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A beginner workout routine for those who want to add both size and strength. You are a beginner
if you have been training for less than two years and/or is no longer able to increase the weight
weekly on compound exercises. On this program you train 3 days a week, and the muscle
frequency is also 3 times a week.

Why you should use this program

Even though this program only has you in the gym three days a week, you still get amazing results
and arguably better than a beginner program with more training days a week. This is because you
get the same amount of volume with a fullbody program, but you will have more rest days
resulting in better recovery thus will decrease the likelihood of stalling and getting overtrained.

Science has shown that training a muscle group three times a week is better than only training
every muscle once a week (when volume is matched) in terms of strength and hypertrophy.

This program is combining powerlifting and bodybuilding by having different days for different
goals. Day 1 will be lower reps for general strength. Day 2 has a broader variety of exercise
selection to prevent injuries, weak points and muscle imbalances. Day 3 will include higher reps for
hypertrophy. The program also has DUP (daily unilinear periodization) for its periodization
method. (all of the days will build muscle and strength, but certain days has certain priorities)

How long should you run this program?

It is very individual when it comes to how long you should run the program since a lot of individual
factors need to be taken into consideration such as previous training experience. However
somewhere between 2-6 months would be an estimate for most people.

Example on how to run the program

Monday – WORKOUT 1
Tuesday - REST
Wednesday – WORKOUT 2
Thursday - REST
Friday – WORKOUT 3
Saturday -REST
Sunday – REST

Progression scheme
If you are a beginner to lifting, don’t focus on progressive overload. Use the first 4 weeks to
practise and master the technique on all of the exercises. Good technique will allow you to
become stronger and bigger in the long run. It will also reduce injury risks greatly.

If you know the technique and you are comfortable with the exercise you can start progressing in
weight. When it comes to compound movements (exercises that uses more than one joint, such as
the squat, bench and deadlift), add 5lbs/2.5kg every week. On isolation exercises, add 2lbs/1kg
whenever you feel comfortable with the current amount of weight.

If you are no longer able to add 5 lbs/2.5kg to compound movements, reduce the weight by 10%
and start over. If that doesn’t work, you either need a deload week or you are starting to become
an intermediate which inquires you to start on a more advanced program. A deload week is a
week where you divide the amount of weight (and in some cases the volume) by half on all
exercises for a week. It is important to have deload weeks to avoid plateaus and overtraining.

How to maximize the benefits of the program outside of the gym

You need to get a good amount of sleep and eat enough if you want the best results from this
program. Aim for 8 hours of sleep every day. 7 will be fine, but I don’t recommend any less than 6
hours. When it comes to the food you should eat in a calorie surplus. I would recommend doing a
lean bulk so that you gain mostly muscle. Eat in a 200-300 calorie surplus.

Workout duration
It will take approximately 90 minutes to perform a single training session.


RPE is short for "Rate of perceived Exertion". It is a scale from 1-10 and we use it to determine
how hard a set is going to be. An rpe of 9 means that you leave 1 rep in reserve. An rpe of 8 means
that you leave 2 reps in reserve. An rpe of 7 means that you leave 3 reps in reserve and so on. It is
important for a beginner to use the RPE scale because the program will give you different results
depending on how much relative intensity you train with.

Superset is when you do two exercises back to back with no rest time between them. You rest as
usual after you have performed the two sets.

If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me on Instagram @MagnusBulkan
(I suggest contacting me if you would like to change reps, exercises or volume on the program)



Squat 3 5 8 3 Knees travel outwards alligned with feet

Pause Bench Press 4 5 8 3 Pause for 1-2 seconds at the chest

Deadlift 3 5 7 3 Keep back straight & dont let hips shoot up

Pull-ups / Lat Pulldown 3 8 8 2-3 Controll the eccentric

Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press 2 10 9 2-3 Brace core & elbows slightly tucked

Standing Calf Raises 3 18 9 1-2 Full stretch & pause at the bottom


Bulgarian Split Squat 3 10 8 3 Controll the eccentric

Low Incline Dumbbell Press 3 10 8 3 Use a 15 or 30 degree bench angle

Barbell Row 4 10 8 3 Dont cheat by using leg drive. Keep strict form

Laying dumbbell Tricep Extension 3 12 9 2-3 Full stretch & keep elbows locked

Facepull 3 15 9 2-3 Pause at the flexed position for 1 second

Hamstring Curl 3 12 9 2-3 Controll the eccentric

Cable Crunch 3 20 9 1-2 Full stretch & crunch towards your body

*green box means you can superset the exercises if you´d like*


Squat 3 10 8 3 Knees travel outwards alligned with feet

Overhead Press 3 5 8 3 Squezze butt & brace core

Romanian Deadlift 3 10 8 3 Knees slightly bent & back straight

Dumbbell Row 3 12 8 2-3 Elbows tucked and dont use momentum

Bench Press 3 10 8 3 Retract your scapula & elbows slightly tucked

Seated Incline Bicep Curl 4 12 9 2-3 Full stretch & keep elbows locked

Seated Calf Raises 4 12 9 1-2 Full stretch & pause at the bottom

Palloff Press 3 12 8 1-2 Dont engage your arms. Use them as hooks

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