Action Plan YES O
Action Plan YES O
Action Plan YES O
Establish nursery that Seed Bank and Functional nursery that July - YES-O Seedlings P2,500.00 Donations School STNHS
contains only seeds Nursery cater native, endemic or August officers and Cellophane PTA Heads
and seedlings coming Establishment indigenous species of 2016 Members cover Teachers
of trees including
fruit trees
Restore the Planting, Growing Live and well August School Fertilizers P1,000.00 Donations School
endangered and Caring for maintained trees that 2016 - Heads PTA Heads STNHS
biodiversity and to Trees provide carbon sinks to January Teachers Teachers
provide carbon sinks mitigate the effects of 2017 YES-O
officers and
to mitigate the effects global warming and
of global warming climate change
and climate change
Create awareness Awareness Full participation of October Students Bond P500.00 Registration School
papers, Fee Heads STNHS
campaigns and Campaigns and students and teachers on 2016 -
symposia on Symposia on awareness campaigns March pens Club
environmental issues Environmental and symposia on 2017
such as global Issues and Actions environmental issues officers
warming, climate such as global warming, and
change, water climate change, water members
conservation etc. conservation etc.
Outreach Program
Maintain cleanliness Clean-up drives, School community are July Teachers Garbage P200.00 MOOE School STNHS
in the school adopt a river free from scattered 2016 - Students bag Heads Sto.
community garbage’s March Parents Teachers Tomas
2017 Students Central
Check and monitor Environmental School surroundings are July YES-O Bond paper P300.00 MOOE School STNHS
the students on the Police free from scattered 2016 - officers and Heads
implementation of garbage’s March Members Teachers
2017 Students
waste segregation
Reduce wastes and Plastic Free Proper waste July Teachers Garbage P500.00 MOOE School STNHS
hasten the collection Environment segregation 2016 - Students bag Heads
and segregation March Teachers
2017 Students
process of garbage in
the school
Protect and Watershed Well protected water July Barangay Cleaning P1,000.00 Donations Barangay STNHS
reinvigorate Protection and shed areas through 2016 - Officials Materials PTA Officials Sto.
watershed areas Conservation planting of trees and March Other Other Tomas
NGO’s NGO’s Central
cleaning the 2017
Promote and Promotion of Local Promote and safeguard Septem Barangay Brochure P200.00 Donations Barangay STNHS
safeguard potential Ecotourism Sites potential tourist ber Officials PTA Officials Sto.
tourist destination destination 2016 - Other Other Tomas
NGO’s NGO’s Central
2017 Internation
al Tourist
Organized district Environmental Well participated October School LCD P4,000.00 Registration School STNHS
Camps environmental camps to Heads Fee Heads
encampment to 2016 - Projector
increase global concerns Teachers Teachers
increase global for environmental action March Students Lap top Students
concerns for against threats to 2017 Tent
environmental action Mother Earth and to Cooking
against threats to consolidate all in and kitchen
Mother Earth and to safeguarding, paraphernal
consolidate all in protecting, and ia
safeguarding, conserving the Beddings
protecting, and environment. First aid kit
conserving the
Prepared by:
Approved by:
ASSPII-School Head
Establish nursery Seed Bank and Functional July - 2 – School 2 – School P2,500.0 Donati School Heads STNHS
that contains only Nursery nursery that August Heads Heads 0 ons Teachers
25- YES-O 15- YES-O PTA Students
seeds and seedlings Establishment cater native, 2016
coming from native, endemic or officers officers
and and
endemic or indigenous
Members Members
indigenous species species of trees
10-PTA 5-PTA
of trees including including fruit officers officers
fruit trees trees 25- 15-
Teachers Teachers
Restore the Planting, Live and well August 2- School 2- School P1,000.0 Donati School Heads STNHS
endangered Growing and maintained 2016 - Heads Heads 0 ons Teachers
biodiversity and to Caring for trees that January 25 - 15 - PTA
provide carbon sinks Trees provide carbon 2017 Teachers Teachers
25- YES-O 15- YES-O
to mitigate the sinks to
officers officers
effects of global mitigate the
and and
warming and climate effects of Members Members
change global
warming and
climate change
Registra Implemented
Create awareness Awareness Full October 403- 300- P500.00 Club adviser STNHS
Students Students tion YES-O officers
campaigns and Campaigns and participation of 2016 - Fee and members
