Off Season Prep

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Off season preparation

This preparatory block is designed to ease you into this phase of training and introduce
you to the methods and systems that you’ll be using over the next 12 weeks.

Monday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Bodyweight squats + band around knees and cable face
Movement Prep 3 15-20 60 sec
1. Paused Squats 3 8 120 sec
2. Romanian Deadlifts 3 10 90 sec
3. Barbell Bench Press 3 8 90 sec
4. Chin-Ups 3 AMRAP 90 sec
DB Shoulder Complex (front raise/side raise/overhead
5. 3 10 90 sec
6. 3-Way Plank Combo (side/front/side) 3 45 sec 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata jump rope 8 20 sec 10 sec

Tuesday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 5,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Supine hip bridge ‘w’ band around knees + standing wall
Movement Prep 3 15-20 60 sec
1. Rack Deadlifts 3 8 120 sec
2. Lunges 3 10 90 sec
Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

3. Standing Overhead Press 3 8 90 sec

4. Single Arm Dumbbell Rows 3 8 90 sec
5. Push-Ups 3 AMRAP 90 sec
6. Turkish Get-Ups 3 4 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata burpees 8 20 sec 10 sec

Thursday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Friday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 5,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Saturday - Full Body Strength Training

Same workout as Monday

Sunday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Try to use heavier weights, perform more reps, or shorter rests between sets to increase
the difficulty of your workouts. There is also a slight increase in training volume.

Monday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Supine hip bridge ‘w’ band around knees + standing wall
Movement Prep 3 15-20 60 sec
1. Rack Deadlifts 3 8 120 sec
2. Lunges 3 10 90 sec
3. Standing Overhead Press 3 8 90 sec
4. Single Arm Dumbbell Rows 3 8 90 sec
5. Push-Ups 3 AMRAP 90 sec
6. Turkish Get-Ups 3 4 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata kettlebell swings 8 20 sec 10 sec
Tuesday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 5,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Bodyweight squats + band around knees and cable face
Movement Prep 3 15-20 60 sec
1. Paused Squats 3 8 120 sec
2. Romanian Deadlifts 3 10 90 sec
3. Barbell Bench Press 3 8 90 sec
4. Chin-Ups 3 AMRAP 90 sec
DB Shoulder Complex (front raise/side raise/overhead
5. 3 10 90 sec
6. 3-Way Plank Combo (side/front/side) 3 45 sec 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata jump rope 8 20 sec 10 sec

Thursday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Friday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 5,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Saturday - Full Body Strength Training

Same workout as Monday

Sunday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Try to use heavier weights, perform more reps, or shorter rests between sets to increase
the difficulty of your workouts. There is also a slight increase in training volume.

Monday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Bodyweight squats + band around knees and cable face
Movement Prep 3 15-20 60 sec
Monday - Full Body Strength Training

1. Paused Squats 4 8 120 sec

2. Romanian Deadlifts 4 10 90 sec
3. Barbell Bench Press 4 8 90 sec
4. Chin-Ups 4 AMRAP 90 sec
DB Shoulder Complex (front raise/side raise/overhead
5. 4 10 90 sec
6. 3-Way Plank Combo (side/front/side) 4 45 sec 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Burpees 8 20 sec 10 sec

Tuesday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 6,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Supine hip bridge ‘w’ band around knees + standing wall
Movement Prep 3 15-20 60 sec
1. Rack Deadlifts 4 8 120 sec
2. Lunges 4 10 90 sec
3. Standing Overhead Press 4 8 90 sec
4. Single Arm Dumbbell Rows 4 8 90 sec
5. Push-Ups 4 AMRAP 90 sec
6. Turkish Get-Ups 4 4 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Kettlebell Swings 8 20 sec 10 sec

Thursday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Friday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 6,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Saturday - Full Body Strength Training

Same workout as Monday

Sunday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section
This week incorporates a slight reduction in training volume while training intensity remains
high. This should boost recovery so that you start the next phase of training feeling fresh
and well-rested.

Monday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Supine hip bridge ‘w’ band around knees + standing wall
Movement Prep 3 15-20 60 sec
1. Rack Deadlifts 2 8 120 sec
2. Lunges 2 10 90 sec
3. Standing Overhead Press 2 8 90 sec
4. Single Arm Dumbbell Rows 2 8 90 sec
5. Push-Ups 2 AMRAP 90 sec
6. Turkish Get-Ups 2 4 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata jump rope 8 20 sec 10 sec

Tuesday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 4,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Bodyweight squats + band around knees and cable face
Movement Prep 3 15-20 60 sec
1. Paused Squats 2 8 120 sec
2. Romanian Deadlifts 2 10 90 sec
3. Barbell Bench Press 2 8 90 sec
4. Chin-Ups 2 AMRAP 90 sec
DB Shoulder Complex (front raise/side raise/overhead
5. 2 10 90 sec
6. 3-Way Plank Combo (side/front/side) 2 45 sec 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Burpees 8 20 sec 10 sec
Thursday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab
Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Friday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 4,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Saturday - Full Body Strength Training

Same workout as Monday

Sunday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

This preparatory block is designed to ease you into this phase of training and introduce
you to the methods and systems that you’ll be using over the next 12 weeks.

