Differentiated Performance Task Template Session 3: Criteria Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning
Differentiated Performance Task Template Session 3: Criteria Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning
Differentiated Performance Task Template Session 3: Criteria Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning
In a certain barangay in Camarines Norte with children who are weak and feeble due to
nutritional deficiency. With this situation, students decided to conduct a seminar with the
support of the following group of person: Nutritionist: BHW, and Doctor of Internal Medicine.
As part of the seminar, there will be information dissemination about the causes of
nutritional deficiency as possible ways on how to avoid nutritional deficiency.
As professional in the medical field, they are tasked to gather or collect information and
data about the cases of nutritional deficiency. The data gathered is to be presented in the form
of multimedia presentation, info graphics and case study. The content of the following
presentations will be presented to the barangay constituents. These presentations will be
evaluated according to its content, organization, effectiveness, and cooperation.
Transfer Goal: Students on their own and in the long run they will be able to:
Engage in activities that promote certain awareness about diseases resulting from
nutrient deficiency and the possible ways on how to avoid them.
Transfer Task Scenario Goal: To Study the nutritional practices of the barangay
Situation: In a certain barangay of Camarines Norte , Children get weakened and feeble
due to nutritional deficiency
Product 1 Multimedia Product 2 Info graphics Product 3 Case Study
Standards: These multimedia presentations, information graphics and case study will be
evaluated according to its content, organization, effectiveness, and cooperation.
Oral Presentation Intensity, well- Intensity with Delivery was not Delivery was not
rehearsed with smooth delivery smooth but able to smooth and
smooth delivery that holds hold audience audience attention
that holds audience attention attention most of was lost.
audience attention the time.
TOPIC The topic of the info graphic is The topic of the info graphic The topic of the info
specific in nature and is intended may be a bit too broad to graphic is hard to
to inform or convince the viewer understand the main points ascertain and needs
to be made more
Type The Type of info graphic chosen The type of info graphic The type of info
(e.g. time-like, informational, chosen represent the contents graphic chosen
etc.)Highly supports the content being chosen but another type does not convey the
being presented may lead to more clarity for the information well or
viewer support the content
being presented.
Objects The objects included in the info Some objects included are Too many different
graphics are repeated to support repeated but the info graphic types of objects are
various data points and to make it are repeated, but the info used in the info
easier for the viewer to graphic did not see to include graphics and that
understand the info graphics enough repeated elements to makes it hard for
make it understandable the viewer to
understand the
Data The data visualization formats The data visualization formats Other data
Visualizations chosen make the data presented chosen showcase the data, but visualization
easy for the viewer to understand some may make it difficult for formats should be
the information the viewers to understand the chosen to best
points. showcase the data
presentation for the
Effectiveness The presentation is The presentation Some parts of the The presentation
compelling in sufficiently disseminates presentation fails to disseminate
disseminating information disseminate information
information information
Cooperation Group members are Group members share Some group The group is
actively collaborating tasks, work members are ineffective in the
with one another collaboratively, and inconsistent in distribution of
and are consistent in perform assigned tasks performing tasks. Most group
performing assigned conscientiously assigned task members are not
tasks performing
assigned tasks.
Adjectives/ Rubric
Adverbs in Criteria For
Transfer Task
M Understanding Enduring
Case Study Holistic Rubric Survey
Students will Analysis
understand that
occurrence of the
diseases of the
digestive system
result from nutritional
Session 3- HO 6
Directed Prompt Open Prompt Guided Prompt Independent Prompt
System Analysis System Analysis Case Analysis Case Study
1. Identify the parts of 1. The digestive system is BMI Survey helps the
the digestive system and composed of different school nurse to check and PERFORMANCE TASKS
the function of each part. organs that are made up to measure students
2. Describe how the parts of smooth muscles which certain condition, like
carry out their functions is responsible for nutritional deficiency.
together. ingestion, absorption and
3. Identify one organ of extraction. Make an analysis of
the digestive system that 2. Nutritional deficiency student with certain
is affected by is a disease caused by the condition. Supplement
environmental stresses insufficient intake of your analysis with
4. Formulate a hypothesis nutritious food and relevant research.
to explain what might harmful substances.
happen to the digestive 3. Identify the organ that
system as a result of the is affected.
change you described 4. Identify the part that is
previously not functioning well
Discuss how this
malfunction can affect
the whole system and the
organism. Make a
summary of your analysis
by writing a paragraph
Type Knowledge and Understanding Transfer
Process/ Skills (Meaning Making)
Nutritional Status
Survey (NG)
Summative Post Test (G) KWL Chart (NG) Rubric for Case
Assessment Interpretation, Study (G)
Six ways to boost Nutrient Reason why your digestive Stress and Digestive System
Absorption system isn’t working
Answer: Answer: Stress can lead to
nutritional deficiency as it
Nutritional Deficiency is the Malfunctioning Digestive can bring about digestive
result of poor nutrient System leads to poor disorders, affecting the
absorption nutritional intake resulting entire human body.
to nutritional deficiency
Supporting Text: Supporting Text: Supporting text:
How does nutritional If your body isn’t absorbing Digestive issues if not fully People with digestive
deficiency affect the the nutrients then you fixed result to painful problems at the idea that
functioning of the human aren’t reaping any of the consequences stress could be the root of
body? health benefits. their problems.
