and understand the language expressions used in Bank transaction
The students are able to listen and understand the language expressions and detailed information in telling and asking
M7 about health problem.
The students are able to listen and understand the detailed information and the language expressions about
M8 transportation and the facilities
M9 The students are able to listen and understand the language expressions and the detail information about hotel services
M10 The students are able to listen and understand the detail information and the language expressions used in the travel
M11 The students are able to listen and understand the language expressions and t=detail information about tourism
The students are able to listen and understand the language expressions and detail information about asking and
offering help
Deskripsi This course is designed to improve students' ability to explicitly understand spoken non-fiction texts
Singkat MK
Materi Introduction to the Course, Where Are You From?, Do You Need Any help?, I’ll Have Pizza, Please. This is your Room!, One First
Pembelajaran/ Class Stamp, Please!, I Don’t Feel Very Well, Your Passport, Please!, A single Room Please!, Where is the Next Train?, There’s So
Much to See!, I’ll Do it Straight Away!, Where can You Deliver?, I’ll Put You Through!
Pokok Bahasan
Utama Craven, Miles.2008. Real Listening and Speaking I. New York: Cambridge UniversityPress
Pustaka Anderson, A. and T. Lynch. 2008. Listening. London: Oxford University Press.
Helgesen, Marc. 2003. Listening in Practical Language Teaching, Edited by David Nunan. McGraw Hill.
Media Software : Hardware :
Pembelajaran Slide Presentasi, audio, video, dan bahan cetak Notebook, LCD Proyektor, speaker, dan white board
Students Learning Center
Mata Kuliah
Literal Listening
1 1. Understanding the Students are able to Lecturing Introduction to the Course; The
nature and the know the nature and Nature and the Importance of
(60 minutes)
characteristics of the importance of Listening in SL Learning
Listening skill Listening in SL
2. Understand the learning
importance of
listening in Second
Language Learning.
2 The students ar eable 1. Introducing self in Listening Listening and Where Are you 10%
to listen and formal and nonformal comprehensi Excercises from?; Meeting
understand the situations on test; (60 minutes) People
language expressions
2. Asking and listening,
in self introduction (Page. 10-13)
answering questions note taking,
about personal answering
information questions
3. Begin a social
conversation and
4. Mengucapkan
salam dan selamat
3 The students are able 1. Identify the Listening Listening and Do you Need 10%
to listen and language expressions comprehensi Excercises Any Help?;
understand, and used by the custumer on test; (60 minutes) Shopping
practicing the and the assistant listening,
(Page. 14-17)
language expressions in asking and note taking,
used in asking and offering help in a answering
answering questions shop or market questions
in market transaction 2. Identify the
language expressions
used by the costumer
and the shop assistant in
a clothes shops
3. Identify numbers
and prices mentioned in
the conversations
4 The students are able 1. Order a meal in Listening Listening and I’ll Have Pizza, Please! 10%
to listen and restaurant comprehensi Excercises Food and Eating Out
understand the 2. Ask about dishes on test; (60 minutes)
language expressions on the menu listening,
(Page. 18-21)
about food and meals 3. Expressing opinions note taking,
in talk about food answering
4. Ask about food and questions
5 The students are able 1. identify the Listening Listening and This is Your 10%
to listen and directons used in comprehensi Excercises Room; staying
understanding the conversation on test; (60 minutes) with Family
language expressions 2. Understand the listening,
in describing rules in family. note taking,
directions 3. Asking for permission answering (Page. 22 - 25)
6 The students are able 1. Identify the language Listening Listening and One First class 10%
to listen and expressions in asking comprehensi Excercises stamps, please!
understand the about bank services on test; (60 minutes) At the bank and the Post Office
language expressions 2. Identify types of listening,
used in Bank different mails in post note taking, (Page. 26 - 29)
transaction office answering
3. identify the questions
language used in accept
or declining services
4. identify the language
expressions in changing
money, exchange rates,
and commission.
8 The students are able 1. identify the Listening Listening and Your Passport, 10%
to listen and language expressions in comprehensi Excercises Please!
understand the check-in and go on test; (60 minutes) At an Airport
detailed information through immigration. listening,
(Page 34 - 37)
and the language 2. identify the detail note taking,
expressions about information in the answering
transportation and the explanation listened questions
facilities 3. identify the language
expressions using in
9 The students are able 1. Identify the detail Listening Interactive learning A Single Room, 10%
to listen and information in comprehensi Please!
understand the conversations at the on test; At the Hotel
Group discussion
language expressions hotel. listening,
(Page 38 - 41)
and the detail 2. Identify the note taking,
information about language expressions answering
hotel services and detail information questions
about check-in at the
3. Identify the detail
information about
the rooms available.
4. Identify the detail
information in hotel
services complains
10 The students are able 1. Identify the language Listening Listening and When is the next 10%
to listen and expressions and the comprehensi Excercises train?
understand the detail detail information about on test; (60 minutes) Travelling by
information and the travel services listening, train or bus?
language expressions 2. Identify the detail note taking, (Page 42 - 45)
used in the travel information about time answering
3. Identify the detail questions
11 The students are able 1. Identify the language Listening Listening and There’s so much 10%
to listen and expressions used in comprehensi Excercises to see! Tourism
understand the asking for information in on test; (60 minutes)
language expressions tourism information listening, (Page 46 - 49)
and t=detail center note taking,
information about 2. Identify the detail answering
tourism information and the questions
language expressions in
making and respond to a
3. Identify the detail
information about
the visited tourism place
4. Identify the detail
information in following
the tour guide’s
12 The students are able 1. Identify the Listening Listening and I’ll do it straight 10%
to listen and language expressions in comprehensi Excercises Away!
understand the aksing and offering help on test; (60 minutes) Helping
language expressions 2. Identify the listening, customers and
and detail language expressions in note taking, colleges
information about take message and pass
message on. (Page 52 - 55)
13 The students are able 1. Identify the Listening Listening and When can you deliver? 10%
to listen and information in comprehensi Excercises
understand the asking about goods on test; listening, (60 minutes) (Page 56 - 59)
language expressions services 2. Identify the note taking,
and detail language expressions in answering
information in making and responding questions
responding to a to a request
request 3. Identify the language
expressions and detail
information about place
an order for goods.
4. Identify the
language expressions
and the detail
information of compare
products and choose
between alternatives.