Monday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Bodyweight squats + band around knees and cable face
Movement Prep 3 20 60 sec
1. Back Squats 3 5 180 sec
2. Romanian Deadlifts 3 8 90 sec
3. Paused Bench Press 3 5 180 sec
4. Weighted Chin-Ups 3 5 120 sec
5. Barbell Cuban Press 3 8 90 sec
6. Pot Stirrers 3 30 sec 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Kettlebell Swings 8 20 sec 10 sec

Tuesday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 3x 1,000 meters at a moderate pace RPE 7/8
Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training
Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Supine hip bridge ‘w’ band around knees + standing wall
Movement Prep 3 15 60 sec
1. Deficit Deadlifts 3 5 180 sec
2. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats 3 10 90 sec
3. Standing Overhead Press 3 5 120 sec
4. Seated Cable Rows 3 8 90 sec
5. Parallel Bar Dips 3 AMRAP 90 sec
6. Ab Wheel Roll Outs 3 10 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata jump rope 8 20 sec 10 sec

Thursday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Friday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 7,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Saturday - Full Body Strength Training

Same workout as Monday

Sunday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Try to use heavier weights, perform more reps, or shorter rests between sets to increase
the difficulty of your workouts. There is also a slight increase in training volume.

Monday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Supine hip bridge ‘w’ band around knees + standing wall
Movement Prep 3 15 60 sec
1. Deficit Deadlifts 3 5 180 sec
2. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats 3 10 90 sec
3. Standing Overhead Press 3 5 120 sec
Monday - Full Body Strength Training

4. Seated Cable Rows 3 8 90 sec

5. Parallel Bar Dips 3 AMRAP 90 sec
6. Ab Wheel Roll Outs 3 10 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Burpees 8 20 sec 10 sec

Tuesday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 3x 1,000 meters at a moderate pace RPE 7/8

Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Bodyweight squats + band around knees and cable face
Movement Prep 3 20 60 sec
1. Back Squats 3 5 180 sec
2. Romanian Deadlifts 3 8 90 sec
3. Paused Bench Press 3 5 180 sec
4. Weighted Chin-Ups 3 5 120 sec
5. Barbell Cuban Press 3 8 90 sec
6. Pot Stirrers 3 30 sec 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Kettlebell Swings 8 20 sec 10 sec

Thursday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Friday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 7,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Saturday - Full Body Strength Training

Same workout as Monday

Sunday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Try to use heavier weights, perform more reps, or shorter rests between sets to increase
the difficulty of your workouts. There is also a slight increase in training volume.
Monday - Full Body Strength Training
Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Bodyweight squats + band around knees and cable face
Movement Prep 4 20 60 sec
1. Back Squats 4 5 180 sec
2. Romanian Deadlifts 4 8 90 sec
3. Paused Bench Press 4 5 180 sec
4. Weighted Chin-Ups 4 5 120 sec
5. Barbell Cuban Press 4 8 90 sec
6. Pot Stirrers 4 30 sec 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Jump Rope 8 20 sec 10 sec

Tuesday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 4x 1,000 meters at a moderate pace RPE 6/7

Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Supine hip bridge ‘w’ band around knees + standing wall
Movement Prep 4 15 60 sec
1. Deficit Deadlifts 4 5 180 sec
2. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats 4 10 90 sec
3. Standing Overhead Press 4 5 120 sec
4. Seated Cable Rows 4 8 90 sec
5. Parallel Bar Dips 4 AMRAP 90 sec
6. Ab Wheel Roll Outs 4 10 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Burpees 8 20 sec 10 sec

Thursday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Friday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 7,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6
Saturday - Full Body Strength Training
Same workout as Monday

Sunday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

This week incorporates a slight reduction in training volume while training intensity remains
high. This should boost recovery so that you start the next phase of training feeling fresh
and well-rested.

Monday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Supine hip bridge ‘w’ band around knees + standing wall
Movement Prep 3 20 60 sec
1. Deficit Deadlifts 2 5 180 sec
2. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats 2 10 90 sec
3. Standing Overhead Press 2 5 120 sec
4. Seated Cable Rows 3 8 90 sec
5. Parallel Bar Dips 3 AMRAP 90 sec
6. Ab Wheel Roll Outs 3 10 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Kettlebell Swings 8 20 sec 10 sec

Tuesday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 3x 1,000 meters at a moderate pace RPE 6/7

Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Bodyweight squats + band around knees and cable face
Movement Prep 3 20 60 sec
1. Back Squats 2 5 180 sec
2. Romanian Deadlifts 2 8 90 sec
3. Paused Bench Press 2 5 180 sec
4. Weighted Chin-Ups 2 5 120 sec
Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

5. Barbell Cuban Press 2 8 90 sec

6. Pot Stirrers 2 30 sec 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Jupe Rope 8 20 sec 10 sec

Thursday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Friday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 7,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Saturday - Full Body Strength Training

Same workout as Monday

Sunday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

This preparatory block is designed to ease you into this phase of training and introduce
you to the methods and systems that you’ll be using over the next 12 weeks.

