Back Bending: Stretching Exercises
Back Bending: Stretching Exercises
Back Bending: Stretching Exercises
Back Bending
We are often told to avoid bending when we have back pain but this is not helpful. Our backs like to
bend but if we have lost this movement it can be uncomfortable. Slow stretching into this
movement eases twinges, enabling normal movement.
Option 1
Lie on your back and bring both knees up to your chest
with your legs bent.
Hug your knees into your chest so that your back has a
good stretch.
Relax your arms and repeat.
Option 2
Sit on a firm chair, with your legs apart.
Slowly bend your head and back forwards, sliding your
hands down the front of your legs.
Bring yourself back upright and repeat.
Option 3
Stand with your feet hip width apart with your knees
slightly bent.
Slowly bend your head and back forwards, sliding your
hands down the front of your legs.
Bring yourself back upright and repeat.
Back Twist
This is a movement the back likes to do but often gets stiff when activities are limited due to back
problems. Doing this gentle stretch allows the back to move more normally.
Option 1
Lie on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat
on the floor.
Your arms should be relaxed and slightly away from your
Slowly let both knees fall to one side, bring them back to
the middle and repeat to the other side.
Option 2
Lie on your back with one knee bent with the foot on the
floor, and the other leg straight.
Relax your arms and place away from your body.
Slowly let the bent knee fall across the straight leg.
You can use your hand to help pull the knee down closer
to the floor.
Bring your knees and arms back to the middle and repeat
to the other side.
Option 3
Sit on a firm chair.
Use your arms to start the movement and slowly twist
your back around as far as you can so that you are looking
behind you.
Repeat to the other side.
If this is comfortable and you want to make the stretch a
bit stronger, use your hands to hold onto the back of the
Back Arching
We spend a lot of our day doing activities in a bent forwards position. Arching our backs in the other
direction can improve our suppleness, meaning we are less likely to get twinges during everyday life.
Option 1
Lie on your tummy with your elbows bent, hands and
arms flat on the floor.
Option 2
Lie on your tummy with your hands on the floor by your
shoulders, elbows bent.
Option 3
Stand with your feet hip width apart, hands on your back
just above your bottom.
Hamstrings (back of thigh)
If you have not been as active as usual because of your back problem, the hamstring muscles can
tighten making you feel a bit stiff. Stretching the hamstrings allows the back to work more
Option 1
Lying on your back, bring one knee to your chest,
supporting the back of your thigh.
Slowly straighten your knee as far as you can without
moving your thigh.
Feel the stretch at the back of that leg.
Repeat with the other leg.
Option 2
Sit on the edge of a chair with one leg out straight, the
other knee bent. Keeping your back straight, bend
forward from the hips so you are reaching towards your
knee. Look at something in front of you.
You can support yourself with your arms.
Repeat with the other leg.
Option 3
Stand with one leg in front of you with the knee of the
other leg slightly bent.
Keeping your back straight, bend forwards from the
You can support yourself by resting your hands on the
top of the bent leg.
Repeat with the other leg.
Sit to Stand
This is a wonderful exercise for strengthening your thigh and bottom muscles as it gets all the
muscles working together as you get up and down from a chair.
Option 1
Sit on an ordinary dining-type chair.
Stand up straight using your hands to help you (either
by pushing on your thighs, on the arms of the chair or a
table in front of you).
Slowly lower yourself back down onto the chair, again
using your hands to help you.
Level 2
Sit on an ordinary dining-type chair.
Stand up without using your hands to help you.
Slowly lower yourself back down onto the chair again
without using your hands to help you.
Level 3
Sit on the edge of a sofa or on a low stool,
Stand up without using your hands to help you.
Slowly lower yourself back down onto the sofa or low
stool without using your hands to help you.
Tummy Curls
A great exercise for strengthening tummy (abdominal) muscles. Tummy muscles provide a ‘brace’
that helps your back move normally. This exercise will also make getting out of bed a lot easier.
Level 1
Slowly lean back, keeping your bottom on the edge of
the chair and feet flat on the floor.
When your head/shoulders touch the back of the chair,
breathe in.
Tighten your tummy muscles and slowly bring yourself
back upright. Do not jerk when doing this exercise.
Level 2
Sit on the floor or a bed with your legs out as straight as
you can and with your arms straight out to the side.
Tighten your tummy muscles and slowly lean back at the
same time as moving your arms back until your hands
rest on the floor. Breathe in.
Tighten your tummy muscles and slowly bring yourself
back upright. Do not jerk when doing this exercise.
Level 3
Sit on the floor or a bed with your legs out as straight as
you can and with your hands resting on the side of your
Tighten your tummy muscles and slowly lean back
keeping your hands on the side of your bottom until
your forearms rest on the floor. Breathe in.
Tighten your tummy muscles and slowly bring yourself
back upright. Do not jerk when doing this exercise.
The Bridge
This exercise strengthens your tummy and bottom muscles as well as those in the back of your
thigh (hamstrings) at the same time. These muscles support your body as you move around during
the day.
Level 1
Tighten your tummy muscles and press the lower part
of your back against the floor.
You know you are doing this right when your pelvis tilts
towards you.
Level 2
Tighten your tummy and bottom muscles.
Slowly lift your bottom off the floor until there is a
straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
Slowly lower your bottom back to the floor.
Level 3
Tighten your tummy and bottom muscles.
Slowly lift your bottom off the floor until there is a
straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
Holding this position, slowly straighten one leg by lifting
the foot off the floor and keeping your knees together.
Return foot to floor. Repeat with the other leg.
Slowly lower your bottom back to the floor.