Reason: Reason: Reason:
Session 7- HO 4
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Eye Contact Maintains consistent Maintains eye contact Only occasionally Has no eye contact
eye contact with entire with most of the looks at audience with the audience
audience audience most of the
Volume/ Projection Speaks loudly and Speaks loudly enough Speaks softly causing Cannot be heard
comfortably to be to be heard by most some audience
heard by entire audience members discomfort
Rate/ Pacing Varies rate and pauses Uses appropriate rate Speaks too rapidly or Rate causes confusion
for natural effect but may have some lowly; pauses may for audience
throughout pauses that do not interfere with
presentation. create distractions smoothness of rate
Content All the ideas the Most of the ideas that Some ideas that the The ideas regarding
students presents students presents are student presents are the opinion of the
regarding his/ her supported by supported by students are not
opinion are supported additional additional supported by
by additional information or information or additional
information or explanations explanations information f
explanations explanations.
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
ORGANIZATION The brochure has The brochure has The brochure has The brochure
excellent formatting appropriate some organized format and
and very well formatting and well- information with organization of
organized organized random formatting. material are
information information confusing to the
IDEAS The brochure The brochure The brochure The brochure
communicates communicates communicate communicates
relevant relevant irrelevant irrelevant
information information information, or information, and
appropriately and appropriately to the communicates communicates
effectively to the intended audience. inappropriately to inappropriately to
intended audience the intended the intended
audience audience.
CONNECTIONS All of the writing is Most of the writing Some of the writing Most of the writing
done in complete is done in complete is done in complete is not done in
sentences sentences, Most of sentences. Some of complete sentence.
Capitalizations and the capitalization capitalization and Most of the
punctuations are and punctuation are punctuation are capitalization and
correct throughout correct throughout correct throughout punctuation are not
the brochures. the brochure. the brochure correct throughout
the brochure
GRAPHICS The graphics go well The graphics go well The graphics go well The graphics do not
with the text and with the text, but with the text, but go with the
there is a good mix are so many that they are too few accompanying text
of text and graphic. they distract from or appear to be
text. randomly chosen.
ORGANIZATION Information presented in Information is presented Presentation jumps
a logical, interesting in logical sequence. around, hard to
sequence. Hook draws Narration, stance and distinguish where
the audience into the confirmation are present narration, stance and
presentation reason are.
SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE Demonstrate full Demonstrates knowledge Information is lacking
knowledge of topic and of topic but one reason both reasons should be
both reasons are fully may be more developed explained more.
developed then other
VIDEO AND VISUAL Excellent video, put Video effective and Video is uneven, visuals
together smoothly and visuals are interesting and are poorly used, uneven
effectively, visuals appropriately used. effectiveness in lightning,
enhance presentation Lightning sound, voice sound voice over
and lightning, sound over, captions, music may captions, music may not
voice over, captions, have some troubles but be all effective and some
music all enhance overall do not hurt may even distract from
together presentation presentation.
AUDIENCE APPEAL 10 equals 5 pts 8 equals 3 pts 5 equals 1 pt.
Content Standard: Disease that result from nutrient deficiency and ingestion of
harmful substances, and their prevention and treatment
Activities for acquiring Activities for making meaning Activities Leading to transfer
knowledge and skills and developing
Explore( Introduction)
Administration of pre-test Eliciting prior knowledge
through labelling
KWL Chart
Firm up (Interaction)
Webpage reading bout Scaffolding 1
digestion processes (Ingestion,
absorption, assimilation, and
Viewing about the different Scaffolding 2
digestive processes
Deepen (Interaction)
Extemporaneous Speech Scaffolding 3
Role paly
Short- response questions
Transfer ( Integration)
Administration of post test Making a meal diet plan Scaffolding 4
Articulating new knowledge
through KWL
Values integration
Session 8
1. In doing the task, what part did you find difficulty in doing?
2. In your own present community, do you think a seminar on nutritional deficiency is needed?
What do you think will be its impact to your community?
3. As a student, in what ways can you help in the information dissemination campaigns on
nutritional deficiency in your own community?