Monday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Bodyweight squats ‘w’ band around knees + cable face
Movement Prep 3 20 60 sec
1. Front Squats 4 3 180 sec
2. Hang Cleans 4 3 90 sec
3. Floor Press 4 3 180 sec
4. Weighted Chin Ups 4 3 120 sec
5. Bus Drivers 4 15 90 sec
6. Hanging Leg Raises 4 30 sec 60 sec
Monday - Full Body Strength Training

7. Finisher: Tabata Burpees 8 20 sec 10 sec

Tuesday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 4x 750 meters at a fast pace RPE 8/9

Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Supine hip bridge ‘w’ band around knees + standing wall
Movement Prep 3 20 60 sec
1. Deadlifts 4 3 180 sec
2. Step-Ups 4 12 90 sec
3. Push Press 4 3 120 sec
4. Lat Pull-downs 4 8 90 sec
5. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 8 90 sec
6. Russian Twists 4 12 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Kettlebell Swings 8 20 sec 10 sec

Thursday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Friday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 10,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Saturday - Full Body Strength Training

Same workout as Monday

Sunday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Try to use heavier weights, perform more reps, or shorter rests between sets to increase
the difficulty of your workouts. There is also a slight increase in training volume.

Monday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Monday - Full Body Strength Training

Supine hip bridge ‘w’ band around knees + standing wall

Movement Prep 3 20 60 sec
1. Deadlifts 4 3 180 sec
2. Step-Ups 4 12 90 sec
3. Push Press 4 3 120 sec
4. Lat Pull-downs 4 8 90 sec
5. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 8 90 sec
6. Russian Twists 4 12 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Jump Rope 8 20 sec 10 sec

Tuesday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 4x 750 meters at a fast pace RPE 8/9

Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Bodyweight squats ‘w’ band around knees + cable face
Movement Prep 3 20 60 sec
1. Front Squats 4 3 180 sec
2. Hang Cleans 4 3 90 sec
3. Floor Press 4 3 180 sec
4. Weighted Chin Ups 4 3 120 sec
5. Bus Drivers 4 15 90 sec
6. Hanging Leg Raises 4 30 sec 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Burpees 8 20 sec 10 sec

Thursday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Friday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 10,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Saturday - Full Body Strength Training

Same workout as Monday
Sunday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab
Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Try to use heavier weights, perform more reps, or shorter rests between sets to increase
the difficulty of your workouts. There is also a slight increase in training volume.

Monday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Bodyweight squats ‘w’ band around knees + cable face
Movement Prep 3 20 60 sec
1. Front Squats 5 3 180 sec
2. Hang Cleans 5 3 90 sec
3. Floor Press 5 3 180 sec
4. Weighted Chin Ups 5 3 120 sec
5. Bus Drivers 5 15 90 sec
6. Hanging Leg Raises 5 30 sec 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Kettlebell Swings 8 20 sec 10 sec

Tuesday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 5x 750 meters at a fast pace RPE 8/9

Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Supine hip bridge ‘w’ band around knees + standing wall
Movement Prep 3 20 60 sec
1. Deadlifts 5 3 180 sec
2. Step-Ups 5 12 90 sec
3. Push Press 5 3 120 sec
4. Lat Pull-downs 5 8 90 sec
5. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 5 8 90 sec
6. Russian Twists 5 12 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Jump Rope 8 20 sec 10 sec
Thursday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab
Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Friday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 10,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Saturday - Full Body Strength Training

Same workout as Monday

Sunday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

This week incorporates a slight reduction in training volume while training intensity remains
high. This should boost recovery so that you start the next phase of training feeling fresh
and well-rested.

Monday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Supine hip bridge ‘w’ band around knees + standing wall
Movement Prep 3 20 60 sec
1. Deadlifts 2 3 180 sec
2. Step-Ups 2 12 90 sec
3. Push Press 2 3 120 sec
4. Lat Pull-downs 2 8 90 sec
5. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 2 8 90 sec
6. Russian Twists 2 12 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Burpees 8 20 sec 10 sec

Tuesday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 3x 750 meters at a fast pace RPE 8/9

Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm Up Use one of the supplied warmups or one of your own devising.
Bodyweight squats ‘w’ band around knees + cable face
Movement Prep 3 20 60 sec
Wednesday - Full Body Strength Training

1. Front Squats 2 3 180 sec

2. Hang Cleans 2 3 90 sec
3. Floor Press 2 3 180 sec
4. Weighted Chin Ups 2 3 120 sec
5. Bus Drivers 2 15 90 sec
6. Hanging Leg Raises 2 30 sec 60 sec
7. Finisher: Tabata Kettlebell Swings 8 20 sec 10 sec

Thursday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

Friday - Conditioning
After a warm-up, row or run 10,000 at an easy pace RPE 5/6

Saturday - Full Body Strength Training

Same workout as Monday

Sunday - Rest, Rehab & Prehab

Choose one or more strategies from the Recovery section

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