Core Strength Training

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Core Strength Training

Instructions: Before starting your workout, do a warm-up routine for at least 5 to 10

minutes. Possible warm-up includes brisk walking, jogging on the spot, or movements
that work your legs, arms, and other major muscle groups.
Take a video of yourself while doing the activities.

1. Lunges

To do this exercise:

1. Start by standing up tall, feet shoulder-width

2. Step forward with your right foot, and lower
your hips toward the floor until your right leg is
at a 90-degree angle and your left knee is
parallel to the ground. Make sure your front
knee doesn’t go beyond your toes.
3. Lengthen your spine to keep your torso upright.
4. Hold this position for 5 seconds or longer.
5. Then step your right foot back to meet your left,
and repeat this movement with your left leg.

You can do these variations like walking lunges, jumping lunges, lunges with a
torso twist, and side lunges.

2. Planks

To do this exercise:

1. Rest on your forearms and toes only,

keeping your body in a straight line with
your buttocks clenched and your abdominal
muscles engaged.
2. Try to hold this position for 30 seconds. If
that’s too hard, start with 20 seconds.
3. As you gain strength and fitness, try to hold
the plank position for 1 minute or longer.

You can try lifting one leg at a time while you’re holding the plank position.

3. Pushups

To do this exercise:

1. Start in a plank position with your palms

directly under your shoulders.
2. Keeping your back flat and bracing your
core, lower your body by bending your
elbows until your chest almost touches the
3. Immediately push your body back up to the
starting position.
More challenging pushup variations, you can try doing these plyo pushups, close
stance pushups, and decline pushups.

4. Bridge

To do this exercise:

1. Start on your back. Bend your knees and

plant your feet on the floor at hip-width.
Place your hands at your sides, palms
2. Tighten your core and glutes.
3. Raise your hips until your knees are in line
with your shoulders.
4. Hold for 10–30 seconds.

5. Crunch

To do this exercise:

1. Start on your back. Bend your knees and

plant your feet on the floor at hip-width. Line
up your head and spine. Cross your arms
across your chest.
2. Tighten your core and relax your neck and
shoulders. Tuck in your chin and lift your
upper back, keeping your lower back,
pelvis, and feet on the floor. Pause.
3. Slowly lower your upper back to return to
the starting position.

6. Supine Toe Tap

To do this exercise:

1. Start on your back. Lift your legs, knees bent

to 90 degrees. Place your hands at your
sides, palms down.
2. Tighten your core. Lower your right foot and
gently tap the floor, keeping your left leg still
and your back flat.
3. Raise your right leg to return to the starting
position. Repeat with your left leg.

7. Bird dog
To do this exercise:

1. Start on all fours, hands below your shoulders

and knees below your hips.
2. Tighten your core. Lift and straighten your right
leg to hip level. Simultaneously lift and extend
your left arm to shoulder level, palm down.
3. Repeat with your left leg and right arm.

8. Mountain climber

To do this exercise:

1. Start in a plank with your hands below your

shoulders. Tighten your core.
2. Lift your right knee toward your chest, keeping
your back straight and hips down.
3. Return your right leg to the starting position as you
simultaneously lift your left knee toward your

4. Continue alternating legs.

Finish your workout by cooling down for about 5 to 10 minutes. This allows your breathing
and heart rate to transition into a resting state. Options include walking on the spot and
gentle stretches.

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