symposia on Symposia on students and March
environmental issues Environmental teachers on 2017
such as global Issues and awareness
warming, climate Actions campaigns and
change, water symposia on
conservation etc. environmental
issues such as
change, water
Outreach Program
Maintain cleanliness Clean-up drive,
School July 2016 - 25 - 25 - P200.00 MOOE School Head STNHS
in the school adopt a rivercommunity are March Teachers Teachers Teachers
free from 2017 403- 403- Students
community Parents
scattered Students Students
garbage’s Parents Parents
Waste Management Program (Segregation, Recycling and Entrepreneurship)
Check and monitor Environmental School July 2016 25 - YES- 25 - P300.00 MOOE YES-O STNHS
the students on the Police surroundings - March O officers students adviser,
implementation of are free from 2017 and officers and
scattered Members members
waste segregation
Reduce wastes and Plastic Free Proper waste July 2016 25 - 25 - P500.00 MOOE YES-O STNHS
hasten the collection Environment segregation - March Teachers Teachers adviser,
and segregation 2017 403- 403- officers and
Students Students members
process of garbage
in the school Parents
Protect and Watershed Well protected July 2016 - Barangay Barangay P1,000.0 Donati Barangay Sto. Tomas
reinvigorate Protection and water shed March Officials Officials 0 ons Officials Barangay
watershed areas Conservation areas through 2017 Other Other PTA Other NGO’s
planting of
trees and
cleaning the
Promote and Promotion of Promote and September Barangay Barangay P200.00 Donati Barangay Sto. Tomas
safeguard potential Local safeguard 2016 - Officials Officials ons Officials Barangay
tourist destination Ecotourism potential April 2017 Other Other PTA Other NGO’s
Sites NGO’s NGO’s
Local/Inte Local/Inte
destination rnational rnational
Tourist Tourist
Organized district Environmental Well October 2-School 2-School P4,000.0 Registra School Head STNHS
Camps participated Heads Heads 0 tion Fee Teachers
encampment to 2016 - Students
increase global environmental March 25- 5-
camps to Teachers Teachers
concerns for 2017
increase global 403- 50-
environmental action Students Students
against threats to concerns for
Mother Earth and to environmental
consolidate all in action against
safeguarding, threats to
protecting, and Mother Earth
conserving the and to
environment. consolidate all
protecting, and
conserving the
Prepared by:
Club Adviser
Planning Team
Approved by:
School Head
Establish nursery that July - August Not Implemented Problem on areas and To tie-up with other agencies
contains only seeds and 2016 budget in the establishment in out sourcing budget in the
seedlings coming from of the nursery establishment of the nursery
native, endemic or
indigenous species of
Check and monitor the July 2016 - Implemented Students attitude/lack of Certificates and awards to be
students in the March 2017 discipline in the given to sections who follow
implementation of waste implementation of waste correctly the implementation
segregation segregation of waste segregation
Reduce wastes and hasten July 2016 - Implemented Despite waste segregation collection of eco-bricks should
the collection and March 2017 practices plastics and foils be continuous to reduce wastes
segregation process of are still scattered within the and hasten the collection and
garbage in the school school surroundings segregation process of garbage
in the school
Protect and reinvigorate July 2016 - Not Implemented No identified water shed Scout within the locality a
watershed areas March 2017 areas to be revive and probable water shed areas for
protected the school to adopt and to be
Promote and safeguard September 2016 Not Implemented No identified potential Scout within the locality a
potential tourist - April 2017 tourist destination to be probable potential tourist
destination promoted and preserve destination to be promoted and
Organized district October 2016 - Not Implemented Management of time and Make a project proposal with
encampment to increase March 2017 budget constrain are to be other teachers in the district to
global concerns for consider for YES-O organized district encampment
environmental action encampment for the aim to increase global
against threats to Mother concerns for environmental
Earth and to consolidate action against threats to
all in safeguarding, Mother Earth and to
protecting, and conserving consolidate all in safeguarding,
the environment. protecting, and conserving the
Prepared by:
Club Adviser
Planning Team
Approved by:
School Head