I. Objectives: Earth & Life Science
I. Objectives: Earth & Life Science
I. Objectives: Earth & Life Science
E. Discussing new concepts Students need to describe each of the unifying themes in a manila paper and report
and practicing new skills their work in front of the class. The teacher will give inputs based on the available
2 (DEEPENING) resources.
F. Developing Mastery Students will make a concept map using colorful papers to show the interaction of living
(POST-ACTIVITY) things with their environment.
G. Finding practical
Application s of Students will express the importance of ecosystem in daily living in terms of role
concepts and skills in playing.
daily living
H. Making Generalizations
and abstractions about Students shall mention the gist of what they’ve learned on these learning competencies
the lesson by completing the dialogue box:
“Today I have learned that ………… ________________________________,
And so I must ……….. __________________________________.”
I. Evaluating Learning
(ASSESSMENT) Formative assessment (5 item quiz)