Science 9 Quarter 1 Performance Task No. 1: BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR HEART

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Quarter 1

Performance Task No. 1: BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR HEART

This coming February, it will again be the celebration of the global “Heart Month.” In line with this
together with your barangay’s thrust for a better health program, you have been tasked to encourage
members of the school community to take care of their health, in particular, that of the heart and organs
closely associated to it. With the theme: “The Restless Heart, No Rest Since Birth,” you will make a PowerPoint
presentation which you will use as you do your video presentation within your respective homes. Your
presentation will be evaluated based on content, organization, graphics or animations used, and clarity.

Standards Content Organization Appropriateness of Clarity

Scale Graphics or
animations used
Provides Details of the Graphics or slide Followed the
exhaustive and presentation are transitions used are direction of using
reliable placed in a logical not only appropriate only a maximum of
background and interesting to the target 15 slides; slides are
Outstanding information about order and it audience, but also not cluttered with
(4) the topic; effectively keeps effectively kept the information
Information the interest of the interest of the (maximum of 8
provided is clearly audience. audience. lines per slide).
relevant to the
objective of the
Provides accurate Details are placed Graphics/animations Followed the
background in a logical order, used are direction of using
information; thereby helping the appropriate to the only a maximum of
Satisfactory Information audience target audience. 15 slides; slides are
(3) provided is related understand the not cluttered with
to the objective of presentation information
the presentation. without difficulty. (maximum of 8
lines per slide).
Provides unrelated Some details are Some Some slides are
background not in a logical or graphics/animations cluttered with text
information; Some expected order, used are (10 lines or more),
Developing information are not and have the inappropriate to the number of slides
(2) relevant to the potential to target audience used exceeded the
objective of the confuse the which can also lead maximum limit.
presentation. audience. to confusion and
No background Many details are No graphics or Slides were
information. not in a logical or animations were cluttered with text
Beginning expected order. used in the which led to

Adopted from the Private Education Assistance Committee

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
(1) There is little sense presentation. audience losing
that the interest in the
presentation is presentation.

Adopted from the Private Education Assistance Committee

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education

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