Session Plan ETM

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Session Plans

Exercise to Music

Name: Andrew Methven

Date of session: 3rd March 2021
Time of session:

[email protected]
Component: Duration: 10 minutes Objective for this component:
Warm up Increase heart rate, get blood flowing, and avoid injury, prepare for
Music used & Speed:
BPM evenly phrased 128bpm Aerobic mix various artists
Music Exercises Teaching points Progression/adaptation
Breakdown (diagrams and muscle groups if appropriate)

Evenly phrased Squats

128bpm To make this harder move slower as
1. Stand with your head facing forward and it will put more strain on the
your chest held up and out. muscles.

2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or To make this easier then don’t go
slightly wider. Extend your hands down as far as it will put less strain
straight out in front of you to help keep on the muscles.
your balance. You can also bend the
elbows or clasp the fingers.

3. Sit back and down like you're sitting into

an imaginary chair. Keep your head
facing forward as your upper body bends
forward a bit. Rather than allowing your
back to round, let your lower back arch
slightly as you descend.

4. Lower down so your thighs are as

parallel to the floor as possible, with
your knees over your ankles. Press your
Press-Ups weight back into your heels.

5. Keep your body tight, and push through

your heels to bring yourself back to the
starting position.
1. Start in a standard press up position as To make this harder you can move
your hand further to the side when
seen in the diagram.
2. Place each hand as wide as is
comfortable. The wider apart your hands To make this easier you can balance
are the harder you will work out your on your knees instead of ankles.
3. Slowly lower your chest towards the
floor whilst ensuring your abs are tight
and your spine is in neutral position.
4. Slowly push back up to the start

To make this harder you could do it

while holding a weight.
 Step 1: Lie on the floor on an exercise mat
with your your hands behind your head and
To make this easier you could do
your legs bent. Your feet should be planted
them faster as it would put less
firmly on the floor, shoulder width apart.
strain on the muscles.
This is your starting position.

 Step 2: Using just your abdominals, exhale as

you raise the upper half of your body
straight into a sitting position while keeping
your legs stationary.

 Step 3: Hold for a moment and then inhale as

you slowly lower your body back to the
Tricep-Dips starting position.
To make this harder you could do it
with a weight on your thighs or you
could go down slower.
1. Find a steady chair/step and take a seat.
Place your hands on the chair, on either To make this easier you could not go
side of your hips. Grip the front of the down as low or get a smaller
chair, with fingers pointed towards your chair/step.

2. Straighten your legs out in front of you

with your heels on the ground. Keep
your upper body in a straight line with
your head up towards the ceiling.

3. Move your body forward slightly so that

your butt is off the chair and you are
relying on your arms to hold your body

4. Lower your body down, bending your

elbows at an angle somewhere between
Russian Twists 45 and 90 degrees.

5. Push yourself up to the position you

started in. Make sure to engage your
core and use your triceps to move your
body up and down.
1. Sit on the floor with your knees and hips To make this easier you can place
bent to 90 degrees with your feet just you feet on the ground.
above the floor, holding a weight plate
with your arms fully extended in front of To make this harder you can do it
your chest. while holding a weight.
2. Lean back so your torso is at a 45-degree
angle and use your abs to twist your
torso as far as you can in one direction
before reversing the motion and
returning to the starting position to
prepare to twist in the opposite

Box Step Ups

To make this easier you can do this

Start by getting a step or a box. slower or find a smaller box/step.
Then stand in front of it.
Next, place one foot onto it. To make this harder you could find a
Then the other foot. bigger box/step or do it faster.
Then the same back down off the box.
The repeat.
Try and do this to the beat of the music that you
are listening to or is playing in the gym.

1. Stand tall with your feet together and To make this easier you could do it
your hands at your sides. slower.
2. Quickly raise your arms above your head
while jumping your feet out to the sides. To make this harder you could do it
Immediately reverse the movement to faster.
jump back to the standing position.

If you are doing this to somewhat face paced

music then try and jump to the beat of the

To make this harder you could go
slower on the way down and on the
way up.
1. Start by standing up tall.

2. Step forward with one foot until your leg To make this easier you could not
lunge all the way down i.e. stop
reaches a 90-degree angle. Your rear halfway.
knee should remain parallel to the
ground and your front knee shouldn’t go
beyond your toes.

3. Lift your front lunging leg to return to

the starting position.

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